HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 485 Collecting Garbage tLl~) CO~~ISSION R3S0LUT10N NO. 485 A RESOLU1'10N OF TIlE 001,77,:133101; OP 'l'ES CITY OF DOZEr;AN, b'iONTANA LEVYIKG A11":J .AS:.3:;;SSn:c A S.i:,I-,~CIA1.J AS~);;:SSj,,;inT'T o I,,' '1'AX:m Ul'ON A1L RF~AL PHoP,,;rlrN IN TItrE CI'l'Y OP BOZ'~I'.'AN, COUNTY OF GALL;\TI:r\, S 'I'll. TIE 0 F' J,:],; rr P.:N A , S:;~RVICED AND FRO~I W1II8IT GAri:I3J\GI~ ViP.S COLLTi;C'l":D AND rCE:v1OVE:J')URIlW THE YEAR 1940, TO DlEFHAY TIfE cosrI'AFD =nF:.':I~SE OF' COLLEC'T'IW} AND DIS.FOSING Of" GAlmAGF': UND'm TIn'; PHOVISIOKS OD' ORDHT!\.NC2 NO. 696 OF' THE CITY" 0Ii' I302Et/AI\;. wmmEAS , the City Commission of The City of Bozeman did on the 8th day of Januar~/, I 1940 , duly and regularly pass Ordina ce Ho. 696, en ti tIed: AN ORDINAKCE DEFINING GARB~GE FOR Tn~~ HJEros:::s 0Ii' THIS OHDIl\:Al:Cr;; l,,'HOVIUlhG pon ~'HE COLLECTI DE lil\D:nSJOSI(l'IOl~ 'I'HEIZEOF BY fiND TiNDER 'I'EE SUFERVISJOl: AND COl{'I'::\OL OP 'll~r; :)El',\r:'1'I"i"':<:KT OF fUT3LICiii':LFAEE AI;=) FOR DE2ht\yn;(} 'l'I~E :JaSrI' OF Sr..:'ST-T COLLECTIOH AND .0IS1'OSI'I'ION BY Sr'ECIAiJ ASS:~S:::,L:EI~r[' ;.GAn';~:':'T T'jr,:;; }'I':OI<.F:TY T\) 'l'iJ:-iI ,r;II Sl}Cl~ SET'~VIC.S IS rt:"~}T;)T:~RL~.~), iUJU i-TIOVIDIHG FEN.\LTIES FOn VIOL,hTIOI; Oi" fTI-IIS OIiDI},! AI-JCTS. VIT;rCR Ordinance No. 696 passed as aforesaid is hereby referred to and made H part of tt,is resohl tioD for f'nrtl"er partlcl.11ars in respect to the bas is and me thod of asses sir,:r the cost ac:ainst tIl.e pro.::erty herein assessed; anlOl , 'NH:'~REAS , said eX}Jense lncurred by said city in the collection and disposi tion 01' garbage in accordance with said Orjinance 1s her:~by es tima ted by the Commission of '1'he City of BOZc;'13n to be t1-\ r~ sum of' Seven Thousand TVIO Hundred j..'orty and 85/100 Dollars (iW7,240.a5) .L ,J.. ~,J for the Y08.r 1940, over and 3bove all moneys collected from business and IJrof'essional con- cerns, or combined resIdence and business, or combined residence and business, or residence and professional busIness COT;cerns in accordance vr:t th said Ordinance :fIro. 696; and, WHEEJ';;AS , in order to r~ise sai~ sum to defray said cost, it is necessary to establish the basic unit rate as defined. in said Ordinance No. 69(; a t Pour Dollars ($4,00) . I HOW TlIETIEFOHE, PT1WUM1T TO TIE~ :i'He-VISIONS OF SAID ORrnlill].rcE riO. 6D6, and the laws 0 f the S ta t8 of I',:on tana. T3l~ I'l' R::SOLV-:U :,:~J IT IS l;I':TIi:-':13Y OHjJE:i.IW BY T}Ti~ C 0 1r':T/~ I ;) S I CIT ():e 'ljrI=-:~ G Ir:I~\: '1",., 'ul.~ BOZ:i'::,:AJ: , 3'rA T;~': Of." 1;01'; TA?':~ Section 1. 'l"ba t to defray the estimuted cost and e~penseof collecting and disposing o fsarbage in 'The C~l t'. of Bozeman for the year 1;:40, there is hereb~ levied and assessed ,., . ago. 'n3 t tl:e property an,;. U:e .several 10 ts, pieces and parcels of land tLereof wi thin '1'he G:i t;T of Do Zer:18T as sot forth in Scheuule A, wl.i c1'1 is a ttaci:Jed hereto anu made a IE rt horeoi', a tax; thu t a pc,-rtl c1.ll'.; 1'" ;:,~e s c ?'j ption of encL lot and parce 1 of lan,l V/l t,: tJle narne of tile owner or owner:J and th e sum assessed a~ainst the sante is set 1'ortb in the assess- ",ent list in saId Schedule A; that tlle several sums se t oppos:i. te the names of said owners an:J the described lots ani parcels' of 1 aTICl, be, and the sane hereby are lovied and as~essed 1Jpon and again s t s a1 d lots anCl parcels of land for said purpose; thll t tho ~; eve ra1 sums be collected fron the respectlve owners of said lots and parcels of land des cri bed in sala. assessrront lIs t an downed by them; tha t said S11ms shall be paid an~ the collectIon tiler-oof be l^",ade in the manner an(1 In accorClence ,'lith Or~d.nance No. GD6 of 1'11e I:) 1 t:1 0 f I Boz eY'1an, hio 11 tan a , a nci tJ.-lO ]a VIS of t:.le 3 ta te of lliaD tana ?;ovorn~_nl3 the collection 01' spccJal i:rnprove~"o nt tax e s ; th8 t fai l1Jre to pa:t such assesm,.'ent wL.on the sa~!1e shall becore due and DR ',.a 'Jle sLall p;o.:<c SlJC}~ person and such 10 Ls and parcels of lan(~ liab10 to the penB,l ties ... <. I) rovLled by 1'1.....1 rela ti. ve to de linr1uen t taxes. Sec t10n 2. Tha t the regular session of tho Commission of The Ci t: of LSozen:arl, ;;';..)n tana, to be he; Ii :in the Co!'nm:ts:: ion Gr1ar'ber in the Cl t:r Eall of said City on the lt3 th da;r of Oc to ber, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.W. be, and the same is hereby designated as tilG ti"';e and t50 plAce at which objections to the final s:lo,Jt:l.on of tllin Hesolution w~Lll be bolo. by sald Comn,ls s:t on. Sectior' 3. That U',e Clerk of U:o Corn:rn.1~)8ioD of '1'he ':':;i t:" of J3ozer:lan be, and he is here by ordered and <'d. rec ted to publi sri in t'r.l8 DOZ ernar Daily Chronicle, a da~.,l:! newspaper "0 t" _I ~ blo"t,,~ _0 ..., 0, C-,~., f ':,' ,r..', i",oce, <,0'-'Y1">c1- "h,~' t1'0 ('10"''''''' of' t'r"c Com- pr.l.n ,0(1 anl",>,l] 10.",e',l 1n ",DIC C,", 0" ..)ozey,d,.l, D. no ,,1 ~.L"," ~.J 1 v ...>c -' , ~lsston, ste tlng that a Hosolution 1ev7r:nr>;' and asseso::'ng a opec.1.al 8.SS038Y:'lont of taxes I to d efrsy the co stand expense of the co 1loc t1 on and di sposi tion of garbaso in 'l'he Ci ty of Boze!nan for tI-IO year ID40, ac;slnst the pr'opert;: to whicl:-i such service 'Nas rcr:ciered, is on rile ir: tho office of the Clerk of the Cornmisf<o;', 81.11)5::;ct to inspecti,on for a per::od of' five days; t.hat sald notice 31'.1'111 state tl::,,, t:.lYie find pIsco at \",'io1::: objectjons 1Nill be heard b)/ the Commission to Hie final ndopUon of t1.i3 Hesohltlon; anci that sale. notice sLa 11 be ~nlblished 8. t leas t 1:'1 va do.;{G be fore ti':e de: :':' e t by the Con,mi s E', Ion for hearinrs of objections an(: the f"nal 8.'~~..c)pt:ion of this HefJolutlon. Provisionally passed and o.dopted b:' the Commist::ion of 'j'be C1t;, of Bozerwn at a reC;lJlp,r ses~Jion tLereof held on tr:~) IltY :lay of October, 1\':140. ~ Attest: ~... ~ " ~,/ ' ~ .~-- lor'{ of' the CIty om,..,lssion P:tnall:'- passed and adopted by t~).e Corr.mls[~lon of' 'l'ho Clty ofL~ozeman at a regular session t!Breof held on tlce 18th day of October, 1940. I At t.e s t : L~-. ;~~~-'- ^, 1 "1.. ,. ('. \T r" '1"\ !" ~ (:t .! :rerK of the,ll to, uO.1mJ.,~,don NO':nC'2 I1EAnE~G, F ])TAL ADOPTIOn OF' co :C1:S:.;h;}J :;1ESO';"T~TI()N 1;0. 4:35, Li:;VYJNG 01i'~:CIAL AS3"~S,:)f,':l'!'i' 'rc) DT:r,'s,,\y:X' :::;'[' O'L" '1':'): COLLi :r.:;'TIC]\! ArID UIS.l ()~:,I'J.'ICl' DF GAF::B:\G'; ~"OR 'PIlE YEAH lP40 AGA:rr ST !\LL }'r(C)J~':l-!'r'-': -r r' TE< Cl '1'':' O~;1 BC'Z-':~ /J< 'l'() ',Vl!IGh STJClJ SERVICE Ti/l\ S 1m E:::)1~:r(~:D . }:O'l'ICT~ IS hER\i;rW GIVL':::,'I'h8t at a rcn:nlar sessLm of the Commission of' 'l'lle Cit;y of B Zer,'3li, hold on t;1C llt;1 cia;,' of October, 1\;140, Commission I1esol'\Jtior No. Lido was provi- sionall:.' passed ~mcl 8lJopted; that srdd Resol'Jtion levies c.n:J acseSSQS a spec:..8.1 assess- ment of taxes to defray tLe C03t of collection and d180081t10n ofc:arbac::o :Ln '1'11eG1t'/ of ~I' ,j" '_! -..' t Bozeman, for tho :r8D.r 1940, upon all property to v.rhicL ~:ucL service was rendered. 'l'hat said Comn'issio!l Hesolution No. 112,5, is now on 1'ile;n the office of tl-,.e Clorl{ of tile commiss, :i.on of 'rhe C1t:, nf 130zeman, subject to the .:n~3pect.lon of all persons interested, I for a period of five days; Uj("t ~.1riciay, tJ')i3 lCtb day of Octob,:;r, ID4U, 2.t 7:30 o'clocl< r.~t. of said d8':," at a reC1J1.ar sosslon of the Gomm:Lsslon of The Clt~) of Bozmu'J.n, in the Cornrn1ss:l.or Room in the City Hall BuiL:.ing, has beer: deslQ"n~"ted as the t1)1,e ar d place when and wl::.ore sgic~ Commission will hear rmd pass upon any D,nd all o't)jcctions that r:U1Y be made to tlJe C.nal po. ssace and acloption of 881 d Cormni;: [) ion 'ELesolu tlon Eo. 4D5 and the lev:7inp of saLt assessment; anc:, that sa:"_cl ResohJtlon \Till be f.Lnall~' passod an:::-l 3J.opted lleso~ution No. 485. 1 '-I --~l- -' a t said ref:':1Jlar session of' said Com'Tlissi on, su'o.i e c t to such corrections and amendments that F:J1';' be mf-1.cle upon objoGtions mad_o anci filed vd.tl-J.ln the fi va cla :rs I limit as provided b~T law. Dated tll. 5. S 1.2 tr\ dn:1 of Oc taber, I Sl40 . I ~g~. C o1'1r of thevi ty Commiss ion State of ~ontana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Srmdoan, eln rk of the Comm; s;:: ion of rI'he c: i ty of 30 ZChiYl do horeby certify thn. t the for ego lDe IT 0 tic e Cmf,nls s i on TIe solu tion l~o. 4~35 was published a t length in the Bozer-BD )aily Chronic Ie, a newspaper of general ci1'cul[, tiaD prin tad and r,ublisheci :~n nn :I.d C1 ty :'Ln the issue of October 13th, 1940 and that due proof is on fllo 1n my office. D; ViI TIlE.::;::.; Wl=EEEOF' I hc:1'cmn to set my hEnd amI al'fix the seal of my office this 14 th cla y 0 fOe to be 1', 194:). ~~~ '.ILrl{ of tbe ;~it~, uommls~;ion Sta te of TJ:on bo.na ) ) ss Coun ty of Galla tin ) I, L. r> ShaJoan, Clerk of the -":omml s EJion of '1'he ::ity of Bozeman do hereby cortify ~,1 . I that tlw foregoIng Commission Hesolution ro. 4:F35 was published b~T ti tIe and DlJmLJer i.n tbe 13ozo;:;un Daily Chm nic Ie, a newspaper of p-eneral circul:, tian, printed andyubls ihed in said City in the issue October 26th, HHJ, and tha t due proof is on file ill my office. IN 'v'v'I'rEL';S.s .n,lm 01:<' I herel1nto set n'Y hand and affix the seal of m~7 office this 2 C t:-j day a f 0 c tabe r, 194U. C~~~~~ion I C01mnission Resolution No. 485. - -.-