HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 484 Improvements on SID No. 333 <14.H COi/nrr ~:;,(:,I 011 ';'ESCLi"l'IOiT 1,]0. 42,4. A 1.__: ESOLo" lOr: OF '.:\~T::-- c:()l.1r:~J ,S~~:rCqT C:i'T'"S ~'I ,~: C,;, T'OZ:J:AN, ~.::'('\.' -;;'1 I'TJ .t\ ]~~_,;'; '\l'i' 'i. 1 :i.:-',~. ~. ., ~, Proof Relld J.~ ..~< ":.':~ j\ 3 S }-; ~j ~.':',': Y: A SPECI.^.L ASSi;;::;S:,'~':~n\ (J!e 'r A~XES::PON ALL I ~~_ p~( (."P:,~;I:~'T/ :1 IT PI' C;1 AL ><",1 c~\"'ck.e(1 r"p--:,r\V":~:-'H'L' T")I'::;'I'HIC'T HO. :3;53 ],,1'[ !fT, CTY! 0:' ;'OZ,:AIT, 1~;OliE'.L'Y OF ':i\LLJVI'IH, .._...J:{'L~}1f-fi~--+)rI;/\.TT~ OT,' L:0l'i'i'[U1A, '1'0 DEL.'EI;Y :!:'T~:: - 0''3'1' ?F..CO::~?'[')\U:~::'l'II!'}_ /d'iD~~I;\KnV; ,:. :i'~i; Ii,; + 1-1'* P'10V'fi'1'!:'1\]rf' cc,'T:T!IN c~ AIT) Spl~'('IAL 17IP:i(\V.t'T'DdYI' 01 ,'-J'j'J{T (;'I' 'JO. .)3.3. .,'_...____~~~.._.J..,..~....._..~J.. .L....i.'..,,; ,'.~. k_,~ :".,_ _L_~".. ,.'. I..) ._. ~. ..I".J ..,...... ';',,' I I .I..J.. ~ , __,,- __ , ......... ~ .. ':'nr:;:T~:EAS , The C it Y C ormni Sf; :l on of rr'be City of 30zcman did on the 26th day 0:1f' Apri 1 1940, dU.Iy and regularly pa~)s Corm11L1SJ.on Re}Jolution No. <JoE3 G , en. tit Ie d : A HT':SO LTJ'l.'I OH OF 'l'P.; :~I'.CY C CLlI.C: ,3;::;1 0 IT 0.,' 'nlL .; I'l~{ Ol" DC ~:::=r.:AN, LIO l'Yl: J~IIA, DE... I CLi\l~Il'IC~ ri.' '1'0 FT:;'rIL" I]\rl'~'Jr'I\I ON en;' 'rE1;: CI'~\'/ O? ::"OZ'~:,:.AI'f, '.L'() C.:: I:C,::,;A!.rI~ }J. l~jPE; CIAL EIPnOVEIvIENrl' DIS'l'HICT TO BE KITOVm AS ~jPI,CIAL r,IPIWV:;':i:n:;Wl' f:L3',,_'IUCrl'!\TlTJ.:IBIm 333 OF' nill CI'I'Y OF p,O ZI~J:LAN F'OH T;;T,; fUl'ZPO's:;; OF CO'[JS'l'FU'CTIlTG ell S, )srl\CJ1{T~1 Sl~"j'/:~,~:l\S AND P A Vi(~,F;:N'r Ol'T reHACY AVI,:HTJI::),E'I''-;E:':;'T COLH';Crr;; 1\ NDi'A:,jU,'j ON ;3'i'HEE'I'S, E1:~ \n:~ lJ Ili II AVE NUE B}~: 111."III.:l~'''; l'~ co LI,;E (}T;'~ '\1!D TTAFiHI:3OJ'1 :j'fI{"':-:;;I'S, G- }:~, i\.:,;"TTJ i:.-\T:;~ iF "1"'1';': T? ", II':.,~].~:J:'-~ IT Ai"{ ~c }TCJr~. AITl) G J1RFII;;LD :j;L'nJ:'=~~~: S, SI Z'.C'H A V'1T'.i}; '~~;i;cr','Ti~;EIT GA.?I" I T<:Lj , :\~ID IlI.ICOLITCo';'i.'l{i!:r;'l' ~;, ?I::;<'TH A'r:';J:JE IT C OL I;r': G'~:: [\. J:liJ ,'~An(i-It1:LD S'L';r:;J~'.L'S, TTJi 1'\', Fi. T S() lIT SlrI~~:il~rll r1..j~'T.',,'~'j~EF,;r.T THACY l\j,:D EIC'i}TTH AVinrrTi;:S, GAHFIELD srI'ET':T~~~t',;;:'I",'iT,'EN: n: LLSC'1': Al,~L .5IXTJI A Vl':;:XU:=!: S f~T,mf\.R.'l\FUH ,,-:)rI'Rr;}~r!, ~ri:':T"i!EEH Ii'IF1'H /'.HD SD:T:r-: ..t~VENUES. and thoreafter, after dUG and Ie gal proceedings had, the Comrnh;slon of '1'he City of Bozeman did on the 17th day of 1't'1ay, 194,0, dubr Dass Commission nesolution ITo. 468, ontit led: .1 , A!."(J~~)OLTJ'I TOE o I.' 'I'ITE C1 I'Y COllI/II,S IO H me 'roF C rry OI' F:,OZE.I','[AN, T/IO In' iJI A , CIC':A'H 1:. A SPECIAL IMPrWVEMENT Dr sr,L'HIC 'I' :~:O IGTOi.TN i~ S SPECI ilL Il.1F' _ O\'G:L,"::N'l' Dli),L'lUCT Imr;;:}",EH 33;3 OF 'l';:tE (IrC" OF BOZrJ,:AN, I" OF: rI\T,TI,~'~ PTJRPOS;~ OF co l:~)'I'RTrC(I'IHG' CT.T.r~,J3S, S'i' OH!.! S[i;\'r<:R.5 ,AND PAVJ;~:IEN'1' ON '.L'HACY .L:.V>JJT]r: IJ COLLEGE ANI) EI'.HH1SON S ~,[1rt Ti:L~ ~p I~,) , 'sl~\,m'I'nT [\.\fT:'1IUTi:: FL:'Fin:~T;:N COLI}WE iUm TTA!~BI,SON sr~'RE!:;;'J:3, "j-E AHD!\V;': !\rUE B':::'I','i",::::EN /\H~L'}-rrn;; AFT) G fJ{!n::';LD ,~; 'I'fC~;E'r S, S I X'I'l-{ 1../.. ..',,'!<:Ti;ll r:,. N, PTELD Arm IiI NCOLN STREETS, j'IF'rn A Vi~~1Hn~~ Tq~:T'in']<;}lT COI,T,EGE AND C: ,;"~RPIT;:LD ,:j'I'REEl'S, :;:-jjI,F;I\ ISO N S'I' R Tm 'I' P,E'J:\"JEEN 'llHAC:{ AND EI,'~}-j'I'H AVl'Jllr;:;S, G AFLPIELD S-,\R',,]~:'I' El"'I' .,TiI::!T ',JI 1:1,SO IT AI.ID S IX'rE A V::'HTfE S,:\HD ,-\ETlnm S'IREErl' P,S'lT;;:r,'EE'TTi"l'I-I AND ::J:CX'I'H AVENUES. which Commission .r~esolu tions No <3. 466 and 468, pG. sse d as aforeGaicl, are herelr:r r eferrecl to and made a part of thi s resolu.tion for further partieD- l'lr s in respect to the b oLJ.ndal"ies of said district, the character of the improv e;a;3 nts to be constructed therein, the esti- I mated cost of si,dd imnrovements and tho method of assef3:31nt:; tIle Cos t agains t tb.o proporty within said distri ct; and :;/~..'.~':.,,;;,'~I~AS , said improvemont~:J as contempla tod in said Comm1ss:l.onhesol'...ltion Nos. 466 and 468 have been cons true tod and completed in aceoruance with the terms aril conditions of Commission Hosolut:lon Nos. 46 G and 'l68, and t:-ne total cost of said ir1TycoVemen ts so con- structed is tl.\.e sum ofEithty-six 'I'housand, Pive ITuJ1clred '.Lhirty-four Dol1tJrs and 'l'lLir t y- six Cents (:!~8G, 534.36) . ITO ','! '-]'l''- ~.".R E P 0[0;: , pun. SU A1'Fi.' ':;' 0 ;J'I--'7 PI:; 0 'iJI ,s I: 0 NS of Section 5225 to 5277.5 and 5485, E..C.M., 19;55, and ame ndmcn t :3 ther'eto, .'<E: rr SOLI!': ;"~ 1m 1'1' I,:; PT;:HEBY OFDHE;:) }'Y Tl[E COi,!ll1 :::31 ON OF rnTE CITY OF' p'O:~li:TlAN , src N1'T'; OF J,IOTrI' ANA Section 1. 'I'ha t to defray the cos t flncl 0 xpens e of com3 true ting and mak.Ln(; the im- provemonts in said Special Improvement District No. '7-: ,.t'"7. there be, ~,,-nd there is hereby '.J<,h) , lovied and assessed a tax amount :Lng to the s urn of Eirl1ty...six 'T'housand, P:tve b\mdred ~L'hirty- four Dollars and r;:'l:Li.rty-six Cents, (':::,86, 534. ~)6) , upon all t,i,:-'i,Q property :tn said S'(Jeclal Im- provemo nt Di s tri c t No. 333; that a particular- doscription of each lot and parce 1 of' IfJ.nd ':d tll the nfWle of the owner and the sum assessed 2;";3.1 ns t hilJ or it 1.'0 r mJ. "lL L:l"provem.e nt s I and the amount of efwh partial :!;)a,yment to be mnde and tI10 day 'Nhen t}i,e S arrJ,e shall be de- l:Lnouent is fJ et ~'orth in detail in tho'J.sf3e,}~;mont list horoto attached, marl-::ed II SclledlJ.lo AU ,.. , and made a Dart hereof; that the several Stuns set opposite t:-ne name s or tb e owners and the described lots and "D8.rcels 01.' land be, ::nd the same are hereby respectively levied and ass 0 s se d upon and n.;':a.l ns t said described lots and pg.rcels of land to c1efrt"1.J t}w cost and expense of con::.;truct.1,nc; and malcing improvements --..---lithln s:.:d.d DifJtrict; th at the several :~ lJJt1'3 so assessod br. collected from the respective mvners of S Di d lots and. parcels of Connnission r~esohi.tlon No. 4:3 4 lL17 land described in sald a~se8smont lis t, II Schedule A", Et fj reo.u ired by law; th Q t tl".G pa.,ymont of i3 '11(-". 311.1113 shall 1:1 .'.~. mrvle in tVJcnty installments and [;he pa~Tment; of said install111ents i',hall extond over 8. Dcriod of ninetoen yeurs; thr',t the paynE: nt of the re:!fJ8cti vo annu.al installments shall be mnde on or i) e .Cor e the ::iOth dn.y of Novembcn' of IJ aoll yo 61.1' unti 1 pa:v- mont of all ini:3ta11ments together vii th tho in :Jcro at thereof, shall be made; that sa1cJ sums I shall ()Q paid and t1:.0 o ollecti.on~;hercor slJHll be mncle in the )11i:l.nner 8JJd in accordance ':Ii tll the law ~~ovcrnin.' ',.'.110 col:1.ect10n of (3pecial improvement taxes; that fa11'"u" (; to pay rn.le}] ,'1 sse s srne nt S VII1E3 n :.:he s smo become (Ju.e and 1m ya bl e :J hall make sucb. per~.,ons nnd. i'olJ.ill lot ~3 :md pD.r co 12 oC lrmd 1lnble to the penalties provided by law rel[l ti vc to del inql1(C)n t taxes; Section 2. 'iJhat tbe 1'(2).112.1' s8ssion of' the Commlssion of' 'rhe (;i t:y o.f Bozeman to be }',elc1 in tIle COXDllli3S:LOn Chamber in the City Hall of said Ci ty on the 18th day of Cct.obel', 1940, D.t 7:30 o'clock P.M.; he, aneJ. t;,."!e s :-.une in horeby de::d.r;;n3. tee] ~3_ ;s -r~}"J. (-) tiTl10 hm) place at Wllich objections to the final adoption of trd 8 Hero:>lutio n will b a r16 aI'd b ~r the said Commission. Section 3. 'l'ha t the Clork of the ConIDlis slon of 'rhe City of BozcmHn be, and :he 13 hereby ordered and directed to ~)u1)lish in ~~}'le Bozeman Da! ly Chroni ele, a daily newspaper ['Jrint eel 3ncl published in ::;{).lcl Cotty of 1'30z eman, a notic e 8 i,<-.:n0d by trIe Clerk of the Co. Jnis- sian and s t [it i,. ne; tbnt 8. Resolution Ie vy:i.nr: and asscs:.d.D?: a 3 pe ci 0.1 nsscssmont of taxes to defray the cost ::nd expense of constructinr~ and makinI': the improvements in t,he s ,cd c1 Spedal I:nprovenwnt D1,,,trict No. 33~3 is on fi Ie 1 n the offl ce of the Clerk of tbe Cmmllis- I f3ton subject to in~3p(;ctlon for [tY)eriod of fi ve (5) cla::rs; tll nt said notice shall [3trJto ~.~~n () time nnd nlace ut w1,ich objections '.rill be heilrd by the ~; or.';m1 (c) S 10 n to ',',~:cf:i. net 1 <3.doption of t}-)i~; He::wlu :;1 on; t~ 11,:~, t . "- ~~r!o,ll be HU.l-i Ii :.) 118 d at lenst f1 ve (5) (1 F.t~Y-s b e.'Corei"Y!e un:'! :3et .1. G ii;'" t:.,c Co"',:r:1i,:3:i.on .,'or ',;hc)',c:;l.r1n.; of' objc;ctions ;~ll.cl ,.~~}-'~ c C.i. nietl IJdo ption of thl:" .~"~e[;Ohltlon. P:l'ovisiol',ally pa:Jscd nnd adopted hy the CornJ:nission of The City of.' '3o::;crnan it t a re{)I- 1,'1.1' session thereof held on LrlO 11 th da,\[ of Oc toi)er, 1940. Attest: ~~L:- ~4~---- er., 0_. tl">(, vOs"i1}iHS,;],On 1.:.oyor Pinally pa s sed an6 adopted b~,,- tbe Corm!;:~ ,';1 on of '1'ho City of Boze:ruan at 8. r. gular ~:~ c,; ,';lOll ';JJer'eof h.clc1 on the 18th day 0[' Octo" er, 19L10. Ii t t (-) s -t : -~~4/{- ~R~.;.~~--,-,._--_._..- J_J~~r;;: ():[CJ1C (;o;:~:russLon 2IQ~ .! ;~ 2. I T 'I~:;'; .:~':..,: I j>J f."J- , .~ITTi\L I'.Lir)PTIOE ()"? r:E,';OLU ION ITO. 484 LEVYm': A,::;::';:'::3,3:,D~:N'I ~:)l) i.;,~ C I il L Il.Il\. 0'/':: ". DI,',. TC'I' FO. 3;53, C 111y Oi? T?JQ Z -;:' ~\'~_Ar\r, -;;' OJ::;' P A \]1 ~T(; 01<' fl~r~~ /i C Y -r:,:~ ':~ '_~_:' '~-',.I<G~ JJ COTL};:n"';: j\ 1~-1) ;'~~:':~ - ,F. I '~) 01,;: ~;;.:vr;:N:I'H A\fJH3E F3E'j'.TCEN C CI'.LI,;(m /J,}i) TTAIUUEjON ~3'lirC~:E'J~S: in:;; /\ T-:lTi:T'; }?E'r,';,'EIT ,r,.T\'I'EUR /" rE) :; AEI'T TID i')TE'!~ '1" S : :I]{~Li'I ~D.~\.]-!~jTL.rL;',~ ~.~<I<~.r',_':J'~<ST\T (J J~l\~ ~,Jr:':'Dj"T) ]I~'!(;OL~'f ,'~.'l'F;;:~<l'.S: :,12 iIf A V, < NUF: FJ'i':~L' ,:"l<jj (:0 I ,l,r: crt;: \IJD i, i1JiF'IF ID ::; '.i.'nEI':T S: ~''''T/l 'iJ'\ T c.:,()'.~,'~' S lE~~i:T..~~:.. -- "~~:T r-['~'~~": '::: f\CY \}[D ;1:Itm'I'H AVT'-:NT)1~ .s: .~ /B l'IE LD ~~;~i,iF~F;};rr ~::~T,':r...r"',,':l<T< l\T "/TITJ ,:.;c :'T t\ HI: ,;)1 X'J'T-i Air ". nn<:: S 11,:' J) !\ R 'T'Hlm ~.') 'II}1I~_:E !J1 B:';:T'T/I}i':E l'r Iill Iii r..:.\.i i. AND SIX'I'lI AVENil}':~';. :JO'1'1 cr.: l '.; T'-:-<~1'TY i'I\r'F tllat at a rooul"I' c, c' ""'10n 0'1' the Cornmi n s :i.Ol) of ;1'he .' /.., ,J _~ ,J, \.....,1 ,_ ' , _ l.",~', , - - [ t::-) t:,... 1.,).... '-_~ v .,1._ of .:: !);!, ();:-)l an, l-10ld on F'l'icla;,T the 11th d~J or October, 1940, COYi:nni::\::.don i{osolution lIo. l~lH D. Yl(J. f-t E.) ~3 (j :~) S e ;) 8. special EtS S e :) ::.:;p1.e T1 t: of taxefJ upon all the Dropert" J..n Spe ci 8.1 1r:lpr' OVCy,1U nt. ,1, w ,I District Eo. 33~:S in;:: ai c3. C it. ;y to defra;/ tJ'!.e CO:3 t flnd c X!)C: 11.8 e of eon3tl""1J.C ti nr); fu..d nlD};: :1. n:.:: tho 1mprOVEFr,-onts within Da1c1. Dh:t:t'ict; 'l1};}J t, s ~,id C Qrntrli,.) u:~ on ne <.,0 lution Ho. 4:34 , is now on f'i 1e i:n [;}lC of i'1c c of t.he Clerk OJ. tJJ. () C ()}:nr:li s u j... 011 ~:) lJ.l-) J (} c t~ to In;3pe c::':1. or for a pOI'lod of f'i ve ( ,0: ) artys by any person::; '.' in\,crc steei. rI'hD. t I"I':tO e..y the 18th day of OctOt) or, 194,0, at 7:30 o'~lock P.M., of f)aic1 I day, at the l' o r'}'.. 1 nr ~J c :c; ,,1 on ot t:hc said Commission of 'The (:j. ty of F,O/',(;1:tDJ1 at, tile Co-:'mi:s" sian Ch.amber in the CiG:; Hall EU.i Idin 1': of ;;t.dJJ ('1 'cy, }lfi. f3 bee n cl e <.~ i .'na t e d [1. G ';:,11.e time and plJ1Ce ".I"on tUld \'.Jhore tll':J sn.id COJn:rnissjon VI11.1 .he ar ~Jx,d pa;3~) upon D,ny and all ob 50 C tl ons tllat n1,ay be Yi1''J,(le to t:.h..0 f:i.nal n8. ::J::::age nuCl r:tdoptio n of said Resolution No. IJ:8 L1 , :::\nd t l:e lev,'i n: of s fli(~. as~.\ e S sInen\::;, D.Dd L;r')J'. t said [{os ol'\.1.t ion ":Jill be l' inall y ptW3ecJ rmcl adoptee] at ;) '_..J Sftld 1'8 r::ulal' f3 e::J [;1 on.. All pOI'S ODS intcre;3 ted are referred ',0 CClmnif3~;ion ltesuh,',:;ion Eo. 466, do 0 la1':1.11 C j. t to be tI'c i~lt (':n~; ::i.on of the Cm,@lsf;:ionto create Special Improvem.ent Iii ,;trio t No. .:..~ 7' rz 000 and C()l(!mi<.~r:).'L on i',;o[:) 011..1.-[. j on No. 463, c.l'oatinc Special Imp1'ovementDL;tric t No. ...:)L)r.)'. ue. ted tl'J:LG 12 th day of' Octob e1', 1940. r~~c:~_-----. - -- ----- C1er~::: 0":' t Ie ~o:nrai::::f;::.on State of )"ontnna ) ) 58 CaLL nt~~/ of (;8.11atin) I L. ;.;;-. SlJadoan, Clc]l:: of' tJ:le CO'iimi,)r.~:"on of r~:}1 (~ C it Y ofEC) Zj'Yla11 do l'Drel)~' Gertify that the fOl'ogo:Ln' Notice C Dr!1rni:3:; .10 n ;: CJ:30 In -',~ ion No. 4:8~-: \7113 I)1J b lL:) en c! [;.t lcnl~th in tho I ro zC''t'nn Dni 1 y CllX' oni el e , 8. nevf8naper of ner"l c5"T (~1) lrt t:,:l.on printeco !Jnll. nubl:ishDcl in said City in the issue of Octob or 13th, 1940 1111'1 tl'-8 t due PI' oof 18 (In 1'110 in rtl;:r of'fice. I:n /'I~' I ~.Cl\r.S~ :'-''':~ \~") Lt~ () I J:"10rounto set my hand D.nd :1. f fix the C' e' 1 'f .. .."f'i ... tl1i s , ,J.... 0 my OL.I _c e 14th day of (\ ctobcr, 1940. dA~~------ e~c::: 0.. t.he Cormn:lnsion ~3tn. te of l':Iontclna ) ) 33 COUJ1.t.y of C}al1at:l.n) Ij L. I~~. . Shadoan, C 1e roJi: of t:~}1e Cormnission of 'The Cit~1 ofF'o1/T~an cio hereb'T certify u thnt j,~he foy'egoin:': Cornmi~),don Ee~jQlution J:To. 484, Vl~lS publlshed in the tit 10 and numb cr in the l.Jozc:l!:8.n Dai ly ChI' ani cle, a newspnp or of z:c ne II [11 cir0t12.tion printc:d :'.nd publ1shod in said City in the i~3 3tlG of October ~Z4th, 1940 , p nel t11.'l t du e LX oof i:;1 on file in my office. I]; '.' JI ';'1: :~: :; ,S 'iT' Ei:F. 01,' I rLC r eun [~o :J e t E1Y ll.'} 11(1 and a.l'fixthe ~3eal of my oi'('lee this 25th day of October 1940. I ~A~~ .. .0 . -" .....,.....,'~ _ e1 k o' the Co'!mi 83:1.on ...