HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 483 Empowerment of Mayor and City Clerk <-,~ (T,' _I (I' :';0 LE13 '145 'T _ I C),~ L COYJr!1ic3:JloD"e3cllJtion '.11.1 thor':lz:l.n":1l1Cl empo':iTerin,": t}lO l.-:8.;-,O'r fol.nd C lop!c or L1.\f;:; C i t; ~r C CI)'ll.l:L 8 ~\ i on or T~-j.e Ci 1_:7' or ::yy~ i; l';l~'.n, ~. ~" ~ to se 11 tIle fo 11 (>\rl c1 t; ;) e ri b (j () real I)I'Opert:v, ;.com; ana, ::d tua tOI} in r.-::::lO C i t~,- of 1?,0 ?,r:nr'an, :;;on Lf:ma: Lot SixLee:n (16) in T~lock "BI! of the orip;inal tcy\tlYlsite to '0 ~'31-:j',-ian, :,:on t f:ma. ',/ 1 ~ .. .:",;': ',~'~,: :,:."C .(:,. :] , '~'he C' t -~. . C"1 t Tv-) ovm er of and is de s1 r 011,'01 of selJln:.;, (,:t, D.O. 13. IE. 1 '-y 0.1.:;0 ze;nOJ] ~,t _ ~ ") I (~Ii e tl~;Jla VI is (J. e ~ i y. 01J. ~3 ~ ,. " ] f '" '" . t' Lo :Y\.11' ehaDe upon t be t f)1'\:n1D OL pur e!Ja s J_ n:~~ ano.la s Oloroa ~n W1'l 'lnc l~ C'; "(' (~i. T1 [t ~(' t f; I~ ;:;ot C'or LIL, the following doscribed 1'0 alpl'operty, ~Li,tl).ated in 'l'}V) c;:i. i.; Y of '>C>Z c~-::o.n, c: 01'.1'1(::1 of c- D.. 1 J_ :~. t =~ '.~~l, , :~) t t1 i. () of Eonttu1a, to ...vr:i t: riot '. t (16 ) :i,n }'loe}< n-':'!! r)C t lit; o:ci_:il1EJ.l tor! 11S it e to ;';0/, C;-,'-"1n, ~/:;, (j '11 L i). 1'111; 0J..X"~() en rl (: e 0 c <:'i..1 )'1-" to t',;.:"'!.f) off1.c1:'1.1 -,;1a t t;hcn'80:L on Lt 18 f1 rK'J of J'O cord JYlCDe or ric e of the CCiL,_nt:{ Cl:;1'1;: '-;IV };oc01'd8r of Cn.J.ls_ tl n C oun ;~~T , Liontnna; }~?:.:rI' ri'l I~',.~: _t"'j'_li~ :.:_ 'C; .'.~~~:.,.~ "- _ ~,~~~ SO IJ ~Y\ r r ":~ 81'.1.'"1 CO::;,, ~:(::/jI 0 H C'-' ::~~:;~,!.~~ C ~l~l-'~~{ C<',.'I~ .r-:~:C<~_>;>,':~.A}r, Ll U:i'i. AI; A: .....; ,I.> ...L _ ',.. J 1. 'I';l_a t t (jC !.~8.Y or and C lCT'}:: I) f," Ule City Connl:JEJion of soid City, .bo, and i;110Y lleroby o.re Hi) thor:i.z8cl and. err1.po"JE:red ',; 0 make and enter into 0. contract. 1'J1.th said B. I:. C rensha VI for Lho sale of the abo'l8 do,JeriiJcd promises in accordance with. the \',1'i tt en ot' fcr !;o :)).1.1"'- cll,as e b,lr ,3 o.i Cl i";. --- ':rensJ:>'8.\"/ , .['01' .i~ }:10 J) l"}:t c e of :;;500.00 payabl e "LJ f 0 11 I iV, ;;: : .';;50.00 ttpon the ..I~ . c:xeel1t;ion of . :"\ con,;r8.c t, cmd the balance, b 0 in g a pa yme rrt 01' " Lj ~ 0 .' 0 \'JitlLi..n sixty days s ~3_J.(), >; ;~) .: , l:.horeafte:c, "' 1 ., t to clI'a'N intcrest if paid wltht 11. D aid ti li16 , ~ , .t- :Ln. tIle 0 vent s D.l..(1) [U, HllCS 11.0- uUt.. [w.id nF'..:n~lent i,] not made ';Ji t~.!_n wdd tiTnc and is 10. tel' aceented after dcfm] l"'c be JXICJ: liY1.de by said p1.1.rdJ.El 3C.C, Biz P';l' G()n t interost SlUlll "oe added 1.;0 . - 1 J c' , , ("I. to (lue S a :'.(1 ) rI.an co :.!. J' om ,; 11e nrt il jxd c1 ; that said L:. ~..:.. - Cre nshaVi shall have the use and pO:33oBsion of ,J a:1. cl TW em). so s fr'Ol'll D.n{!' after tile e xe Cl..1.t ion of ~:1 [liLt 8/T' A 0'110 n t LUlL i1 default in p a~-rment :i. 11 (1 C GOrd.m1c e Vii th I tile ter;n:; of hi ,3 offer I'..!.I(: 30.icl ac;reement, 0. nel in t ho event of such default in mak:tn.. "aid :iay:nen t, the acreoucnt GO sell shall t ermin''). te oDd end 'Nit hout tb' necessity of Givin~ notice of any kind, alt:r-\Our~h the City may allovl s aJ.. C ]l .'1:'nn8 nt s to lie l;ude later' 'Hi th inteT'est a~; hel'e:i_nbefore provi de d; the purchaser to pay all taxos and o.;:\se S SInent s levied amI assessed r~ L: :',~l ion s i'~ said premises subsequent to the year 1940, and to as '31) me all unpaid obliGations thereon; if ,~aid purchaser sl1 all VIe 11 and t 1'"1).1:]" pay said sum of "'1::00 00 . -'--h' " time ~o . WIt.. ~n ~ne provic1ed; upon final pf'~"~,ent the City of ]',ozernan to execute a warranty deed to said pur- Cl'laSCr for ,; aid PI' eenis es arJcl to furnish the abr;tl'8.ct therefor in it 3 present condition, it beinc; exprcsslynnde:rstood th8t -1.:;h(:: purchaser ag:rees to accep t the t i tlo to ,'; rd (1 pI' e... .:nlses in its prr::sent con-5i tion. ~.do-_'_- _..ayor !~tt;est: ~,pA~.',--,,, - --..-- --.- I Pa~:1Sed 8..1'1d adopted a t a regular s 0ss10n of The City Commission of The City of Bozeman on 1;110 4th day of Oc GOTE;!', 1940. state of l'1ont ana