HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 508 Transfer of Money to Water Fund Reserve ___,___.,. '.._n. 208 COM"VIS3I01'~ RESOLOTIDl:< NO. 508 A RESOL1JTIOF fnOVI:JING l"OH AND AU'I'HOFIZING ~.'HE TRAKSFFR OF 'l'I'E Sln,~ OF' T'~VEl:TY- FIVE IillNDR2D DOLLARS (~;2500 ) FRO!\I; THE WA'l''-":R FUND R::;::{ii:RVE; paR Erlil~RGi~Ncr[i;S TO 'rHE CEMTi~'lr;<RY F'UND AND APFROI"'RIATTNG StIL) SUTi' OF' 'I"NENTYF'IVE EUNiJRF:D DOLLARS (4~2500) , OR AS llUCR TEERr::OF AS NrAY BE EECESSARY, PROTv: ~L'lill CEMl';'l'E;n.Y Fln;D FOR THE PURrOSE OF FAYIEG FOR THE "SERVIC"E: BUILDINGII IN SUNS:~T HILLS CEM!': 'l'ERY: AND AL,::.o Al:F1\OFRIA'I'ING FROM THE AIRPORT pr:ND l<'OR AIRPORT PURPOSES THE sri!>,; 01" T\VENTY-J.r'IVE HUKDRT,;D DOLLi\RS ($2500) NO'N I>: SAT:': AIm- ORT FFND AKD lJNAPf'ROE'RIA'l'ED. Preamble I WEFR:~~AS , The City of Bozem8n is cons tructin~ in Sunset Hills Cemetery, purst1 an t to contract tbereof, a Service Building for tbe purpos e of s tor :'Lng rec ords and equipment and other necessary purposes and there is not sufflcient money In the Csme tery F\md to pay in full for s-:\:i.d BullcUng when completed anlI there is a surpl1Js ln the VIator Fund Reserve for Emergencies available for other uses; and WE:RE/\.S, There is in Bozeman Airport F~nd the unappropriated sum of $2500 derived from the sale by said Airport F~nd to Bozeman City 'liater.Jorks of 250 shares of the stock of Spain-Ferris Ditch Company and said mone~ is needed for said airport purposes Bnd to d is - charge obligations in connection with Bozeman City Airport; Now, theref'ore, in consideration of premises, upon request of the City Manager and pursuen t to the authority of Section 5505, 1\.C. Eon tana, 1935 BE IT RESOLVSD BY TEE COP1ViIS~:;IOF OF' TIlE CrrIY OF BOZi:l1U-\.1':: J Section 1. That the Director of Finance be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the Water Fund reserve for Emergencies to tbe Ceml)tery Pl1nd the sum of $2500 and th:'1 t saId SUIT of $2500, or so much thereof as may be necessary be, and the sap;e is hereby appro- I priatecl for the purpose of defraying the cost of erection and equipment of the Service Dullding now in course of erectjon in S1mset Hills Cemeter':~ owned and operated by 'l'he C1 t'\~ ,I of Bozer.1an. TIm t so mt'ch of said sum of $2500, if any as may not be needed for the special purpose stated be, and the same is hereby sppropria ted for gencrl11 cemeterYJJurposes. See tion 2. Tha t trte sum of :~;2500 in the Airport Fund of 'r'he Ci ty of Bozeman der:i.ved from the sale of Spain-I"errisDi tcb Company wa tar 2- tock to Bozeman City Water Works be, an d the same is hereby appropria tad for genGral airport purposes pursuant to th e provis i on ~3 of Chapter 420 of the Political Code R. C. Montana, 1935, as aKendod by Chapter 54 of the Laws of the 27th Legislative Assembly of the State of Mon tana , and Ordinance No. 702, of The City of Bozeman. Adopted by the Com~ission of the City of Bozeman in regular sesnion assembled this 12th day of September, 1941. ~~~1Io Attest: ~'c~J,/k--d~-d~ }Ja ;,ror ClerI.;: oJ tLe Comrrns~aon I St8te of Mon t2.na ) ss County of Gallstin ) 1: .,. (' Slia"'or1Y' Clerl{ of the Commission of 'l'he City of Bozeman (:10 hereby certif:r , 1..; . ...,,1. _ \...!.... i", ,. "- that the fore~ro inn: Commis s ion R",so 1u tion No. 5:.)3 Vias Dubl' sh ed b~'. ti tle and number in the Bozem.an Daily'-Chornicle, a newsp!"per of generAl clreulntion,"printed and published ~'-n sa'd City in the issue of Septemb:r, 194th, 1941, and that due proof Is on file in my office. Dated tbis 15th day of September, 1041. yJ ~ A'7 / .... '/ ,- ' , - " / ') < _, ,," l.-.;::'~~ z;>'-7~.~ . Clerl'\: of the Commis ,<:1 on