HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 507 Removal of Noxious Weeds -- ")"1:;' ,.(J.;) CmTEISSION RESOLUTION NO. 507 A R~~30LUTIOr ori' 'I'}H~ Cm,p,'ISSION 01<' TEE CITY 08' BOZEMAN LEVYIEG Ani) ASSEESn~G A SPECIAL A2;c3":S,':J\,1"'NT OF 'I'AXES 1JFOI~ CERT,D.IlJ PROpr<RTI.:i:S III THE CITY Ol" 1302 :S\,AN, COUNTY OP GALL_:], 'IT;;-, STAT] OF MONTANA, TO DF:FRAY TUb COST OPEXT,-<:RIHNA'rION AN:_" m~MOV AL OF vOXIOUS \'VEKI)S FOP 'J'T;l'~ YJ-,;AR 1941 PURSPAN'r TO 'l'IIE PROVISION'S OP orWI- NM:CE KO. 428 EN 'I'ITLED : tI AN ORDINANCE DEI, rNING ANU PROVLJING FOR TEE; PFNISH- r/ENT AND ABA TE:VENT OF CERT/.IB NUISANCES." WHEREAS, The City of Council of The City of Bozeman heretofore duly and regularly I passed Ordinance No. 428, entitled: II AN ORDINANCE DEli'THING AND PROVIDING FOR TIlE PFNISHME:1IFr AND ABA TF~:MEN1: OP OF C'-;'H.TAIN NUISANCES", and WHEREAS, Section 5039.82 R.C.V. 1935, provides th.e Oi ty of Town Council has power to declare and determJne what v'c;getation within the City or Town shall be noxious weeds, and to provide the manner in which they stall be exterminated, and to req1Jire the owner or owners of any property wi thin said 01 ty or Town, to exterminate or remove noxious weeds from their premises, and the one-hslf of any road or street lying next to the l;ncls or boulevard abutting thereon, end to provide, in the event the owners or owner of any of said premises neglect to exterminate or remove the noxious weeds therofrom, for 10 vyine; the COi't of such extermination or removal as special assessment against the property; and 1NlmREAS, owners of premises 1.n said City have noglec ted to extermina to and remove noxious weeds therefrom during the year 1941 and The City of BozemAn, pursuant to Section 5039.82 R.C.~ll. 1935, and Ordinance No. 4213, have exterminated and removed noxIous weeds from the premises of said owners and the total cost of the extermination and removal thereof is chargeable to the property as hereinafter set forth, pursuant to rpovisions I of said Section 5039.82, Political Code, R.C.M. 1935, and said Ordinance No. 428; BT.: IT RESOL'IKU A'F~) IT IS HEREBY ORDER"((j) BY 'HIE Cm{r'Is:':;rrN 01;i rnm C I'l'Y OF BO~~~~:TAN, S1'j, T~~ OF' T,,;()NTANA: Section 1. Tha t durinp tt;e year 1941 The City of Bozeman has extcrminated and re- moved noxious weccis from properties in The City of Bozeman and defrayed the cost tJlereof as set forth in Schej~)le flereto a ttached and made a part hereof. Section 2. Tha t to defray the cost ($54.25) of exterminatIng and removing said noxious weeds from said premises 8S set forth in said schedule, horeto attached and made a part hereof, for the year 1941, there be, anJ there is hereby levied and assessed a specii11 tax against saIj property as set forti in sai:] sched'.ile, hereto attached an:'] made a part h82'801'; that a particulnr description of each lot and parcel of land with t~Je name of the owner and trie sum assessed agaInst hi~ or it is set fortI; in assesi3mentlis t }'.C':reto attached m""ir]{ed "Schedule One", and made a p:O\rt hereof; tha t the several s 'Jr'l.S set opposite the names of tl'e owners an d the des crlption of the lots and parcels of lands be and the same are hereby levied and assessed upon and against said lots and parcels of land; that the several sums be collected from the respective owners of said 10 t" and I parcels of lends described 1n said a8~essmont list, "Schedule One", as required by law; that said sums shall be paid and the colle c tion thereof shall be made in the manner and in accorJance with the law governing the collection of special improvement taxes; thn t failure to pa;,! such assess::nents when same shall become due and payable Sr),:\11 make such percon and such lots and p':\rcels of l~-md. lirlbls to thepenal ties provicied by tb.e law relE'I ti VB to delinDuent taxes. Section 3. Tha t the regular session of the Com,."is '"ior. of The City of Bozeman to be :held on the 10th day of September, 1941, at the Com~ission Room, Ci ty Hall BuildinlT, be -- ~20() and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of tIlls Resolu tiDn will be heard b7JT the Commission. Section 4. That the Clerk of the Commission be and he is hereby ordered and directed to p'.)blish in the Bozeman Daily Chroni~le, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed b;T the Clerk of the Commis sion, s ta ting tha t a resolution levying a specisl assessment of taxes to d.efray the cost of exterminating I and removing noxious weeds from c"'rta:'Ln properties in The Clty of Dozemmllor the year 1::::141 is on file in the otfice of the Clerk of the C om1l1 is sion, sub;ect ro inspec tion for ,.. a period of five days; that said notice shall state the time and place at which objec- tions will be heard by the Com~is:ion to tho final adoption of this Resolution; that it shall be published at least five days before tIle d'3 te set b;T the Commis:? ion for he'cring of objections, and the final adoption of this Resoln tlon. Provisionally passed by the Commlssion of The Clty of l30zeman at a reg1Jll'lr session thereof fleld on the 12tt! day of September. 1941. At te s t : ~? i Jdi/ , "', ; . ;;i.-.a.~#-----z1--7-'./ Clerk' of the Comnission Finally passed by the Commission of The City of Bozeman thereof held on the 19UI day of Septembnr, 1941. 1/ iL Attest: Q%~~ ~ ~-- 'f!! (J" !,'Ta ':70 r I C1e ~< of' ~10TICE H'EARIJIiG. F'nU~Lf.\. r':~1 P'1'1 m: C ()!{r.'~13;)10N RBSOLUT10l": NO. 507, LEVYING SrEC1AL ASSESSM~NT TO DEFR~Y nD~ COST OF EXT~RMINATING AND REYOVING NOXIOUS WE::DS ON CERT,Ur: IROF;;:ETI";:S IE '1'lr" C1'1'J' 0:' 1302 ii:}::!\. '. E'IZa TT'E: YEAR 1941. NOTICE IS H:;:m:my GIVEN, Tha tat a regular ses sloD of tbe Commis ~1 ion of The Oi tv of . w Bozeman 1.(e Id on the 12th day of Septe:nber, HJ41, Com.'11is ~-:ion Resoln tion }:-o. 507 we s duly passed and adopted; thflt said Commis"'ioD HesollJtion No. 507 levies and assesses a special as,'3CSW'ient of' taxc,:: upon certain propert:tes in The Ci ty of Bozeman for U~e year 1941 to defray the co~~t of exterminatinR: IHld removing noxious weeds for the year H)41. Th 8. t , said Commlssion Resoll.1tion No. 507 is nOVJ on rile in the office of the Cler~ of the Commi?sion of sa1d City of BozemAn sub joc t to Inpsection of all persons Interested for a per:toc:. of Ii ve (5 ) dc, ~TS , by any pprson interesteu; tll t Fri~:,ay the lS1th day of SepterdJer, 1941, at 7:30 o'cloct: :.~.c., of sa:lc] de;! a~ a rf~[c;l~lar session of tY.e Commis- s3_on of Tl'le (~it:" of Bozem8n, Clty Hall Building, has been designated as the time and place 'v'ihen and where said Comm~s,sim w:t:IJ. hoar m~d1'.:asc~ upon any 811(1 E\ll ob,-1e.:t,ions tl'l t may I be P18..:1e to tt,e final pasf;age and 8J"option of said Com~risr::Lon Resol11tion No. 507 and the levying of sald assessment; tn.n t. said Resolution will be finaily passed and adopted at "' sa3d regular session of said Cornrniscion. subject to S11C1] corrections and amend~ents as may be made upon objections P12;de and flIed wi thin the five days 1imit as provided by law. Dated this 12th de y of September. 1D41. /7 /~,) ,/ y> /' ./<:.. >:,--. / ...::,~-,-.~~~f_~~d::.:.=:.".?;':-(-':{L . CJ.:erl<: of the Commission . --- 2U7 state of I,iontam\ ) ) ss County of Gallstin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of tLe C1 ty Commis 81 on of The Ci t:y of 30ze7:an do hereby certify thst the foregoing notice 1n Re, Commission Resolution No. 507, war' p1Jbl1shed at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of canera1 circulation printed and I published in sa:td C1 ty in the issue of September 13th, 1941, and tJ:l'!t due proof is on file in my office. D:; WITY~;:SS Y.,'T"'R':JP I llereunto set my hand and affix the,~eal of my office t,('is 15tb day of September, 1941. ~4-&d/'-al'_./ - Cle k of - the or1rris ,-i on State of ~funtanB ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Cit;; Commlssion of The City of Bozeman do hereby y" c ortify ths t the foregoing Commis s ion Reso lu tiOD :1'10. 507 W8S published by title and nl1mber ir the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and publisr-!ed in said Ci ty in the is sll.e of September 21s t, 1941, and that due proof is on file in my offic e. IN WI'l'1'J~~.:SSWEf;R.EOF I hereun to se t my hand and affix the seal of my office this 22nd da y of Septembe"", 1941. I (-~.b ~f'L~-::~-=~ Cler of the Commlss ion '. I