HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 506 Installing Sidewalks - - ..,..- 'J09 f.. . ,.. COi'iI:;:.nSSIOK HESOLTJTION NO. 506 A R~;:30LTJTION OP 'I'IfF: CO~r\~ISSION OF THE: CITY OF BOZ::;:IilAE L~NYING A1\D ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON CERTAIN ~RO~~RTIBS IN THE CI'I'Y OF BO['-(\:ia,;, COUKTY OF GALLATIN, S'rATL: 81-" MOWI'ANJ" '1'0 DE}.'R/\Y 'l'E;:: GO:-T OF CCn:_THrr::'I'D~G AND INSIJ'ALLING AIm/OR RFPAIHING T,IISCELLAEEOUS SF.>EVlALKS ,tiND CUFBS DT.mnw TEl'; YEAR 1941 WIJEREAS, on the 2nd day of 7v:ay, 1941, the Commission of The City of Bozeman, pursuan t to the provisions of Ordinance No. 561, en ti tIed: 11 AN ORi)IJU,NCE GOVERI'1"Il'JG 'Plill CONS'1'RTJCTION AND INS']',c,LL, 'IION OF CONCni''IE curms I AND EHDEV'JALKS IN THE CITY OF BOZT.~?tAN, PROVIDING P:ENM!rI ES FOR TEE VIOLA '}'l ON OF' '1'IfIS ORDINANCE AND REPEALDW ORi)I1'JAJ'iCES NOS. 365, 374, 435, 447, 449 AIm 451, and ALL OTI-ITm OR[)Il.JANC1~S AFT) FAf-{'11':: ()F ORDInl\NC~S OF THE; CITY OF BOZ;;PiU' DJ CONF'LIC'r H'.'REM'l'H", and provisions of Section 5244, Political Code, R . C . 7'," , 1935. (Com:l 1issioner's froceedings, I{ay 2nd, 1941, Volume XIX, Page 310). Vil):;':REAS, proc e "" ,"~ ,-, '" ',,,,, > 1-"- -1 f "t1c, ~" 4~ ~,,' (> +.~". - .' -' C1 j-, l l c- t~ nel/o1' r c> a' l' f ,,,1..1,1..11,'_:'" ,.cre,..jf. _.01 ,__,lj co....", vI ,'._.' ,,--,-\~,r aI'".. J.n,., "")_'''..'.' .._,_on a e:.:p l 0 ..L ~ scellancous Sidewalks and Curbs in The City of Bozeman for the year 1941, Gncl \nmnEAS, TvTiscellaneotls sidewalk and curbs were con~~ tructcd 8.nd ins taIled and/or. re- paired border~ng on varim1s properties In The City of BozerrmD, pursllan t to Ordinance 1'Io. 561, Sec tion 524:4, Political Code, R.C.M., 1935 which are hereby referred to and made a part of this Resolution, and vVI-IEREAS , the sa lel Mis cellaneous Sidewalks and Curbs 1m ve been cons tru c ted and com- pleted and/or repaired in accordance wi tfl the terms and concH t:lons of said proceedings, and tl',e Ci tyb~ngineer has duly certified to the Commis:3 ion a schedu,le showing the side- ',valks and curbs which have been cons truc tecl and ins tallw'i, and/or repaired, a nd the properties which are subject to 8ssessment thereunder and the total cost of said con- I str1Jctlon an(: installation and/or repairing is the sum of 'twenty-three lI1mdr,-d twenty- five Dollars and Four Cents (;~2, 325.04) , whicb 8che:'iule, marl{ed "Schedule N', is hereto attached and made a part hereof. NOW TliERI<:'[<'OHI;;, pursuan t to the provisions of Ordinance No. 561. as aforo saLi, and Section 5244, Political Code, R (' ." 19~~,5 , as aforc-,aald, L' . v .. : 1'i.. , BE IT RESOLV:,~:D A7'L) n' Il"REUY ORD3R3D BY THE: COTV:'\.:IS IO~i- Oil' 'liEf"' C I'I'Y OF BOZ,;~j'cI'~N, 1'/0 11"'TA I~ A : 1. 'l'hat to defray the cost of constructIng and instqllln.; and/or repalrinsI,.iiscella- neous Sidewa11{s and Curbs as set fortt, in "8che':h1le "A", hereto attached and made a part hereof, there is hereby levied and assessed a tax amOlmtlng t8 the snm of 'I'wen ty- three Jfundred Twenty-five Dollars and Four Cents, (;W2325 .04) . <) That a partic1JIBr des('~r_1.ption of each lot and parcel of land with the name of 'J . the owner and the sum assessed against h1m or it for sucl"~ constr-uction and :l11stalJatlon and/or repair and the amount of eacll pa yment to be made and the day when the same shall become delinQ11 "':n t is set forth in the assessment list hereto attached marked "Schedvle A" and made a part hereof; that the several S1))'113 set oppoai to tbe names of the owners and the 0escriptinn of tho lnts anc:l)8rcels of land be, and the sa~e are hereby respectively I levied and assessed upon said lots and p9rcels of land to defr0Y the cost and expense of constructing and in~"talling and/or repairing sc1id SidewaHcs and Curbs; tha t t}~e several sums so assessed be collected frO]~l the respect:1ve o';mers of said lots ar~d parcels of land described 1n said assessnent list "Scr.18dule A" as required by law; tll.~" t the pa ymcn t of sakl sums shall be made in six installments; tha t tIle payments of said installments shall be made on or before the 30th day of November of each year untIl payment of all j,nstall- men t8 toge the l' wi th tl18 fn terest thereof, shall be !1'k'3.de; th2lt sa!6 sums shall be paid ..- ~~J3 and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance wi th tlTe law Governing the collection of Special Improvement taxes; that failure to pay such assess- ments when the same shall become due and payable shall make such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes; 3. That the regular session of the Com'1]:t8~ion of T11e Cit;:T of Bozeman to be heLl in I the Comm1f"C'ion C1mrnber in the City Hall of said Cltyon the 19th day of Septerr'.b r, 19,11, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., be, 8nd the 81me is hereby designated as the time and place at which ob.j ec tions to tIle :[':jna 1 a,Jopti on of this Resoll1 tion will be heard by sai ci Commis;310n. 4. Tl"wt the Clrk of tho Cmn.mission of 'l'he City of bozeman be, .9.nd he is IF;reby ordered and direc ted to P1) blis}: in the Boz eman ~)aily Chronic Ie, a daily newspaper prin ted and publisbed in the SEJ.id City of bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk oJ' the vO!1'L111is:::ion and stating thnt a Rem lution levying and assessing a special assessment of taxes to de- fray the cost and expense of cons~PlJcting andlnstalling and/or repairing sidewalks and Curbs in '11he C1 ty of Boz eman for the year 1941 is on file in the office of the Clerk of t:le Commis si or. sub,j ec t to the :Lnspec t:ton for a period of five (5) days; that said notic e shall stRte the time anJ place at which obiections will be heard bv the Connnlsc'ion to the ~ u final adoptlon of tbls ResolutIon; that it shall be published at least five (5) days be- fore the da y se t by the Commis ~~i on fo'r the hearing ofob j ec tions and the final adoption of this Resolution. :Provisinn8.1Jy passed and adopted by the Commission of 1'he City)f Bozeman at a rcg11- lar ses sian thereof, he Id on the 12 t:l da y of September, 1941. I :L.tt~ ... /-, ~// . -' ./'./ // ~~... / Cle {o1' the ~ion Finally passed and adopted b~T t~e Commission of The C1 ty of sossion thereof, held on the 19t; da;yof September, 1941. ~t: ._<<&7 ~ 'C:< ~~. -#~--/_ C erk of the ~iS~: ion NOTICE HEARING, ?IHJ\.i, A~)OFTIOE co?;r~,:ISSIJN R;;;SOLlJTH)l\: NO. 506, LEVYING ASSESSM:~N'l' 'I'AXI~S, C (J. NS"""LRT' ('rPI l)l~ .~ IT:) IW'S m ..~ L-j.." TIC}i' ^ nT)/r1R R1<'PAIR 0"', r"~I C)'C.E'L" ^ I\-ji'nu,Q, .'~~ IDE"WAL' ",-"3 P. VD' ('-'--:r'\38 ~;'''''- _...,1- '~.' .1"~...j.", ..I.'~"J.~ _J..I,. I ..t"l..Lo.J.,. v ...,_,'.1.... .1.- I;.,., ..L.Jti~,_,j...,..' _A.,J~ , ,L' ",,1,. v'...' ~ n~ THE CITY O.F' 130Z:,:r,.",'\F, JT'RINC TLE Y:"~:\R 1941. NOTICE IS Hfm~i:I3Y GIV-:-:;j';, tha tat a regular session of the Commis sian of The Ci ty of Bozerr..an held on Fridr:rY, tbe 12t. d'1Y of :::Joptember, 1941, Commission Resolution No. 506, was provisionaRy passed and adopte~l; tIle t said Commissi on Resolution levies and asseS~Jes I a spec1.81 assessmnnt of tmtes lJpOn certain lots and parcels of land in fr::mt, or on the sIde of which, Sidewalks "nel curb: 'ewe been construc~ed, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 561, Sect.ion 5244, l'oL_tical Code, E..C.k., 1935,. to defray the cost and ex- pense of cor.strncting and .installing and/or repairing side sidewalks and curbs. Tha t sai(l Commis,s ion Resoll) tion No. 5U6 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commis~don, subJect to inspection for a period of five (5) days by any persons inter- ested; thnt Fridsy the 19th day of September, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., of' said day at the r"Cgt1lar session of the said Cornmls~~ion of The C:i.ty of Bozeman at the Commission Cllamber 204 in tl1e Cit;T Hall Builclin3' of said City, has been designated as the time and plsce w~en and whc::re trle said. COrm:1ission will h:::ar and pnss 1J})On any and all objections tlv'J. t ma y be made to the f:tnal passage and adoption of said ResollJtion No. 5U6, and the levy'ng of said assessment, and th8t said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session. All persons interes ted are referred to said Ordinance No. 561, and Commissioner's I Proceedin~s of May 2nd, 1941 for the cons tr"llction and/or repair of Miscellancous Side- walks and Curbs, in froD t, or on the side. of lots and parcels of land wi thin The C'.ty of Bozeman for the year 1941, wit~out the formation of a Special ImprovementUistrict. Da ted this 12 th dDY of September, 1941. --7'J S ta to of I.~on tana ) ) ss Connty of Gall~l tin ) I, L. (' Shadoan, Cler1< of the vommission of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify '...1" . th8 t tIee Corp-going ~Tot:ic8 in Ho Comm: s iOD Hesolutlon No. 50C, was pub1ishoc1 at length in t he Do zeman Daily Chron:1cle, a newspapnr of' [1:8ner9.1 c:!.rcu1 tl on, printed and published :':n sa:id City in the is sue of Septemb8r 1~) tll, 1941, and the t due proof is on file :in my office. n:; WITNE3S VnHi:REOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this I 15th da y of September, 1941. State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The Cit;{ of Bozeman do hereby ce:r;tify that the forogoing Resolution No. 506 was published by title anel number in the L)OZe~i:an 09ily ChrDnicle, a nwspaper of general circlJ l.,ci ti on prin tad and ~mblishecl in saJd Ci ty in the is sue of September 218 t, 1941, and [hat &]e proof is on f1 Ie In my offIce. IN 'NITN1i:SS WIT=R;;;OF' I hereun to set my hand and affix the seal of my office tl:is 22nd day d' September, 1941. I