HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 505 Vacate W. Arthur St. -.. 200 ~l" J.:7;/ COF~'IIO('IOJlT nTQ-'OlUTYF mWB"R 505 C'~'I{; \ ,/ / H..'j w.)" ''c,.;,,)./ ,.)" \ 'iJ ~ , <f 0 U'/I- l). i~,," .~v1:~\,,~ '/ A RT<'SOIPTIOl\i OF TT.r;:.' COP'I<:'<I"'P OF' 'ITT' crry OF BO'T';";,f"lF TiOF'T';.Nil '}t"CU"EIFr, IT .. ...!....:J.J ) ..., , .l,L.LJ ,V.,J~. ..;J-.. \.) It! ,. ,,,.1...~ ,. .~,., ~!,.I""~/"""" '4~~,1 ., 1.,o.L; /0,.\ I.. _.\ _,.1 /) " TO BJ!; rrnF n~Ti~~TTIO~,1 OF' SAID CITY ~,'O VACt,TE AND DISCOWrnTC'!~ 'l'ENI' POHTION OF 1NEST ~ - ,,' / J/ J\R'l'BDR STREJ':T LYING I!:AST OF THE Et\S'I' LINE OP WILLSON AVENUlf;, SOlFI'E, IN rrl-iE CI'l'Y , " OF BOZE~AN, MONTANA. . 'NIIERE:AS: There ha s been filed with U:.e Clerk of the Ci ty Commission and formally brought to the attention of said Commission in regular session assembled, the petition in due from of P. C. ~aite and J. L. Ketterer, they being the owners of all of the property abutting I on that portion of ',vest Arthur Street lying east of tbe east line of Wille,on Avenue, South, and furtter described as a strip of land 60 feet wide by 160 fe8t long lying be- , tween the east line of Willson Avenue, S an(1 the east line of Butte Addition to rr'he o u th , City of Bozeman, praying that said portion of West Arthur Street be vacated and discontin- ued for the reason that the same is not, and probsbly never will be used for street pur- poses; and WHEREAS: The Ci t:r Commission in regul8.r session assembled have duly considered said pe ti tion and the Ci ty Manager after full inves tiga tlon has reported to the Ci t~;. Gomrd 2 sion that in his opinion it will be for tb.e best intere~!ts of '1;ho City of Bozeman that said pe- tition be granted; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY 'rIlE Cm!Il'i~ISSION OF THE CITY OF' BOZEJVrAN: Sec tion 1. That it is hereby declared to be the intention of The City of Bozernan act:lng by and through its City Commis~,ion to vacate and discontinue all that protion of We::>t Artbur Street lying east of the east line of Willson Avenue, Sou th, in '1'he C1 t', of Bozeman, which portion of said West ArU)ur Street is further described as a strip of land 60 feet wide by 160 feet long lying between the east line of Willson Avenue, Sou th , and I the east line of the Blltte Ad('lltion to Bozern-n. Section 2. That the rHgular meeting of the Cit::, Comrnission of The Cit:'I of Bozeman to be beld on Friday, the 12th d,~:." of September, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.Y. of sald day, at the regular meetIng place of said City Commission in the City Hall of The City of Bozeman, is tte time and place wrler. and where ob 5e c tions to the granting of said petition and the adoption of an ordinance, purmumt to ti,is Resolution of Intention, will be heard; and the City Manager is hereby directed t" CBl-1Se notice of tl-:is Resolution of IDtention to be served upon all p";,rf:ons owning property abutting l1.pOn that portion of 'Nest Arthur Street in The City of Bozeman and as hereinabove descrlbed, proposed to be vacated and dis- cont:tnued pursuant to this Resolutic)D of In ten tion, and to give such notice by publica tiOD and ~ervice, all in t.t:.e manner and form as prescribed by Se~~tion 5494, R . C. Mo n tan n , 1935. Passed and adopted by the Commie" ion of The Ci ty of Bozeman, r,~ontBna 1:r' regular sesslon assembled on the 5t;" day of September, 1941. Att s : ;-; CZ::..' _?~-~-"7~'~~'--./'. I Cle ~ of the Commis2ion NOTICE IN RE A Rr:;SOLCi'I'ICN 07 Tl[~; COM:':!ISSION OF' 'I'H:~ CI1'Y OF BOZf,;r-t :"'IT, MON1'jo.NA, DECL-,\RING IT TO B-;-': TIl".'; IUCr'ENTION OF Si\TD Cr'l'Y TO VACi\TC AND DI;:,CUr')'l'IiH'E ~'Ii,\T POR1J:'ION OF .'iVES'l' AR~l'I::UR STREET LYING EAST OP 'I'I;E~: AST LH'E O}-il VHLL:30.1\- A V '"'NUl;;, SQU'I'll, IE '}lITE CITY 01" BOZIi;I,'ii\ N, li:ONTANA NOTICE IS IECHr,:BY Given, '1'hnt on the 6th day of September, 1941, [~t a reg1Jlar session o~ tIle Cit:,' Conl1rds~;ion of The City of Bozeman, ~'~Ol1 tana , Commlssion Hesolution No. 505, 20t en ti tIed: "A RJ:i;SOLTJTIOri 01'" TIm COITr,:ISSItJN OF TIT::";; crl'Y OF 1302 T{),F, T\AOJ\TI,EA, 0ECL/,R Il\:G IT TC: B['~ TH:::: INTT,:nTION OF SAIl) CITY TO VACNJ1I~; Al~D DISCONTINUE': TF:\T POR'rION OF WEST ARTBUR STRE:':T LYING EAST OF THE K4S'l' LIl\'"T: Of' WILL::'OT'f AVENlJ.1:J;, SOUTH, I F 'I' HE C I 'J'Y 0 F I3':_) 21:';1'.:.'\ ~,T , T,:n~'T I\NA . " was passed and adopted. '1'h8 par tion of said ',o'e3 t Arthur Street lying eaS t of the eas t line of Willson Avenue, I Sou tl1 , procosed to be vacated and discontInued is also described as follows: A strip of land 60 feet wide and 160 feet long l:ling between the ea,st line of Willson Avenue, Sou tl:l, ami the east line of Butte Addition to The City . bf Boz.aroan, !,:on tana . TrJat Friday the 12tb day of September, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. of sa"d day, at tbe regular meetlng'91~4ce of the City Comrdssion in the City Hall of The City of Bozeman, Nlon tana, is the time and plslce designated by said Resolution No. 505 for he.9.ring objections to the action proposed to be taken pursllan t to said Resolu tioD of In ten tion, by the adop- tion of an Ordinance giving effect to the intention in said Resolu tion declared, end when Bnd wbere any and a 11 persons owning property abu tting on those parts of sejd West Arthur Street wbic;:: it is proposed to vaca te and discon tinue pursuen t to the afroesaid Reso1n tion of In ten tion, may appe" rand sl'ow Ca1JS e, if any they have, against said proposed vacation. Objections may be msde orally or in writing. This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 5494, R. C. j';;on tana , 1935. Dated tLis Stl! da'! of September, 1941. ~:~r order of the Commission of rl'he City of Bozeman, ~,:on tana I AiW. H. LAKE ( Sign::,d) A(t~ ,-,. t ]Iil- f GJ. Y "anag"Or / Cl~rl-' ~." tt~e c~;;i~f;;~=c-J State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan. Clerk of the Commisd on of The City of BozeMan do hcr,,:b:r certi~y that the foregoIng Notice in Re, Comn~issi(m Resoll1 tion }To. 505 was published at lengtt: in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of gen'"r~11 circu1"!tion printed and publisl1ed in said City in the issue o~ Septe~bcr 9th, 1941, acd the, t rj.1J e proof is on file in my office. n: WIn:F:[-3S rn':R"OF I herlJn to set my hanC and affix the seal of my office ti: is 10th day of Septenili?r, 1941. A '7 . '// "", I c~. C1'3 k of the Commiss ion