HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 503 Lighting District Improvements, No. 100. 284. 286. 289. 290. 295. 300 1 ~);) CO~MISSION RESOLUTION NO. 503 A EESOLU'TION 01" THE COTLVISSION OF 'THE CITY OF BOZ':)':;AN, :\COHTANA LEVYIN G AND ASSESSIN"G LIGFTI'\IG DI'')'rRICT Mi\TNTF:NAr:C:5:AND ELECTRICAL (jURRE:J\:T cosrr's paR l'ECI A L TTv:T)RcnrET,rl"'WI' LIGIlTIlTG DISTRICTS NUTlIUERS lO~), 284, 2Cf3, 2f39, 200, 295, AND 300 OF TIiE crry Q:r:;' BOl; ":\j ::.N , I'~JRsrrANT TO r:I.'HE fROVI8IO]\[8 OF S':i:CTION" 5266 R. c. lvTDWI'!\":TA 1935. BE IT RESOLV:W BY T:rrE COTiTT:ISSION OF 1'HE CI1'Y OP BOZE~/[AN: I See tion 1. 'J.1ha t purslJan t to tl1e direction and by authori ty of the provisions of Sec- tion t266, - u '1\ .~ 1935, Bncl upon est~"ma tes of such cost made by said C1 t:T Commis'ion 8S h. . 11'; . authorized and directed by said Section 5266 R.C.M., ID35, to defray the cort of maintain- ing and li?hting systems anJ for electrical current in the sevoral Special Improvement Lighting Districts of The City of Bozeman hereinafter specified, there Is heroby leviod and aSt38ssed against prap':~rty and the several lots, pieces and parcels thereof, within the boundaries of special Improvement Lighting Districts Numbers 100, 284, 288, 289, 290, 295, and 300 of The City of Bozeman respectively, as heretofore cr:3ated and established, the to tal amOlJn ts as t:) eacb entire district and the severa 1 amoun ts as to 0 aGb 10 t, pioce-or parcel of land withln the botmdC'ries af such district, as set forth in the sever81 sche- d111es attached hersto and made a p~lrt hereof and ffi8.rked separa tel y for iden tifiea tion as Schedule A, for Special Improvement Lighting District No. 100, (Main Street) Schdeule B, for Specjal Improvement LiD'htingDistrict No. 284, (Cleveland Street); Schedule C . , for Special Improvement Lighting District No. 288, ('I'racy Ave. s. ) ; Sc':edule D., for Special Improvement Lighting District No. 2S9, (No. Bozeman Ave.); Schedule :~, for Spncial Impro ve- ment Lighting Diptr1ct No. 290 ( Bla c ~{ A're. 30 . ) ; lnd Schedule F, for Sp:c1al Improvement I Lighting District No. 295, (Willson lw . , S. ) ; and Schedule G, for Special Improvement ~is- tric t ?;o. 300, ('"' A North) . ~'/111son ,ve. That the am~mnt so levied and assessed is 75)b of 81.1cb estimated c1)st for each and all of said Districts except Special Improvement Lighting District No. 100 (MaIn Street) and as to such District tbe levy and assessment is 50% of such est~Mated cost. See tion 2. '1'he t a particular description of eac~, lot, [,iece or parcel of land wi th the name of the owner thereof and t!le sum assessed and levied again st such propert~; and owner, or ei ther, is set fortb in the scbednle for eac distrlc t as specified and identi- fied in Section 1 of this Resolution, and made a part of this Resolution, as aforesaid. Section 3. Thgt the rep:nlar meeting of the Commis~ion of The Cit;,' of Bozeman to be held on the 15tY da,:, of A1Jgl1 s t, HLH, 8t 7:30 o'clock P.M. a t the Cor:L~ls s ion Chamber, 81 t~T - ~) Hall Building, in The 8 i t:.r of l?oz eman, be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at w]:;~ch ob.iectlo:r:s to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard and considered by saId City Cornmis~ion. See tioD 4. TtlB t t:--:,e Clerk of tll' s Commis" 1m be, and he is hereby ord"ercd and dir- ected to publish in Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation printed I and pubLished in saId CIty of Bozeman, B notice signed by said Clerk as such, wJ:lich no tice shall state that this Resolution, levying and assessing the several amounts as se t forth in the schedules attached her'coto and made a part hereof as aforesaid, and for the purposes here in s ta ted, tas beer provisionally passed and adopted by the Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman, is on file :i.n the office of said ClerK and subject to inspection during regular office hourf'1, for a period of five days from and after the publication of such no':ice and a t any time during suc]") offic e hours and 8 t or prior to the regular mee tl ng of t~le Cl ty l~)ll Commission to be held on August 15th, 1941 as stated in Section 3 hereof; that said notice shall be so published once, and such ~lblic9tinn shall be mRde not less than five days be- fore August 15th, 1941, a t time set for hear1 ng and considering objec tions to the final adoption of this HesohJtioT', as aforesaid. Provisi')nally passed and adopted by the Co"'nYJission of '1'he Cit:? of Bozeman at a regular meeting of saId Commis'Cion on the 8tl. da. y of Augu ,ot, 1941. I A ttes t: 7%'~ . /~?1-d4-;;:&~/ ~k of the CO:1unis si on r-/!ayor Finally passed and adopted by the Comrni ssion 0 f The C1 ty of Boz eman meeting of said Comrr>ission on t'lle 15th d,n:., of August, 1941. At:;' ..y:'A~ /' ./ /Z- Cf~~k>~f the Commission NOT ICE OP TIME~ AND :2LI\CE FOR HEI\RING OBJJ2:CTIONS TO THE~ FUJAL ADOP'I'ION OF' COr'iHUSSION RESOLTTTION NO. 503 OF Tm:::: COM:::IS':IJN OF' Th'T:: ClrI'Y OF' BOZ;';;W,N, MO]:,YTAKA. , L2VYI N G AND ASSKSSINGPOWI'IOY' :)F' COST 01<' YAn!rrr':j\~ANGE AND ELECTIUCAL CTrRE~~lJ'r?OH SF~:CIliL IMPHOVr;:;\f:F:WI' LIGHrnNG :)IsrI'RI'~TS NOS. 1C)O, 2FH, 23F: , 289, 29 0, 2 9 5 , AND 30U OF 'rn;: C r'I'Y OF BO:!. li:I/Ti\N , l',1Ci':;T ANA l~'OR 'l'TE~ YEi'l!\ 1941 NOTICE IS EER~~BY GIV~N, 'The tat a regu' ar mee tlng or theComm1ssion of 'The C1 ty of bozernan, Montana, held on the Cttl (Jay of August, 1941, Commission Resohltion J:o. 503, .vas provisionally passed and adopted. Said, Resohltion levies 2nd assesses rot special assess- ment upon 0.11 the property in Special Improvement Ligrlting District Nos. 100 (Main Street) I 284 (CleT~and Street); 288, ( 'rrac yA ve . s. ) ; 289, (No. Boz ern8.D 6V" ). 200 (So. J31ackAve.) ; ~,~ ,.." \.), 295, (So. Willson Ave.); and 300 (No. Willson Ave.), to defray estimated CO~\t of mainte- nance and electrical current for each of said districts, pursuant to the prov:i. s ions of Section 5260, R.C.M., 1935. The portion of such cost assessed is 757& as to all of said districts except District No. 100 (Main Street) and as to suc}) dis tric t the pro tion of the cost assessed is 50,.,1 10. Notice is furtber given that said Commission Resolution No. 503 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the said City Commission, City Hall, Bozeman, Montana, and subject to inspection dnring tr'le r8g111ar office hours of said. Clerk at any tiY!1e prIor to and at the regular m':,et.:ns; of the said City Commission to be held onF'ridqy, August 15th, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.V., a t the Com~is:~ ion Cha '11ber, in the Ci ty Hall Buildi ng, Bozemqn, Mon tana, which 1 s th8 time and place designated in said Resolution Ko. 503 wb,en and where the said Cor.mlis:"1ion wIll consider and pass upon any and all objections to the fInal pa s sage an('l a doption of se.ld Cornmis [,1 ion Resolution No. 503. Reference is maue to CmJncil Resolution No. 647, and Commission Resolutions Nos. 214, 2E'<4, 285, 2f:j6, 305, and I 316, creating the Special Improvement Li,,'hting Distriots above enumerated, which reso- lutions are on file and of record in the offioe of t.he Clerk of the Ci t:v Com.mis :",i on and subject to p1.1blic inspection dur'ng the reg1llar office hours of sa id Clerk. Dated this 9th day of August, 1941. C~~AcdA~ . ~-- Clerk of the City Commission lB5 State of ~ontana ) ) ss COlmtv of GalLitin ) ~ I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Cor.lmission of The City of Bozemsn do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice in Re, Commi .;-sion Resolu tion No. 503, was published at length I in the Bozeman Dally Chronicle, a newspaper of general cirClJlatlon printed and PUb.liBhed in sa1::1 City in the 1831J8 of August 9th, 1941, and that due proof is on file in my office. DT \'JITNE:SS wH1.m~~OF I hereunto set my hand and afflx the seal of my office tlds 11th day of August, 1941. /~~~ ./ )..~ ("; I' ~-'--- - Z-....#---~--&-.-6fi:---'" .,/ Clerk or the Commission State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commisc~ion of The City of Bozeman do hereby certIfy tr18t the forg61ng Commiss ion Resoh1 tion No. 503, was published by ti tIe and mur'ber in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspapor of general circulation, printed and published in said City in the issue of Au[':ust 22nd, 1941, and trlat dlIB proof is on file On my office. IN 1NITNESS 'NESR:WF I hereunto set 2T'y hand nncl affix the seal of my office this 23rd day of August, 1941. I r-:~A ~~__--/~~.-a_? ,./ Clerk of- the CommissLm I