HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 501 Improvements on SID No. 334 1St) ~.;J>c;t> . Ih " ~ ::I>' I. " ~~0"'~ I::r/ ,/ COM!nSSION RESOUFI'ICN NO. 501 ~vA~ 'p , .' j>:.;.'/ A RESOLUTION OF THE C01WIS'.,ION OF THE CITY 01' BOZE1>'fJ'J, rWriTANA LEVYING AND ./ /,/ ASSF",2ING A S~'-::'('I .\- A ", 'I'" 'c;;M"'J\TT Oc;, 'l'AX""'S UPON ALL TW' FRO".)"PT':{ IF S~'''''I.f L .... _.".1 '.,' ,) .J. .t .,J J .~L "....);). ,J..,....!...,".',..: ;1 .L "J.',,: ".." J ,...I..rJ .t ~,...d.I.... \ 1 ~JV -~ / IMPROVE]\!,"I:NT DISTRICT NO. 334 IN 'I'H~D CITY OF BOZ;:TIL'J\', COUN'I'Y" 01-" GALLA'TH:, STAT3: o I" MO~;T,c,NA, TO DEFR;\Y TIlE: CO~)'I' OF' CONSTRL:C'l'IXG AND r:'AKING 'rEB IM- PROVEM;'~N'I'S WITBTN SAIl) SPECIAL IMFROVE:',fEN'I' DISTRICT NO. 334. WlfEREAS, The City Commlssion of The City of Bozeman did on the 17th day of May, 1940, duly and regularly pass Commission Resolution t,:o. 467, enti tIed: I A RESOL(i"rrON OF THE CITY CO),<1".n S:U ON OF TII10: CITY OF BOZi':~~AN, T\'IOl'(~ri\N il, T) i':CLARTl(;a IT TO Bn; TI"~S INT'?NTION OF SAID COM~lISSION TO CR;"I~AT-;"' A SF 'CIAL I~IIPROV'<M'::-r:;T DIS- TRICT 'I'O BE KNOWN Al';:j) UESIGNAT=m AS "SPC:CI,AL I7v'lPRO'TE'I',TENT DISTRIC'I' t-;~.J~,!B~:1:R 334ft FOR THIi; prRPOSE OF' IN:~)'I'fl:r..JLn\G A SANITARY ST,:',,','f<:R ON nons:;: AVI.!:NUE NOR'rH FRO;\0 'THE CE]\:rr'~:;:R OF'SAST ASp:;;N 3TRE"':T SOU'I'H TO 'I'FJE CEnTER OF EAST LAr;=i\;!:~; ;~:)1'TL';' T, IN SAI~) CITY, AND TO SPECVILLY ASSESS TT-IE :ENTIRE COST AN:J EXF',:NSE OF IN STALLIFG SAID SEWER AGAINST THE PROPERTY '~':I'I'T-ini SAID SFF:CI AI, rVPROVEIi'T.E:NT:HS1'RIGT AS~W:ATED, AIm mm','IN DESCRIK;T), UNIJER /\'N"DBY" IRTi'l': OF rI'IT',' FROVIS TONS OF S:i~:~'l'IOHS 5225 TO 5277, INCL~JSIVE, RL~VIS'!:r) CODCS OP 1,,'TC)}'I'}'. 1935, AKI:J Arty ;\J,{F~l.!J)M"r';l,;TS Ti"i"rniJi;'l'O. - the Com"t:Ission of rrhe City of and thereafter, aftor due and legal proceedings had, Bo zeman did on the 14th da;' of June, H', 40 , duly pass Comrds8ion Resolution No. 469, entitled: A RESOLUTIOl.T OF 'rEE CI'I'Y COM"iTISSIOlf OF' TnT'; CI'TY OF BOZTi:1IfAN, STAT2 0Ii' Mm-:TANA, CREATn~G A .s PI?C Ii\L n?EOVF~i1T':N'I' DISTRI CT 11'0 BE KN OWN AN;] DESIGW,'l'ED ':,S "SPECIAL IMPROV1~~,:E:!:1'(T DI3TRI:::;T NUMImR 334t1 OF SAID CI1'YF'OR TIlE: PUR ;DSE 01<' IN ~)TALLII\~G A SAEITARY SE~WT';R ON ROUSE AVENlJE ,N. .FRcn/ TI-:F; CEWl'[':R Ol-' ASPEN STRE:",T SOUTH '1'0 THE CENTER OF EAST L!d;D,~E STREET, IN SAI ') C I'I'Y , AND TO SPECI?,Li,Y ASSF:SS TEE EWfIRE CO~J'T AND EXPENSE OF INSTALLING SAID SE'NBR AGAIN S'l' TIm FROF'5:RTY' WI/TIUTI SAL) DIS'I'RICT UNDER Arm BY VIRTUE OF THE PPOVISIONS OF SEC'I'IONS 5225 TO 5277, IN- CLUSIVe:, RT~VIS'(D CODES OF' MON'I'ANA, 1?,;35, AND ANY Ai\nEl'!])MEJ\'T'S TlJERi'Tu. whjch Commission Resolution Ros. 467 and 469, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a part of this resolution for furt'tler particl11ars In respect to the bound- aries of sald dlstrict, the character of the improvements tot:e c0nstructed therein, and estimat~d cost of said improvements and the method of assess:i.ng the cost again"t tbe I property within sald di~trict; and ViHSREAS, said improvements as contemplated j,n said Commissinn Resolution Nos. 467 and 469 have been constructed and comr:l",ted in accordance with the terms and conditions of Cormnls sion Resoll.l tioD Nos. 467 and 469, and the total cost of said improvements so cons trllc ted is the SlIm of Five Thousand Eight Hundred Thirt~T-n~~.ne and Six ty- three lfundredths Dollars (~;5839 .63) N Ovl , THE:RI<:FOR: , PlmSUANT 1:'0 TIE-: FROVISIONF OF, Sections 5225 to 5277.5 and 5485, R.C.M., 19~)5, and arnendments thereto, BE IT RESOLVIW AND IT IS Ir.m:~;BY ORDER';D BY TEE: cO~.:~nSSI ON OF TILE Crry OP BOZ8:'>','JAN, S'TA'1'1i; OF M)N 'I'AN A Sec tion 1. That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the im- provements in said Spsclal Improvement District No. 334, there be, and there 's hereby levied- and assessed a tax amounting to the sum of Flve Th01.Jsand Eight Hundred Thirty- n~lne Dollars and Six ty- three Cen ts ($5839.63), upon all the prop rty in said Special Improvement Dlstrict No. 334; that a partlcular description of each lot and parcel of land wi th tbe name of the owner and t!le sum assessed againDt h~m or it for such improve - I ments anJ the amount of each partial pa:vment to bG ma"e and the clay when the sams sr:a 11 be delinauent is set fortY< in detai.l 111 the assess-ent list hereto attached, marked "Schedule All, and made a p8rt bereof; that the several sums set opposite t]je names of tJ!e ownors and the described lot,s and V1rcels of li:md be, and the same are hereby respectively levied and assessed upon and against said des'ribed lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of constrl1cting and !!'aking improvements within said - ----.-- ------ --- - ---- - .--...-..- 187 District; that the several SUMS so assessed be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list, Schadl) 1 e II A" , as required by law; that tlJe pa:rrrent of sa1(-} S11ms shall be made :in ten in"'t,gllments an.. trie pB yrnen t of said ins ta lImen ts shall extenri over B period of nine Yf'B rs' th8t the pa:vment of the resj;.)ec- . , ti va n.nnuc;,1 :iDS h: l1r:'cn t~, sh8l1 be made on or before the 30th day of Novcn:1bcr 0 f ea c b ye ar I un ti 1 pa ~'TIIen t of all ins tF! lltr1en b, together with the interest thereof, sha 11\:~0 my, de; that saId sums sf)"",ll be p8id and the collection there of sha 11 be ma:::ie in the manne I' and in BC- cordance with the law govern~ng the collection of special improvement Taxes; tha t fai hJre to p8 y 811Gh aasasSe-'anti:] wben the sarna become due and payable stall make such perE\O!1S ami saId lots and parcels of land lielbe to the penalties provided by law relative to delin- ql1en t taxes; See tion 2. 'That the regular sesnion of the Corr.misf~ion of The City of Bozeman to be held In the Comrrission Chamber :In the Ci ty Hall of said City on the 2Lth day of ,July, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., be, 8.nel the same is her~by deslgn3ted as the time and place at which objections to the final ador,tion of tbi s Resolntion will be heard by said C01nmiSfTI.. on. Section 3. Thqt tbe CIerI-=: of the Com!:'is,si';D of The City of Bozeman be, and l,Je is here- by ordered and directed to p'1blish .-in the BOZem2.11 Dally Chronicle, a daily newspaper prin- ted and plblished in said City of Bozernnr, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission and st8ting t:bat a Resollltion levying and assess:~_ng a speclal assessment of taxes to deCray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improve~ents in the srdd Spec:i.al Im- prove~ent District ~o. 3;>)4 is OD file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission subject I to inspection Por a poriod of five(5) d9.~rs; tba t s8id no t.ice shall s ta te tJ:IC time and place at which objections will be he'1r:J by t:ne Com:t'1ssion to the final adoption of tlJis R"solu- tion; tha tit sba 11 be pubI ishecl at leas t 1'i ve (5) days before the day set by the Commis- sion for the he,srlng of objections am1 the final adoption of thIs Resolution. Provlsionally pas~Jed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozemrm at a regu- lar session thereof held on the lE;th d8.Y of July, 1941. Attest: G--~b JA-fi----dr~/ Clerk of the Commis s:ton }"inally pas8ed an:::l adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman sRssion thereof held on the 25th day of ~Jly, 1941. Att8St: ~~~~1 ,.Lt L-/---~/. . ,.-- Clerk of the Commissi'J)"l NOT ICE BEARING, PINAl, ;\[)OPTION 01" R"SOLU'I'IOr NO. 501 LEVYING ASSESSHEI'Jrr SPECIAL nTPROVJc~1\rENT DISTRI CT NO. 334, SANITARY SE'\",ER ON ROUSE: AVE~mE BETWEEN ASFEN I AND LAlfME STREE~S. lWrI'ICE IS HEmmy GIVEIIJ, That at a regular session of the Commie (.,io::-: of The C1 t:,' of Bozeman held on Friday the IHth day of cTuly, 1941, Commis sion Resolu tion No. 501 wa~~ pro- visionally passed and adopted; that said Commission Resolution No. 501 levies and assesses a speciai asseSRrrent of taxes upon all the property in Special Improvement District No. 334, in said City to defray the cost and expense of constr1lcting and making the improve- ments within said District. 18H The. t, s [t :I,(~ Commission ResollJtion No. 501, is now on file in tte office of the Clerk of the Commission slJbject to inspection for a period of five (5) days be any persons in- terested. That Friday the 25th day of Jul:{, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.M, of' said day, at the reglJlarsession of tbe said Comm:1s2ion of The CIty of B):Hmwn at the Commission Chamber in the City Hall BuildJ,ng of sAid City, has been designated as the time ard place when and where the said Commission will lE8.r and pass upon any and all ob,ject:1.ons t 1-_- Q t ma y be rua de I to the final passaSe and ad.ortior: of said Reso lution No. 501 and the levying of said assess- ment, and that said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said rAgular session. All per80ns interested are referred to CommisRion Resolution No. 367, declaring it to be the intention of the CO'T1mis~,ion to create Special Improv.'~ment District No. 334, and Commission Resolution No. 469, creating Special Imrrovement Di2trict No. 3~)4 . Dated tbis 19th day of July, 1941 . c:~,~~~ Clerk of the Commission State of Kontana ) ) ss County of GallRtin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, CIerI, of the Cornrn:1ssion of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify tha t tho forep'oing Notice in He, Commis"'ior' Resolvtion No. 501, was publis }:ed at lengtb in the Bozeman Dai 1 v Chronicle, a newsP?iper of fjeneral circl.1la tion pr:tn ted and published " in said City in the issue of ,July 19th, 1941 and tbn t due proof is on fi 1103 in my office. IN WITNESS WHERSOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 21st day of July, 1941. I ~t~ Sta te of t'~on tans ) ) ss County of Gallatin. ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commiss~on of The City of bozeman, cio her ;'by c er ti fy that the forego:tng Resolution No. 501 was published by title and number in the bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation prin+ed and plblished in sa!d City in the is sue of Jul:: 27th, 1941, and. th'" t dlle proof is on file :In my office. IX V;ITH;~SS ':\T:T:;RTWF I hereunto set my band and affix, tbe seal of my offi::::0 tl::i s 28th day of July, IS' 41 . ~~~~ Cler. of the Commission I