HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 499 Removal of Snow -- -.- 180 cm,WISSrOl': RESOLUTIm: NO. 499 A RESOLUTICl;: OF' THE COMrnSSION OF' 'J'EE c;I1'X~ OF' Bozti:ri:iUT LF~VYING A~;D AS~mS:::;ING A SFD:CVIL ASSESS!,.I'N1' OF' TAXES UPOtT Cli;HT~',nJ PEOFEIlTIES IN ~['II' CITY OF BOZE:Mi\N, C-:OUNTY O:;~ GALL/\TIN ,'3'I'.~.Tr,": OF MONTANA, TO')EFTU\.Y ~rrn,; CO:;;T OF rmMOVi',u.; OF SNOW FOR TEE Y"2 1940-1941 PURSUANT '1'0 PHOVISIONS 01" ORDINANCE HO. 502 :SNTITLED: "AN ORDIN,ANCE PROVIDING FOR THE: RENiOV,\L OF SNOW F'RO]\~ '1'HF: SILiEWALKS IN 'I'EE CITY OF BOZl<;T\U\N "U,7:;) n:TPF:ALING OR:nN,nrCE NO. 385, mrTITLE:D: 'AN ORl)IN tltTCF: PRO'II LJING F'OR TEE RI:]',FQV I\L OF SNOW liND IC!i~, rnRT, F'ILTH lIT,:! O'l'IF~R OBSTRTJ:::;TI C:N FROM SIDE- walks ON Mi,IN STRI-';ET BETWEF:r WALL..?\:E A VSN1JTi; f,Ji" FOURTH A V2I"UE II V"GlTU:: IN ,!'IIli: CITY OF' BOZEMAN''', I Vv'IIEREAS, the, City Cour:cil of '1\he Cit:)' of Bozer.lIm heretofore duly and reg"l11arly passed Ordinance No. 520, entitled: "AN ORDINi'INCi'i: PROVIDING FOR TIlE; REIWOVI\.L OF SKO'N FROM 'l'1-IE SIDEViALKS IN '1~HE CI'l'Y UC;' BOZEMAN A ND R!;~PELAING ORDINANCE NO. 385, EKTITLED: 'AN O::\DINANCE PIWVIDING FOR TEE R::::~WVAL OF SNOW AND ICE, r.HRT, ]"ILTHAND orrH~m OBSTRO~-:;TI()N F'RO!:C SIDE- WALKS ON MAn; STREET BT~T'I;,EER WALLACE AVENUE AI';]) FOURrr'11 J\VElJUE IN 'l'fiE: CITY OF 1.),O?T;'~"I:\l\:'" an.d ,....... .::....J,~_I., ,...l~ , 1NHFREAS, Section 5039.6 R. C. :M. , 1935, provides: "The Ci ty of Town CouncIl has power to regula te the use of sidewalks, and to reqrdre the owner's of' the premises ad,joi.ning to keep same free from snow x.x xx.; xx and to provide for levying tbe cost of removal as a special tax against the property xx",and WHEREAS, owners of premises in said Ci ty have ncglec tad to remove the snow from the sidewalks --adjoining thoreto dur::ng the :y'e~lr 1940-1941, and The Ci ty of Bozeman, purslHlD t to Section 5039.6, And Ordinance No. 502 has removed the snow from the sdiewalks adjoining the premise 2 of said owners and the totel co s t of the removal thereof is chf:1rgeable to the propert;-r as hereInafter set forth, pUrS1Jant to provisions of said Section 5039.6 Political Code, R.C.M., 1935, and said Ordinance No. 502. TWW TlmREF'OR, K: IT liESOLVi'::] In~;) IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY TIrE COW,;ISSIOK OF THE CITY OF' BOZT~rli\N, STi-'l'l'E OF' MOr,:'I'ANA: Section 1. That dur:1ng the year 1940-1941 The Ci ty of Bozeman has removed tbe snow I from sidewalks adjoining rpemises in The City of BozeMan and defrayed the cost thereof as set forth in Schedule "One hereto attached and made a part hereof. Section 2. Tb.at to defray the cost (;$87.68) of removing said snow from sidewalks ad- ,joining said premises as set forth in said Schedule "One", hereto attac11ed andmade a part hereof, for tbe year 1940-1941, there b~', and there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against said property as set forti: in said Schedule "One"; hereto attached and made a part hereof; thHt a particvlar descr1ption of each lot and parcel of land VJitl~ the name of tbe owner and the snm assessed against him or it is set forth in a.3f1essment list hereto attached marked Schedule t'One", and marie a part bereof; tlwt tt,e severDl SUtrS set opposite ttle names of the oWn,~'rs and the de"cription of tbe lots and parcels of lands be, and the samB are hereby levied and assessed upon ami. agd.nst said lots and parcels of land; that the several sums be collected fr(:m the respective owner::o of sa; d lots and parcels of lands described in said assessment list, Sched1Jle "One, as req1;~l-red by law; that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manm;r and in accordance wi th the law governing the collection of special improvem..,ent taxe:::,; that fal11Jr~ to pay such assess- I ments when-- same shall become dt18 and payable shall make such p _rson and such lots and par- cels of land liable to the penalties provided by the law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 3. That the regular session of the Com.mis2ion of ~J.1he Cityof Bozeman to be held on the 25th day of July, 1941, a t the Commission Room, 01 ty Hall Building, be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to the firal adoption of this Resolution will be henrd by the Comrniss:!.on. -----.----- --.---- ,. 18-1 SectIon 4. Thnt the Clerk of the Commis~don be, and he is hereby directed and ordered to publish in the Boznman Daily Chroniclo, 8. daily newsp8p8r printed and published in said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerkof the Com..mission, and stating tmt a resolution levying a special asseSS!J1'?nt of taxes to defray the cos t of r",~moval of snow and ice from sidewalks adjoining certain premises in The City of Bozeman for the year 1940-1941 is on I file in the office of the Clerk of the COl~~ission, subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days; that said notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Commi ss ion to the final adoption of this Resolu tion; tha tit shall be pub- lished at least five days before the dgte set by the Commiss--lon for hearing of objections to the final adoption of this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Commis2"lon of 'I'De City of bozeman at a reg'Jlar meeting of said Comeis::oion on tho IStL day of July, 1941. Attest: .$./L-.-..i/: . m.~ ~ -) .~. ;/ / lerk ,,~'1t~*~~i:'~~i~: -~ }"1inally passed and adopted by the Commis:"ion of The C:R{f of Bozeman at a regular meeting of said Commis.qlon on the 25th da;T of July, 1941. I Attest: , ./ /J ) . // /;J _.' --;' ___~ _.- ?{l ~~/~/ff""~ C erk of the Commis s :lon NOT ICE ImARDW, I;'INAL AJCiPTION COM~nSSION RESOLUTION NO. 499 LEVYING SPECIAL ASSESSl'/rnTT TOiJSFR'Y TIn:;; CO:jT or R2:T','IOVAL OF' SNO'i, FROl{ 'TIm Sr;-)EWALKS ADJOINI1I'G CERTAIN FREM- is'SS IN Tp::,: CITY OF' J30Z::;:~L\N p'on rrlill YE '-,R 1940-1941. Norl'IC:'~ IF K.:mBY GIVEK, Tha tat a rcgu 1ar session of the COmJ:Ylis sion of The Ci t:t of Bozeman held on t))G 19t11 da;' of ,Tl1ly, 1941, Commission Rerlution No. 499 was d1Jly passed and a 'iopted; tha t said Co:tT'.mis sian Resol'! tion No. 499 levies and asses ~:es a special as S0S s- men t of taxes upon certain properties in The Ci ty of Boz om81' for the year 1941 to defrs y the cost of re~oval of snow for the year 1948-1941. 1J.'t.at sald Commis~3ion Resolution No. 499 is no',", onf'ile in the office of the C1erJ.-c of the COP1ndssion of said City of Bozo!nan subject to inspection of all persons interested for a period of five (5) days, by any per20D interested; that Friday the 25th, day of July, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.V., of said day at a regular session of the Commission of 'The City .' .". of Bozeman, CO!"1rnission Room, City Hall Building, has been designated as trIe time ar:d place I when and where said CommlsfOion will hear and pa~s up~n any and al] objections that may be r;;.ade to the final passage and !'J:~]option of said Commission Resolution NO.4;:'iC!,. and the levyinG of said assessment; and thnt said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said reglllar sesidon of said CommlsC"lon, subject to such corrections and amendments as may be made upon objections made and filed within five days limit as provided by law. u.....____._n.___._____ .._____.___ .. t82 Da ted this 19 ttl, da y of Jul:l, 1941. fJlt~ ,/ / , n' .. -.' / __ . ;..' .~. .,....-;. ( / .S< / . -..-': __//. e';"..../ .., . ./ . , . _ ~ -c.--<~:I....~_..' ...-(.. .0-.. Clerk of the Com.nlis sian State of Montana ) ( ss I County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Sbadoan, Clerk of t}.~e Comm:IS8iO= of the City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice in Re, Commission R~solution No. 499, was publ:tzhed at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. a newspaper of feneral circula tioD printed and published In saId City in the i~3S1Je 0" July 19th, 1941, and tl18t CL1J.e proof is on file in my office. 11>"- 1"1nnJJ"('S Ufl:cT.'"CT.'OP I II t t h.' " ff. tt 1 f -P.p. tt'i i." J.l'....'.",) n.IL.'IL', "~I .ereun 0 se my. ana ana a ...lX ,.,e sea 0 my oJ.J.lce L S 21st day of Jul:y-, 1941. off{ J't~~fs~~~"-=~J State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin) I, I,. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoIng Resoltlt:lon No. 499 was published by ti tIe and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspRper of general circlJle.tion printed and publishsd in sald City in the issue of July 27th, 1941, and tha t due proof is on file in my office. In V\JITN""!':3::~ WHT<:REOP 1H!':WTlN'IO set my hand and at'fix tl~e seal of my office this 22,th day of J1Jly, 1941. I ~J~? ~ ~/ ,~~~ ~~~~~~-~~~~q-[;/-- I