HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 498 Maintenance of Parkings, Year 1941 -- - -f7G COTOHSSIOl': RESOLU'l'IO}\T NO. 498 A RESOLUTIOK OF T??~ CO\~:"ISSION O'Li' TH!i: CITY OF' BOZ::;~,.tAN LEVYIRG AND ASSESSING A SFCIAL ASSE3S~JlT'1'.TT OF' ~PAX}<~S UrON ALI, rJllT:: PORFFmTY IT: SFiCI!\L IjVPROVE!,..~TCNT DISTRICr:I'S OF' THE CITY OF BOZ2~i'AN, COUNTY OF Gi\:-JL.ATn:, ST.,~TE OF' l,m1\ir:I'ANj\, 1-.'OR THE T{AINT;.<;NANC OF PARIGXGS TO DEFRAY TIm COST OF I/;\IN-T UKIKG TIn~ _Fj~RI\.INGS WITHIN SA10 SPEC L\L IMTROYr~~;\iTr:NTS DISTRI,jr:I'S OF THE CITY OF BOZ!~MAN FOR TIm YEAR 1941. WEI:l:REAS, t~e City Council and the Commisslon of The City of Boz,eman have heretofore duly and rcg1Jl::;r1y passed council an Comrnission Resolutions creating special improvement districts wi thin The Ci.tY... of Bozeman, def:lning the b01mdaries thereof and prOViding~Or I the maintenance of parkin~s therein, and for the assessment of the cost of mBintalnln~ the parkings as set forth in Resolutions her(;~inafter referred to; and WHEREAS, the parkinp'.,s wi thi.n the boundaries of said Spec:i.al Improvement Districts ....,., have been cared for and amintained during the year 1941 as contempla ted in said Resohltions, in accordance with terms and COTIcH ttons ther eof; and WJI~;Rr'~AS, sald Special Improvement Districts for the maintenance of parkings and th.e Resolutions crea ting the same, the total fr:mtage or the area, of the propert'l wi thln said districts to be assessed, the total cost of sold mai.ntenance wi thin said di::::triGts and the amount chargeable to the propert' therin is hereinaft,~r set fortb. NOW THEREFORe:, plJ.rsuan t to the provls ions of Sec tion 5242, Poll tical Code, R. C · ;,~. 19 :.',5, and sa id Co')ncil and Comm:is'don Reso lu tions cren_ting sald Spec:') a 1 I..:.rovement DIs- tricts, and providing for the maintenance thereof; BE IT RESOLVED ~:'~NT) IT 31 I-E':REBY ORDb~mm B"Y. THl"': COfP,ilI :::::':JION 0.'" 'I'BT'; CFl'Y 01" BOZEM4N, STATE OF MONTANA: Section 1. 'Tlhat for the ye:,1r 1941 The City of Bozeman has defrayed tj-le cost ($27.0.30) or maintenance of parTrings in the several Special Improvement Districts, pursuant to Reso- I lutio's creatIng the sam2:, and that the entire cost thereof, the total number of linear feet, or area, of property to be assessed, an'I the rate per linear or square foot, is as follows, to-w't: Ma"ntenance of Parking District No.6, created by Co'mcil Resolution No. 306 on ~outh Willson Avenue from Babcock Street to Colle~e Street, a total fr~ntage of 4355.37 linear feet, the sum of $398.81, at an approximate-rate per front foot of .~0157. 'II!;aintenance of Parking District No. 16, created by Cou!}cil Resolution No. 356, Babc0ck Street from Dleck Avenue to Tracy Avem18, a total area of 93773 SQuare feet, the SUM of $27.57, at an approximate rate p~r square foot of $0.000294. . ;.~aintenance of Parking Dis tric t No. 17. cren ted by Council Resolu tion No. 355, Grand Avenue from B8bcock Street to ColLciTe Strect, a total area of 581481 square feet, t.t:e sum of $251.83, at an Hpproximate rate p~~r square foot of $0.000433. - Maintenance of Parking Distr:lct No. 1,9, created by Co'mcil Resolution No. 357, Tracy Avenue fro~n Babcock Street 10 Dickerson Street, a 1Ital aroa, of 457782.2 square feet, the sum of ~140.22, at an approximate rate per square foot of ~0.OOJ3063. Maintenance of Parking District No. 31, created by Council Resolution No. 385, Black Avenue fro~Babcock Street to College Street, a total area of 267893 square feet, the sum of $272.42, at an approximate rate per square foot of $0.0010169. Maintenance of Farking DistriGt No. 45, created by Council Resolut10t No. 432, Eighth Avenue from Koch Street to Dickerson Street, a total area of 66000 square feet, the sum of $52,45, at an approximaterate per s~uare foot of $0.0007947. 1,~ah1 tenance of Parkins Dis tr.i. c t NO.. 48, crea t,,;d ..bY Connc 11 Resolution No. 435, Eigh th I Avenue from Main Street to Koch Street, a total area of 116104 squarefe't, the sum of $140.34, a t an approxima te ra te per sql1are foo t of $0.00 .2Of37 · Maintenance of Parking District No. 50, crea ted b~l Council Resolution No. 474, Third Avenue fro~Story Street to Cleveland Street, a total area of 378774 sqllare feet, trJe sum of $164.19, at an approximate rate per sqllare foot of $0.0004335. T'.~aintenance of Parklng District No. 52, created by Co'mc1l Resolution No. 476, Babcock ~treet from FiftJ-1 Avenue to Eighth Ave!~.ue a total area of 174600 square feet, the sum of $80.00 ~t an approximate rate per snuare foot of $0.0004582. ~5ain tensnce of Parking Dis tric t No. 57, crea ted by Connc il Resolution !'To. 529, Cl eve- land Street from Willson Avenue to Seven th Avenue, a total frontage of 3182 linear feet, tho 811m of $~J,39.90, at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.075392. . -- 1'17 Ioi:ain tenance of Parkins: Dis trIc t No. 68, crea ted by Council Resolution No. 539, Willson Avenue from College Street to Cleveland Street, a total frontage of 1260 linear feet, the sum of $115.91, at an approximate rate per front foot of 10.091992. Maintenance of Parking District No. 72, created by Council Resolution No. 564, College Street from Grand Avenue to Seventh Avenue, a total area of 515294.7 square feet, the sum of $197.49, at an approxim8te rate per Snuare foot of $0.0003833. Maintenance of Parking District No. 77, cr(~ated by Council Resbution No. 576,,=ighth Avenue from Dickerson Street to Harrison Street, a total frontage of 1971 linear feet, the I sum of $117.97, at an approximate rate per fr,::mt foot of ~~0.059853. Maintenance of Parking DiRtrict No. 26, created by Council Resolution No. 620, south side of Story Street f. ..rom Sixth Avenue to Ei tho th Avenue, and both si;:ies Six th Avenue from :3tory Stree t to Colle51'e Street, a t dBl fron tags of 2426.2 linear feet, the sum of ;jp148. 58, at an approximRte rate per front foot of $0.06124. r',:aintenance of l'arking "Jistrict No. 107, cr"ated by Council Resolution No. 658, East Story Street, a total frontape of 70 linear feet, the sum of ~6.08, at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.J868~7. J\~aintenance of Parking Distr:i.ct No. 114, created by Council Resolution No. 722, west side Grand ~vEmue fro~ College Street to Arthur Street, a t9tal frontage of 930 linear feet, the sum of $71.07, at anapproximate rate per front foot of ~0.07642. Main tenanc e of Parking Dis tric t 1'To. 117, cre a tad by Counc il Resolution ]1:'0. 7l~:', 'l'rac y Avenue from Dickerson Street to College Street, a total frontare of 1348.2 lInear feet, the 4,' ,- 1+.- sum of ~62.35, at an approximate rate per front foot of 10.04428. ~.1aintenance of Parking District No. 151, created by Council Resolution No.-SIO, east side Piftb Avenue from Olive Street to Koch Street, atotal area of 111189.06 square feet, the sum of '34.64, at an approximate rate per square foot of $0.0003115. Maintenance of Parking District 1'-:0. 189, created by COl:mcil Resolution No. 1004, east side Grand Avenue from College Street to Arthur Street, a total fr0ntage of 930 linenr feet, the sum of $71.07 at an appr;ximate rate per front foot of $0.07642. . Vaintenance of Parking District No. 256, crpated by COID..'T.lssion Resolution No. 69, Sixth Avenue, Cleve Ian \ to Garfield Street, a total fr'mtage of 1362 linear feet, the sum of $97.93, at an acproximate rate per front foot of $0.0719. T/aintenance of Parking District :Ko. 301, created by Commie'sion Resolution No.331, Sixth .1 a."d Seventh Avenues between Harrison and Cleveland. street....... an. d on the south side of ITarrison Street between Sixth and Seventh Avenues, a total frontage 1456 linear feet, the sum of $89.48, at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.082665. Section 2. That to defray the cost of Maintena~ce of Parkinccs within said Special Improvement Districts for the year 1941, there be, and there :1s hereby levied and assessed a tax upon all the propert7 in front o~ and borderjnc on said Special ImprovemEnt Districts as set fortJ:-l in SchbdlJle One to Twenty-one inclusive, hereto attached and made a part hereof; that a partic';lar description of eact' lot and parcel of land with the name of the o\vner and the sum assessed against him or it, is set forth ir. assessment lists her.'!to attached, marked"Schedules One (1) to Twenty-one (21)" and made a part thereof; that the several sums set opposite the names of the owners and the described lots and parcels of land be, and the same a:'::'e tlsreby levied and assessed upon and against said lots and parcels of 1,:3.nd; th,t the several 81JmS be collected from the respecti ve owners of said lots and parcels of land described in the said assessment lists, Schedules One (1) to Twenty-one (21) inclusive, as reqll ired by law; t):;8 t said SlJmS sr..,ll be pa id and the co 118c tion thereof sha 11 be msde in tbe manner and in accorclance w1UI the law governing the collection of Special Improve- Tr,ent taxes; ths.t fall1Jre to pay 8ucb asseS2ments when same shall become due and payable I s::~all make sl)ch person a TIC! such lots and parcels of land liable to the pena 1 ties providecl by law relDtive to delinnuent taxes. Sec tion 3. Tha t the regulAr so ,3 c1jon of the Commis:,:' ion of The Ci ty <:;f Boz eman to be .", held on the 25th day of J1.11y, 1941, A. .0., at the Commission Chamber, City Hall BuIlding be, and. the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objectiors to the.') Cinal 2.':.::.option () C' tbls TIc:",olutlor 'f,-ill ',)0 l':e,'rc:, 1)~, t:c'~ 00'lm:;e;:;:Lon. ---" . 17R Section 4. Tha t tbe Clerk of tree Commis s i on be, Bnd he is herpby ordered and dir- ected to publish in tho Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a dally newspap~r, [Tinted and published in the s81d Ci ty of Bozeman, a notice sic;ned by the Clerk of the Commis ::,'lon, and s ta tlng that a resolution levyIng a specinl assessment of taxes to defrHY the cost of maintenance of parkings in the said Special Improvement Districts for the year 1941, ls on f:i.le in tbe office of the Cler1{ of the Comm:i.ssion, subj ec t to inspection for a period of five days; I that said notice shall state the t:ime and place a t which ob .lea tions will be heard by the Commission to the final adoption o!:' this Resolution; that it sba11 be publ1shed at least five days before the date set by the Commission for hearinE~ objections, and the flnal adop- tion of this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Connnis ,i on of The Ci ty of Bozemrm a tare gular meeting of said Commis:",:ion on the 18th day of July, 1941. At. te s t :.. r.i" U~~-d'_~,/- ~~ C1erkof the Commhsion - 1- ua 'TO r Finally passed and adopted by the Commis sion of The ~it,. of Bozeman a tar 'g"lar meeting of sa:td Commisr:'ion on t.lle 25trl day of July, 1941. Attest: /~~ ,1aJor tn J k of the Cornmis 2ion NOT I C 1~ I i!J IITi:ARIlITG , "S'INPIL ADOPTIOI\i COT"':'IS:";I01\r R"CSOLU'I'IOl\ NO. 4S;8 LI':VYIHG ASSESL)!,\'NT 0=-' COST OF i\~i\IN'1\E](J\NCE OF PARKING,:" IN SPb:CIAL HtPROVEMENT DI::::,THICTS FOR 'l'EE .YEAR 1941 NOTICE IS W;;R~:'BY GI']E~T, That at a regular session of tte Commission of' The City of Bozeman hele on t.he 18t:J day of July, 1941, Commission Resolution No. 498 was dul:' passed and a cloptec1; the t said Commi sslon Resolution No. 498 levies and assesses a special assess- ment of taxes upon all tbe property in Special Improvement :;)istricts of sai"L City to defray the cost of !\~a:7.ntAnance of Parldnrs within said Special Improvement Districts for the year 1941. 'Jl18 t the Spec:tsl Improvement Dietricts and the Heso11Jtions creating tl,e sm-ne, and the amount of the BPsessments are 8S follows: Ma in tenence of Parking Amoun t of District No. Resolution No. Asses~.,ment 6 306 q!~ 398.81 '!I' 16 356 27.57 17 355 2[)1.83 18 357 140 .22 31 385 272.42 45 432 52.45 48 435 140.34 50 474 164.19 52 476 80.00 57 529 239.90 I 68 539 115.91 72 564 197.49 77 576 117.97 86 620 148.58 107 658 6.08 114 722 7}.07 117 719 62.35 151 810 34.64 189 1004 71.07 256 69 97.93 301 331 89.48 Tot.al ;~ 2780.30 That, said Commis ~'ion Resolution No. 498 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commis ~don of the sald Ci ty of Bozeman snb "ec t to in npec tion for a priod of five (5 ) -....- 17~) daY8, by any person interested; t.he t. Frida;7 t'be 16 t.' day of Au/gust, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock :- u of said day a t a rC7V1ar session of the COffi'l111s2ion of The 01 t~T of Bozem'1D, Commis- J. ~ ...\_ . , sion Chamber, Ci ty Hall Builcling, has been designated as tr~e time and place wne:t and where said Commis<jDD will hear and pass upon any a~d all objections that may be made to trle f~nal passage and adoption of said Commis sion ResohJ tioD No. 498 and the 1ev~ring of said I assessment; and that, said Resolution will be f:i.nally passed and adopted at sald regular session of said Commisc'ion, subject to such corrections and amendments as may be made upon objections made and filed wi th:tn the five days limit as provided by law. All persons interested are referred to the sever81 Council and Connnission Resoll)tiorns creatlng tbe af'roesaid Speci[~l Improvement Distric ts, defining tbe boundaries thereof and providing for the assessment of the cost of said Maintenance of parkings. Po r fur ther particulars, all of said Re solu tions beirg on file in the office of the Clerk of the Com- mission of The City of Boz8En~, 8 t the City Hall of said Cit~, and subject to the inspection of all interested parties. Dated this 19th day of July, 1941. L~A~ Clerk of the Commission Sta te of J.Ton tana ) ) ss Co'mty of Galla tin ) I, L. G. Sr:adoan, Clerk of trJJComrris s ion of The City of Bozemsn do hereb~ certify that I the foregoing Notice in Re. Commisdon Rero lution 1('0. 498, was published a t length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle: a newspaper printed and published in s a ill City, on the 19th da:! of July, and thnt due proof is on file in my offi ce. In ViITVESS V111F:mWF I Hereunto set m-:T hand and affix the seal of my office this 218 t day of ,July, 1941. State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallstin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commis ~ion do hereby cerUfy thE{ t the foresoing Ordi- nance No. 498 was publ1sbed by ti tIe and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspe.per of general CirC1Jla tion prin' eel andplJblished in said C1 ty in the issue of July 27 tL, 1941, and tha t dlJe proof is on file in Yi'y of fice. IN ',VITl\;'SS IT;."~i:REOF I lr<R;';Ul~TO set my band aDd aff'ix the seal of my office tl-=-is 28th day of ,July, 1941. I ':--;r\J COrnn1isf;~ion .---: