HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 496 Mayor and Clerk to Execute Contract of Lease --.-.....----"'. -171 COMl.~ISSICN RIi: so LurrI 01: NO. 496 A RESOLU'TIOI'; OI~ 'TIlE C01\:I"nSSIOK OP 'l'UE CI'IY OB' BOZEI'IlA.l:-, MOlJTJUJi\. , AUnIOR- IZHTG THE 1,:P" yon i\llD '1'EI; CL sm: 01<' THE CITY CO I,nn S:31 Olr rm 1:':",{ECUT~ AND DE- LIVEn. ON DEHALI" OF 'I'1m CI'1"1" A. COl;TnAC'1' O]:i' LEASE '.H 'I'l' ~,:ON'l'ANA ARh~ORY DOARD POrt TEJ; US;~ DY TH.2; CI'l''\{ ()bl T:F-JE l\Hi.WHY IIO'n IN COU HS~ 01" CONS TRUC rrI Ol~ BY SAID APJ::ORY DO/\.RD IK 'l.'l-n~ or rrY OF BOZ'~T.;Ai;, lWNTA 1J1\ 0 Preanble I 'i'.'IER8AS, Mon tan a Armory Eoa rd, a body politic and corpora to of 'l'11e State of Mon tana, purS11."1 nt to the power and au thori ty conferred upon 1t b:r law, is ere c tinr; an armory bu ildiDi'! in The City of 130z oman and, also as authorized by 1m'!, ha s pro po sed to the City Commis sion of The City of Bozeman tl1a t s aid C it Y lease said armory when it is completed and ready for use, for a period (If twen ty-fi ve (25) ye ars from and I",fter its cOr.1ple tion Imd acceptance by said Armory Board; and VJIlE HE AS , The Ci ty Commis sion having cons 1dered said proposal in detail and af ter such considera t1 on bel leves it would be for the interes ts of the City and 1 ts inhabi tants tha t i t ma ke Sl1 ch a,!reomen t and con trac t wi tll sald Armory Bo[{rd as authorlz ed by Chapter 122 of the Laws of the 27th Legislative Assembly of '11110 Stc'l.te of Montana, 1941, Now '1'herefore, K:<: 1'1' RESOLV~~D BY ':['Hi2: COWl'lISSIOlJ OJ.' thE CIllY 01" BOl r.J'iIAN : See tion 1. 7'1'.8 t the Ma7ror and the Clerl( of the C1 t Y C0mr.1:lS8 ion 00, and they hereby are authorized and empowered to en tor in to said con trac t wi th r,llcm tam Armory board in be- half of The City of Bozeman, Mon tana, and as its act and deed; said lease contract to be for a ter::,~ of twen ty-f1 ve :res.rs froE and 3 f' ter the co mple ti on of the armo ry , its accep- tance by said Armory Board and notice thereof to '1'he City of Boz eman; said proposed lease I contract having been submitted to th e Oi t:y Comrr;ls;. ion, carefully exrunined and cons iclered by sald 001'1:,:i82ion in rC'f:ular sessions assembled and by said Commission approved this day. Passed and adopted b7T '1'he 8ity Commission of rrhe City of Boz eman, Mon tana , in regular session assembled, this 20th day of ,June, 1941. ~ Cl rk 0 th~t~~'fs':~- S ta te of Mon ta na --~ ss Coun t:T of Gallatin I, L. r. 3had.oan, c; 1 c r k of the :"'jllt /" '" . of The C i t;T of Boz ema n do hero b:' certify ~;; . v 1. _to 'vO!'1.ir'lS S ~Lon tha t the forego ine Hesolutlon Eo. 4',;:6 was published by ti tl e and nu:r1b er in tile .30/:; 8ma n Da 11y Ghronlc le . a news }J.:'1.per of cenera 1 c ircu 18 tion prln teet and ~)ublished · od not -'..n sa l ~ v:1 y in the 1. S 811 e 0 f June 2 2nd, 1941, and th:~ t due pro of 1s on file ir myoffice. n;: .. I'l'l\E;SS VnlGHEOF I hereunto se t my hand and affix th e seal of m;r ofn.c e t:'is I 23rc1 day of J1.:me, 1941 . ;:;:~ . L ~~---?---..../. - the Cit;' COn1.'YI i s G 10n ~-