HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 523 Installments due, November 1942 . 24'7 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 523 A RESOLTJTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CI'Iry OF BOZEMAN DECLARING CEHTAIN SPECIAL AS3r'~SSjyFSNTS AND INSTALU:1ENTS Oli' SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, DUE AND PAY- ABLE NO\~MBER 30th, 1942, AND UNPAID AS OF 'I'EAT DA'fE, ANI) CERTAn,; OTHER SPECIAL ASSESSHTi:N'I'S AND INSTALUtENTS OF SPECIAL ASSESSMEwrs, DUE AND PAYABLE NOVEMB'm 30th, 1942, AND UNPAIV, DELINQUENT, AS PROVTJED BY ORDI- NANCE NO. 594, ENTITLED: It AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TIiE COLLECTION OF TAXES xx xxxx xx, AND THE COLLECTION OF SFECIAL ASSESSMEN'I'S, xx xxxx, It I AND Sf~CTION 5251, POLITICAL COliE, R.C.T,I. 1935. WHERl,:AS : I ~lr8uant to the provisions of Section 10, Ordinance Eo. 594, en ti tIed: II AN ORDINANCE rROVIDDTG FOR TITT'; COLLECTIOl:: OF 'I'AXES xx xxx x , AND POR TEI~ COLLECTION OF SPI:CIAL ASSr~S:s!,r;GI';TS II xx xxxx X , the Director of Finance has prepared and filed with the Commission of The City of Bozeman a report showing the special assessments and installments of special assessments, due and payable November 30th, 1942, and unpaid as of that date; and II The Commission having exaMined said report marked Sched111e II A" , and III The Commission of The City of Bozeman deems it necessary and proper, in order that the interests of The City of BozemAn and those persons holding Special Improvement District Bonds of the several Improvement Districts wherein special assessments are unpaid, as herein set for th , shAll be properly protected, thet all such special assessments and/or insta11- mnnts of such special assessments. which are unpaid, as herein set forth, and all such I special asseSR~ents And/or installments of S11Ch special assess~ents, which are dve and pa :;ra ble, shall be declared delin~uent, and certified to the County Clerk and Recorder and the Count~T Treasurer of the C01mty of Galla tin for collec tion as other delimment tax e s , and that the property and/or properties may be sold the same as other property is sold for tax e s ; NO \i1 , rI1H~~R';'.',;I1'OR-s , BE IT RESOLV;';::J )3"}T TI-t~ COMinS IOK OI<' THE CITY OJ<' BOZEMAN: Section 1. That all special assessments and installments of special assessments, due and payable November 30th, 1942, and unpaid as of that date, as set forth, in Schedule II AI' her0to attached and made a part hereof, be and the same are hereby, declared delinquent; See tion 2. '1'ha t the Dire~tor of Finance be, and he is hereby directed to certify all special assessments and installments of special assessments, delinauent, as herein provided and as shown by said IISchednle "A", to the County Clerk and Recorder and County Treasurer (''\ of the liounty of Gnllatin for collection as other delinquent taxes, as provided by law; See tion 3. 'rh '1 t wi tt\in ten (10) days from and after the filing of said certificate, as afore sa i '-', the Director of Finance shall ~lblish in one issue of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a Notice as provided by Section 13 of said Ordinance No. 594; I Sec tion 4. ThAt the County Treasurer shall proceed to th.e collection of all special assessments and/or Install~ents of special assessments, as set forth in said Schednle itA"; tha t the same 811811 be spread upon the delinquent tax list of the County of Galla tin for the year 1942, and the same shall be collected as other delinquent taxes; and tha t in case the same are not paid, then the whole property or properties shall be sold the same as other property or properties is sold for taxes; ----....----."...- ~248 Section 5. That the said special assessments and installments of special assess- men ts , delinquent as herRin set forth, shall be collected by the County TreastJrer of the County of Galla tin as provided by Sections 2169 and 2237, and Section 5251, Political Cod e , R.C.TiT. 1935. Section 6. That the Director of Finance, under the direction of the City Mana~er, shall a ttend a t the time and place of the sale of property for delinquent taxes, as pro- I vided by Section 15 of said Ordinance No. 594; Section 7. 'I'ha t a copy of this Resolu tion, together with Schedule itA" attached and made a part thereof, shall, on or before the lOth day of December, 1942, be flIed VIlth the County Clerk and Recorder and the County Treasurer of the Cmmty of Galla tin; See tion 8. '1'ha t attached tllereto and made a part thereof shall be a certificate of the Director of Finance as provided by Section 12 of said Ordinance No. 594; Passed and adopted by the CommIssion of The City of Bozeman at a reg1Jlar session thereof held on the 4th day of December, 1942 . Attest: a~~_ ~~~~~~~ Mayor Cl erl{ of the Commission C E R T I FIe ATE ------------ I, Walter Davis, the &)ly appointed, Qualified and Acting Director of Finance of The City of Bozeman do h8reb~- certify that the withi~ and foregoing is 8 true and correct copy of Commission Resolution No. 523, passed and adopted by the Commission of The City I of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 4th day of December, 1942, and tha t attached thereto and made a .part thereof, marked Schedule "A", is a true and correct list of all clelin'iuent special asses~ments and installments of special assesS'11ents, due and owing The City of Bozeman, as of the 30th day of November, 1942, at 6 P.~l!. Tha t this certificate and the Schedule "A", hereto attached, are made pursuant to and conform with, Sec tion 12, of Ordinance No. 594, of The City of Bozeman, Mon tana. IN ~'JITNESS VnTEREO"F' I have hereunto set my haml this 5th da;: of December, 1942. WALTZR DAVIS (Signed) Director of Fina~ce State of Montana ) ) ss County of Galla tin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Cl"crk of the Commission of '1'he City of Bnzoman do hereby certify tha t the forego ing Commis s lon Resolu tion No. 523 was published by ti tle and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circlJ1ation printed and published in said Ci ty in the is Sll e of Decembe r 10 th, 1942, and that due proof is on file in my office. IN WITNES23 Wl-rEREaF I herelmto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 11th day of December, 1942. I ~ .' erK: of the Commtssion Rp'solution No. 523