HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 522 Removal of Noxious Weeds ~244 COK~ISSION RESOLUTIOS NO. 5:'32 f\ Rl':SOLU'I'IO:nOF rr'Tr,~ COI:-"LL'rm- OF' 'n:!:; cr'l'''{ OF' T302 'I" ,.'1, '~" I L,:.,~',,; v":r:::.N"(} j\~J ,:J .P~ 5S LD S :;;.I]\J G. li .i. .\.,' .,. , SP;I~CI AL A s~;r;~~; :S~TT~~N l' OS' '1'1IX[';S UPON C!':R'1'1\1:' PEOF:mfJ'Il;~) HI TL.::~ CIT') OIl' Bm~:i\'ii~h, COUN'rY OI" GALLi\'['lN, Srl' 'I'r'~ OP HONTAJ"T.\, 'PO DEFRhY TIlE co~:;rl' OP I';;CL':-:nr,TN,~'IION AND Ri,:T,OVAL OF NOXIOUS Vr:~EDS FOR TEE YEi\R 1942 pUESU,UTT TO TIE:; PRO'IlSIONS OF ORUIlJANCE NO. 428 EYTI'rLr;D: II AN ORDINANCE DEFINING A:UD PROVIDING T"OR 'rT-rlD }iUNISliMEI!rr ANiJ ABA '1'}~T'.:ENT OF' C1;<~RTAIN I'iUrSANCES. II VJrIF~RT~AS , The City Council of ThB City of Bozeman heretofore duly and rep;ularly passed OrdinAnce No. 428, en ti tIed: I II AN ORDIJ'!./\NCI';Ofi:PTHTNG AN I) }'POVIDU,10 ':"OH 'THI? PUNI;;Hl;ENT A1TD !',I3J\'l'r~~.ml)'r OF' C,':RT A n~ InJISl\l:C~'~S", and \\rlr};::r~,':":~./\ 3 , Section 5030.82 R.C.~. 1935, provided the Citv or Town Council has power to declare And de tcrr":t.ne wha t V8,(!8 ta tion wi thin the Ci ty or rrov'm shnll b" noxiOlls weeds, and to provide the manner in which thp,y sholl be exterm:tn8tecl, and to require the owner or owners of An;: property within s8ic1 City or 'rown, to ex term:Lno. te or remove noxious weeds from their premises, ano tIle one-half of any road or street Ivin~ next to tbe lands or .. '.' '.. boulevard .."butting thereon, and. to provide, in the event the owners or owner of an y 0 f said premises ne~lect to extprminn te or remove the noxious weeds therefrom, for Ie v;Tlnr: the copt of such extorminAtion or removal as special assessment agai,nst the property; and r!IIER BAS, o\vners of premises in said City have neglected to exterminate and remove noxious weeds therefrom dvring the yeA l' 1942, and '1'he City of bozeman, pursw:ult to Sec- tion 5039.82 R.C.V. 1935, and Ordinance No. 428, have exterminated and removed noxious weeds from the premises of said O1.vners ant1 the to ta 1 cost of the extermination and re~oval thoreof is cbo.rp;eable to the property as hereinafter sst forth, pursuen t to provisions of said Section 5039.82, Poli tical Code, Ft.C.T./r.. 19 35 , and said Ordinance No. 42H; I m~ IT R;~;)OLV!';D ,\1'1T) IT IS Irm':BY cm:},m:~D BY 'I'11J'; Cm/~':IS(',TOT' OF Tm'~ Crrry OF BOZE~{AN, srI" rI'E OF l,rCF'T'f\NA: Section 1. Th8 t durinr: trIo yo 8. r 1942, Tho City of Bo~oman h8s exterminated and r8n1oved noxiolJs weech! from properties in 'llhe City of Bozeman and defrAyed the cost the r e- of as set forth in Gchedule hereto attached and made a part hereof. SeG tion 2. That to defrAY the cost ( ~;!!l21 .00 ) of extcrrnina ting and rcv!j'oinp' said noxIous weeds from said premises as set forth in said Schedule, hereto attached and made a part hereof, for the year 1942, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax afain~t said property as set forth in said schedule, hereto attached and made a part hereof; tha t a particular descriptIon of each lot and parcel of land wi tb the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it is set forth in assessment list hereto attached ms.rked "Schedllle Oneil and made a part hereof; that the several 3ll ros set opposite , the names of the owners and the descr~ption of the lots and p3rcels of lands be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed l1pon nnd a~ainst said lots and parcels of lAnd; that the several 81.1"'".3 be co lle c ted fro11'] the respec ti ve owner s of said 10 ts and parco Is of lands described in said assessment list, If Schschl1e Oneil, as required by law; the t saiel S',lms sball be paid and the collection theroof shall be MAde in the manner and in accordance I with the law governln~ the collec tiot, of speciAl improvement taxes; tha t failure to pa y such assessrrents when same shall become due and payable s hall make 811Ch person and such lots and parcels of lAnd liable to the penalties provided by the law ro13tive to de- lin'1lJent taxes. Sec tion 3. Tha t the re,17l11e r session of the Commis d on of The Oi t'l of Doz em an to be held on the 2fjth day of September, 19 42 , at tbe C omr>' is ,c, io, Room, City ITa 11 Huidl:i.ng, be 2~~. ....,J and the same is heroby Jesi~nnted as the time and place at which ob.iections to the final adoptlon of tb1_s Resolution will be heard by the Commission. Section 4. Th'l t the Clerk of the Commission be and he is hereby ordered and directod to publish in the Boz anum Di81y Chronicle, a daily newspaper, print ed and published in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission, s t" tinp: tIT" t a I resolution levyln~ an assessment of taxes to defray the cost of exterminating and removing noxious weeds from certain properties in The City of Bozeman for the year 1942 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commis s1 or:, au b .1 0 c t to inspection for a period of five da Y8 ; thAt said notice shall st.<1te tIle time and place at which ob.iect~ons will be heard by the Commisnion to the final adoption of this Resoln tiOJ;1; that it shall be ptlblishod at least five days before the da te set by the Commission for hearin~ of objections, and - the final adoDtion of this Resolution. F'rovisionaLL~T passed b'" the ComJ"1is aim, of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 18th day of September, 1942. ~ ----- . ~~~~ Clerk of tho Commie rdon --~- Ma yor Finally passed by the Commission of 'rho Ci t:' of Bozeman a t a reVlllar session thereof held on the 25th day of Septembr;r, 1942. I Attest: L4~ l'T:a)ror a~ Cler,\: OJ. the "omnllSSJ_On NOT I C ::: ------ W:ARIT'IG, ?nLU.J ;\~) OlH['1 ()j~: CO r"',tI S;:}ON R:~;::;oLUT10T! NO. 522, u':VYnrn SY::;C 1AL ASS_';SSl':m'T '}'c T}:.~F'Rt"Y 'TIS CO:,T OF CX'I':'RMUT'I'['ING M~ ,) Rt~~,ffOVING ]\JQXI OU~ ~n;~DS or C;::RT:~IN I'ROP"'RTIES IN TILE C IT' OF' I30[:~l'r/\]\J FOR THE YiEI\.H 1942. NOTICE IS U<REBY Given, ~h9t at a repular session of the Commisr'ioD of 'l'}--JO Oi ty of Bozeman held on the 18th da;' of September, H142, Commission Resolution No. 522 was duly passed and adopted; that said Comn:ission Resolution No. 522 levies and assesses a special assesr;Yr'cnt of taxes upon certain properties in The City of Bozeman for the ~Te ar 1942, to defray the co~'t of exterm:tnnt:inq; and removing noxious weeds for t.he year 1(\42. Tha t , said Commission R solution No. 522 is now on file in the office of the Clerk " of the Commission of sald Cit~! of T) sllb:iect to inspection of all Dorsons in t.eres ted ')0 zeman for a p8r~od of five ( 5 ) c1 a ys , b;r an y per~lOn in terested; that P'riday the 25th da y of I September, 1 C) 42 , at 7:30 o'clock P.v., of said day 8. t a r"r:l1lar sess:~on of t,-:c Corr'J'.ission of The City of Bozeman, C i t Y TIn. 11 Bl.J :i 1 d i nr; , has boen de s :to'n a ted. as the time and place when and Vllhorc said Comn:tssion will hear and pass upon any and all ob,jections the t ma y be )'Yiacle to tJ:c f~nal passap'o enrl adoption of said Comn'is,~ion Eesolution No. 522 anci the lev''-inlY of saId DsseS8~'e?lt: th [1 t , said Resolution will be finally passed anJ adopted at saId rc:r:rular sesnion of s'Jid Comn-isc-ion, subejct to such corrections and amendmentr; 3S may be made upon obioctiors made and filed within the five da ;TS 11mi t as providod by law. C01'":'m13:cJ. on R" 8'0111 tioD No. "-00 I.) t..... G . 24l) Da ted this 19 tJl ctq y 0 f SeptoT'"bpr, 1942. L~~-~--~ Clsrl{ of the COlnmission S bJ te of LT:on tana ) I ) S8 County of Gallatin ) I, L. n.. SI'.F1 doan, Clerk of the COr>1miA f:'ion of 'rhe vi t;T of B07.erran do hereby certif-::F th8 t the fOr89:01nr: Commi 3 S ion 1(1." S olu tion No. 522 Notice Wi1S publisned at lenccth :1n the Bozeman ~In_il:r Cbronlcle a nevI3n8p.-'r of ~ener8l circllla tion pr:ln toc] and publisr:ed in 3D iel C:_ ty in the 18811e of September 20th, 1 ~\ 42 , and th8 t (be proof is on fi Ie :lnm;r office. IF WIn~ESS Wr"':':1\EOF I h.oreun to set my hand and affix the seal of ~;r office this 21st day of ~l:petrrber, 1042. L~: .- .=~ Clerk of the Commission St-: tc of rFontana ) ) ss County of Gqllatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing, Commission Resolution No. 522 waspublished by title and nunber in the Bozeman ~aily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and mlblished in sa 1=: City in the issues of SeDtember 27th, 1942, and that &1e proof is on file in MY office~ I IN VnTI\L~;:;S l:-fiGRI,;OP I herellD to set my hand and affix the seal of my office tlJis 30 th ds y of ~)epteynb8r, 1\142. D~- Cler1( of the Commis :~ion I Heso1ution Nf'\. 522.