HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 521 Garbage Collection ~!4l cmn.nSSIOK RESOLUTIOn NO. 521 !I. RESOLT'TION OF THE cm:~,:IS::ION 01<' rpHE CITY OF BOZ r~i,'1l\.1~ , MUr~b'\NA LE\TYING AND ASST~3SING A SFECI/',.L\SSI~:Sm,1"::t-!'11 OF rpAX:CS 'UPON ALL REAL PROPr,:R'l'Y IN rrIm CITY OF 802",;",';\K, COUNTY o I" GALLN1'IN, S'I'ATE OF MOWL'ANA, SERVICED AW) FRN': 'iflITCH GARBJ\G-E \;A3 COLLL:C'1'i~D ANi) n::';Ti'O\':~D.:nRnrG rITfli: j'T:<::AR 1942, ']'0 DEFRAY THE COST AND EXPENSE OF' COLLECTING MeD DISPOSIFG OF GABBAGE lJIFJER 'l'BE FHOVIS10NS OF On;)I1L\l'fCE NO. 696 OB' THE Cr'I'" OF' BOZ~~~:A1'1. I V1HEREAS, The City Commission of The City of Bozeman did on the (:.:th day of Januar:r, 1940, duly Rnd r0F"ularly pass urdinance No. 696, en ti tled: "AN ORT)n~,'\ l\TCE .'YCPITHI'G (}:\nW\GE FOR Tlr: FURPO[)ES OF TITI S ORD n: AN CE ; l;nOVIDIKG FOR '1'1:;;: COLLT';CTTOF ^N'):)ISPO~nTION TTrrm!<:OF BY AN:) TTNDTm 'l'IiE SUJ);]\VISION AND CONTROL 01" 'rrm l);<;PAHTT/!l<:rJ'r OF FTH)LIC \'.'T~LTi'ARF; AN 1::- Ii'OR DE:;'RAYTNG TUE COST OF SFCH COLLT'~C'I'ION A}ID IHSFOSITIOT\j BY SPECIAL ASSESSI,TEKT AGAINSrl' TIIS PROi):;~nTY TO \",fIrI cn 311 cn :;T<;RVICF: IS HENi)r;;RT::D, AND PROVIDING PENALTI~S FOR VIOLATION OF TITIS OR;-) HU\rrC:;: , which OrcUnance l~o. 69G passed as aforesaid is herAby referred to and made a part of this resol" tion for fl)rtber p8rticulars in respect to the basis and method of asse c:::d.np; the cost against the property hAre in assessed; anc:l , \'1) h~ERT~AS , said exr;on 2~e incu:rred b';'t said Ci t,;,' jn the colloction and disposition of gar- b8',:e in accordance wi th said Ordinance is here by est::_ma ted by the Commission of Tb.o 81 ty of Bozeman to bo the sum of Eleven Thousand Nine ty-seven Dollars and Eigh ty- two Cen ts, (:i~ 11,09'7.82) , for the year 1942, over and above all moneys collected from business and professionnl concerns, or combined residence and business, or residence and professional business concerns in accordance with said Ordinance No. 696; and, VlJ-Trl~;:J~~AS , in order to raise said sum to defray said cost, it is necessary to establish the basic unit rote as defined in said Ordinance No. 696 at Four Dollars and Forty Cents, I (;1~4.40) . ~TOvV , THI~R 'FOR";, I'TTrsuant to the provisions of said Ordinance No. 696 and the laws of the Stn.te of Vontana; :E 1'1' R:':[:~CL'\n~:D AE:) IT 12; H]~mmY OH:X:~n:;D BY TEE CO;','~'\:'ISEnO;~ 0];;' 'I'l-L: en'Y OP B()~E;';:AK, S'I'l\T:: OF I,WTTi\FA: .~ Section 1. rl'hp t to ~lefr.'" ~r the es tir.18 ted cos t and expen se of collsc ting and dis pos ing of garbaQ'e :!.n 'l'he C i t, of }3oz er.orm for tile ye 8.r 1942, tLe re is hereby levied and assessed against the property and the several lots, pieces and parcels of land thereof wi th'n 'rho City of Bozeman as set forti: in JchecllJle "A", w:Jich is attached llorato and made a part here of , a tax; tha t a parUC11lar uescription of each lot and parcel of l~~nd wi th trIe name of the owner and/or owners and the sum assessed against the same is set forth in the assess- nsnt list in said SclwcllJle "A"; that the several sums set opposite the names of said owners and the described lots and parcels of land, be, and the same hereby are levied and assessed upon FInd again8t sDid lots and parcels of land for said purpose; that the several sums be collected from the respective OVlner~ of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list and owned by tbsT'1; th"'t said S11ms shall be paid FInd the collection thereof I be made in the manner and in accordance with Ordinance No. 696 of The City of Bozeman, !,,'on tana and the laws of the State of Montana governing the collection of special improve- n;el1t tnxes; thAt fRiluro to ps~r s11c11 assessment wlJRn the same shall become due and payable shn 11 I!"--B ke such person fJnd. sllcrl lots and parcels of land liable to tho penalties provided b:' law re la ti ve to delinouent taxes. ::;Ection 2. 'l'hR t the r"rru1ar session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, ~i:on tana, to be held in the Commis s ion Chamber in the C1 ty Hall of said Ci ty on the HHh da;,.' of ~~42 September, 1942, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by said Commission. See tion 3. ~~h':i t the Clerk of the Commis~ion of The ~ity of Bozeman be, and he is hereby ordered And directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a dally newspaper pr:tnted f"'ind pub11.",12o::'1 in said City of Bozeman, a notice si~ned by the Clerk of the Com- I m:tssion, st<:;ting th8 t a 'Resolution 1evvinr: and asse~sin!7 a 8pec1.81 assessment of taxes to defray the cost and eypense of the collection and disposition of parbn~e :1.n 'rho City of Bozeman for the year 1942, Bi!ainst the property to which such service was rendered, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commis~ion, subject to inspection for a period of five days; that said notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Commission to the final adoption of this Resolution; and that said notice shall be published at least five days before the day set b;J the CommL~8ion for hearing of ob:jec- tions and the final adoption of this Resolution. Provisione.11:T passed and adopted b:.1 the Comr,issior' of The Cit~ of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 11th day of September, 1942. Attest: ~------/ t::-z-07/d~J-J CommissTOn- Tira yor (/ .-. Finally pAssed and. adopted by the Comr;t:i.s sion of The Ci ty of Bozeman a t a ro~nlar sessIon thereof held on the 18th day of September, 19 42 . Attest: 1,:ayO~~ I ~~~- .- ClerJ.{ of tile ommission N 0 'l' I C 13: ------- ]jT~/\RnjG , FINAL AIOprn 01r OP C M~GS ~nOT'T RESOLU'J'ION NO. 521, LEVYING SEPCIAL ASSESShIi:Nrr 'J10DEFR!\Y 'I'I-H'; COST OF '['Im COLLEC'rrmT AND UISIJOSrrION OF' CARBACJE FOR THE "':mi\R 1942, j\GAINST ALL FRO PERTY IN THE C I'J'Y OF BOZEMAF ~'O riJUCH SUCH SERVICE WAS RENDERED. NOTICE IS HSR;:<;J3Y caVEN, That at a rep.;ular sess:ton of the Comm:is s ion of rrrlO City of Bozeman, held on the 11th da;! of September, 1942, Corrwission Resolution No. 521, was pro- visionAlly passed and arlopted; th~t said Resolution levies and assesses a special assess- ment of taxes to defray the cost of collection and disposition of garbage in 'l'he U i ty of Boz em::u' , for Ute ye":!.r 1942, upon nl1 propert" to whicb_ ::mch service was rendered. That said Commis:::::ion ResollJtlon No. 521. is now on file in tho office of the Clerk of the Com- mission of The City of Bozeman, slJr\iect to tl1A inspectio~ of all persons interested, for B period of five da:rs; tb ,; t I"ric18;: tbe 12- tl1 d.A \T of September, 1942, 8t 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said day nt a r',!7111ar session of the Commission of The City of Doze:>:8n, in the Commi::1- I sion Room, in the City Hall B1Jildini!, has been design8ted as the time and place when and where said Commisnion will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to the final passage and adoption of said Commission Resolution No. 521 and the levying of said assessment; and that said ResollJtion will. be finally passed and adopted at said regular session of said Commis~ion, SlIb.l ec t to s ueh corrpc tions and arnendmcn ts that may be made upon objections made and filed with the Clerk of the Commission within tbe five days' limit as provided by law. Res 0111 tion Fo. 521 .....- '). "II) I ~./J t) Dated this 12th, day of Septp~ber, 1912. O<?~~ ClArk of the CommL'"sion Is b:-l to of T':ontana ) ) as County of Gallntin ) I, L. G. ShecIoan, Cler1.~ of the Commls:-'ion of the City of Bozorv'8n, doheroby certify tIle t tl-le forer:oino: CommiAslon Resolution I'Totice Fo. 521 was published at lengt.h in the I30z eman De il y Chronicle, a newsp8per a r;ener81 c irC\118 tioD prin tad and publiAhed in said 01 t;T in the is sue of Septemher 13th, H342, and. th8 t duo proof is on file :in 1Yi;F 0 ffice. Dated this 3Jth dav of September, 1942. ~ . ~-, _.,~- C erk of the Commiss:.1. on State of Montana ) ) ss County of GallAtin ) I, L. C. Shadoan, Cl-rk of the Commission of The City of Bozo~an do hereby certify tha t tho foren"oinp' COlnJ11is~1 ion R" S olu tion No. 521 was published b;i ti tIe IJnd number in the Bo?:eman Da:tl;r Chronicle, a new8Daper of r;enoral circulation printed and publislJec1 in said C:1ty in the issue of September 20tt, 1942, and that dlle proof is on filE'. i.n my office. I IN rfITNES:.-._' WE.:I-r~O:F' I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 21st day of September, 1942. cafe~ I Hesolution Eo. 521.