HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 520 Cemetery Funds ')40 ,""'- ' COTH"TIS::;IOK RFi:,SOLTF}'IOI'J NO. 520 A RESOLU'l'ION OF THE cn."'Y CO:':T'\n~;~:IO}J OF' BOZ~:T,(;,'JJ, 11O]\;TI\l~A AUTl:lORIZINC:;- 1'fIE 'l'RANSFER OP ~P1000. 00 '1'8 'rHl<; CEt::!';'I'T~RY F'nND PEON! 'rIlE 'F'UNr) F-3ALAl\JC:i;S j\JiRO- l'IUAT1':I) FOR U~)l~:DUR ING TILE y' /m ]:;;K~)ING JUNE 30, 1943, AS S~T FO?~H IN SEC- 1'ION I, ORDINANCE 719, 01<' 'l'BE SA IT) C I'['Y QIj' BOZ!':T':;AN, I,ION']' ANA. WlIEHEAS, The C1 ty of /3ozeman is !"Bklng certain improvements to the administration bl1ildinp' in Sunset Hills Cemetery subse~uent to and :Ln connection with the cons tnlc tion of the said buildinp; under con trac t entered in to on the 11th day of .July, 1941; said I improvements to include the heating plant and the interior decoration of the s trlJC 1...-ure , the lininp and completion of the ;gar8.p:e, and ~radinp: and landscapinp; the urounds around the blJ i Id inS" ; and 'Li\r},r=RT~~AS , There is not sufficient money in the cenetery ~Jnd at the present time to pay in 0Jl1 for the improvements herein conte~p18ted, after payment of rop)lar claims for op~r9tion and maintenance have been made, and it is therefore deemed necesRsry to provide flmds for this purpose by drawinq: lJpOn the balances appropriA. tad in Sec tion I of OrdinA.nce No. 719. NOW, ~('Hr;HEIj'ORT': , in considerntion of the premises and upon the request of the City Manar:rer pursuan t to the authority granted by Section 5505, R.C.Montana 1975, K~ IT RI;;SOLlr:,::) IJY 'THE CITY COM:,H~)SION OF' 130ZT::MAN: Section 1. rrha t the Direc tor of Financ e be and he is hereby authorized and directed to transfer into the Cemetary F'und from the Water Fund balance appropriated as above set forth, the sum of $1000.00; for the purpose of defra yinS the cost of completln? the administration buildinr, and for the improvement of the grounds adjacent thereto in the I said Sunset Hills Cerreter;T; and be it further resolved th8 t so mucb of the said sum of ;!~;1000. 00, if an'T as may not be needed for the special purposes stnted herein, ~hall be , , used for Q'eneral ceY11')tery purpoi\es. Passed and approved by the o it;" COY:1ITis:,d.on of '1'}le City of Bozeman, L';on tr-ma in r~~rlar ses~ion assembled this 4th day of Septembor, 1942. Attest: ~F-~- ~:J~~ r',"a ~"'o r ClerK of the Commission :.,C .," J S ta te of j:on tana ) ) ('I rt k.)I.'-:) County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clorl: of the Commission of The City of;)OZer18n do hereby certify th8 t th foregoing Commis"ion RfJsolution No. 520, was published by title and nurr.ber in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, 8. newspaper of (reneral circl1.1"tion pr:'Lnted and pl1blished in sald Ci ty in the i?sue of September 6t~, 1942, and due proof :1,s on file :in my office. '- Dated this 8th day of September, 194 2. cd!~~ I ClerIc of the Commi 83 ion _u....__.