HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 519 Taxable Property Proo,~' .i;~ .". I'.nd Cb....:i;".1 ')37 .__....a. :J ~ - ,,+.5 ,~,t COIvITiIIs~nOE RESOLUTION NO. 519 u....#...{ .1__._...... . A RESOLTT'rIOl:: OF THE COMT'::IS.'-'ION OF Tln;~ CITY OF BOZEMJUi DETImMINING TH1<; A]VIOUNT OF CITY TAX~S FOR ALL PURPOSES, GEJlTF:RA l.J AND Sir:CIAL, TO 13E LEVIED ANU AS:.;ESSED ON TAXABLE PRO Plm T'{ IN '11m CITY OF BOZt~I;~AN, s'rA rr'~ OF MCJF'I'ANA, 'P'on 1;IIE FISCAL YII!\TI EF--::irti'G .TUNE 30th, 1940. BE IT RESOLVrm BY 'THE COMlIIIIS;',ION OF 'rm~ CITY OF BOZEl/IAN: Section 1. ThA. t, pursuRn t to the provisions of Section 5194, Political Code, R.C.,M. I 1935, as amended by Cha pter 48, Laws of 1937, there 1s hereby levied and assessed on the taxable percenbJm of the assessed value of the taxable propert;T of The C1 t;T of Bozeman, State of Montana, as fixed and fOlJnd by the Boa reI of County Commis sian ers of GAlla tin Coun ty, Man tan a , 81 tting a s a County Board of Equaliza tion for the curren t fiscal year of 1942, a tax of 15.2 Mills for General Murlcipal and Administrative purposes, and for street and alley maintenance (Section 5194, Political Code, R.C.M., 1935) . Sec tion 2. 'l'ha t, purslJant to the provisions of Section 5049, Political Code, R ;it C . ~'Ir; . , 1935, and the provisions of Ordinance No. 233 of The City of Bozeman and Council Resolu- tion No. 1095 of said City, in plJrSllanCe of which the tax authorized for library purposes by taxpayers at an election held April 4th, 1921, was increased from one to two mills (]If.F. 1:3, Page 3(7), tllcre is hereby levied and assessed on the taxable percenbJm of the assessed vahle of the taxable property of The City of Bozoman, S ta te of Montana, for the Cl~rrent fiscal ;;rear of 1942, for the SlJpport and maintenance of the free public library of The City of Bozeman a special tax of Two (2 ) Mills on each dollar of the taxable per- centum of the assessed value thereof and the morey derived thArefrom shall be paid into the Library ~lnd and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinances Nos. 79 and 524 of said I Oi ty; Sec tion 3. Tha t , pursuant to the provisions of Section 5194, Poli tical Code, n.C.M., 1935, as amended by Chapter 48, Laws of 1937, there is hereby levied and assessed on the taxable percentum of theassessed value of the taxable proper t;T of The C i t;r of Bozeman, State of Montana, for tbe curren t fiscal year of 1942, for the purpose of maintaining publIc parks in said Clt~T, a special tax of Three ( 3) Mills on the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable propert;T of 'The Ci t;T of Bozeman and the money derived therefrom shall be paid into the Park Pund and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordi- nances Nos. 472'), f524, 560 and 571 of said City; Section 4. '1' pursuan t to the pro vis ions of Sec tion 5048, Poli tical Code, R.C.I,'i., h2t, 1935, there is hereby lovied and assessed on the taxable p9rcentu~ of the ~ssessed value of the taxable property within The City of Bozeman, S ta te of Montana, for the current flscal year 1942, for the purpose of providing band concerts for the entertainment of the people of said City, a special tax of One (1) Millon each dollar of the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The Cit;! of Bozeman and the money derived I therefrom saall be paid into the Band Concert Fund of said City and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinances No. 521 and 524 of said City; Section 5. 'l'hs t , purslJ ant to the provis tons of Sec tioD 5119, ?olitical Gode, R.C.1Vi. , 1035, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the taxable per centum of the assessed va1ua tion of 811 taxable propert;T wi thin the 11mi ts of The City of Bozeman for the year 1942, a special tax of One-tenth (1/10) Hill on the dollar of such taxable percentum of the assessed va1uat10n for the pu.rposes of maintaining the Disabllity and fansion .F'und of the Fire Department Relief Association of The City of Bozeman, and said tax when so -.-.---- 23R collected shall be paid into the Disability and Pension F"und of tbe Fire Departr:1on t Re- lief Association of The City of Bozeman; Section 6. !J'ha t , pursuant to the provi~'lons of Ordinance No. 603 of The -':lty of Bozeman, State of Montana, th.ere is here bv 1 eviecl and assessed on the taxable percentum of the assessed vab]c of the taxable property of 'J'he Ci ty of Bozeman, State of Montana, for the current flscal year of 1942, for the purpo s e of pa ying :_nterest on, and for the I redemption of Refunding City Bonds (Warrant }'unding Bonds) of The City of Bozeman, a special tax of Two and eight-tenths (2.8) Mills on the taxable perceriturr. of the assessed value of the taxable IJrOperty of 'rhe Ci ty of bozeman and the money derived fr8m the col- lection of said special tax shall be paid into the Refunding City Bond ~lnd (Warrant FuncJ ing Bonas) and shall be disbl1rsed as rpovided by 7aid Ordinance; Section 7. The t, pursuant to the provisions of Commission R~solutlon No. 355 of ~'he Ci ty of Bozeman providing for an issue of :,1;37,000.00 of Recroa tional and Swimming Pool Bonds, passed and adopted Feb~lary 21, 1937, pursuant to a favorable vote of the nualified electors of The City of Bozeman, and to provide for the pa ;ymen t of prine ipal and interest as in said Rem lution and in said bonds provided, there is hereby levied upon the taxable percentum of the assessed value of all property wi thin !Jlhe Vi ty of Boze- man for the current fiscal yenr of 1942, a special tax of One and ~our-tenths (1.4) Tv7i Ils and the money derived therefro~ shall be paid into the Pub lic Park Impro vemen t Bond F\md pursuant to the provisions of said Commission resolution No. 355. See tioD 8. That.~lrsuant to the provisions of Section 5668.38, Chapter 420, RCM 1935, there is hereby levied and assessed upon "the assessed vable of (all) the taxable I property" within the limits of The City of Bozeman for the year 1942, a special tax of One-half (~ ) ~':i 11 on the dollar of such assessed avluation for the purpose of aC(1uirinp:, establis}linf;, improv:lnn: , equipinIT, maintaininq, and operatinp an airport, and shall be disbursed as directed by the Commission of The CitJ~ of Bozeman; Section 9. 'l'ha t , plJrS1lant to the provisions of Chapter 24, Laws of Montana, 218 t Ses"'ion 100Q there is hereby levied and assessed on all the taxable propert\T of The City J" .. ~ ., . . I..' t...... ...,. , of Bozeman, (, t t f' c t for the current fiscal Yf,ar of 1942, for the purpose of o a e 0 Man .ana, providing money for the "Specia]. Improvement .District RevolvIng Fund" in order to secure the prompt payment of any Special Improvement .lJistrict Donds or Warrants is slJed in pa y- ment of improvements made in any Special Improvement District, and the :2.nterest thereon as 1. t becomes due, a special tax of Five-tenths (5/10) Millon the percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The city of Bozeman, and the mone;T derived from the collection of said special tax ~hall be di~tributed to the "Special Improvement District Revolving Fundt! and shall be disubrsed as provided by Ordinance enacted pursuant to said Chapter 24; Sectlon 10. 'l'ha t, pursuan t to the provisions of Section 5108.9 ROM., 19 35 , there I is her0bv levied and assessed upon the taxable perc,mtul"1 of the assessed value of all property wi thin 'rho Ci t" of Bozeman for the current fiscal :year of 1042, a special tax of Five-tenths (5/10) IiIill and the money derived thorefrorn shall be paid into the Folice Reserve }'uncl pursuan t to the provisions of Com.mission Resolution No. 451. Section 11. Tho. t, purS1.Jant to the provisions of Section 52lE) , nCT"I. , 1035, the to ta 1 levy of taxes for the Cl1rrent fiscR 1 year of 1942, by reason of the foregoing determin- ation, will and shall be as follows: TIesol1.1tion No. 51D. ')~'3 q I.' . General & Admlnistrative purposes (Including Streets '~A~ Allevs) (Sec. 1) 15.2 VilIs Ma in tenance of I"ree J-'ubl ie Library (Sec. 2) 2.0 Mills "'8' n tenanee of {'ublie Parks (Sec. 3) 3.0 ilUlls r blie Bnad Concerts (Sec. 4) 1.0 Mill " l'lain taining Dis~bili ty & Pension F'und Fire Dept. R lief Assln (Sec. 5) 0.1 Mill Refunding City Bonds Sinking ~~nd (Ord.. # 602 (Sec. 6) 2.8 I,Hlls ~]blic Park Improvement Bond Issue (Sec. 7) 1.4 Mills I Airport ( Sec. 8) 0.5 Mill Special Imp. Dist. Revl'g Fund (Sec. 9) 0.5 ~,I1l1 Police Reserve Fund (38c.10) 0.5 Mill Total 27.0 Mills Section 12. That in accordance with the provisions of Section 5205 of the R C M, 1935 and the assessment for the current year made by the !Jaunty Assessor, the assessable value of all property in The City of Bozeman is hereby declared to be $11,371,566.00; and the taxable VallJe of all property ln The City of Bozeman IE' hereby declared to be :\(;3,417,588. Passed and adopted by the Commissbn of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on tfJe 14th d.a '.( of Augus t, 1942. A. Ji. At te s t : c,zfA ~~---,-d~/ ~~ Clerk or the COTrL111is s ion Ma yor S t8 te of M'D +,ana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commis sian of The lIi ty of Bozeman do hereby certify tha t the foregoing Resoln tion No. 519 was published by ti tIe and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of r:reneral circula tion prin ted and published .~ n said Ci ty in the issue of Aur:ust 16th, 1942, and that due proof is on file in my office. IN'."lITNESS n<:mWF I herelmto set my hAnd and affix the seal of my office this 17th day of A1Jg1Wt, 1942. ~ Clerk of the ommission I Resolution No. 519. .~ _.n .. --