HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 517 Removal of Snow ')')q (..,J{-9' Cm'TMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 517 A RESOUJ'I'ION OF' THE CO!/~:!IS,'nOT! OF 'rI-IF: CITY OF BOZEf./IAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING- A SP-'--~CIAL /\SS1-~~)8I"ITmT OF' 'l'A"T';S UPON CfmT_\n~ PROPf-~RTIES IN TIm CI'1Y OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, ST;~'ITE OF rITOW!'A:PA, '1'0 D"SF'RAY THE COST 01" Rli:?WVAL OF Sl';OiV POR Tiill YEAR 1941-1942 ?URSUAN'r TO PROVISIONS OF ORDIN-ANCE NO. 502 EN'I'ITLED: !IAN ORDINAlWE FROV1DING POR TEE RE~rOVAL OF SNOW F'R'J::VI TIm SITYEl,VALKS IN TEE CI'I'Y OF BOZE~FAN .';J:I:!) REPSALING ORDIN-^.NCE NO. 385, ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TL~ R::::MOV,\I, OP srmv j\~IJ IC~.<, '!IRT, PI LlrH lm OTHER OBSTRrIC:TION F'ROI.,~ SIDEWALKS I OK MAIN STm;:-,~'l' BT;T'i.'I~;-';H 'iU\LLACC: AVENUE AND FOURTH i\VENlJl~ IN TIlE CITY OF BOZEMAN'''. V'JHF~REAS , t}~ City Council of The City of Bozeman heretofore duly and regularly passed Ordinance No. 502, en ti tIed: II AN ORIJINA:NCEPROVI)I1TG POE 'rUE REI\:OV/\T OF' S]\:OV.' FRUM '1'HU: SIDEWALKS IN TEE CITY OF BOZf':TvI/\]\X Mii) R?l'E.,jj,IT.:(1 OE [)IN i\NCU: NO. ~)85 , El'TTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE PROVIJING FOR THE REMOVAL 01,1 ::':;1. CJlJl J',ND IC};, DIRT, F'ILTI.! AND OfI'HSR OBSTR e'1'1 eN F'RO~.: SI L}EWALKS DE MAIN STREj';'I' BET1Jmri;n VJALLACE AVENUE Af':D FOURTH AVENUT~ IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN''', .4ND, VvHERI'~AS , Section 5039.6 R.C.N., 19;35 provtles: "The Ci ty of Town Counc il has power to regula te the us e of s:i.dewalks, and to requ:i.re the owners of the prem:i.ses adjo:ln:i.ng to keep same free from 8nOW~(X xx x x and to provide for levying the cost of removal as a special tax against the t " and proper y xx xx , WllEREAS, owners of premis es In sa id City ha ve negle c ted to remove the snow_from the sidewa lks ad joinin[\ there to chJring the year 1941-1942, and The City of Bozeman, pursuant to Section 5039.6, and Ordinance No. 502 has removed the snow from the sidewalks adjoining the premises of said owners ~md the total cost of the removal thereof is chargeable to the property as hereinnfter set forth, pur suant to provisions of said Section 5039.6 Political Code, R.C.M., 19:3[5, and said Ordinance No. 502; NOW Tlr;':R';:FOR-~, BE IT RESOLV'm AN'~' IT IS HEREBY ORDER!':') BY nm COM!'\HSSION CIi' I THE C I'1'Y 0 F BO ZEMAN, S'1',\'1'8 OF MONTANA: Section 1. That &Jrln? the year 1941-1942, The City of Bozeman has removed snow from sidewalks ndjoining premises in The City of Bozeman and defrayed tho cost there of as 3 e t forth in SchedlJle "One" here to a ttached and made a part hereof. See tion 2. '1'h8 t to defra y the co st ( ;~346 .98 ) of removing said snow from sidewalks adjoinins said premises as set forth in said Schedule "One", here to a tta ched and made a part hereof, for the year 1941-1942, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax aga1nst said property as set forth in said Schedule "One", hereto attached and made a part hereof; tha t a p'''1rticnlar description of each lot and parcel of land wi th the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it is set forth in assessment list hereto attached marked Scrledule "One", and made a par thereof; tho t the severa 1 sums set opposite the n.qmes of the ovvners and the description of the lots and parcels of lands be, and the same are hereby leviAd and assessed upon and against said lots and parcels of land; th8t the several S11ms be collected from the respective owners of said lots and par- cels of lands described in said assessment list, Schedule "One", as required by law; tha t said SlIms shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in a c - I cordance wi th the law povernincr the collection of special imrrovement taxes; thn t fa ilure to pay such assessmen ts when same shall become due and payable shall make such person and 811ch lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by the law relative to de- lin,1Uen t taxes. See tion 3. That the re~Jlar session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman to be held on the 31st day of ~lly, 1942, at the Commission Room, City Hall Building, be, and the same is hereby desi~nated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Reso l'Jti on wi 11 be he 8rd by the Commis sion. ')30 f..t . Section 4. That the Clerk of the Commission be, and he is hereby directed and ordered to publish in the Bozeman Dial? Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published :1n said City of Bozeman, a notice signed. by the Clerk of the Commission, and stating the t a resolu- tion levying a special assessment of taxesto defray the cost of removal of snow and ice from sidewalks edjoining certain premises in The City of Bozeman for the year 1941-1942 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, subject to inspection for a period I of fi ve (5) da ys ; that said. notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Commission to the final adoption of this Resolution; that it sha 11 be published at least five days before the date set by the Commission for hearing of objections and the final adoption of this R@solution. Provisionally passed and adopted b;T the Commissi on of The City of Bozeman at a regular meeting of said Commission on the 24th day of Jllly, 1942 . . , ~?A~~ ap~ Mayor ClerK of the Commission 1<'lnally passed and adopted by the Commissior, of The Cit;r of Bozoman at a reg1d.ar session of said Corm"rJis pion on the 31s t day of ,Tuly, 1942. Attest: /?~~-4A-~ ~ Cle . of the Commission Ma yor - N 0 T I C E I - - - - HEi\P lNG, FINAL ADOPTION COMMIS,'nON R~SOr.TYPION NO. 517, LEVYINCT SPECIAL ASSESSMENT rpo DEFRAY THE COS'l' OF REMOVAL OF SNOW FROT<f 'r'IIE SIDEWALKS AJJOIN- ING CERTAP; FREl\tnSES IN TI-ill CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR TEE YEAR 1941-1942. NOTICE IS HEmmy GIVEN, That at a reg111ar session of the Commis si on of '-rhe Oi t~T of BozemAn held on the 24th clay of ,July, 1942, Commission Resolution No. 517 was duly passed and adopted; thnt said Commission Resolution No. 517 levies and assesses a special assess- ment of taxes upon c"rtain properties in Tho Ci ty of 130z oman for the year 1942 to defray the cost of removal of snow for the year 1941-1942. That said Commission Resolution No. 517 is now on file I.n the offic e of the Clerk of the Commission of said Cit:\! of Bozeman subject to inspection of all persons in teres ted for a period of five (5 ) da ys , by any person interested; that Friday the 31st day of July, 19 42 , at 7;30 o'clock P.W., of sa iel d a ';IT a tare [\111 ar s e s s:i on of trle Commis ,",ion of '-I'he Ci ty of Bozeman, Commission Room, City Hall Bul1dinp', has been designated as the time and place when and where said Commission will hear and pass upon any and all objections tha t may be made to the final passage and adoption of said Commission Resolution No. 517 and the levyln g of said assessment; and tha t sa.id Hesolution wi 11 be finally passed and adopted, a t said I re~)lar session of said Com~ls~ion, sub',;ect to such corrections and amendments as may be m8.de upon objections made and filed wi tr1 five da';lTs limit as provided by law. Da ted this 25th de;: of ,T1Jly, 1942. /A/L~~ Clerk/of 'the City CommissIon Reso lu tiOD No. 517. -----.. --.-.. _...u..._ .~.. ~. ')3'1 r...' State of Montana ) ) (;1Q L,)..,.) C011TI ty of On 118 tir' ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Cler~,{ of the Commission of The Cit;' of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice, Commission Resolution }To. 517 was publis hed a t length in the I Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of fenera 1 c irCliLq tion prin ted and pllblist:ed in said City in the iSS11e of .July 26th, 1912, and that due proof is on file in my office. IN WITN:i~SS VJjr"REOF I HEB'~UNTO 8 e t my hand and affix the seal of my office this 27th day of .July, 1942. Ga~-d~ 'C rk of the Commis s ion State of Montana ) ) S<" <.) County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Sha doan , Clerk of the Commission of The Uity of Bozeman, do hereby certify the t the foregolnr; Comm:1.s s1 OJ'l R~ 80 lution No. 517 was ~lblished by tl tIe and nllmber In the Bozeman I)aily Chronicle, a newspaper of r~eneral circulation printed and published in said Ci t;T in the iS8l1e of Aup:ust 2nd, 1942, and that &]e proof is on file :in my office. IN ViI'rNE~;~; HF;S,':OF I hereun to se t my rand And a ff ix the seal of my office this 3rd day of Aup711St, 1942. I dl::~ C1,rk of the ommisf'ion I Res 0 1u t i e)]1 No. 517.