HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 516 Improvement on Lighting Districts, No. 100. 284. 288. 290. 295. 300 -.---- ---.-. ..-.... 22H COMMISSION RESODJTION NO. 516 A RESOLUTION OF 1'1ill CO~JMISSIm:: OF' THE CITY OF' BOZE]\TAN, M'JNTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING LIGH'l'ING DISrCRIC'l' IV:AINTENi\Ncr: AND ELECTR rCAL CurWEl';T COSTS Ii'OR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGNTING DISTRrC~I'S NUMBERS 100, 284, 2~~T<, 289, 290, 295, AND 300 OF THE CITY OF BOZE~,~fI}:, PURSUAKr:!' TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 5266 R. C .1';. H135. BE IT RESOL VEl) BY TF.r<:: COM:"I S~3ION OF THE C I1Y OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. ThGt pursuant to the direction and by authority of the provisions of Section 5266, R.C.~.'~. 1935, and upon estimates of such cost mEde by said Cit;; Commission I as authorized and directed by said Section 5266 R.C.N. 1935, to defray the cost of main- taining and lighting systems and for electrical currAnt in the several Special Improve- ment Lighting Districts of The City of Bozeman hereinafter specified, there is hereby levied and assessed against property and the several lots, pieces and p8rcels thereof, wi thin the b01mdaries of Spec :ta 1 Improvement Lip-htlngDis tric ts Nos. 100, 284, 28f3, 289, 2~)0, 295 and 300 of The City of Bozeman respectively, as heretofore created and established, the total amrnJnts as to each en tire dis tric t and the several art10nnts as to e a c 1:1 lot, piece or parcel of land within the bOlmac:1rics of SllCh ells tric t, as s at fortI' in the several schedules attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked separately for identification as Scheclllle A, forSpecial Improvemen t Lighting Dis tric t }TO. 100 (Main Street); Schedule 13, for Special Improvement Li~hting District No. 284, (Cleveland Street); Schedule C, for Special Improve~ent Lighting District No. 288,~Tracy Ave. So.); Schedule D, for Special Improvement Lighting District No. 289, (No. Bozeman Ave.); Schedule E, for Spec ia 1 Im- provement Lighting District No. 290 (Black Ave. So.); IJnd SchedlJ le P, for Special Im- provementLighting District No. 295, (Willson A~Te., <:" ) and Schedl.' le G, for Special Im- j.,,). ; I rrovement Li~hting District No. 300, (Willson Ave. No. ) . That the amount so levied and assessed is 75;& of such estimated cost for each and all of said Districts except Special ImprovementLiahting Di str:!.c t l~o. 100 (Yain ~)treet) and as to SllCh District the lev'! and assessment is 50;10 of such estimated cost. '.' Section 2. 'I'l1at a particular description of each lot, piece or parcel of land wi th the name of the owner thereof and the S11m assessed and levied against such TJroperty and owner, ore i tt18 r , is set forth in the schedule for each district as specified and identi- fied in Section 1. of th is Reso lu t ion, and illBde a part of this Resolntion as aforesaid. Section 3. That the regular meeting of the Commission of The City of Bozerrt-1n to be held on the 31st da;r of July, 1942, at 7:30 o'clock F.Y. at the Commission Chamber, City Hall B1Jlldinp", in The Cit" of Bozeman be, and the samE) is bereb;, desl'"nated as the time and place at wIlich objections to the final adoption of tr-ds Resolution will be hoard and con- sidered by said ~ity Com~ission. Section 4. That the Clerk of this Commls sion be, and he is hereby ordered and directed to phlhish ln Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of peneral circulation printed and published in said City of Bozeman, a notice sirrned b;' said Clerk as s11ch, which notice I shall 8 to te the. t this R",soll1tion, levy'n~ and assessing the several ammnt:' as set forth . - in the schedl11e sat tached here to and made a po rt hereof as 8 foresa id, and for the purposes here in s ta ted, has been provisionally passed and adopted by the Commisslon of rJ1he City of Bozeman is on file in the office of said Clerk and subject to in9pection during regular office hours, for a period of five days from and after the publication of such notice end a t any time durinD' such office l10ur s and at orprior to the regular mee tlng of the Ci ty Commission to be held on July 31st, 1942 as stated in Section 3 horeof; that said notice ')2. ....7 ,-.,j ... shall be so ublished once, and such publication shall be made not less than five da~ before ,J-uly 31st, 1942, at time flet for hearing and considering objections to the final adoption of this Resolution, as aforesAid. .rov1si onall 'T pas s ed and adopted bv the Commis si.on of The C1 tv of Boz eman a t a regular ~.' , , " !. 'n meetinIT of said Commission on J111y 24th, 1942. I ~;Zt7~ / 1Xttes t: /) Ma yor 4t~~~~/~ Cler1, of the Commission Finally passed and adopted by the Commis,Clion of The City of Bozeman, at a re~p)lar meeting of said Commission on the 31st day of July, 1942. Attest: /~ ,/J t7~ c;rff/~~ ~7~ -~~~ft~, Mayor Clefk of the Commis8 ion NOT ICE ------ OF TIME AK) PLJ\CE FOR 11EARIKG OB,n~CTIONS TO TIm Ii'INAL A')OPTION 08' COMMISSION R~:SOUTrPION NO. 516 OF TIT~~ COMMIS;HON 01-' 'I'HE CITY OF BOZmrAN, MONTA.NA, LEVYING JUrn ASSESSpTG POWnON OF COST OF MAINTENANCE AN~; ELECTRICAL CURRENT FOR SPECIAL IMPROVEJ.fT;;JlJT LIr}:FrrEING )JIS'rRICTS NOS. 100, 284, 288, 289, 290, 295, AND 300 of THE CI'rV OF BOZr:;:I'1AYI, MONTANA FOR TIm YEi-'l.R 1942. NOTICV. IS r[fm~:J3Y GIV1,:J\', That at a reglJlar meeting of the CommIssion of The City of Bozeman, Mon t,qna, held on the 24th day of July, 1942, Commission Resol1Jtion No. 516, was provisionally passed and adopted. Said Resolution levies and assesses a special assess- I ment upon all the property in Special I.mprovement Lighting Districts NOS. . 100 Ola~n Street); 284, (CleveL:md Street); 288, (rl'racy j\ve.S.); 289, (No. Bozeman, Ave.); 290, (So.Blnck Ave.); 295, (So. Willson Ave. I; and 300 (no. Willson Ave.), to defrAY estimated cost of maintenance and elec tricel current for each of said dis tric ts, pursuen t to the provis ions of SectIon 5266, R.G.M. 1935. The portion of such cost assessed is 75% as to all of said districts except District No. 100 (MaIn Street) and as to such district the protion of the cost assessed is 50%. NO'1'ICE IS F1JRTHER GIVIi;N Tha t said Commies ion Resolution No. 516 is now on file :~n the office of the Clerk of the said City Commis8ion, City lIal1, Bozeman, Montana, and subject to inspection during the regular office hours of said Clerk a t any ti!!1.B prior to and at the regular meeting of the said Oi ty Commis sian to be held on Friday, July 31s t, 1942 at 7:30 o'clock ForA., 8t the Cornr:isqion Chamber in the City Hall Building, Bozeman, Montana, which is the time and place designated in said Resohltion No. 516 when and where the said Commission will consider and pass upon any and all objections to the final passage and adoption of said.'jocnmis :lion RE)solution Ho. 516. Reference is made to Council Resolllt10n No. 647, and Commission Resolutions NQs. 214, 284, 285, 286, 305, and 316, creating the I Special Improvement Lightinp: Districts above enu.merated, which resol.lltions are on file and of record in the office of the Clerk of the City Commission and subject to public inspec- tion during regular office hours of said Clerk. Da ted this 25th day of July, 1042. ~ //~ ~ c~~~- Clerk o~ommiSSion Resolu tion No. 516 22H State of Montana ) ) SS County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Sha(1oan, Clerk of the C1 ty Commission of The 01 ty of Boze!"1an do hereby cer- tify that the foregoing Notice, Commission Resolution No. 516, was publiBhed at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general cIrculation printed and published in said City in the issue of July 26th, ID42, and tha t dlJ,e proof is on fi le in my office. I IN WITNESS 'NEEREOF I hereunto se t M;t hand and. affix the s en 1 of my off ic e this 27th da y of .July, 1942. "VL CO )' ,--75/----' ~~~~--4-~_ Clerk of the City Commission Sta te of Mon tana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk 0 f the Oi t::r Commis 81 on of '1'he City of Bo zeman do hereby certify tha t the forEminp; Commis d on Res olu tion No. 516 was published by ti tIe and TI1.1mber in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of aeneral circulation printed and published in said Oi tv in the issue of August 2nd, 1942, and the t dl1e proof 1 s on ft leI 11 my office. IN WI'l'N:;:SS \'\rr'L;~RT;;oF I hereun to set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 3rd da y of Auaus t, 1942. :z1:~~ ""--- ~,~.-- ~"" .-,.... ---" -"'-"'", ___ " C;;::Z=.-c" ':j ---'" _~~p---a-,-"'--/ I c::. ',-, -'--'~'-"--'."--'-'''-''---'- ~ o---rcrk of the Commis s ion I