HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 515 Releasing Easement from Dawes 22fj COMMISSION RESOLU'I'ION NO. 515 A RB~SOLur],ION OF THE crTV co~n,:rISSION OF' THE CITY OF BOZ'T~MAN, MONTANA RE- L:~ASING A CERTAIN EASEMENT FROM R. S. DA1Jv'ES BY EARL DAVIES FOR DITCH RIGHT- OF-WAY AJ\D OTlmR PUR')OSr'~s WHRRRAS, on the 12th day of March, 1941, R. S. Dawes by Earl Dawes as his a~ent pur- ported to r:rant to The Cit;! of Bozeman en easement for the construction of an irrigation I ditch and other purposes on the property clescribed thorein, and WIITm"RAS, the City Commission is now advised by its City Attorney that the said Earl !)awes was witho1Jt legnl allthority to execute said instrument and the property affected thereby is now in course of condemnation by The City of Bozeman for Airport 01rposes; NOW, THFRSFOR'.~ , BE I'r Rf<~~)OLV)i;n BY TEE COMMISSION OF 'I'm:;; CITY OF BOZE1\CAN, MONTANA Section 1. That that certain easement from R. S. Dawes by Earl Dawes to 'l'he Ci ty of Bozeman, r"corded in Book 85 of Deeds, at .t'age 91, of the records in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Galla tin Count;.:, Mon tana, be, and the same is hereby fully released and dis charged and 'I'he Ci ty of Bozeman makes no claim thereunder and the same may be cancelled and released of record. Pas sed and adopted a t a reR:ular mee tlnp: of The C it;! Commie sion of The C1 ty of f3ozeman, 1>,ffontana, held on the 10th da v of July, 1942. / a~ Ma yor I State of Montana ) ) SS C01JD t;.' of Cia 1 hl tin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commis ,3ion of The C1 t7; of Bozeman do hereb:,r certify thAt the fore!?;oinp: CommissIon R",solution ro. 515, was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and ~ublished in said Ci ty 1.n the is sue of Jul y 12 th, 1942, and that due proof is on file in my office. IN \HTNESS WlmRJi:OF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 13th da y of ,July, 1942. c/;A4--/~-'i/ Clerk of the Commission I