HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 513 Improvements on SIDs around Bozeman 218 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 513 A Rl"~SOLUTION OF THE COMTlnSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEIa~N LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSF.S8Iv]t;NT OF 'J'AXES UPON ALL THT~ PROPERTY IN SPECIAL n..THOVl:~F:~Wr rnS'J:RICTS OF' THE CI'TY OF B02EM.AN, COUNTY OF GALLAT!N, STi\TE OF Ii:I:)NTANA, F'OR THE MAIN'l'EHhNCE OF PARKINGS 'J'O DEFRAY THE COST OF MAIWl'AINING rnlE PARKINGS WITHIN SAID SPECIJ\L Df<TROVEYT,;:wc::;:nSTRICTS OF THI_'~ CITY OF BOZli:Mf,\N F'OR 'l'1iE YEAR 1942. vnnmEAS , the Ci ty Council and the Commission of The City of J30zeman have hereto fore duly and reg;IJlarly passed counci 1 and Commis sian Reso1u tions crca tinr: special improvemen t I districts within The City of Bozemnn, defining the boundaries thereof and providin~ for the ma~.ntenance of parkinss therein, and for the assessment of the cost of maintaining the parkings as set forth in Resolutions hereinafter referred to; and WHEREAS, the parkin,Q's wi thin the boundaries of said Special Improvement Districts have been cared for and main tained c111ring the year 1':::42 as con t81'1p1a ted in said Resolu tion, in accordance with terms and conditions thereof; and WI-mREAS, said Special Improvement Districts for the maintenance of parkin~s and the RAsolu tions cr3~4 ting the same, the total frontage or the area, of the property within said d1.stricts to be assessed, the total cost of said maintenance within said districts and the amount chargeable to the property therein is hereinafter set forth. NOW, TIJ:ERr~;"ORE , pursuan t to the provisions of Section 5242, Political Code, R. C. M., 1935, and said COlmtil and Commission R~solutions creating said Special Improvement Districts, and provic1ing for the maintenance thereof; BE IT RESOLVED AJlTD IT IS HEREBY ORDTmrm BY TIm COMJHSSICN OF' 'rHI::: CIT"":T 01" BOZEYAN, STJ\. '1'1"; OF 1\~0]\1'rANA: See tion 1. Tha t for the year 1942, The Ci~y of Bozeman has c1efrayed tho cost (;i~3065. 46 ) I or maintenance of parkin~s in the several Special Improvement Districts, ~lrsuant to Reso- lutions creating the same, and that tho entire cost thereof, the total number of linear feet, or arAa, of propert;r to be assessed, and the ra to per l:'Lnear or square foo t, is as follows, to-wit: Maintenance of Parking District No.6, created by CouncIl ftsolution No. 306 on South Willson Avenue from Babcock Street to College Street, a total frontage of 4355.37 linear feet, the sum of $439.87, at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.100995. Maintenance of Parking District No. 16, created by Council Resolution No. 356, Babcock Street from Black Avenue to Tracy Avenue, a total area of 93773 square feet, t1:1e sum of ~)30.33, at an approximate rate per square foot of $0.0003235. Maintenance of Parking District No. 17, created by Council Resolution No. 355, Grand Avenue from Babcock Street to College Street, a total ~rea of 581481 square feet, the sum of $277.73, at an approximate rate per anuare foot of $0.0004776. Maintenance of Parking District No. 18, created by Council Resolution No. 357, Tra c y Avenue from Babock Street to Dickerson StrAet, a total area of 457782.2 squars feet, the sum of ::f154.61, at an approximate rate per sq1mre foot of ~pO.OO03377. Main tenance of Parkinf\Dis tric t I'~o. 31, crpa ted by Counc 11 Resolution No. 385, Blacle{ Avenue from Babcock Street to Collepe Street, a total area of 267893 squrae feet, the sum of ~~300.45, at an approxima.te rate per square foot of $0.0011215. . Main tenance of Parking Dis tric t No. 45, created by Council R"solution No. 432, Eip'hth Avenue from Koch Street to Dickerson Strset, a total area of 66000 square feet, the Sllm of (';"57 78 tit t f t f '!;'O ')Om'7r:-<=: . I 'f.' ..., 8 an approx mo e ra e per square -,00 0 ~p .'- J -.>D. - Maintenance of Parking District No. 48, created by Council R~solution No. 435, .Eighth Avenue, from Main Street to Koch Street, a total area of 116104 souare feet, the SIJm of ~ttj154.74, at an approximate rate per sql1are foot of ;t;0.0013331. ' Main tenance of Parking Dis tric t 1Jo. 50, cre8 ted by Coun til Resohl tion No. 474, Third Avenue from Story Street to Cleveland ;jtreet, a total area of 378774 square feet, the sum of $181.05, at an approximate rate per square foot of $0.000478. Maintenance of Parking District No. 52, created by Council Resob1tion No. 476, Babcock Street from Fifth Avenue to Eighth Avenue, a total area of 174600 sauare feet, the sum of ;$88 .16, " ~ a t an approx.ima te ra te per square foot of $0.000505. - . - 'll f,. 1.1 .. Maintenance of Parking District No. 57, created by Council Reso11Jtion No. 529, Cleveland Street from Willson Avenue to ~eventh Avenue, a total frontage of 3182 linear feot, the S1Jm of ~~264.5'7, at an approximate rate per front foot of 4pO.08315. Maintenance of Parkr,ln District No. 68, created by Council Resolution No. 539, Willson Avenue from College Street to Cleveland Street, a total frontage of 1260 linear feet the sum of $127.7F3, at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.101412. Maintenance of ParkinI': District No. 72, created b;T Council Resolution No. 564, College Street from Grand Avenue to Seventh Avenue, a total area of 515294.7 square feet, the sum of ~p217.78, at an approximate rate per square foot of $0.000423. I Maintenance of larJdne; Dis trict No. 77, created by Conncil Rxsolution No. 576, Eighth Avenue ~rom Dickerson Street to Harrison Street, a total front~fe~of 1971 linear feet, the S11m of .!r,130.06, at an apT)roximate rAte per front foot of ~O.06v,187. Maintenance of Parking District No. 86, created by Council Rosolution No. 620, south side of Story Street from Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue, and both sides of Sixth Avenue froM Story Street to College Street, a total frontage of 2426.2 linRar feet, the sum of ~1t;163.83, at an apI)roxl1"1nte rate per fr,mt foot of $0.06124. Maintenance of Parkim<: District No. 107, croated by Council Resolution No. 658, East Story Street, 8 total froniape of 70 linear feet, the s~m of $6.63, at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.0947. J./iaintenance of Parkinf:! District No. }14, created by Council Resolution No. 722, west side Grand Avenue froIT'. College Street to l~rthur Street, a total frontage of 930 linear feet, the S11m of $78.33, at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.084226. Maintenance of Parking District No. 117, created by Council Resolution No. 719, Il'racy Avenue from Dickerson Street to College Street, a total frontage of 1348.2 linear feet, \. - , ~ I ,- the SiJm of ;:i:68.71, at an approximate rate per front foot of :n;O.048793. Maintenance of Parking District Ko. 151, created by Council E('solution No. 810, east side Fifth P,venue from Olive Street to Koch Street, a total area of 111189.06 square feet, the sum of$38.13, at an approximate rate per square foot of 'li'0.00034293. Maintenance of .t'arlcing District No. 189, created by Council R8so1ution No. 1004, east side Grand Avenue from Oolle7.e Street to Arthur Street, a total frontage of 930 linear feet, the sum of $'78.33, at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.084226. Maintenance of Par1dng District No. 256, created by Go:",mission Resolution No. 68, I SiX,~h AveniJe, Clev8lP....nd to.. GarfiAld. . Street, a total ffon. ~a~e of 1362 1.1.n. ear feet, the SiJm of ~107.96, at an approximate rate per front foot of ~0.~79265. 1JD in tenance of "o.r'.~inp: Vi s tric t No. 301, c rea ted by Commis s ion Resolution No. 331, Six th and Seventh Avenues betweon Harrison and Cleveland Street and on the south side of Harrison Street between ~)1xtn rmd Seventh Avenues, a total frontaf;8 of 1456 linear feet, the ~lm of $9n.63, at an approximate rate per front foot of ~0.06774. Section 2. 'rhat to defray the cost of maintenance of parkings within sald Special Improvement Districts for the year 1042, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax upon all the property in front of and bordering on said Sp"cial Improvemen t Dis tric ts as set forth in Schedule One to 'l'wenty-one inclusive, hereto attached and mad.e a part hereof; tha t a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the neme of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it, is set forth in assessment lists hereto attached, mar1:<"ed "Schedll1es One (1) to Tvventy-one (21)" and made a part thereof; tha t the several sums set opposite the name of the ovmers and the described lots and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed upon and agains t said lots and parcels of land; tha t the several sums be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in the said assessment lists, Sched-nles One (1) to TwentJT-one (21) inclusive, as required by law; that siad 811ms shall be paid amI the collection thereof shall be made in I the manner and in accordan. ce wi th the law fSoverning the co llec tion of special... Improvement . taxes; that failure to pay s'uch assessments when same shall become due and payable shall make such per,son and such lots and parcels of land liAble to the penal ties provided by law relative to delin~uent taxes. Section 3. That the rerwlar session of the Commission of The Citv of Bozeman to be ~,; ~ held on the 17th day of ,Tuly, 1942, A. .0., at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, be, and the same is hereby clesip"nDted as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by the Commissi on. Resolution No. 513. 220 Section 4. 'l'ha t the Cle rk of the Comnis si on be, and he is heroby orderod and ~irected to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper, printed and pub lis hed. in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission, and stating that a resolution levying a special assessment of taxes to defr,9Y the cos t of main tananc e of park- ine;s in the said EJpecial Improvemen t Dis tric ts for the year 1942, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, subject to inspection for a period of five days; tha t said I notice shall st<:ite the time and place a t which objections will be heard by tl1.e Commis sion to the final 8doption of this Resolution; the tit shall be published a t leas t five days before the date Ret by the Commission for hearinp objections, and the final Adoption of this Resohltion. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Connnis sion of The City of B07.eman a t a regular mootIng of said Commission on the 10th day of ,July, 1942. A t te s t: /-c /.-- c-/ _.~~ ( ~'-. a;.~_ ( ( Clerc of the City Commission Ma YOI' Pinally passed and adopted by the Commission of The Cit;, of Bozeman at a regular meetIng of said Commission on the 17th day of .July, 1942. Attest: ~~ ~~ Mayor CJ: e k 6 f the Commis A ion NOT ICE I ------ HEARING, FINAL ADOPTION CmVI]\HS,'c,ION RESOLUTION NO. 513 LEVYING ASS!J~SS~i!EN'I' OF' COST OI" MAIN'i'ENANC"R OF PARKING3 IN SPECIAL nU'ROVI~TvHi:1n DIS TRIC rrs pon ~l'H= Y8AR 1942. NOTrC!'; IS HFRTmy GIV:;:N, That at a repular session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman held on tho 10th day of July, 1942, Comrnis s1 on Reaolu tion No. 513 was duly passed and adopted; that said Commission RAsolution No. 513 levies and assesses a special assess- ment of taxes upon all the proporty. in Special Improvement Districts of said 01 ty to defray the cost of Maintenance of Parkings within said Special Improvement District for the year 1942. That the Special Improvement Districts and the Resolutions croating the same, and the amount of the assessments are as follows: Maintenance of Parking Resol1Jtion Amount of Distric t No. No. Assessment 6 306 ;$ 439.87 16 356 30.33 17 355 277.73 18 357 154.61 31 385 300.45 45 432 57.78 48 435 154.74 50 474 181.05 52 476 88.16 I 157 529 264.57 68 539 127 .78 72 564 217.78 77 576 130 .06 86 620 163.83 107 658 6.63 114 722 78.33 117 719 68.71 151 FHO 38.13 189 1004 78.33 256 69 107.96 301 331 98.63 To tal <it> 3,065.46 ~ Resolution No. 513 - 221 That, said Commission ReS1:>lution No. 513 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of the said City of BO'i',eman subjec.t to inspection for a period of five (5) days, by any person interested; that Friday the 17th day of July, 1942, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., of sai': day at a reg1Jlar session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, Com- mission Chambor, Ci ty Hall Building, has been design8ted as the time and place when and I where said Commission 111ill hear and pass upon any and all objections tha t may be made to the final passaC:8 and arloption of said Commission Resolution No. 513 and thelevying . of said assessment; and th8 t, said Res01u tioD vlill be finally passed and adopted a t said reg"ular session of saId COP.lm1.s~ion, subject to such correct' ons and amendments as may be made upon ob,j oc tion s made and filed wi thin the five da ys limi t as provided by law. .oJ All persons internsted are referred to the several Council and Commission Resolutions crea tlng the aforesaid Spec ial Improvement Dif', tric ts, defining the boundarie s thereof and providing for the assessment of the cost of said Maintenance of Parkings. For fur- ther particulars ~ all of said Resolutior:s boing on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, at the City Ha11 of said City, and subject to the inspection of all interpsted parties. Da ted this 11 th day of ,July, 1942. /'/;/ I{' ;1 "7"-~/ /__ / / I ~""~ ""'/" V-;tC-ft.--~ Cle k of the Com~ission State of Montana ) } ss County of Galls tin ) I I, L. G. Shadoan, ClArk of the Commission of The Clt;T of Bozeman do hereby certify ..... that the forepoinp: Notice Commission Resolution No. 513, was published at lenmn- 'in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of n'eneral circula tion prirrted and published In said Cit;,f in the iS~!l]e of J1l1y 12th, 1942, and that due proof 1s on file 2-n my office. IN l,'jIrl'NESS 'NEEREOF I hereunto set my hand affix the seal of my office this 13th clay of Jul y, 1942. ~U;7 /~ //- c> ( r _-:/E:-A-~~ Clerk 0 f the Commlss ion S ta te of Mon tana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Cark of the Commlssiorof The Clt" of B')zeman do hereb"" cert:ifY tho t the for ego Ing Commis s 10n Resolu t:ton No. 513, was published by ti tle and mmber in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general cirC1Jlation print",ed And published in said C:t t;T in the is S11A of .July 18th, 1942, and tha t dne proof is on file in my office. IN 1,VITl'r=S~3 ";'':IfI';R1WP I hpreunto set m;T m:no and affix the seal of my office this I 20th da;l of Jvly, 1942. ,/ ,.....-,<' ~ /~ / / '.i /./ ~--~~/;::;.:;- --- - , ..., . ,~~> ''''.-' ~~. ."",-" .-------~ . '"- -~ - ~ ---~..'----- &--- ~-- / . Clerk of the 'Commission Resolution No. 513.