HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 512 Maintenane of Municipal Airport 2t{) RESOLUTION NO. 512 A <TOINT RESOLUTION OP THl:<: CITY OF BOZI:!;T'i)(\N AN::': TIm COUNTY OP GALLI\'TIN, MON'1'ANA, PROVIDING FOR '1'HE .TOINT OPERATION AND l\-IAINTENANCE OP THE M1JNICIPAL AIRPORtr NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION ON SEC'rrON SIX ( 6) , TOVJNSHIP ONE ( 1) SOUTH, RANGE PIVE (5) EAST, IN GALLA'rIN COUNTY, MOKTANA. WHEREAS, on the 15th da~T of August, 1941 The City of Bozeman duly passed and approved Resolu tion No. 504, a resolution consti tu ting an agreement wi th the United States relative to furnish~ng land for the proposed airport and providing for the operation and maintenance I of the same when completed, whereby the Civil Aeronautics Adm:tnistration offered to develop an airport in Gallatin County, provided The C1 ty of Bozeman w0l11d contrac t to furnish the land, construct the Administration b\Jildin~, hangars 8nd other necessary structures and to arrf.1TIge for proper maintenance and operation of the airport from and after its comple- tion by the Civil Aeronautics Administration. In accordance with this a~reement The City of Bozeman has thu.s far expended ovor $15,000.00 in capital outlay for the purchase of land and other items connected with tl1is pro.iect, but no administration buildin~ or hangars have so far been provided as such structures wOll1d probably h8ve to be financed by means of a *rlOO,OOO.OO general bond ieaned, and WHEREAS, it is estimated that in addtion to the capital outlay, mentioned in the foregoing paragraph, it will be necessary to raise approximately ;$7,500.00 per year to cover the cost of maintaining and operating the airport and as no revenue can be expected from the rental of hangars or other facilities during the coming year, this amount must be raised by taxation. Montana law provides that cities shall not levy more than one mill for airport maintenance. This l:tmi ts the amount that can be raised for this purpose by The City of Bozeman to approximately $3,000.00 per year; consequently an amount sufficient I to COV0r the operation and maintenance cost abovo mentioned can only be raIsed by ,1oint action on the part of The City of Bozeman and the C01mty of Gallation; now, therefore, B3 IT RESOLV~D BY 'FHli; COUN'r~' .cm;I~HS~~IONFRS 08' GALL'/rIN COUNTY ANi) rplm CITY COJVITHSSION OF TEE CI'I'Y OF BOZEMAN: Sect.ion 1. That the pnrties to this resolution provide by taxation for raising the to tal sum of approximately ;~;7,500.00 for operation and maintenance, during tbe coming year, of the said municip8l airport n01.'IJ lmder constrtJction on Section Six (6) , '1'ownship One ( 1 ) South, Rancr,8 Pive (5 ) Ea:o't, in Gallntin County, Mon tana . See tion 2. That for the purpos os se t for th in See tion 1 of tIlis Reso lution the Coun ty of Gallatin assesses and levy a tax of one-ha If (.~) mill to raise approximately ~\;5,500.00 and The City of Bozeman levy an aoc11 tional one-half (~) mill to raise approx,tma tely " . $1,500.00, which said amounts shall be budgeted by the proper authori ties for the yenr engind .June 30th, 1943 . See tioD 3. The Board of County Commissioners of Galla tin County and 'l'he Ci ty Com- mission of The Cit;;t of Bozeman sha 11 a t a joint meeting to be held at the Gal~ tin County Courthouse~at a date hereafter to be fiYBd, create a controlling board or body which shall I have charge of the operation and maintenance of the said airport and which shall adopt rules and establish regulations for the proper conduct of the SHme subject only to the approval of the appointing power. Section 4. For the purpos e of mee tint: the opr)ra tion and ma In tenanc e cos ts of the said airport, a ,joint fund 3h-")11 be created and maintained into which each of the poli t- ical slJbdl visions herein mentioned shall deposi tits proportiona te share in accordance ~}1.7 I.. _ . with the plan of taxation set forth in Section 1 of this resolution, and all disburse- men ts from such flmd shall be made by order of the said joint board or body herein created; and the Galla tin County Treasurer shall be the official custodian of the said fund. Passed and adopted by City ComY'1ission of The City of Bozeman at a reglllar meeting thereof held on Frida;! the 3rd day of .July, 1942. I Attest: ~i~-<<7~1J ~~~hA~.76,~, Nra yo r Cler,{ of the Cl t, Commis~Llon Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commis~ioners of G~11a tin Couty, Montana, in extra session held on the 10th day of July, 1942 . P. H. GAFFNEY (Sii1;ned) A ttes t: Chairman BESS F'OWLTm (Signed) Clerk of the Board By GRACE ROSJ'T;:CS~'j ~a["'med) Depu ty STATv OF MONTANA ) ) ss C01mty of Galla tin ) I, L. G. Sr...a dOAn, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 512, waf; published by ti tIe and number in the Boz cman Daily Chronicle, a nm'Vspaper of p'eneral clrcula tion printed and published in said Oi ty in the 1881)e of ,luly 12 th, 1942, and tha t due proof in on file in my office. I ry :,HTFF;St.j ~,:n-i-mEOF I hersnnto set m;T hand and affix 1118 seal of m;T office this 13th da;:! of Jelly, 1042. ~... Ie {o the Oi ty Commission-- I Resolution No. 512 ~-