HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 509 Garbage Removal ..---..---.- CO;\~~,;IS:,nO}; RESOLUTION NO. 509 2d~' A Rl';SOL1:!'I'ION OF' THEC cm/MISSION OF TIm CI'I'Y OF' BOZl':U'AN, 1'/;0 F'I'ANA 1"; 'ry IN G fiND ASSESSING A SPECIi\L ASSESSl\:r;l]'T'l' OF TAXES UPOl'if ALL REAL FROI'ERTY IK 'I'EE CITY OF BOZEMAlT, COUNTY OF GALLA.TIN, STATE OF MONTANA, SERVICED ANiJ [<'EOM '{VIHCE GARBAGE WAS COLLECTE') ,\ND RTQ,';()V::~D DURING THE YI.2;AR lS'41, TO DI~FR!\,Y TFrI~ COST AND 'EXFENSE OF' COLLF:C'l'IlW AIm DISPOSING OF<' G4.RB/,GE UNDEH THE FROVISIONS OF' ORDINANCE NO. 696 OF TIIE crey OF BOZE?,{A N . WH~mEAS , the C1 ty Commission of Tho Ci ty of Bozeman did on t[le 8th day of ,January, I 1940, dllly and reglllarly pass Ordinance No. 696, en ti tIed: "AN ORDIF;\l-JCE DEFD:nra GARBP,GE FOR THE PURPOS1':S Or" TIlTS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR 'THE COLL[';CTIOJlT ANuOISFOSIS'IOlJ TlIERITOF BY M;D UND:':R T}IE SU?':~EVISIOE AND CON'J'ROL or rr:IIE~)EP I,RTI;;r:':VT OP PUI3LIC VIELPARE ANJ FOE DlTFRAYING 'I'm:i: COST OF SUCH COLL:'~CTION AND DISIOSI'l'ION BY S1' :i~CIAL ASSESS!r{SNT J~GAINST TEl:'; l'ROPERTY TO 'NEICE SUCH S ,'RVICE IS FCJJDEE\I<D, AND FROVIDING PEN:\L'l'I;;;S POR VIOL~\TI01~ OF TIIIS OR=-;IN!~I\TCE, which Ordinance No. 696 passed as aforesaid is hereby referred to and made a part of this resolution for further particular:-: J.n res pec t to the basis and metLod of assessing the cost against the property herein assesseci; and, WEEREAS, said expense incurred by said city in the collection and disposition of garbage in accordance with said Ordinance is hereby estimated by the Commission of 'The City of Bozernan to be tbe sum of Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Ten Dollars and Seven ty- eight Cents, (~[;9,810.78) , for the year 1941, over and above all money collected from bus:lness and professional concerns, or combined residence and business, or resioence and professional b11sinesf.' concerns in accordan (~e 1.vi th said Ordinance No. 696; and" WHERE:AS, in 0 rder to raise saId SI.JlJ1 to defray sald CQ,"'t, it is necessary to estab- lish the basic unit rate as defined in said Ordinance No. 696 at Four Dollars ( ~!;4 .00) . I TWW 'I' E"'R!I;F' 0 R-' , PUrS1H:1n t to the Provisions of said Ordinance No. 696, and the laws of the Sta to of T'.~on t::ma BE 1']' RESOLV1i:D .C\.N~;: IT IS Eb:REBY ORDEHED BY 'rIlE CmvE,!IS3ION OJ" TH~ 81 TY 0Ii' Boz~rAr, S'I'ATE OF I,~ONrl'ANA See tion 1. 'I'b2 t to defr8Y the es tima ted co stand expense of co 11ec Ung and d:l spos- ing of garbe.rre in The Ci ty of Bozeman for the year 1941, there is hereby levied and as~. sessed against the property and the several lots, pieces and parcels of land tbereof wi th- in The City of Bozeman as set forth in Schedule II r, II , which is attached hereto and made a 1;. part hereof, a tax; that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the narne of the owner and/o4 ownerA and the sum assessee] against the same is set fortI'1 in the assessT"ent list in said Schedule "A"; tha t the several sums set opposite the names of said owners and the described lots and parcels of lan-i, be, and the same hereby arc levied and assessed upon ond against said lots and parcels of land for sald purpo~'e; that the several snms be collected from the respective owners of said lots and p8rcels of land described in said asseSSFiont list and owned by them; tha t sa iei SIJ,mS shall be paid anci the co 110c tion tLereof be made i.n the manner and in accordan:::e wittl Ordinance No. 696 of The City of Bozemar, T,!on tana , and the laws of the State of fuontana governing the collection of spe- I cial improvement taxes; tn.':, t failurF, t': pay such assessment wben tbe same shall become due and payable shall make such person and such lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delln~uent taxes. Sec tion 2. That the regular ses::don of the Cormriss ion of The City of BozeYr!an, Man tans, to be held in the ComFission Chamb'r in the City Hall of said City on the 3rd da~ of Octo- ber, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., be, and the same is herebv designated as the time and " ..~ place at which obiection? to the final adoption of ttis Resolution will be heard by said '. Commis 8i on. ~210 Section 3. 'l'h8t the Cler].;: of U)e COJ:lmls.sion nf The Citv of Bozen18.n be, and lIe :l s " hereby ordered an:l directed to publish in the Bozeman :Chily CLlronicle, a daily nGwspapsr prjnted and publisllec1 in said Cit:;r of Bozemarl, a notice signed by the Clerk of tho Co:mnis- sion, stating that a Resolution levying and Assessing 8. speciRl assessment of taxes to de- fr8Y the cost and expense of the collection and disposition of garbage _;.n The C1 ty of Bo- zeman for the year 1941, against the property to which such service was rendered, is on I file in the office of n'e Clerk of the COIT'Jnls" ion, Sllbject to inspection for a per: od of five da ys ; thrt said notice shell state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Commis~ion to the final adoption of to, is Resoll. tion; and thnt said notice shall be published at le88t five days before the day set by the Commission for bearing of objections an.: the final adoption of this Resoln tion. Provisionally passed and ad.opted by tJ:-18 Commis'ion of 'The City of BozenJ:.n at a r,?gu- lar session thereof held on the 26th day of September, ID4L Atte~ r~~~_~-=-~-J CL.r' of tlce OJi10^lssion P:lnelly passed and'1,.'optod by the Commission of The C i t y 0 f 30 z err: an at a rer:1Jlar t,1 - session thereof held on the 3rd day of Octobor, 1941. A t te s t : ~4 ~~~ 1L ,..,,/~4~ I C16r1{ of the C01;1mis s ion 1<!OTICE HEAHING, FJ}:AL ADOP'I'ION OF CCnn"IS'ION RE:'30LT '1.'1 (H' NO. 509, LEVYIl',G SFE:CI AL AS3ESSrv':':N'l' rrODEF'R!\Y rYll~; COS'1' OF IJ.'I!',',: COLLE CTION AIm DIS1J0;3I'I'IOli" OF GARBAGE FOR TEE "YE;,\R 1941 AGAIFST ALl, FROPL':RT\1 IIi! rJ'I !}; C 1TY OF BOZT':TiiAII'; 'TO 1[,: HI Cll S 1] cn SERVICE WAS R~NnERED. NOTICE IS HERT,;rW GIVFN, That at a reg'''lar session of the Com~~is~1ion 0f '1'he City of Bozeman, held on the 26 tt da:r 0 f September, 1941, COr:'lrr::lssior1 Resolution No. 509 was pro- visionally passed an~ aJopted; th,t said Resolution levies and assessos a special assess- ment of taxes to defrav the co~t of collection and disDosltion of ~arbaqe in The Cit~ of ~, "~ _.J ,-,' L' Bozeman, for the year 1941, upon all propertv to whIch such service was rendered. Th,at 8a.:.d COIT'rnissi on Resoln tion 1;0. 5CJ9, :ts now on 1'11e in the office of t'.e Cler~ of t1,e Cornn<is,'ion of The City of bozemDn, suhject to the inspection of all pcrsors interosted, for a period of five d!~ys; th;., t Frids y, the 3rd day of OctobAr, H141, :.t 7:30 o'clock F..J. of said day at a regular session of the COnL'1:isslon of '1'l1e City of bozeman, in trle Commis ~'ion Roar:, in the City Ea11 Buil:lin;;;'~, has been designated 8S the time and place when and wl"1ere said Commis~:ion will hear and pa:33 upon any and 1.111 ob.iections th,<1 t ma y l)e made to the final passage and :::cloption of said Comrnis2ion Resollltion No. 509 and the I levying of said asses~ment; an~ that said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said regl11nr session of said Commis:'ion, subject to such corrections nnci ,9.mendments t!:Jat ma:r be made upon objectIons mElr'ie and filed wit]- the Cle rk of the Comnis "ion wi th~n the five days' limit as provided by law. D,.:\tec1, t}.".is 27tt da;: of September, 1041. Le~~~~ Clf)rk of tho ConE1is,,:i.oD . ~2'1 t Stato of =;~o11tana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G . Sl1adoan, Clerk of the Commission of '['he City of Bozeman do hereby certIfy that the foregoi~g Notice in Re. ComIT'issio'" Resolution 1:0. 5U9, was published a t length in the Bozeman Dail, Chronicle, a newspaper of general c:ircnl,g, t:1.on printed and }::ubli shed I in saId City in tLe i ~Slle of September 2r;th, 1941, and that due proof is on file in my office. IF 1,'VI'J']\:ESS ViJTERIWF I herel1n to set my hand and affix tteseal of my office t: is 29th 'a'~ of Ssp teC1ber, IP!'l. D)>g?~~~-~ Clur:,: 01' tho:'::or~:"i [33 Lm State of Montana ) ) ss County of Galls tin ) I, L. f" Shadoan, Clerl.: of the Comrnis "ion of 1'he C1 ty of Dozerpan dohr8o;';T certify ',....l . tbat the foreE';oing Commis2ion ResollJtion No. 509 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a news paper of ()'enera 1 ci rcu la tion printed and fn..1bl i s:Jed in said City in tile 12sue of October 9th, 1941, and tho. t due })roof is on f1 Ie In my office. L\' V!ITI'TESS;ifI-iTmWF I hereunto set my h:::md and Dff::x the seal of m:T off'ice tl:ls 10th day of October, 1941. I ~~~~ /-_... ,_.J, ~~__~~_ Cl'.,rJ{ of the CO~:IT1iss1 on I