HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 541 Maintenance of SIDs
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t;;o....~~~[Lf:,/ Cm/iMIS2,ION RESOLTTTION NO. 541
o<1"C'f> ,_ 'r.'~
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WlmRFAS, thp Citv Council and thl? Commission of The Citv of Bozeman have heretofore
. c1111V ann T'e9"l1larly passed Council and Commission Resolu.tions crea tine special improvement
I districts within The Cit'T of PM"eroan, deflninrr the boundaries thereof and providlnp: for
the maintenance of parkinas the~pi~, and for the assessment of the co~t of maintainin~
thA parkiD/::"s as Ret forth In Resolutions herpinafter referred to; and
'vVlTER1<;AS, the pl'1rldnp's wj"thIn the boundarIes of said Spec:lal Improvement Districts have
been cared for and main ta 5..DPd r11Jr:inp' the ye~r 1944 as COD templa ted In F1B id Reso 11) tions, in
accordance wlth tprnp an~ conditions thereof; and
WHEREAS, said Special Improvement Districts for the maintenance of parkinp's and thA
Resolutions creating the same, tbe total frontacre or the area, of the propertv within said
distri~ts to be assAssed, the total cost of said maintenance within said diRtricts and the
amount chargeRblc to the property therein ls hereinafter set forth.
NOW, TJmR!~FOm.~, p1Jr~mant to the nro'\Tisions of SAction 5242, Political Code, R.C.Iff.
1935, ann :"1ain COllnc:'Ll and Commission Resolutlons, creating said Special Improvement Dis-
tricts, and Drovidin~ for the maintenance thereof;
Br~ IT pp,CjnL'1FT) 1\l\T'T) TIT' T;:', ~BEBY ORDERP.T! BY THF COW,~IS,<."'\:r:ON OF 'T'HE CITY ')F'
Seetlon 1. That for the year 1944, The Clt~ of Bo~emqn has defrayed t~e CORt
I ((3,539.35) of maintenance of PArkin'~s In th8 "p'Toral Special Imp1'o'TPmpnt Districts, pur-
S1Jan t to Res 011.1 tions Drea tlf1 ('1" thp 89me, an" thl'! t the pn tlre cos t tbereof, the tli tB 1 numher
of linear feet, 01' ar'C>8, of propertv to be assessed, an,1 the rate per l:tf1crl1' or SOl1are
foot, is as follows, to-wit:
Maintenancp of Parkiw' Di~'tri~t No. 6, ~rated by CO'1rJc11 Re801ntiol No. 306 on
SO'lth Willson AV8!'ue f"ro"'1 Bancnck StreAt to Collp....e Street, a total f:rontac-e of 4355.37
linear feet, at the su~ of $508.10, at an approximate rate pAr front foot of $0.11666.
Maintenance of Parklnv Di~trict No. 1:', created by Connell Res,l11tion No. 356.
Babco~k Strp",t frnr, Tnn.c'~ ,'\''''1:1H tn m-raG:'" .\"'~n',c;, .8 totnl, 8~n('.n of' ~1~'~""'77 ,"",'1;~'(; feet, thA
311m of ~?34.93, at an 8pprox~m8te rate per square foot of :bO.0003725.
Ma in tenance of Parking: Difl tric t No. 17, cr'~a ted by Conne 11 Reso 1" tlon No. 355, Grand
Avenue -r""om P'pbcnc'{ Strept to Colle"'e Street, a total arna of 52-1481 square feet, the 311m
of $;320.77, a t an a pproxima te ra te per so,'a""p foot of ~~O .0005516.
Ma1nter>'3nce of' Par1dn.... DiC'tr:tct No. lR, cT'PfJted by Council R",sol"tion No. 057, Trar,y
Avenue from B~bcock Streot to Dicker80n Street, a total area of 457782.2 square feet~ the
8'1fT! of $',178.52, at an approxlmate rate pAr ~a11arp foot of q(>O.OOO?;9.
l'ffa~ntenfmcp of' Parldn'" T)l"trict No. 31, cT'e9ted by Co"nc"l fLOIsob,tio'" :-TO. 385, Black
A vemH'J from 138 bcoc:{ 8 trept to Colle0'e Strep t, a tota 1 area 0"" 267893 sq1,lSre fee t, the 81.1rr
of $347.01, at an anproxtmate rate per snuare foot of $0.0012953.
Mainterv'1nce of Parkinp' T)i"'tr:ict 'Po. 45, cr2at8d by Cmmcil R,,801,,tlon No. 432, Eighth
{l-veY"'8 fY'0m Koch Street to Dick,:,r~on Street, a total area of 66000 square feet, the 8,'m of
:ip66. 64, a t an aDproxima tA ra to DAr ~O'.'a rA foot of' ~~O. 0010097.
I ~,,1A in tpna~cp of Pnrl,ctna Di 8 trlr- t Fo. 48, crAa tpd by Conncil Resolution No. 435, Eir-h th
!~Ve'111~ from Maln.. .. Street to Koch StreC't, a total 9r~a o~ ~16104 sq119re feet, the sum of
. .,p178.:J7 at an app1'oxi ntl; rate per square foot of ,~0.0015389.
Maln tenan ce of Parking Dip tric t No. 50, crea ted by -':ounc il Resoln tion No. 474, Thl1rd
Avon""" from Story Strept to C1AveVmcl Strpet, a total area of 07(.~774 rln'l!"!re feet, the sum
of t209.07, at an approximate rate per square foot of $0.000552.
~aintenAnce of Parkina District No. 52, created by Council Reso1utlon No. 476, ~ab-
cock Street from Flfth Avenue to Eighth Avenue, a total area of 174600 SOlJare feet, the
3'lm of :h;lOl.74, bAlnD' at an approximate rate per square foot of 4~Oro05827.
~ff9int0111-lnee of r),qrkin'" ni~trlct !'-To. 57, ~r"'atq(1 bv "011net1 PeAo11Jtlon No. 529, Cleve-
lAn'" '~trf''''tfrom Hillson AvemH'J to Seventh Avenue, a t~)tal fmntaP'8 of 3182 linnnr feE"t,
thE" ~l)m of (L'~05.56, at an approximAte rate pF'r front foot of ~pO.096028.
Ma;nbmnn~e of Pnrking T!i!ltrlct No. 68, crAateo b;T Cmmeil ReAoll1tlon No. 539, Will-
son Avenue from Collp~e Street to Clev~land Strnet, a total fronta~e of 1260 linear feet
the sum fo $147.53 at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.117087.
Maintenance of Parking DiAtriet No. 72, created by Council Resolution No. 564, Colle~e
~treAt from 0randAvAnue to ,C'eventh AvemJA, a total arAB of 515294.7 8'-'11are feet, the sum
of $251.50, at an approxim"te rate per Aquare foot of i*jO.0004881.
Maintenance of Parkinl'J' ViAtrict No. 77, cr0ated by Council Resol1Jtion No. 576, Eighth I
Avenue froIT' Dickerson Av.enue to Harrison Street, a .. total frontaC'!'8 of 1971 linear feet,tho
81m of ~;150 .16, a t an approxima te ra te per fron t foo t of ~i;O. 076185.
J'!a in tenanee of Parkinp: DiA tric t No .'36 , created by Counc .':.1 Resolution No. 620 , south
side of Story Street from Sixth AvemJE' to EiC'!'hth Avenue, and both s 11es Si;<" th AV0nue from
Story'~~.tree t to Colle~e Street, a to ta 1. fronta Q:e of 2426.2 linear fee t, the !'1U1'\1 of $189.17
at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.07797.
Maintenance of Parkincr Di~trict No. 107, crAated bv Council Reso111tion No. 658, East
Story Street, a total froY1taQ,'e of 70 linear fe"'t, th0 sum of' ~~7.55, at Rn RPproximate
rate per front f'oot of' ~OJD7R57.
Matn teflancA 0 f' Parkin". Dip tri~ t No. 114, er('a ted by C01JnC 11 Resoln tion No. 722, we s t
side Grand Avenue ,f'roJTI CollA""e ~~treet to Arthur Street, a tote fr)i!nt8.rTP""f' 07:) linear
fe':)t, th.e ,"11.lm of ~t;90.3R, at an approximate rate per front foot of' :jf0.097183.
Ma in tenance of Parkin!! Di2 tric t No. 117. n.rPB ted by Conneil Resolu tion No. 719, Tracy
Avenue from Dlck~rson Street to CollA~e Strept, a total frontare of 1408.2 linear feet,
the ~1Jm of ~~79 .27, a t an ap')roxl",Q te ra te per front foot of t~O. 056292.
Maintenance of Parking Dirtrict No. 151, created by Council Resob1tion No. 810, east side
Fifth Avenue fro"T! Olive street to Koch StrAet, a total area of 111189.06 square feet, thA
sum of <1[:43.94, at an approximate rat", per sql1are foot of $0.00039,52.
M8intenance ()f Parkin". District No. 189, created by Council ResollJtion No. 1004,
eAst slde r;.rand Av(muo from Coll('~e Street to At'thur <;tre0t, a total fronta::re of 930 linear
f(>At the Rum of $90.38" at an approximate rate per .front foot of ~pO.097183.
~~a 1n tenance of Parkin/? Dl s tr:I.c t No. 256, crea ted by ComMis Pi on R" so lu tion No. 69,
Sixth Avenue, Cleveland to Garfield Street, R total f'rontaD'e of 1362 linear feet, the S'.1m I
of $124.62, at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.091488.
MBlntenance of Parkinl7 Distrir~t No. 301, croat"1d by Commission R",soll1tion No. 331, .
Six.th and Seventh A"cmue between Harrlson and ~leveland Street and on the 30nth slde of
Harrison ~treet bl"tween Sixth ano Seventh Avenues, a total f'rontar-8 of 1456 lin88r feet,
the sum of $113.84, at an apPt'oximnte rate per ~ront foot of $0.078187.
See tion 2. '1'ha t to defrl'l y the co s t of ~iIa ln tenana e of Park:Ln.7t1 wi thin 1'18 in SCAcial
Tmprovemen t Dis tri c t8 t~or the year1944, there be and there is here b~T levied ~ nd asses ped
a tax lJpon all the property in front of and bor~erin~ on sald SeAclal ImprovAment Di~t-
riAts 8S !let forth in Sched111e One to Twenty-one 1noln8ivo, hereto attached and made a
part hereof; that a p8rtiC1}lar descrIption of each lot and percel of land wi th the name
of the owner and the sum 8ssess8d BP:ainst him or It, is set forth in asspssment lists
hereto attached, 'r"arked "Schedllles Onp (1) to Twenty-one (21)" and made a part thereof;
that tho several 811m3 set oppoAl te the names of the owners a1'1'1 the described lots and
parcels of land be, and the SA~e are hereby levled and assessed upon and a~ainst said
lots Bnd Darcele of land; that the several sums be collected from thl" ~eRPnctive owners
of sald lots and parcelA (')f' land described il1 the said aSSA8sment lists, Schec111efJ One
(1) to Twentv-one (21) incluAlve, as rer"drl"d lJ'T law; that said 811ms shall be paid and
the collec ti 0n t'bereof sha 11 be made in the manner and in accordan CA 1N:t th thr law ;"0 vern - I
;np' th"" \'ollpction of' Sp^,cial ImcrovAm",nt taxe~; that failure to pay sl](~h as:"Assmrmts
w).-.,p1'1 ",a,...,"" s h'" 11 becom0 (111 e and pa yablJ3 sha 11 make such pArA on ,"1 n'~ such 10 ts Bn('~ pa rr',"" Is
of 13n(1 liable to thn penal t.1np urOVi(1ed. b~T law rela ti ve to ("elinouent taxes.
Rp0.tion 3. rrblt thp r'lO'l'lRr sps:,ion of the Comrnisnion of' The Cftv' of' BO""IT'an to t-JI"
h011. on the 26th day of May, 1944, A. D., at th8 Commission Chamber, City Hall 1:\'1.1101nO',
be, and thp Sa'118 -ts hereby de8ip;nated as th'" Ume and place at wh:tch ob.iections tn tbe
Cnrnm:18 "'lon Pesolu tlon No. 51,1.
'} 8 ()
,..." j'
final an option o~ th"l!'1 "OP~ohlti('m will be heard by the Commi8~i('m.
"'00 tion 4. Th8t the Clpr~ o~ the Commission
be, Bnd he 18 her8by ordered and dir-
pc ted to pl_1bliqh in the Bozeman nailv Chronicle, a daily newspaper,
pr in t.ed aml :published
in tlle said Cit~\T of T)07PT"811, a notice
::1icrned bv' tne Clerk of' th0 Comrll?"iOll, anr~ f't"tinr-
tha t a resolutlon lev~"'in'" a speci91 assessIT'ent of' t9xe~ to rlpf'rp~ the
coat of maintpn8n~p
I of' P8Y'v-1,..,"'" in the qA in Sp"'''.:i 81
Tmnrovement Districts for the year 1944,
is onf'11e in the
officA of' the Cle rk o~ the Comm:i.sf':l.on,
subiect to inspection for a perion of' five 48Y8;
t"ba t said noticp shall stntp thp time and place
8 t which ob.iec tions will be heard by the
ComMisaion to the final adoption of' this Resolution; thnt it shall be ~)blished at least
five days before trle d8 te set by the Commis ~1 on for
heRrin'" oh:iectlons, an"" thp
an 0 p t ion 0 f th is F p S 0 111 t i 0 r .
ProvisionAlly passed and ado.,ted by the Commis"'ion of' Th",
~ity of Bozeman 8t a reg-
ular meeting of gald Sommi8~ion, ~~a:r 19th, 1944.
-~',.'- -~-, ----'-- .,._-,-,-~
1/8 yor
H'1nAl1y PAssed and an opted b:T thn Commiscdon of The r;ity of Bozeman,
8 tar e 0" 1 1 '-1 l'
1"18'" tin'" of sq :~(~ Comrnis 81 on ~!fa;T 26th, 1944.
Ma ;,o-:r---------.-.-------
NO. 541 LT~\lYING .I\SSESS~iff'~NT OF
NOTICE IS m;:R,""g'" G-IVKN, That at a rpc:"111ar snpsion
of the Commission of Th e C i t ~r of
BozmTJan held on the 19th d8;T of 1\f~a~T, 1944,
Commission Resolution No. 541 wap 0111v passed
and adopted; thA.t said Commip!"irm R Sohltion No. 541 levies
and assesses a speci81 assess-
ment oP taxes upon all the property in Special Improvement Distrlcts of said City to de-
fr9:T tbp cost of Malntpnar~r of larklncrs within said Special Improvement Districts for
the ;Tear 1944.
That the special Improvement T)i~tricts and the Resolutions creating
the S9!l1G, and
the amount of the asseps~0nt8 Bre as follows:
~1a1ntl"Y1<1nC'1'") of
PAr~lnD' Resolution Arnmount of
T):istrlct No.
.. _._~~~,.~-"~~-~. .- _.n.
6 306
,,~ 508.10
16 356
17 355
18 357
31 385
45 432
48 435
50 474
209. (17
52 476
57 529
6e. 539
72 564
77 5'76
86 620
107 658
114 722
117 719
151 810
189 1004
256 69
301 331
~ 3,539.35
Commission Resolution No. 541.
, ')r;'f)
Tha t , s.sld CommJsf'jo!1 Re::>olution No. 541 is now
on rile in the office of thA Clerk
of' the Comrris ston of thp' said r:1 t;T of Bozempn slJbiect to inspe c tion for a
per1.od of five
(5 ) days, by any person interpsted; that ~riday the 26th dev of Maw,
1944, at 7:30 o'clock
P.l~. , of said da;' at a ref7ular session of the Commis<1ion of 'l'he City of Bozemar:,
Ch8.mber, City Hall BlJlldinrr, has been desip:inated as the time and place when ard where
said Commiss ion will hear and pass upon any and all ob,iections that may be made to the I
f5.nal passae-e and adoption of 881d Comm" S"11on Resolution No. 541 ann the levyin~ of sald
assessment; and that, said Resol'1tlon will be finally passed and adopted at said regl1lar
session of said Commission, slJbject to s11ch corrections and amendments as mav be made upon
ob;ections mane and filed within the fivA days limit AS Dro,Tided by law.
All persons :i.n teres t8d are refared to the severq 1 Conncil and Commis sian R,,~ oln tions
crnatin~ the 8~ore~ain Su"cial Imurovement Districts, nef1nlnrr the bO'JTIrlarlA8
th ereof aT'1n
p~ovtrtin? for the a8se~n~ent of the cost of said maintenance of parkinITs. For further
par ticll1:=,rs, a 11 of sa:l,j R",: 80111 ti ons be ing on file in thG of'fi Cp of the Clerk of the
Commission of' The City of Bo~em8n, at the Cit;, Hall of said Cit~T,
and sub;pct to the in-
spection of all interested parties.
Dated this 20th, day of May, 1944.
State of Montana )
) ss
Coun ty of 0alla tin )
I, L. G. Shadoan, Cle rk of the Commis s ion of The (,;i
ty of Bo zeman do here by certify
the t the foregoing Notice Re Connnis sion Resolution No. 541, was published at leng th in
the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in
said Ci ty in the issue of May 21s t, 1944, and that due proof is on file in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I Hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this
22nd day of May, 1944.
State of Montana )
) ss
County of Gallatin )
I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission
of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify
that the foregoing Commission Resolution No. 541 was published by title and nu.ml er in
the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in
said City in the issue of May 28th, 1944, and that due proof 1s on file in my office. I
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the saal of my
offic a this
29th de? of May, 1944.
Resolution No. 541.