HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 540 Lighting District Maintenance, No. 100. 284. 288. 289. 290 295. 300 - ---.---.-- -. ')84 ,...,J .' ' ,pt ~~ J.l." COMMISSION RESOLlTTION NO. 540 ,c 0'1> [ .' '~;j/'1" .J<"RESOLUTION OF' TJ!f~ COMMISSION OF THE CI'J'Y OF' BOZEMAN, MONTANA, LEVYING AND "1.; ,../ ASSES8ING LIGHTING DISTRICT MAIN'r'ENAlF':E AND ELECTRICAL CURPFN'r COSTS POR ,- "./ SPECIAL IMPPOV!;~U"~NT LIGHTING rnSTRICTS NUMBTmS 100, 284, 288, 289, 290, 295 AND - 300 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, PURSUANT TO TH:S PROVISIONS OF SECTION 5266 R.C.M. 1935. BE IT RESOLVED BY TH::;; COMMISSION OF 'rEF. CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. Too t pursuan t to the direction and b7 authority of the provisions of Section 5266, R. C. M. 1935, and upon e8timate~ of such cost mAde by fiaid City Commission I as authorized and directed by said Section 5266 R. C. M. 1 ~}35 , to defray the COAt of main- ta1ning and li~htin~ systems and for electrical current in the several Special Improvement Lightina Districts of The City of Bozeman hereinafter specified, there is hereby levied and assessed a~alnst nroperty and the several lots, pieces and parcels thereof, within the boundaries of Spec1al Improvement Li~httn~ Districts Nos. 100, 2E34, 28tl" 289, 290, 295 and 300 of The Cltv of Bo~emRn respectively, as her~tofore created and established the total amOllnts 9S to each Antire district and the several amounts as to each lot, piece or parcel of land within the boundnries of such district, as set forth in the several schedules attached herAto and made a part hereof and marked separately for identification as Schedule A, for Special Improvement Li~htlng District No. 100, ( Ma inS tr e e t) ; Schedule 13, for Special Improvement Lirhttng District No. 284, (Cleveland Street); Schedule C, for Special Improvement Lighting District No. 28R, (Tracy Ave. So . ) ; Schedule D, for Special Improvement Li~htin.P' District No. 289, (No. Bozeman Ave.); Schedule E, for Special Iw- provement Lightina District No. 290, (So. Black Ave.); Schedule F, for Special Improvement Lighting District No. 295, (WillAon Ave., so. ) ; and Schedule G, for Sppcial Improvement LiIThting District No. :"j00, (No. Willson Ave.). I That the am01mt so levii'1n and assessed is 75% of such e~t:1Yl"ated eo;'t for each and all of aain Districts except Special Improvement Li~htin? District No. 100 (Main Street) and 9S to such District the lev;;T and assessment is 50;b of snch esttmated cost. Spction 2. Tha t a partiel) lar des criptbn 0 f' each lot, piecn or parcel of land with the m'1m8 of the OWIv:~r thereof and the sum as"'esC'ed and levled agatnst such property and owner, or either, is set forth in the scheclulp for each rti8trlct as snecified a~d i~~n- tified in Section 1, of this Resolut10y" anr3 m8~e a part of tl11s Resolution as aforesaid. ,Qection 3. That the ref':111ar meeting of the Comm1ssion of The City of Bozomcon to be held on the 26th day of ~"-ay, 1944, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. a t the Commission Chamber, City Ha 11 B1J,ilding, in The Citv of Bozeman, be, a no t}le same is her9by desi~n8ted as the time and place at which ob1ectlons to the final adoption of' thiR Resohltion will be heard and considered by said City Co~mjs?ion. Sec tion 4. Tn9 t thp, r::lrrk 0 f thi s Commie C' :i. on be, and he 18 hereby ordarsd And cir- ected to publish in the Bo:-':eman Daily Chronicle, a dail;;T newspaper of .p'enernl circlJlation printed and plblished in said City of Bozeman, a notice si (J'ned by sa icl Clerk as 8u ch, which notlre shall state thpt this P~Sohltlon, levyln(J' and assessing the several amounts as ret I forth in the S('.hp,rlll1es a ttachAd hAreto and made a part hereof AS aforesaid, and for the ~lrposes herein stated, has been provisionally passed and a.doptAn b~T the Commis.'"ion of The City of Bozeman and is on file i11 the office of saj d Clerk aDd s"b..iect to inspection rlllr tn"" ref"llla r office hours, for a pAriod of five days from and after the publlcq tion of sueh notice and at any time d.ur:tn~ such office hours and at or pr:tor to the rep:lJlar mAetinr of the Cit'! r::ommlsslon to be ~eld on the 26th day of May, 1944, as stated in Section 3 . ------- -- ,~) K r:- '..,/,--,() hereof; that said notice shall be 80 ~1blished once, and such publication shall be made not less than five days beforp the time set for heBrin~ And considerin~ objections to the final adoption of this Reso~ltion, as afore said. Provis2-onally passed and adopted by the Commission of The Gi ty of Bozeman a t a re?u1ar meeting of said CommiRdon on ~"ay 19th, 1944. I Attest: ~~/ )'/j]. ~ lerk of the Cnmmission Ma yor Ftn81ly pRssed and Rdopted by the Comrnis~ion of The Cit;T of Bozeman at a reO'nlar meetinrr of sale'! Commi8sion, Ma;>- 26th, 1944. Attest: ~~ 7/& .~ - lark of Ma yor NOT ICE ------ OF TIME AND PLACE FOR HE/\RINCi OBJECTIOJlT$ TO THE FIKAL ADOPTION OF C01\1- MTSSION RESOLUTION NO. 540 OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CI'rY OF BOZFMA"f\T, MOWl'ANA. LEVYING AND ASSF,SSING PORTION OF COST OF rM IN~'ENl\NC!': AND ELECTRICAL CTJRP1<:JlTT FOR SPECIAL IMPROVE~mJl"TT LIGHTING DISTRICTS NOS. 100, 284, 2P8, 289, 290, 295, AND 300 of THE CI'l'v OP BOZEMAN, MONTANA FOR THE YEAR 1944. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That at a rep'ular meeting of the Commission of The City of Bo zeT'1on ~ l\'~on tans, helo on the 19th dR. y of May, 1944, Commission Resolution No. 540, was provisionally passed and adopted. Said Resolution levies and assesses a special assess- I Plent llpon all the propert;T in Special Improvemen t Li,zhtlnp,- Dis tricts NOli. 100 ( ~lain S tre e t); 284, (Cleveland Street); 288, (Tracy Ave. So.); 289, (No. Bozeman, Ave.); 290, ,. (So. Black Ave.); 295, (So. Willson Ave.); and 300, (No. Wil1Aon Ave.), to defrA yes tima ted cost of maintenance and electrical mlrrent for each of said districts, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5266. R.C"II,f., 1935. The portion of such cost assessed is 75~ as to all of said districts eycept District No. 100 (Main Street) a nd as to 8uch district the portion of the cost assessed is 50%. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN That said Commis8ion Resolution No. 540 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the said City Commission, City Hall, Bozeman, Montana, and sub,iect to inspection during the regll1ar office hours of said Clerk at any time prior to anC1 at the reg1llar mDet~np' of the said Ci ty Commission to be held on Friday, May 26th, 1944 at 7:30 o'clock P.M., at the Commission Chamber in the City Hall Building, Bozeman, Montara, which is the time and place desi~nated in said Resolntion No. 540 when and where the said Commission will consider and pass upon any and all ob.1ectlons to the final pas- sa~e and adoption of said Commission Resolution No. 540. Reference is made to Council Resolll tion No. 647, and (;ommlsdoTi RpAolutions N....s. 214, 284, 285, 286, 305, and 316, I creating the Special Improvement Li~htin~ District~ above enumerated, which resol') tions are on file and of record in the office of the Clerk of the City Commission and subject to public inspection during reglJlar office hours of said Clerk. Dated this 20th day of May, 1944. ~~ C1erk of the Commission Resolution No. 540. ---.". 28() State of Montana ) ) ss C01mtv of Ga 118 tin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clr:rk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice Re Commission Resolution No. 540, was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City' in the issue of May 21st, 1944, and that due proof is on file in my office. 1 IN WHITESS WfffiREOF I HEREUNTO SET ...,y hand and affix the seal of my 0 ffice this 22nd day of May, 1944. '" ~~~ Clerk of the ommission Sta te of Mon tana ) ) ss County of Gallatin) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Commission Resolution No. 540 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Dai ly Chronic Ie, a newspa ;:er of gan eral circu81a tion printed and pub]jsbed in said City in the is sue of May 28th, 1944, and that due proof is on file in my offics. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the sea 1 of my office this 29th day of May, 1944. ~~~ I Cle of tne ommission -I