HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 538 Ordering Money Transferred 230 ./1::~ ...".<~ f)? COMJVrrsSI ON RESOLUTION NO. 538 / .' "If I ,<>-~ .}f'C:I..()::)~><5A RESOLUTION OF THE CmlfT'HSSION OF TIm CITY OI~ BOZEM/\N, MONTANA, ORDERING I <t~~~;;,\). MOJ\TEY TRANSFERP~D FROM THE SPECIAL IMPROV'2MENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND OF SAID CITY TO THE GENcoRAL FUND OF SAID CITY. . . . . WHEREAS: It appears to the City C"Inmission from the report of the Director of Finance that there is at this time in the Special Improvement Di~trlct.Revolving Fund of said City the S1Jm of $1,890.00, which gl.lm the Commis sion deern8 to be in excess I of the amount necessary f'or the payment or redemption of maturinp; bonds or warrants of any Special Improvement District Fund of said City, the bonds or warren ts of which are a lep:al charrre ai!ainst and may be defrayed from said Special Improve1:'ent District Re- vol ving Fund, and such excess is the sum of $1,890.00; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVF<:D BV THE COMMIS SION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAT-T: Section 1. ThA t under and by vi rtue of the AU thori ty therefor ,f\ran ted by the provisions of Section 5277.5 of the Revised Codes of' Montana, 1935, there be, and there is hereby ordered to be, transferred from the Special Improvement Digtrlct Revolvinv Fund of The City of Bozeman, to the General ~lnd of said City, the sum of $1,890.00. Passed and adopted a t a regular meetinp: of the Oi t" Commisd on by unanimous vote of said Commission, all members thoreof present and votin~, this 7th day of April, 1944. Attestj&~ )//J.~ Ma yor C(ti-h-~ I erk 0 t e Ji t:, ommis s lon State of Montana ) ) ss County of G-allRtin ) I, L. n. Shanoan, C10r1{ of the Commie 8 ion of The 01 tv of B07 eT11an do her8b:-;, certify the t t:t.e forego in.'; COmmif:1 nlon He so 111 tion No. 538 was plJblished by ti tIe and rmmber in the Bozo, 0~lan Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of ~0noral circulation printed and published in :')aid city in the 1381Je of April 9th, 1944, and thRt dUE proof is on file in my office. IN WITNES~ W~REOF I h,"'rEnmto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this lOth day of April, 1944. ~~. I . -