HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 554 Street Sprinkling Districts ... -----..--.-.. .j..' . <t ./>. ~~qJ'~l( ,~ r::~ '( - COMMlS~ION RE&JLUTION NO. 554"", '<~Q~..J ',tor - x- t1 "'~., ..r- A RESOLUTIOli OF' THE COMI.:lS;jION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING ". ...... A SPE::IAL ASSES61iEl~T OF TAXES UPON ALL THE PROPERTY I~ STREET SPli.lNELJ..l"G '~'..'" D.J..STRICTS OF 'l'HTI. CITY OF BOZEhiAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA, TO ""-.. DEFRAY SEVENTY-F'lVE PERCEl\T OF TIlE COST OF SPRJ..NKLING STREErrS WJ..THIN SA.LD STHEET SPR.i.NKLING DISTRICTS OF THE C.i.'l'Y OF BOZEMAN FOR THE YE;AR 1945.. WHEREAS, the City Council and the Commission of The City of Bozeman have heretofore I duly and regularly passed Council and Commission Resolutions creating Street Sprinkling Districts within The City of Bozeman and defining the boundaries thereof and providi~g fer the assessment of the cost of sprinkling the same as set forth in Resolutions hereinafter referred to; and WHEREAS, the streets within the boundaries of said Street Sprinkling Districts have been sprinkled during the year 1945 as contemplated in said Resolutions, in accordance with terms and conditions thereof; and 'l"i"HEREAS, the street Sprinkling Districts and the Resolutions creating the same, the total frontage of the property within said district to be assessed, the total cost of said sprinkling within said districts and the proportion thereof chargeable to the property therein 1s hereinAfter set forth. NOW, THEHEFORE, pursuant to the provi sions of See tiors 5272 to 5277, inclusive, Po- Ii tical Code, R.C.M., 1935, and Ordinance No. 295 and saId Council and Commission Resolu- tions cre'3.tirg said Street Sprinkling Districts; BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA: Section 1. That for the year 1945, TIle City of Bozeman has waived the sprinkling I assessments on the following districts: 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 130, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 192, 19;.5, 194, 195, 196, 197, 193, 199, 204, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, and 256; that for the year 1945, The City of Bozeman has defrayed the cost ($1,443.11) of sprinkling streets in the several Street Sprinkling Districts pursuant to Resolutions creating the same, and that seventy-five percent of the entire cost thereof ($1,082.33) exclusive of the cost of sprinkling parks f1nd pl.1.blic ph,ces, the tot"l n1.1.11'.l)Cl' of l~.nwtr feet of property to be 0.3:::-:;8s3ed, nnd the r?te per Ilne~r feat, 13'18 follows, to-wi t: Sprirkling District No. 1, cr~ated by Council Resolution No. 424i, Main Street from Wall8.ce Avenue to Fourth Avenue, a total frontage of 9363.4 feet, the sum of ;;:;1,052.33, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.112387. SprinkliDg Vis tri c t No. 162, created by Council Resolution No. 858, Babcock Street from Bozemrom Avenue to Fifth Avenue, and Fifth Avenue from Bf1bcock Street to !liain Street, a total frontage of 4690.5 feet, the sum of :$30.00, belng 75J; of the entire amount or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.006394.. Section 2. Th9t to defray seventy-five (75) percent of the cost of sprinkling stDeets within said street sprinkling districts for theyear 1945, therebe, and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax upon all the property in front of and bordering on sald street I sprinkling di~3tricts as set forth in Schedules One and Two, hereto attached and made B part hereof; that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the neme of the owner and. the sum assessed against him or it, is set forth in assessments lists hereto attached, marl~ed "Schedules One (1) to Two (2) inc lusi ve, and made a part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the names of the owners, and the described lots and parcel s of land, be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed upon and against sald lots find parcels of land; that the several sums be collected from the respective owners -~-- 320 of sald lots and parcels of land described in the said assessment lists, Schedul es One and Two as required by law; th 9. t said sums shall be paid and the collec tion thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law governing the collectioL of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when same shall become due and payable shall make such perso!' and such lots and parcels of land liable to the penal ties provided by the law relative to delinquent taxes. I Section 3.. Thl1,t the regular session of the Commission of The City of Bozem8n to be held on the 22nd day of June, 1945, at the Commission Chemb0r, City Hall Building, be, e.nd the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to the fInal adop- tion of this Resolutim will be heard b;, theCommiss ion.. Section 4. That the Clerk of the Commis sion be, and he is hereby ordered and direc- ted to publish ir. the Bozeman Daily Chronicle a dqily newspap er, printed and published in the said Ci ty of Bozeman, a not.ice signed by the Clerk of the Commission, and s ta ting that a Resolution levying a special assessment of taxes to defray seventy-five (75) per- cent of the cost of sprin~ing streets i~ the said Street Sprinkling Districts for the year 1945, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the C orumi ssion, subject to inspec- tion for a period of five days; that said r,otice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Conll'nission to the final adoption of tills Resolution; that it shall be published at least five days before the date set by the Commission for hear- ing of objections, and the final adoption of this Resolution.. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Commission of 'The City of Bozeman at a I regular session thereof held on the 15th day of June, 1945.. Att~~~~ ~k of the Commission hI Finally passed and adopted. by the Commlssicn of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 22nd day of June, 1945.. Attew~ ~k of the COIT~ission NOT.iCE ------ HEARl.NG, FINAL AIXJPT 1.01\ COMMISSIClIJ RESOLUTIOh NO. 554 LEVYl.NG AS;.s,E~.sMLKr OF SEVENTY-F.J.. VE PERCEr"T CO 8T S?R.J-NKLING ST REET 0, STRELT SPR.Ll\h.Ll.NG D1STR1CT,S POR THE YEAR 1945. NOTICE IS nEHBEY GIVEh, That at a regL:.lar session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman held on the 15th day of June, 1945, Commission Resolution No. 554 was duly passed and adopted; that said Commission Resolution No. 554 levies and assesses especial I assessment of taxes upon nll the property in Street Sprinkling Districts of said City to defray 75 percent of the cost of sprinkling streets within said Street Sprinkling Districts for the year 1945. That said street Sprinkling Districts, and the Resolutions creat.J..ng the same, and the amount of the assessments are as follows: Street Sprinkling Dist.. No. Resolution No.. Amount of Assessment 1 424.l. ;$ 1,052..;53 2 162 858 30..00 Resoln tion No. 554. '3>)1 ~ 1..1 ... Tha t , said Commission Resolution No. 554 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Co~~ission of said City of Bozeman subject to inspection of all persons interested for a period of five (5) days, by any person interested; that Priday the 22nd day of June, 1945, at 7:30 o'clock P.K., of said day at a regular session of the Conull1 ssion of The 'C1 ty of Bozeman, Commission Room, City Hall Building has been designated as the time and place I when and where said Commission will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to the final passage and adoption of said Commission Resolution No. 554, and the levying of said assessment; and tha t said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session of said Commission, subject to such corrections and amendments as may be made upon objections made and filed within five days limit as provided by law. Dated this 16th day of June, 1945. #~ ler 0 the City Commission Sta te of Montana ) ) SS County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commls~ion of The Uity of Bozeman do hereby certify tha t the fareg-o inQ' No tic e, Rero 11.1 tion No. 554, wa s published at lenrrth in the Boz etrlAn Daily Chronicle, 1n the is~me of .Tune 17th, 1945, said newspaper being printed and pub- I lished in said city, and that due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN WITI\P:;;('S WFEFEOF I hereunto ~et my hand and affix the seal of my office this 26th dAY of .Tune, 1945. ~Of' Sta te of M'-mtana ) ) ss County of Gal18tin ) I, L. G. Sha doan, Clerk of the Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman do hereby certify tha t the foregoing Resolution No. 554 was p1Jbllshed by ti tIe and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a dally newspaper printed and published in said Clty in the issue of .Juen 24th, 1945, and that due proof is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHF.RFOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my oPficB thi p 26th day of June, 19 45 . ~~. Clerk of fhe -City ommission I ----.----.---,.,-. ....-- -.---....-......-..... --..--.----------.------...----.---....--