HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 545 Taxable Property 'J9H ~ . 'I.' 0. I"";,. _ '<,."'*0 ~ ,/ ,,::~"o""':~~' '~/ COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 545 }~1''1' A RESOLUTION OF TEE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DETERMINING THE AMOUNT ",./ OF CITY TAXES FOR ALL PURPOSES, GENERAL AND SPECIAL, TO BE LEVIED AND ASSESSED " ON TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30th, 1945. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. Tha t , pursuant to the provi~ions of Section 5194, Political Code, R.C.M., 1935, as amended by Chapter 48, Laws of 1937, there is hereby levied and 88sessed on the I taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The City of Bozemaq State of Montana, as fixed and found by the Board of County Commissioners of Gallatin Couty, Montana, sitting as a County Board of Equalization for the current fiscal year of 1944, a tax of 15.2 Mills for General Municipal and Administrative purposes, and for street and alley maintenance (Section 5194, Political Code, R.C.M., 1935). Section 2. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5049, Political Code, R.C.M: 1935, and the provisions of Ordinance No. 233 of The City of Bozeman and Council Resolution No. 1095 of said Ci ty, in pursuance of which the tax authoriz ed for library purposes by taxpayers at an election held April 4th, 1921, was increased from one to two mills (M.F. 13, Page 307), there is hereby levied and assessed on the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The City of Bozeman, State of Montana, fo r the curren t fiscal year ending June 30th, 1945, for the support and me in tenance of the free public library of The Ci t" of Bozeman a special tax of Two (2) Mills on each dollar of the taxable percentum of the assessed value thereof and the money derived therefrom shall be paid into the Library Fund and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinances Nos. 79 and 524 of said City; See tion 3. Tha t , pursuant to the proviffions of Section 5194, Political Code, R.C.M., I 1935, as amended by Chapter 48, Laws of 1937, there is hereby levied and assessed on the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The City of Bozeman, State of MontRna, for the current fiscal year of 1944, for the purpose of maintaining public parks in said City, a special tax of Three (3) Mills on the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The i..Iity of Bozeman and the money derived therefrom shall be paid into the Park Fund and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordi- nances Nos. 473, 524, 560 and 571 of said City; Section 4. Tha t, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5048, Political Code, R.C.M., 1935, there is hereby levied and assessed on the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property within The City of Bozeman, State of Montana, for the current fis- cal year ending June 30 th, 1945, for the purpose of providing band Concerts for the en- tertainment of the people of said City and fixed charges in connection therewith, a special tax of One (1) Millon each dollar of the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The City of Bozeman and the money derived therefrom shall be paid into the Band Concert Fund of said City and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinances I Nos. 521 and 524 of said City; Section 5. Tha t, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5119, Pnlitical Code, R.C.M., 1935, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the taxable percentum of the assessed val- ua tion of a 11 taxable property wi thin the 1imi ts of The C1 t::'" of Boz eman for the year end- ing June 30th, 1945, a special tax of One-tenth (1/10) Millon the dollar of such taxable percentum of the assessed valuation ibr the purposes of maintaining the Disability and Pension Fund of the Fire Department Relief Association of The City of Bozeman, and said .--.---.....-.... ""_.,,,- __" .........._no.._...._._______.... n__ ')99 ,...,,;. . tax when so collected shall be paid into the Disability and Pension Fund of the Fire Department Relief Association of The City of Bozeman; Section 6. Tha t, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 603 of The City of Bozeman, State of Man tana, the re is hereby levied and assessed on the taxable percen turn of the assessed value of the taxable property of The City of Bozeman, Sta te of Man tan8, I for the current fiscal year ending June 30th, 1945, for the purpose of paying interest on, and for the redemption of Refunding City Bonds (Warrant Funding Bonds) of The City of Boze- man, a special tax of Two and eight-tenth (2.8) Mills on the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The City of Bozeman and the money derived from the collection of said Special Tax shall be paid into the Refunding City Bond Fund (Warrant Funding Bonds) and shall be disbursed as provided by said Ordinance; Section 7. The t , pUrS1Jan t to the provi sions of Commis sion Resolution No. 355 of The City of Bozeman providing for an issue of $37,000.00 of Recreational and Swimming Pool \ Bonds, passed and adopted February 21, 1937, pursuant to a favorable vote of the qualified electors of TheCity of Bozeman, and to provide for the payment of principal and interest as in said Resolution and in said bonds provided, there is hereby levied upon the taxable percentlJm of the assessed value of all property wi thin The Ci ty of Bozeman for the current fiscal year ending June 30th, 1945, a special tax of One and Four-tenths (1.4) Mills and the money derived the~rom shall be paid into the Public Park Improvement Bond Fund pur- suan t to the provisions of said Commission Resolution No. 355. Section 8. The t, pursuant to the provisions of Secti-:n 5668.38, Chapter 420, R.C.M., I 1935, there is hereby levied and assessed upon "The assessed value of (all) the taxable property" within the limits of The City of Bozeman for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1945, a special tax of One-half (~) Millon the dollar of such assessed valuation for the purpose of acquiring, establishing, improving, equiping, malntaini.ng, and operating an Airport, and shall be disbursed as directed by the Commis& on of The City of Bozeman; Section 9. Tha t, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 24, Laws of Montana, 21st Session 1929, there is hereby levied and assessed on all the taxable property of The City of Bozeman, State of Montana, for the current fiscal year ending June 30th, 1945, for the purpose of provid:tng money for the "Special Improvement District Revolving Fund" in order to secure the prompt payment of any Special Improvement District Bonds or Warrants issued in payment of improvements made in any Special Improvement District, and the interest thereon as it becomes due, a special tax of five-tenth (5/10) Millon the percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The City of Bozeman, and the money derived from the collection of said special tax shall be distrlbuted to the "Special Improvement District Revolving Fund" and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinance No. 612, enacted pursuant to said Chapter 24; I Section 10. Ths t, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5108.9, R.C.M., 1935, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the taxable percentum of the assessed value of all prop- erty within The City of Bozeman for the current fiscal year ending June 30th, 1945, a special tax of Five-tenth(5/10) Mill and the money derived therefrom shall be paid into the Police Reserve Fund pursuant to the provisions of Commission Resolution No. 451. Section 11. Tha t, pursuant to the provislona of Section 5216, R.C.M., 1935, the total levy of taxes for the current fiscal year ending June 30th, 1945, by reason of the foregoing Commission Resolution No. 545 300 determination, will and shall be as follows: General & Administrative purposes (Including Streets & Alleys) (Sec. 1) 15.2 Mills Maintenance of Free P blic Library ( Se c.. 2) 2..0 Mills .. (See.. :3) 3..0 Mills M~natenance of Public Parks Public Band Concerts (See.. 4) 1..0 Mill " Maintaining Disability & Pension Fund (See.. 5) Fire DeBt.. Relief Ass'n 0..1 Mill Refunding ity Bonds Sinking Fund (See.. 6) v (Ordinance No. 602) 2.8 Mills I Public Park Improvement Bond Issue (Sec. 7) 1.4 Mills Al rpor t (Sec. 8) 0.5 Mill Sp ec ial Impr. Di st. Re vl 'g l<'und (Sec. 9) 0.5 Mill Police Reserve Fund (Sec.lO) 0.5 Mill Total 27.0 Mills Passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 11th day of August, 1944, A. D. Attest: QI/!~ ~~~/ e k~o the ommission Mayor' Sta te of Montana ) f"I ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the forgoing Commission Resolution No. 545, was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chornicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of August 13th, 1944, and that due proof is on file in my office. I IN WITNESS~HEREOF I hereunto ~et my hand and affix the seal of my office this 22nd day of Augus t, 1944. ~k~~~,/ Clerk of the Commission I Commission Resolution No. 545.