HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 544 Granting to Trustees of Chicago, Milwaukee, St.Paul ') ')7 ','~. COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 544 Frl\Of HGM1d M\4 Ct!8C~e RESOLUTION GRANTING TO THE TRUSTEES OF CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND ft2:::df:t-. PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RI GHT AND -''''''''''''j?l4- PERMIT TO CROSS THE ALLEY IN BLOCK F OF ROUSE'S (SECOND) ADDITION TO THE .."._.,_._..___;1:"~. CITY OF BOZEMAN. WHEREAS, it appears that Henry A. Scandrett, Walter J. Cummings and George I. Haight, as Trustees of the property and operating the Railroad of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul I and Pacific Railroad Company, have heretofore filed with the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, their Petition, requesting a permit to cross the alley in Block F of Rouse's (Second) Addition to the City of Bozeman to construct a spur track or industrial spur as the same 1s now constructed across the alley in Block F aforesaid, beginning at a point immediately east of and abutting Lot 19, and continuing to a point east of the north line of Lot 18 projected, both said lots being in Block F of Rouse's (Second) addition to the City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS, it appears that said industrial spur is already constructed and in place, and that application for a permit heretofore made for the construction of said spur inadvert- antedly ommitted reference to the fact of a desire on the part of the applicant to cross said alley, and WHEREA::), 1 t appears tha t such construc tion consists of a standard gauge railway track and otherwise conforms with the requirements of Ordinance No. 601 of the Cit~ of Bozeman, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman that per- mission is hereby granted to the Petitioner herein above named, their successors and assigns, to operate over and upon said industrial spur so long as said operation and construction 1s I carried on and maintained in accordance with the rights, privileges and limitations con- tained in said Ordinance No. 601. o. Passed and adopted by the unanimous vote of the City Commission in regular session assembled this 7th day of August, 1944. At te s t : YlJf~ c(1:~/ Ma yo r lerk of the City Commission S ta te of Mon tana ) ) ss County of Galla tin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Comm'ssion of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 544 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in said City in the issue of August 9th, 1944, and tha t due proof is on file in my office. I IN WITNESS WlmREOF I hereto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 22nd day of Augus t, 1944. ~J~ Cle k of the'. ..... ty ommis sian