HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-09-2014 Minutes, City Commission Bozo 9x • s C8 THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday,June 09, 2014 Minutes linked to the video can be found online at: http://www.bozeman.net/Departments/Admini stration/Cily-Commi ssion/Streamina- Video/Archives A. Call to Order—5 p.m. —Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Present Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Present Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Staff present at the dais was City Manager Chris Kukulski, Staff Attorney Tim Cooper and Deputy City Clerk Aimee Brunckhorst. B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. Changes to the Agenda None. D. Public Service Announcement-Awards and Recognition for the 2014 Bozeman Energy Smackdown Residential Energy Competition (Meyer) Natalie Meyer, Community Climate Coordinator provided the presentation on this item presenting awards to the 2014 Bozeman Energy Smackdown residential energy competition. Bradford Watson& Coreene Masse were the recipients of the award. E. Work Session - Fiscal Year 2015 (FYI 5) Budget Work Session for General Fund & Community Development(Planning) Fund (Rosenberry) 'a Anna Rosenberry started the staff presentation on this item. 05:09:27 PM Natalie Meyer explained the McKinstry Investment grade audit. 05:19:22 PM Questions for staff on the audit. 05:32:01 PM Anna Rosenberry continued the staff presentation on the budget. Page 1 of 11 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, June 9, 2014 05:34:57 PM Cr. Pomeroy began questions for staff. 05:38:06 PM Mayor Krauss began discussion on the budget. 05:46:04 PM Cr. Taylor continued discussion and questions on the budget. 05:47:22 PM Cr. Andrus continued discussion and questions on the budget. 05:50:03 PM Cr. Pomeroy continued discussion and questions on the budget. 05:53:25 PM Ron Price, Chief of Police answered a budget question. 05:56:38 PM Cr. Mehl continued discussion and questions on the budget. 05:57:52 PM Cr. Mehl asked a question for the Library Director to return with an answer. 06:03:52 PM Wendy Thomas, Director of Community Development answered questions. 06:10:12 PM Cr. Mehl continued discussion and questions on the budget. 06:12:28 PM Cr. Taylor continued discussion and questions on the budget. 06:18:00 PM Cr. Andrus continued discussion and questions on the budget. 06:19:15 PM Mayor Krauss continued discussion and questions on the budget. 06:23:54 PM Cr. Taylor continued discussion and questions on the budget. 06:24:55 PM Cr. Pomeroy continued discussion and questions on the budget. 06:26:46 PM Susan Gregory, Library Director provided a clarification on the budget. 06:28:09 PM Break Mayor Krauss called for a break. 06:41:44 PM Back from break. Mayor Krauss called the meeting back to order. F. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims (LaMeres) a 2. CTEP (Community Transportation Enhancement Program) Citywide Sidewalk Project Notice of Award (Murray) '�,5;4m 3. Provisional Adoption of Ordinance 1891 approving the Boulder Creek Zone Map Amendment located between Durston Road and West Oak Street (as extended), east of Laurel Parkway and north of Annie Street(as extended), Application Z14030 (Riley) "�Cz Public Comment on Consent. Mayor Krauss opened public comment. Seeing none, he closed public comment. 06:42:13 PM Mayor Krauss thanked Doug Riley for his seven and a half years of service here at the city of Bozeman and commended him for all of the difficult planning applications he has expertly brought forth and said he will really be missed. Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items F. 1-3 as submitted. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner - Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Approve Page 2 of 11 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, June 9, 2014 Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve The motion passed 5-0. G. Public Comment 06:45:44 PM Jerry Pape,Public Comment Mr. Pape spoke regarding fiscal responsibility and the need to increase the tax base instead of raising taxes. He also spoke regarding the high cost of impact fees. He also spoke regarding a study he recently completed for the Northern Rockies Economic Development District on Parks and Fairgrounds and the high cost of operations and maintenance for parks. 06:50:12 PM Rebecca Gleason, Public Comment Ms. Gleason of 1139 North Spruce Drive spoke requesting the funding of a bicycle/pedestrian coordinator. She explained why this type of coordinator would be so valuable. 06:52:14 PM Jessie May Campbell, Public Comment Ms. Campbell of 1115 South Church Avenue spoke regarding the need and reasons for a bicycle/pedestrian coordinator. 06:54:08 PM Macy Duncan,Public Comment Ms. Duncan, a sixth grader spoke in favor of the potential partnership for an aquatics center with the YMCA at the regional park saying she has participated in Y activities for about six years. She said these programs have helped her and her friends grow into good people and make her community proud. She provided three reasons why including having everything located in one area,having the location near many area schools and having it near a current park. 06:55:57 PM Lilly Bartholomew,Public Comment Ms. Bartholomew and her brother Reed would like to see the pool built by the dinosaur park. 06:56:48 PM Will Nash,Public Comment Mr. Nash said he would like to see a pool by the dinosaur park and near the basketball court so he can play with his friends longer. 06:57:22 PM Brianne Manninen,Public Comment Ms. Manninen of 420 Mineral Avenue spoke in favor of a partnership with the YMCA and the city and in favor of the facility being built near the Gallatin Regional Park. She is a big supporter of the YMCA and a coordinator of an adventure program. She spoke regarding the difficulties of transporting kids from one facility to another. Page 3 of 11 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, June 9, 2014 07:00:11 PM Alan Mccollim,Public Comment Mr. Mccollim of 2261 East Cameron Bridge Road spoke in support of the joint venture of the YMCA and the city and the Gallatin Recreational Park and said it is the best place to accommodate folks from outlying areas. 07:00:51 PM Anthony Tangaro, Public Comment Mr. Tangaro of 3191 Field Stone Drive spoke in favor of a partnership with the YMCA and having the facility built near the 100 acre park and said what a wonderful organization the YMCA and how a facility such as the one proposed would make Bozeman even more unique. 07:02:05 PM Kelly Rastan,Public Comment Ms. Rastan, is nine years old and she said she is a YMCA camper and it means a lot to her. She hopes the Commission will decide to build a place for them to be. 07:02:37 PM Natalia Tesla, Public Comment Ms. Tesla said how much she loves the YMCA and hopes it grows bigger. 07:03:19 PM Melissa Cashman, Public Comment Ms. Cashman of 705 East Mendenhall spoke regarding being a YMCA child in her hometown and how important it would be to have a community center here. She spoke regarding traffic concerns if the facility was located at Rose Park. She spoke regarding how perfect the location at the 100 acre park would be as a central location. 07:07:05 PM Joseph Cusak, Public Comment Mr. Cusak said as a father of children who participate at the YMCA he would like to speak to the dedication and leadership the YMCA is providing for many children in the community. He has concerns about traffic at Baxter and Davis and the lack of proper roadways and traffic areas in that area. He would ask that the city provide traffic infrastructure at this location. H. Action Items 1. Valley West Phases 3B, 3C, and 3D major subdivision application for preliminary plat approval that would allow the further subdivision of nine multi-household lots of approximately 3.5 acres into sixteen lots for single household attached townhouses and fourteen lots for single household detached dwellings in the Valley West Subdivision east of Cottonwood Road between Bembrick Street and West Babcock Street, Application P 14018 (Quasi-Judicial) (Krueger) ';a 07:09:43 PM Brian Krueger, development review manager provided the staff presentation on this item. 07:17:05 PM Cr. Mehl asked questions of staff. Page 4 of 11 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, June 9, 2014 07:21:03 PM Greg Stratton,Applicant Presentation Mr. Stratton provided the applicant presentation. He spoke regarding this application being an attempt to reduce congestion. 07:22:40 PM Cr. Andrus continued questions for staff. 07:23:06 PM Deputy Mayor Taylor continued questions for the applicant. 07:23:25 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. Seeing none, he closed public comment. Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application P14018 and move to approve the Amended Plat of the Valley West Maior Subdivision, Phases 3B, 3C, and 31)with conditions and subiect to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mqyor - Carson Taylor: 2nd Discussion on the motion. Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application P14018 and move to approve the Amended Plat of the Valley West Maior Subdivision, Phases 313,3C, and 3D with conditions and subiect to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve The motion passed 5-0. 2. Determination of Location and Potential Partnership for a New Bozeman Communityquatics Center and Direction to Proceed with Design (Winn/Overton) a 07:26:22 PM Chuck Winn, Assistant City Manager provided the staff presentation on this item. 07:46:04 PM Cr. Mehl asked questions of staff. 07:48:55 PM Mayor Krauss continued questions of staff. Page 5 of 11 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, June 9, 2014 07:54:51 PM Andrea Stevenson, CEO/Executive Director of the Gallatin Valley YMCA Ms. Stevenson spoke on behalf of the staff and board of the YMCA stating complete support of a partnership with the city for the proposed aquatic center at the 100 acre regional park. She spoke regarding the solutions that they have been working on since coming before the Commission in December. She said Gallatin County has agreed to a shared parking agreement assuring the city of Bozeman aquatic center more than adequate parking. She also said the YMCA has already raised 2 million dollars recently for this project. 08:01:51 PM Susan Swimley, Board Member of the YMCA Ms. Swimley spoke regarding the agreement with the Ridge Athletic Club saying they are trying to reframe the agreement. Both sides have been working really hard, and have built a strong relationship. At this time, they will continue on with the existing agreement that was signed in 2004. They have appreciated Steve Roderick's hard work to find common ground on a different type of agreement. She also spoke to the great benefit of having the fire station right next door if this project were to go forward at the Vaquero site. 08:04:04 PM Jerry Pane, on behalf of the YMCA Mr. Pape of 15 North 25"' spoke regarding research he recently conducted for the Northern Rockies Economic District on Parks and Fairgrounds. He spoke regarding the YMCA serving thousands of children. He spoke regarding Olympian standards by the Commission of the YMCA. He then spoke regarding the disc golf course at Rose Park and the funding stipulations of a grant received from the Land, Water Conservation Fund, a Division of the National Park Service. He stated that he spoke with Tom Riley, the administrator of the fund who told him the disc golf course would have to be replaced exactly as it is at Rose Park. He also spoke regarding the results of a study done at other parks in other communities and the importance of the surroundings of a park for success. He also spoke regarding the superior management abilities of the YMCA. 08:09:51 PM Cr. Mehl began by clarification and refuting the testimony regarding the federal grant received for Rose Park. 08:10:53 PM Cr. Mehl asked a question of Susan Swimley regarding indemnity and insurance. Susan Swimley answered questions. 08:12:46 PM Andrea Stevenson answered questions from Cr. Mehl. 08:13:25 PM Cr. Mehl asked questions of the consultants. Dan MacArthur with MacArthur, Means and Wells answered questions. 08:17:11 PM Cr. Mehl asked questions of Chuck Winn. 08:19:41 PM Cr. Mehl asked questions of Mitch Overton. Page 6of11 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, June 9, 2014 08:20:52 PM Cr. Andrus asked questions of the consultants. Kent Means with MMW Architects answered questions. Dan MacArthur with MacArthur, Means and Wells answered questions. 08:27:24 PM Cr. Andrus continued questions of the consultants. 08:28:22 PM Cr. Andrus continued questions asking about a Streamline bus stop. 08:29:33 PM Cr. Pomeroy asked questions of Ms. Stevenson regarding fundraising. 08:32:05 PM Deputy Mayor Taylor began questions. 08:33:54 PM Chuck Winn answered questions. Dan MacArthur with MMW Architects answered questions regarding costs to build Vaquero Way. 08:50:02 PM Mitch Overton answered questions from Deputy Mayor Taylor. 08:50:51 PM Cr. Mehl asked questions. 08:51:33 PM Dan MacArthur answered questions. 08:58:39 PM Cr. Mehl continued questions. 08:58:53 PM Susan Swimley answered questions. 09:01:53 PM Ashley Ogle, Leader of the YMCA Capital Campaign answered questions regarding fundraising. 09:04:12 PM Cr. Mehl asked questions of Ms. Stevenson with the YMCA. 09:06:20 PM Mayor Krauss asked questions of staff. 09:09:18 PM Mayor Krauss asked questions of Susan Swimley with the YMCA. 09:09:56 PM Break Mayor Krauss called for a break. 09:19:49 PM Back from Break Mayor Krauss called the meeting back to order from a break. 09:20:07 PM Public Comment Page 7of11 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, June 9, 2014 Mayor Krauss called for public comment on this item. 09:20:21 PM Brandon Lavender, Public Comment Mr. Lavender of 714 North Tracy spoke as the project manager of the nonprofit disc golf group, Course of Discovery. He spoke on behalf of the volunteers that have worked hard donating over 15,000 volunteer hours over the last twelve years working on Rose Park. He would ask that the Commission let them continue that work and not go back to ground zero. 09:21:54 PM Pepper Henyon, Public Comment Ms. Henyon of Augusta Drive is a pediatrician and a member of the capital campaign for the YMCA speaking in favor of the Vaquero Site and the YMCA partnership. She spoke in detail about the benefits of partnering with the YMCA and the importance of physical activities to the well being of children. 09:24:01 PM Cary Silberman,Public Comment Mr. Silberman of 18 Walking Horse Way, Belgrade spoke in favor of a partnership with the YMCA at the Vaquero Site and also spoke of the importance of disc golf opportunities in the community. He read aloud some of the program requirements from the Land and Conservation Fund federal grant that is attached to Rose Park. 09:27:15 PM Bridget Cavanaugh, Public Comment Ms. Cavanaugh spoke on behalf of the YMCA Board and said they are all greatly in support of a partnership with the City at the Vaquero site. 09:27:56 PM Michelle Sobek, Public Comment Ms. Sobek of 2229 Buckrake spoke on behalf of the Bozeman Barracuda Competitive Swim Program and thanked the Commission and staff for the work they have done on the Swim Center. She spoke regarding having space for swim events that bring people to Bozeman. She said that the Commission should consider continuing to create activities that everyone in the community can use and said that the Barracuda Competitive Swim Program would also be willing to partner with the city. 09:30:16 PM Chris Wilcox, Public Comment Mr. Wilcox spoke regarding spending money. 09:31:24 PM Bratton Dubose,Public Comment 614 Lexicon Drive said he was a Founding board member of the YMCA that served 10 years and said it would be incredibly wise to see the city and the county and the YMCA come together and save money to help the youth, seniors and families of this community. 09:32:49 PM Kyle Terrio, Public Comment Mr. Terrio of 46 South Chickadee Way said he would support the Regional Park site as designing outside the box and combining the efforts of the city and the county. Page 8 of 11 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, June 9, 2014 09:34:07 PM Peter McNary, Public Comment Mr. McNary said if the city did not go forward with the Vaquero site he does not believe the bond issue for this would pass. Be also spoke regarding the problems with wetlands at Rose Park. 09:35:43 PM Ashley Ogle,Public Comment Ms. Ogle spoke on behalf of Kenyon Noble saying that the business community sees a possible partnership to save money as a positive. She also spoke in favor of the 100 acre park site. 09:37:14 PM Jerry Pane, Public Comment Mr. Pape spoke as the County representative on the City Planning Board and asked what project the City will work with the County on. 09:3 8:28 PM Craik Sward, Public Comment Mr. Sward of 430 North 3` spoke on behalf of the Course of Discovery with the Gallatin Foundation nonprofit saying that a lot has gone into making Rose Park a disc golf course. He spoke to the large amount of money and volunteer hours and time that has gone into the disc golf course. 09:39:54 PM Bill Abbott, Public Comment Mr. Abbott said he feels the Rose Park location has limits in the future while the Vaquero site has many possibilities into the future. 09:41:39 PM Public Comment Closed Seeing no further public comment, Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 09:41:53 PM Motion that having considered public comment and the information presented by staff, I hereby direct the City Manager to develop a partnership agreement with the YMCA and an appropriate Interlocal agreement with the County of Gallatin and proceed with the development of a joint facility at the Vaquero Site and to complete all steps necessary to design and prepare the project for Commission approval. Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Deputy Mayor Taylor began discussion on the motion. 09:49:30 PM Cr. Pomeroy continued discussion on the motion. 09:51:19 PM Mayor Krauss continued discussion on the motion. 10:03:23 PM Rules of procedure suspended for the next fifteen minutes. Mayor Krauss suspended the rules of procedure to allow the meeting to extend past 10 p.m. for fifteen minutes. 10:03:54 PM Cr. Mehl mentioned that Swim Center Manager Dan McCarthy who will be leaving his position will be missed and thanked him for his service. Page 9of11 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, June 9, 2014 Cr. Mehl continued the discussion on this motion. 10:13:50 PM Rules of Procedure suspended until 10:30 p.m. Mayor Krauss suspended the rules of procedure to allow the meeting to go until 10:30 p.m. 10:13:55 PM Cr. Andrus continued discussion on the motion. 10:19:40 PM Vote on the motion that having considered public comment and the information presented by staff, I hereby direct the City Manager to develop a partnership agreement with the YMCA and an appropriate Interlocal agreement with the County of Gallatin and proceed with the development of a ioint facility at the Vaquero Site and to complete all steps necessary to design and prepare the proiect for Commission approval. Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Disapprove Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Disapprove Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve The motion passed 3-2 with Crs. Mehl and Andrus in opposition. I. FYI/Discussion 1. The City Commission meeting for June 16th is currently scheduled to begin early at 5 p.m. 2. Commissioner Pomeroy will not be present at the meeting on the 16th until 6 p.m. I Adjournment 10:21:20 PM Mayor Krauss adjourned the meeting at 10:21 p.m. Page 10 of 11 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, June 9,2014 Jeffj a s, Mayor �0.? 'fit' U ^CIx4CXity Clerk PRE1? ,R` ;1 , Aimed Brunckhorst, Deputy City Clerk Approved on J"J , ZOL I- Page 11 of 11