HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 680 Agreement with County to aid Health program and Ambulance 195 JOINT RESOLUTIJN NO. 680 AN AGREEMENT AND JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AND THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF GALLATIN BOZ '~MAN, MONTANA, RESPECTIVELY, ENTERED INTO BETWB~EN THE CITY COMMISSitON OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AND TIm co~mISSIONERS OF GALLATIN COUNTY, BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TO AID THE COUNTY AND CITY HEALTH PROGRAM AND TO SUP':ORT THE CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF AN AMBULANCE, FOR THE GALLATIN COUNTY HEALTH UNIT. I WHEREAS, the City 'If Bozeman and the County of Gallatin have a common interest in the establishment and maintenance of an ambulance and an ambulance and an ambulance service throughout the County, f or the prevention of disease and the promotion of public health in said County; and WHEREAS, The Benovelent and Protective Order of Elks, Bozeman Lodge Number 463 have proposed to donate a new ambulance for said purpose without cost other tean for maintenance and operation; and WHEREA S , said City of Bozeman and County of Gallatin through the commissioners, deem that the present ambulance service for the County is inadequa te; and WHEREAS, the said City of Bozeman and County through its commissioners believe it to be to the best interest of all of the citizens of said County tha t said ambulance be opera ted and ma in tained and tha t the COB t thereof, over and above revenues charged for such service, be paid for by the said County and City; and WHEREAS, the said donor has propeeedthat a non profit corporation be 'I oreated at the expense of the said donor which corporation shall be charged with the ownerwhip, maintenance, and operation of said vehicle; and WHEREAS, both the said County and City propose to budget for the fiscal year 1950-51, the sum of $480.00, each through their respective health departments wnich money is to be used toward the liquidation of any deficit from the operation of said service; and WHEREAS, from past experience it is probable that for future years additional funds will be necessary for the operation and maintenance of said vehicle. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED AND AGREED BY SAID CITY AND COUNTY AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City Of Bozeman and the County of Gallatin aid in the maintenance and operation of an ambulance ..ich has been proposed to be donated to a non profit organization by the Benove1ent and Protective Order Of Elks, Bozeman Lodge, Number 463, for the prevention of disease and promotion of the public health in Gallatin County Montana. , I 2. Tha t the two parties hereto pay an equal amount, not exceeding $500.00 each per year for the operation and maintenance of said vehicle; tha t for the'-flscal year 1950-51, each party hereto will budget the sum of $480.00 toward the maintenance and operation of said vehicle. 3. That the said funds shall be paid for the operation and maintenance of said vehicle to said non profit corporation and that when said corporation comes into existence, tha t there be appoin ted upon the board of Dirac tors of said corporation, one director who will also be a member of said city commission, one director who will also be a member of the Board of County ____..no 196 Commissioners of said County and one director who shall also be a member of' said Benevelent And Proctective Order Of Elks, Bozeman Lodge Number 463. That the books of said corporation shall be open at all times during business hours to the Board of County Commissioners and to the said C1 ty Com" mission. It is understood and agreed that this resolution and agreement may be termina tad a t the end of any fiscal year by e1 trier party giving to the I other party a thirty day notice in writing of such intention at any time at least thirty days prior to the end of such fiscal year. 4. That the provisions of this resolution shall become effective upon the adop tion thereof, by the said City of Bozeman and t~e said County of Ga11atim, Montana. Passed and adopted by the unanimous vote of the City Commission of The City of Bozewan in regular session on the 14th day of Mayor ATTEST: /J~ &k....O . t e ity omm ss on Passed and adopted by the unanimous vote of the Commissioners of Gallatin County, Montana, in extra session on ths 14th day of June, 1950. ~Sli WM. A. WORTMAN I ha'irman of the Board ATTEST: &S/ Bess Fowler lerk of the Board S ta te of Mon tans ) ) ss County of Gallatin) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, do herby certify that the forgoing joint Resolution No. 680 was published by title and number jn the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City, in the issue of June 20th, 195u, and that due proof is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 21st day of June, 1950. I - .-.