HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 677 SI Lighting District 361, Main Street ._,'-~ -,,- 185 Cmp,"ISSICN RESOL:J ~IOf\! NO. &77 f. ::.CSOLn~'ION OF THE CI'T'Y COM~,1ISSTOl\; OF Tflr~ CITY OF B02EVAN, l\WNTANA, CREATING A S rECTAL nrp~OVTI;~,r;:t;N'l' DIS'1'RICT OF SAID Clrpy TO BE KNOWN ANDDESIG]\T A 'l'To;D AS SPECIAL I\"PROVRMENT LICHTTt'C DISTRICE NUMBER $61 POR 'I'}IE rURPOSE OF INSTALLING AND MA,INTAIJ\lING A LIGFTH'G SY;:'TEM TO LICHT--MAIN srrRE~~'I' EAST AF~) WEST, FROM NORTH BROAD- WAY i'.'ilENUE TO T~?T: LI~m OF FOURTH AVR1TUE PROJr';CTTm, THESAME BEING TIm AREA NOW nTCL~m:2:D IN SPECIAL D"PROVEMt':T':T LIGHTHW DISTRICT NO. 100 OF TH~ CI~Y O~ 30ZEMAN AND TEE MAIJ\TTENANCE OF SUCH LIGHTI"W SYS 'l'EN, PURSUArrr TO Al'rD IN CONFORMI'I'Y WI'rrH I Cm1]\~ISSION RESOLUTION NTJ~'1EER 674 OF SAID CITY CmTM'ISSION AS PASSED AND ADOPTED BY SAID CITY CQ1\n~ISSION ON THE 19th dayOF' APRIL, JL950. WHEREAS: The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Mon tana, on the 19th day of April, 1950, passed and adopted Commission Resolution No. 674 declaring it. to be the 11" ten tion of sa id Commiss ion to create Special Improvement Lighting District No. 361 of said Cjty for the purpose of installing and maintaining a lighting system to light ~ain Street, East and West, from North Broadway Avenue to the line of Fourth Avenue Projected, the same being the area now included in Special Improvement Lighting District No. 100 of the City of Bozeman and the maintenance of such lighting system, which said Resolution, of record and on file in the office of the Clerk of said City Commission and open to tho inspection of the public, is hereby referred to for further particul8. rs; and WHEREAS: Due proof has been mAde thst service of notice of the &doption of said Resolution No. 674 WAS duly made and given as by law provided; and WHEREAS: A t th e time and place fixed in said Resolution No. 674 for the making and filing of protests against the creation of said proposed Special Improvement Light1ng District No. 361, to-wi t, at the hour of 1: 00 l'Clock P.M. on Wednesday I the lOth day of May, A.D. 1950, being a regular meeting time of said City Commission, at the Commission Chamber in the City Hall Building of the City of Bozeman, there were not sufficient protests made or filed against the ere a tion of said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 361; NOW, THEREFORE BE 1'1' RESOLVED BY TFE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1 Creation and Purpose Tba t ther be, and there is hereby created a special i~provement district of the City of Bozeman to be known and designated as Speclal IMprovement Li~hting District No. 361, for the purpose of installing and maintaining a lighting system to light Wain Street, East and West, from Norht Broadway Avenue to the line of Fourth Avenue projected, the same being the area now included in Spec i la Improvement Lighting District No. 100 of the City of Bozemsn, and the Maintenance of such lighting system, pursu~lTIt to and in conformi ty wi th Commiss:lon Resolution No. 674 of the Commission of the City of Bozeman,passed and adopted on the 19th day of April, 1950, which said Commission Resolution No. 674 I declares it to be the intention of said City Commission to create said Special improvement Lighting District No. 361 for the purposes aforesaid, and which said Commission Resolution No. 674 is of record and on file in the office of the Clerk of said City Commission in the City Hall Building, Bozeman, is open to the inspec tion of the public, and is hereby referred to for further partiml1ars. --.... --- 186 See tion 2 Bounda rie s The b()undaries of said Specjal Improvement Lighting District No. 361, hereby crea ted, arc defined and described as follows; Bepirtning at a point on the east line of Block C Rouse's Addition IUU feet sOlJth of the south ljne of East Main Street THENCE west along a line 100 feet south of and parallel with the sou th line of 1V[ain Street to a point 6 feet west of the east line of Lot 7 Block D Story's Addition; THENCE north aoross I West Main Street to a point 100 feet north of the north line I)f West Main Street and 13 feet west of the east line of Lot 8 Block D Tracy's Addition; THENCE east along a line 10U feet north of and parallel with the north line of Main Street to the east line of Block D. Rouse's Addition; THENCE south across East Main Street to the point of beginning. Section 3 Character of Improvements The character of the irnproverT'ent to be made in sald Special Improvement Lighting District No. 361 is the erection, maintenance and operation of forty- five (45) ornamental lamp posts with electric lamps, wires, pipe conduits to carry the electric current therefor, and all other suitable or necessary appliances for the pl.:trpose of lighting said s treat; and said improveJ11ent is hereby ordered made, installed, equipped, operated and maintained accordIngly. That said lamp posts shall be distributed lmiformly upon both s~.des of the section of Main Street East and West, herein described, as nearly as is practicable. Section 4 Frontage of District, Bstimate I of Cost and Method of AssessrT'ent. The total ac~ual frontage of the propety with1n said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 361 1s 6,785.4 front feet. Theest1mate of the cost of installation of the lights and other materials necessary to make the sa id improvement within said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 361 is $275.00 per unit, or a total of Twelve Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-five and no/lOa ($12,375.vO) Dollars, of which total sum fifty (50%) per cen t is to be assessed agains t the property embraced wi thin said District on e front foot basis and fifty (50%) per cen t is to be paid by the City of Bozeman, the estimated rate of assessment per front foot against the propety embraced within the said District being $0.9118 per front foot, but such estimated assessment per front foot may be lower or higher as such total cost is finally determined upon the completion of said installation, said estl~Ated rate of assessment per front foot being approximate only. Sec tion 6 Payment I Payment of fifty (50%) per cent of the cost of installation of the iIT- provernents within such Special Improvement Lighting District No. 361, including all incidental expenses ande1J Interest on deferred -oaywents, shall be made in eight (8) annual inst811mBnts, and the assessment thereof sha]l be made against fhe property withi said District as provided by law. This provision shall not, however, he cons trued to preven t full pa ymen tat Dny time. Payment of the re- ~alning fifty (50%) per ce~t of such cost shall be made by the City Of Bozeman, 187 RS by law provided. Section 7 Pa~~ent in Bonds or Warrants All costs and expenses in the const~lction of the improvement 5n Special Lighttn g District No, 361 hereby c~eated, including all expens0 connec tad wI th I and i TIC lden ta 1 to the formation of said district, lI'cI1)d~n:~ tl'e cOLt nf rro- r8l"J(i ti. '):1'"'1 c' ..I" :~; L ~ T' b , 8 -I~t~ G j f J, ':~,~ ..1.. ~:, arts) r.,~_~, ps " rJat;2;, ~.. I'"~ ;,~~ 1 :'."' (; ::"., r .~'" }.-'~ ~~ .1 ;:., -;.. pu .r' .~.,~ ,. ti :n 8. (: ',''':, C (: I and inspection, includjf1g ...... ~...., c ()'')1 '-" ,,'.' 8'3 t: - T of the city er(lneor for work done I" \ by him, the) ~ost 0f ~rlrt~ng ~nd advertising, and t~e preparation of assess- ment rolls, shall be paid for by special improvement district coupon bonds or warrants, to be drawn 8gaif1st a fund to be known as "Special Improvement Light- ing District No. 361 Fund". Sajd bonds or warrants shall be in the denomination of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or fractions or multiples therof, and ma y be issued in inst911~ents. Such bonds or warrants shall bear interest at the ra te of not to exceed six (6%) per cent per annum from the date of their re~istrDtlon until called for redemption or paid in full and the interest shall be paysble annually on the first day each year after svch registration as ex- pressed by the interest coupons attached thereto. Such warrants or bonds shAll be redeemed by the Director of Finance of the City of Bozeman when there is money in said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 361 Fund Avail.9ble for such payment. I Section 8 Sale of Bonds That pur8~ant to the provisions of and authority conferred by Section 11-2232 Revised Codes of M0ntana, 1947, said bonds may be sold to the highest and best bidder therefor for cash, for not less than the face value of such bonds or warrants, and including inte~est thereon, and the proceeds of such sale used in making payment to the contractor or contractors for such work, that 811Ch payment ma:! be made either from time to tIme, on estimates made by the engineer in charge of such improvements for th e c i t Y , or upon the entire coy'"ple tion of the improve~ents and the acceptance thereof by the Ci ty Commiss io1Ol. Section 9 The. t the City Englnaer be, and he is bereby, directed to prepare plans and specifications for t~e doing of said work and tLe making of said improvements. Section 10 That the Clerk of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman be, and he is hereby, directed to publish a notice inviting proposals for the furnishing I of material and the doing of the work and the making of said improvements in said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 361, which notice shall refer to the plans and specifications on file, by publishing such notice in two (2 ) issues of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, A daily newspaper printed and published -...----... 188 Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozemanat a regular session thereof held on the 17th day of May ,1950. ~/L Mayor A ttes t: ./..... I ~~ ."-'..~ lerk of the ity Commission State of Montana ) ) ss Countv of Gallatin) ., I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of the C1 ty of Bozeman, do hereb~T certify tha t the foregping Commission Hesoln tion liT. 677 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City, in the issue of May, 19th, 1950, and that due proof 1s on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 20th day of May,1950. .-z!~ I Clerk of the Commission I