HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 675 Intention to create SI Lighting District 362 179 COMMISSIO~ RESJLUfION No. 675 A RESOLUrION OF' THE COMMISSI'O!\J OF 'rHE CITv OF 130ZE;v1AN. MonTANA URCLARING 1'1' '1'0 BE THE IN'l'ENTION OF SAID COMMISSI )~! '1'0 CRI<:A'rE SPECIAL IMPROVEMEH'r LIG~rING DISTRICT NO. 362 F'OR Trill PURPOSE OF PURCHASING AND MAIN'rAINPJG A. L1 GR'rING SYSIl'EM '1") LIGWr MA 101' S'rREST FR JM 'rHE WES'r LINE OP FO URTH A VENUE PRO .JEC'rl~D 11':) THE WES'r LINE OF 'rHEI"J'rERSEC'rIJN OF' WEST MAIN S'l'RE8'l' AND SOlrrH EIGHTH AVENUE: DESCRIBING THE BI)U~DIRIES DF SAID DISll'RICT; 'rHE GENERAL CHJ\RACTSR OF 'rHE IMPROVEMENT TO BB MADE; SETTING FOPTQ ESTI1ATED COSTS OF' PURCHASING AND C')ST OF MAIN'I'AINING SUCH LIGHTS AND SUPPLYING I ELECTRIC1\ L CURREN'r T]EREFOR FOR 'rIlE FIRs'r YEAR; AND DE'rSHMINING T~-1A'r ONE-HALF' OF' THE COS'I' OF PURCHASING SAID LI(}HTS AND ONE-HALF OF' 'THE ANNUAL CJs'r OF MAIN'rENJ\NCE SHALL 3E J\SSESSED J\GAINST 'TIrE PFiUPERTY WI'rHIN TfIE DIS- 'rRICT AND 'l'I'If_T ONE-HALF OF 'rHE COS'I' OP PUFC]ASI NG SAID LIGHII'S N,m ONE-HALF OF' TTIB COS'I' OF ANNUAL MAIN1'ENANCE OF Ir!-J:E ~s'rEIvr SHALL BE PAID FOR OU'I' OF ernE GS!TERAL 1<'UND OF 'I'l-IE CI'rY OF BOZEMA~~. ALL UNDER trT-IE A UI'BOHI'I'Y OF AND IN C,)NFORMI'ry WITH ;;:;EC'I'rONS 11-22L~5 TO 11-2257 INCLUSIVE, OF THE REVISED CODES OF MON'l'ANA, 19L17. WT;;IrSA S : The Montana Power Company has installed, or is in theprocess of installing, on e tr~D1 basis, Ptfl;een ( 15) ornamental lamp posts wi.th electric lamps, wires, pip~ con- duits to carry the electric C1ITrent therefor, and ell other suitable or necessary appli- anc e;) , on N'~st ;/1a1'1 Stroet between the Nest lIne of Fourth Avenue projected and the \'Vest line of the intersection of West ;'lain Street and South Eichth Avenue, w'1ich lip;htinr: system said Montana Power Company has offered to sell to the City of Bozemen for the sum of Four 'rhousand Seventy-fo1JI' and 60/100 ( $,11,074.60 ) Dolla rs, complete; and WHEPEAS: There has been filed with the Clerk of theCommi~sian of the City of Bozeman, I'/lmtana, a petitiJn in due form of certaln property owners on West Main Street between the "Nest line of F01Jrth Avenue 9rojected and the ~Vest line of the intersection of West Maln Street and South E:i.r:-h th p, venue, asking that especial tnprovement lighting district be creHted for the purpose of TJUrchasine: and maintaining a lightinp; system to 19i tb West I Main Street between the West line of Fourth Avenue projected and the West line of the int0rsection of West Main Street and South Elphth Avenue; and WHEREAS: At a rei"ular meeting of the City Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman held the l$th lay of March, 19$0, the aforesaid petition was resnectlvely considered Rnd granted: NO'N, '1'HEPEFOHE, BE III' RE:)vLVED rW Tim CITY COMMISSIO),J OF THE CITY OF30ZEMAN: Section l. DECLftRATIJN OF INTENTION. That it is hereby declared to be tne i'1tentjon of '1'he Ci ty of Bo zemf:,n to create a special improvement district to be known and designated as Special Improvement Lighting District No. 362 of the City of J30zema n for the purpose of purchasing and maintaining a lighting system to light West Main Street between the West line of Fourth Avenue projected and the West line of theintersection of West Mair1 Street and South Eighth Avenue in sAid City. Section 2. 30 TJNDAR IES . The bound/? ri es of said propo sed Special Improvement Db tr ict No. 362 are described as follows: Beginning at a point in Lot 7 Block D Story's Addition 100 feet south of the south line of West Main Street and 6 feet west of the east line of said Lot 7 THE~CE west along a line 100 feet south of and parallel with the south line of West Main Street to the west line of South Eighth Avenue; 'l'HENCE nort:-l across West M~ln Street to a point in Lot 11 Block 2 SDringbrook AdJltion 100 I feet north of the north line of West Main Street and 15 feet west of the east line of said lot 11; THENCE east along a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of West Main Street to a point 15 feet east of the west lIne of Lot 8 Blocl{ D Trac-v's Addi tion; THENCE south across West Main Street to the point of beglnnin~. Section 3. __ _ ______. _u____.__._.__ -......-.-.-.------..- ..-.-...... 180 Section ~. ES'rIMA'rE OF cos'r AND ME'rTTOD OF ASSESSMEN1'. The preliminary estinrte of the cost of purchase of the lights andother material necessary to make tIle said improve- ment within said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 362 is Four Thousand Seventy- Four and 60/100 ($4,074.60) Dalla rs, of which stun fifty (SO/b) per cent is to be assessed against the property embraced within said District on a front foot basis and fifty (50%) . .' '. per cent is to be pAid by the Citv of Bozeman, the esti~ated rate of assessment per front I foot against the property embraced within the said District being $0.78117 per front foot. SectiO:l 5. ESTIMA'rE OP COST OP I'I1AIN'rENANCE AND ELEC'rRICAL CtJRRE~.f'r AND ME'r3JD OF ASSESSMEN'r. An esti:late of the am)roximete cost of maintaining such lights and supplying elec- trical current therefor for the first year is the su:n of Four Hundred Seventy-five and 130/100 (:!lias. SO) Dollars, of which sum fifty (SO%) per cent is to be assessed against the property embraced within said District on a front foot basis, and fifty (50%) per cent to be paid by the City of Bozeman, the estimated rate of assessment per yeLr per front foot against the property embraced within said District being $0.091219 per front foot. Section 6. Ac'rUAL FRON'rAGE OF' DISTRICT. The total acutal frontage of the property within said proposed Special Improvement Lighting District No. 362 is 2,608 front feet, which is the frontage on which a 11 protests will be received, considered and determined. Section 7. PROTEs'rs AND NO'rICE. 'rhat the regular session of the City Commission of The City of Bozeman, to be held at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, Bozeman, Montana, on Wednesday the 10th day of May, A.D. 1950, at the hour of 1:00 o'clnck P.M. of said day, are the ti,1e a~d place when and where t'18 City CommissiJt1 will hear 8nd pass upon all protests duly fmd regularly made and filed against the creation of said I proposed Special Improvement Lighting District No. 362, the improvement proposed to be made pursuant thereat and the extent and character thereof, or either thereof'; and the Clerk of the City Commission be, and he is hereby directed to give notice in the manner and for the time as by law required, of the adoDtion of this Resolution of Intention. Adopted by the Commisslon of the City of Bozeman, lvI:mtana, at a regular and stated sessionof said Commission held on the 19th day of April, A..D. 1950. Attest: L cd'~n NO'rr CE IN BE COMMISSIO'N RESOLTJrI.JN NUMBER 675 OF THE CI'l'Y OF' BO~EMAN DECLARING 'rHE IN'rEN- TION OF 'rBE CI'rY OP BOZEMAN TO CREA'rE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRIC'l' TO BE KN01NlT AND DESIGNA'TE'D AS "SPECIAL IMPROVEMEN'r LIGHTING DIS'rRICT NUMBER 362. l' Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of April, A.D. 1950, at a regular meeting of theCommis sion of 'fhe City of Bozeman, Commission Resolution Ntunber 67) entitled: A RESOLU'TION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING I IT TO BE 'rHE IN'rEN'rION OF SAID COMMISSION TO CREA'fE SPECIAL IMPR01fEMEN'f LIGHTING DIS1'RICT NO. 362 FOR 'rHE PURPOSE OF' PURCHASING AND MAINTAINING A L1GB'rING SYSTEM TO LIGHT MAIN STR8E'r FRJM THE WEST LINE O:F' FOUR'r'T AV8~l\TUE PRO,JECTED 'ro THE 1NEST LI~JE OF THE IN'rERSEC'rION OF VVES'r MAIN S'TREE'I' P,ND SOUrH EIGH'rH AVENUE; DESCRIBING THE BOtJNDl',RIES OF SAID DISTRICT; 'rHE GEN- ERAL CHARACTER OF 'THE IMPROVEMENT 'ro BE MADE; SET'rING FORTH ES'rIMATED COSTS OF PtJRCHASING AND COST OF MAINTAINING SUCH LIGHTS AND stJPPLYING ELEC'rRICAL CURRENT THEREFOR F'OR THE FIRS'r YEAR; AND DETERMINING 'rEAT ONE-HALF OF 'I'HE COST OF PURCHASING SAID LIGHTS AND ONE-HALF OF 'rHE AilJNtJAL cos'r OF MAINTENANCE SHALL BE ASSESSED AGAINST 'THE PROPER'ry WITHIN 'rHE DIS'rRICT AND THM ONE-HALF' OF' THE COST OF PURCHASING SAID LIGH'rS AND ONE-HALF OF 'rHE COST OF ANNUAL MAIN'I'li::NANCE OF THE SYSTEM SHALL BE PAID FOR JUT OF 'rHE GENERAL FUND OF' 'rHE GI'rY OF BOZEMAN, ALL UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF AND IN CONFORMITY 1NI'Tn SECTIONS 11-22115 TO 11-2257 INCLUSIVE, OF THE REVISED com~;s OF MON'rANA, 1947. Resolution NJ. 675 ._ ._n..._____._ 181 was passed and adopted. 'fhat Wednesday, the 10th day of May, A.D. 1950, at one o'clock P.M. at the Commission Room of the City Hall, Bozeman, Montana, is designated by said Resolution No. 675 as the ti-,e and place for hearing objections to the action proposed to be taken by said reso- lutton, and when and where a'~lY and all persons whose property is within said proposed I Special Improvement Lighting District No. 362 on West MaIn Street between the West line of Fourth Avenue projected and the West line of the intersection of West Main Street and South Eighth Avenue, in said C-tty, may ep pear andshow cuase, if any they have, a ga 1'1 s t :laid proposed i:lprovement. Objections must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the City Commission not later than fifteen ( 1;;) days after the date of the first pub- lication of this Notice. Thf:1t the peneral character of the iTIprovement to be made in said Special Improvement Lishting District No. )62 is the purchase, maintenance and operation of fifteen ( 15) or- namental larnn posts with electric lamDs, wi res, pipe cunduits to carry the electric current therefor, and all other suitable or necessary appliances for the pllrpose of lighting said street. An approximate and preliminary estimate of the cost of purchpse of the livhts and other ~aterial necessary to make the said improvement within said Special !mprovement Lighting District No. 362 is Four 'rhousand Seventy-four and 60/100 (~?Lt, 071i .(0) Dollars, of which sum fifty ( 507~) per cent is tu be assessed against the property embraced within said Dist~ict on a fron t fJot basis and fifty (501b) per cent is to be ,aid by the City I of Boz e.:na n, the estImated rate of assessment per front foot against the property embraced within the said District bei~g $0.78117 uer front foot. An approxlm: te and preliminary estimate of the cost of maintaining such lishts and supply elec'trie a 1 c uY'rent therefor for the first year is the s urn of F'CH1I' Hundr d Seventy- five and eO/lOa ($~b.'( 5.130) Dollars, of which 3 urn fi fty ( 50~;) per cent is to be assessed against the property embraced within said District on a front foot basis, and fifty ( 503~) per eent to be paid by the City of Bozeman, the estimated rate of assessment per year per front foot against the property embraced '''11 thin said Dis trict be ing $0.091219 per front foot. The total Be tunl fron tass of the property wi thln said proposed Special Irnorovement Lighting District No. 362 is 2,600 front feet, Pay ment for the improvements to be mnde in this District is to be made in eight (8) annuel installments with interest an the de~erred payments not to exceed six ( 61~) per cent per annum, payable annually, but this shall not be construed to prevent payment in full at any reguler::>ayment date by ~my property owner. For a description of the bound~ries of said :3pecial I1lprove''lent Lighting Dif3trict No. I 362 reference is hereby made to Resoluti'Jn No.6?;; of the Commission of 'fhe City of B07eman delcarlng the intention to create said District, which is 0:) rile in the office of the lmdersigned Clerk of said Commission in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, Sta te of Montana, and open forinspection to all Interested parties and the public generally. This notice is c:1..ven~:)Ursuant to the provisions of Section 11-22-4, Revised Codes of MontHna, 19h7. Dated this 17th day of April, A.D. 1950 By order or the CommissIon of 'rhe City Df Bozeman. Resolution No. 675. --.,., -..---... --...--.----"......- 182 :F'lrst published in the Bozeman Dally Chronicle April 25th, 19::)0. State of M~ntBnB ) ) SS County of GAllatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the City Commission of The City of 3ozcman, do I hereby certify that the foregoing Notice in He, Commis31)n Resolution No. 675 was published at length in five issues of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle between April 25th, 1~)50 end AprIl 29th, 1950 , and that due proof is on file in my office. IN 'NI'rNESS WHERvQP I hereill1to set my hand and afflx: the seal of my office 1st day of May, 1950. ur!~~~- Clerk of the City Commission I I ., - Resolution No. 67[' .. /.