HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 709 Vacate portions of streets and alleys 284 COMMISSION RESOLU'rION NUMBER 709 A RESOLUTION OF 'rHE COMMISSION OF 'rHE CI'rY OF BOZEMAN, MON'PANA DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTEN'rION OF SAID COMMISSION 'ra VACATE IN SAID CI'ry 'rHE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PORTIONS OF STREETS AND THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED ALLEYS; SOUTH Mc- ADOW A VENUE FROM THE 30urB LINE OF BABCOCK STREE'r TO 'rHE NORTH LINE OF CUR- TISS STREET; SOUTH AYLESWORTH A VENUE FROM 'rHE sou'rH LINE OF BABCOCK s'rREE'r TO THE NORTH LINE OF CURTISS STREE'r; EAs'r OLIVE STREE'r FROM 'rHE EAST LINE OF CYPRESS AVENUE TO THE WEST LINE OF SWITZLER STREET; THE WEST ONE-HALF OF SOUTH SWITZLER STREET FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF BABCOCK STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF I CURTISS STREET; THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF EAST BABCOCK STREET AS IT EXTENDS FROM AN EX'rENSION TO THE EAST LINE OF BLOCK NINE'rEEN (19) OF NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDITION TO BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TO THE CENTER OF 'rHE INTERSECTION OF EAST BAB- COCK STR~ET AND SOUTH SWITZLER STREET; THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF EAST CURTISS STREET FROM 'rHE EAST LINE OF SOUTH McADOW AVENUE TO THE CENTER LINE OF SOUTH SWITZLER STREET; ALLEYS AS THE SAME EXIST IN BLOCKS THIRTEEN (13), FOUR'rEEN (14), FIFTEEN (15), EIGHTH:EN (18), NINETEEN (19), AND TWENTY (20) OF NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDI'rION TO BOZEMAN, MON'rANA; AND DIREc'rING NOTICE OF SUCH IN'rENTION TO BE GIVEN. WHEREAS, R. A. Williams, claiming to be the owner of Blocks Thirteen (13), Four- teen (14), Fifteen (15), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19), and Twenty (20) of NOrthern Pacific Ad~ion to Bozeman, Montana, has filed with the City Commission his petition in due form praying for the vacation of the portions of streets and the elleys more particularly des- cribed in the title hereof, and the City Commission having duly considered said petition and after such consideration have determined that the prayer thereof may be granted with- out detriment to the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIffi COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. DELCARATION OF IN'rENTION. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Commission of the City of Bozeman to vacate in said City the following described portions of streets and the following described alleys: South McAdow Avenue from the South Line of Babcock Street to the NOrth line I of Curtiss Street; South Aylesworth Avenue from the S.)uth line of Babcock street to the North line of Curtiss Street; East Olive Street from the East line of Cypress Avenue to the West line of Switzler Street; the West one- half of South SwitzlerStreet from the South line of Babcock Street to the North line of Curtiss street; the South one-half of East Bebcock Street as it extends from an extension to the East line of Block Nineteen (19) of Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana, to the center of the inter- section of East Babcock street and South Switzler Street; the North one- half of East Curtiss street from the East line of South McAdow AvenUe to the center line of South Switzler street; alleys as the same exist in Blocks Thirteen (13), Fourteen (l~), Fifteen (15), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20) of NOrthern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana according to the official plat of said Northern Pacific Addition of record and on file in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, in which state and county said Northern Pacific Addition is situate, in accordance with the petition of R. A. Williams as the owner of All of Blocks 12, l~_, 15, 18, 19, 20 of said Northern Pacific Addition, subject to objection of owners of property which may be effected by such proposed vacati~n, in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-3310 of the Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, and reserving and retaining to The City of Bozeman the right to install water mains and sewers in all the portions of streets and in the alleys hereinbefore described and so vacated, and also the right to make service connections with such water mains and Sewers and all rights of access thereto for the purpose of making such installations and repair- I ing and maintaining the same. Section 2. TIME FOR OBJECTION. That the regular meeting of the Commission of TIle City of Bozeman to be held on Wednesday, the 23rd day of May, 1951, at the hour of 1 o'clock P.M. of said day at the Commission Room in the City Hall Building, Bozeman, Mon tana, is the ti~e when and the place where the City Commission will consider and pass upon objections, if any, to said proposed vacation, and the City Manager is dir- ected to give notice thereof in the manner and for the time as provided in said Section 285 11-3310 of theRevised Codes of M:>n~ana, 1947 . Passed and adopted by the City Commission of The City of Bozeman regular meeting held on the 9th day of May, 1951. Attest: d~~ Clerk 0 the C1 ty Commission I NOTICE IN RE CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 709, VACA'rING PORTIONS OF STREETS AND ALLEYS IN BLOCKS THIRTEEN ( 13), FO URTEEN ( 14), FIF'rEEN (15), EIGHTEEN (18), NINETEEN (19) AND TWENTY (20), OF NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDITION TO BOZEMAN, MON'rANA. NO'rICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Commission of The City of Bozeman, Montana, has adopted a resolution declaring its intention to vacate in said City the following des- cribed portions of streets and the followine alleys: South McAdow Avenue from the South line of Babcock Street to the North line of Curtiss street; South Aylesworth Avenue from theSouth line of Babcock Street to the North line of Curtiss Street; East Olive Street from the East line of CypressAvenue to the West line of Switzler Street; the West one-half of South Switzler Street from the ~outh line of Bab- cock Street to the North line of Curtiss Street; the south one-half of East Babcock Street as it extends from an extension to the East line of Block Nineteen (19) of Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana, to the center of theintersection of East Babcock Street and South Switzler Street; the NOrth one-half of East Curtiss Street from the East line of South McAdow Avenue to the center line of South Switzler Street, alleys as the same exist in Blocks Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20) of Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana according to the official plat of said Northern Pacific Addition of record and on file in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, in which s ta1e and county said Northern Pacific Addition is situate, I reserving and retaining to The City of Bozeman the right to install water mains and sewers in all the portions of streets and in the elleys hereinbefore described and so vacated, and also the rightro make service connections with such water mains and sewers and all rights of access thereto for the purpose of making such installations and repair- ing and maintaining the same. That said Resolut",on of Intention is numbered 709, is on file in office of the Clerk of the City CommIssion in the City Hall Building, Boze- man, M~ntana, and open to public inspection during the regular office hours of such Clerk. And notice is further hereby given th8t at its regular meeting to be held on the 23rd day of May, 1951, at the Commission Room in the City Hall Building, Bozeman, Mr)ntana, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock P.M., the City Commiss~on will hear, consider and pass upon objections to such vacation, and retention of rights by the City, or either. Dated this 17th day of May, 1951. ~ ~." ~,dl'~--'IL ."",.., ~ City Manager State of Montana ) ss County of Gallatin ) I I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the City Commission of The City of Bozem~m, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing notice was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said city in the issue of May 17th, 1951, and I hereby further certify that the foregoing Commission Resolution No. 709 was published by title and number in the Boz eman Daily Chronicle, in the issue of May 17th, 1951, and that due proof of both publications are in file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I herennto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 22nd day of May, 1951. d~~ Cle rk of the City Commission