HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 723 Taxes for Lighting Districts 324 cmnnSSI,)\T PESOLlfTI,JN N'J. (?) A HES)L 1J'I"IU""T (yr<' 'I'HE CmMI[TS~n YJ ')1" iI'fTE CI'rY m;' BJZH;i''l}\"''J, I\~\HT',ANA , L \~vvPJ C} AND ASSESS TNG L IGH'rpm DI;;'l'RI,;'T' MA T1J'rENA N CE A Nl) ELr~c'rnICAT, CUPPEN'l' COS'j'S ...FOR 295 SPECIAL IMPROVEM~NT LIGHTING DISTRICTS N{~BEPS 301, 362, 2clL, 23d, 2d9, J290, Ai\JT) 300 of the CT'I'Y OF' '3UZT':lVil\i:, PUpS1JAWr 'TO 'rES pp:yrISI,.ms ()1<' SEC'l'IONS:)266 R.C.M. 19'35. BE 1'1' RESOLJ\-m BY 'r'fS COM!','I1S:-;IJ\! UP 'rirI~ CI'j1V OF' BOZ'JfljlN Section 1. 'l'hf: t pursuant to the direction and b~ Dutilori ty of the provis ions of S8ct:ton 5266, R. c. M. , 193>, f)nd u';)on e 3 tima tos of such cost ~ade by snid City Commis3ion I 8S alJthori zed. and directed by said Section 5266, F c. M. , 1935, to defrflV tile cost of mHin.ta1ninr: liphtinp syste'Yls and for electrical current 1'1 the sevI:':rllil Spec ia 1 ImDrove- ment Livht1ng Districts of the' City of Bozeman hereinafter speci.fied, there is hereby levied Bnd assessed against property and the several lots, pieces and parcels th.er'eof, within the boundrries of Special ImprovB'nent Lighting Districts Nos. 361, 362, 2bLi, 2bb, 28C) 2IJO, 2s6, and 300 of tho City of Bozeman respectively, as heretofore created and .- , established, the to tR 1 amolmt s as to each entire di.strict and the sever8l amounts as to each lot, piece, or Darcel of land wi thin tI"le boundarles of s ue h d i s t r i c t , as set forth in the s everE,l schedules attached. hereto DDd made a part hereof and marked separately for identification as Schedule A, for SILD No. J:")1, (Main Street); Schedule B for SILD No. 31: r' . .Je' (VI . M .> l n C' t ). Schedule G for SILD No. 2811 (Cleve18nd st.) ; Schedule D for SILT) No. 2Jd (....-- ",-"'> ./ . , (S 'rr8CY Ave.) Schedule E for SILD No. 2139 (N Bo z ena n fA \1 e. ) ; Schedule Ii' for SIL1J No. 290 (SBl.sck Ave.); Schedule G for 8ILD No. 295 (5 Willson Ave.); Schedtlle H for SILD no. 300 (N Willson Ave.). 'rhe amolmt so levied and assessed is 75% of such estimated cost for e8ch and all of said Districts except for 311,1)' s Nos. }'Sl and 362, a nd as to s ueh dis tr ic ts the levy and I nssessment is SO;;b of such estim.sted cost. Sectio:l 2. That a particular descr"iption of e a ctl lot, piece or parcel of land with the name of the owneT' ti1.ereof, and the swn assessed and levied against such property and owner, or Ed thaI', is set forth in the schedule of each district as 3DBcified and identified in Section 1 of' this Resolution, pnd made a part of this Resolution as Dforesaid. Section 3. Thtl t tlHJ resnJ.lar meetinB of' the Commission. of the City of Bozeman to be held on the 8th day of October, 19l';2, nt l:~O o'clock P.M. at the Comr~j c} OJ ion Chamber, C i t Y T-I a 11 B lli 1 d t n g , in the City of Boze~an, be, Bnd the 325 Provislonallv pas8e~ and Bdopted by the COr1rl1issi)n of the CLty of BozemEH1 n t e revu18r meetinp of said Commi s,edon on Oc tober 1 st, 1952. Attest: b~/- fJJf)~_ C e1'. 6f tho Ci ty CommJ ss L in ]V[ a vor' I Finally passed and rdopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at B regnlFr :neet ing of s1Hd C () mm is;, 1m on OctolH~r Jth, 1()~;2. Atte'3t: ~tl~ c~A~c~si.m Mayor N 0 cr ICE OF' 'rIME l11JD PIA CT~ F\>F fi";j:Ti'd'JG OI3JEC'rIJNS 'J\) 'J'fn ji'INAL ADUP'l'I.)N UF COMMIS:;I P '~SO- IJUTION NO. 723 OP 'rITE CJ'/!MIS~)I,)N OF' 'P'{E OI'l'V OF' ROLjE"';JlN, IVLHT'''ANf" LEvvPJG A 1'F) A:3SESS- ING POF'I'ION OJ<' C03'1' OF' MAIH'rEITANCr~ AND ELEC'I'FICAL CUPTi'J~N'r F'OR SPl~Cli\IJ 1M PRO VI;;!'1EN'r LIGWfING DISTRICTS NOS. '361, 362, 28)! , 28d, 2-39, 2l)O, 29':) , AND JOO of 'l'ITE C I'l'Y Ol'; BOZEMAN POR THE YEAR 1952. ~WTICE IS TF;'PEiW (lIVEn, that at 8 regl.1.1ar meeting of the Commission I)f the City of Boz emf: n, Iv!)n tena, held on the Is t dRY of October, liS? , Commission Resolution No. 7~)3 \rv88 provisionally passed and adopted. SaidResolution levies ~,nc1 assesses " soocie1 essess~ent <> u_po n. c.ll tileproperty in Specit,l 1m}:r ovement Livl-'ltin g D1s tric ts Nos. 361 (E Main ~::;t.); 362 (Vi. Ma in "t ). 2dL, (Glevel~nd St.); 2JG ( S. 'rrac7 Ave.); 209 (N 80 ze''1[, '1 Ave. ) ; 290 ( s. I..) ..J . .' 3LJclr AITe.); 2~)S (3 'Hi ll"wn lve.) : and 300 (N Willson Ave.), trJ de "rElY the estiJ:lf3ted cost of r'1F.J1_ntenanee ~nd electrical current ('or each of said Di:Jtriets, purs ubnt to the provisions I of Section r::' 0(,6 P ('I'll lC)):). 'l'ne portion oJ' s uc 11 c 0 s t assessed .1S 7 ~,;I; as to 211 of sE,id D18- :";c . ,.J tr:icts exceV)t; Di,;tricts N~). 361 r:m d 362, (Main Street) B nd E\ S to such distrists t~e ))01'- ti_on of' the co~t assessed is [ '0',-1 ,-) /,) III N()'Cr C I~ IS T,llm'r>:f1;~F (-;-liTEN, 'rhat sa ide 0, 11m is .31m Res 0 1 uti 0 n TIJ 0 . C(~) J is now on