HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 722 SID for Parking, 1952 321 COr/IMIS8IJN RESOLTT'T'IUN NO. 722 A PESUL1J'I'L):"T ,yr,' 'r~-1r.;; CO!,';J\HSSI)lT OTi' 'l'T:E CITY OF' BOZ;-":\IAJIT, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIP L ASSESSMBo'T'r OF' 'TAXES TTPON ALL T[I fD PP\)PET"ry IN SPECIMJ :UflPIW1fEMENT DIS'T'RIC'rS OF 'j'T.:rE CI'Tv OTi'i3\.J;~E:,Ilf\N, C01JV'rV OF GALLI\'rIN, S'l'JI.'I'E OF' 1:.'lUN'rANA, 1" () FI 'L'HE Mil PJ'rENP,NCI~ OF' Pl\FKINJS 'I'D DEF'PA Y THE C08'1' ~)P MA IN'rAINING 'l'HE P APKINGS WI'rHIN SAID SPECIA IJ TJ\lIPRrJ\TElVIEN'r DI:;TPIc'rs OF 'rTm CITY OF' 30 ZE;Ml\N ROB 'rIfE YEAR 1952. 'vV l'fER EA S , t:le C:Lty Connell and the Commission of the City of Bozemf,n have heretofore I d.uly and regu1~~rly passed Counti1 [Jnd Commlsslon Resohltlons cre~t log SDecial Improvement Districts vvithin the City of Bnemen, definincc the boundEl:r'ies thereof end providing for the msintenence of parkin~s therein, and f'or tl1e assessment of the cost of mAintainIng the parkings as set forth in Resolutions hereinafter referred to; and WH[~n-~AS , the parki~gs within the boundaries of said Special Improve~ent Districts hWJe been cared ror find maintai~ed during t' ." lqc"2 as contemplated in said Resolu- ne yec.r . / _J- , tlons, in accordance with terms and conditions thereof; and 1"II{HEREA S , said Special Improvement Districts for the maintenance of parkings end the - n solutions crenting the scme, tne tot~Jl frontage or the ~)rea, of the property within said ~ districts to be assessed, the to tal cost of sBid maintenpnce within said di~,tri,,:ts ond the am01l:lt charp:eable to tI-1C property therein, is hereinafter set forth. NO~N 'r r1rT~p,.):1'E, smrSu8nt to the provisions of Secti)n S?L!2, Politic~)l Code, P. C. . M. 1935, and said Council and Commission Reso1ntions, creating said Special Improvement Dis- tricts, and oroviding for the maintenance thereof; BE T'r PESOLVE;f) i\ND 1'1' IS lrSPEBY ORDe;RJ<~D B" 'r'IE COMMISSION OP' 'I'ru<~ CI'TY OP BOZEMAN, STATE OF' MONTANA: I See t ion l. That for the yesr 1952, the City of' Hoze-nen has defrByed the cost ($',1),615.16) of maintenance of parkin~s in the several Special rrnprovwnent Diatricts, pursuant to Reso- lutions creating the same, and tnat the entire cost thereof, tile tJtsl number of l1ne81 feot, or area, of the property to be aasessed, and the rate per linoar foot or square foot, is 8S f'ollows, to-'Nl t: Dist. Reso11..l- Ar08 or no. tion No. F'rontage Rate Amolmt Loc2tion 6 306 )iJ5S.37 LF $0. H37LI)16 rti:.f.3l6. )-1-3 Willson - Babcock to Collere 17 355 )01)101 SF' 0.000U(50) S11! .99 S Grend - Sebcockto Co 11e [,;e H3 351 11-57782.2 SP o .00062L186 2136.05 S Tracy - Babcock to DickcBon 31 113 S 2('7 S [-'3 2 SF 0.0020d02bL 557.21 S Black - Babcock toCo1leae .- 'n) _? . . _ ~ ' )1 S I!32 66000 SF 0.001606S2 106.03 is 8th - I(OC~l to Dickerson hU 1132 116101( SP 0.o02L6Sd9 2(36.30 S 8th - Main to Koch (;0 )[7 37G'(7Ji SF () .<)0088501 3JS. 2? S 3rd - story to Cle velmll:1 ;;2 L76 17)1600 SF' 0.000930d7 162.53 W Babcock - 5th to 8th 5'/ 529 31:32 LF' o .15111~~lLj G J ')0 e'] Cl ovcle nd - Willson to 7th ul ~ . _)_ 6d S39 1260 LP o . 1_) 7115 2 38 236.1C1 S.Willson - ColleRe to Cleveland 72 sa! SlS291.i.7 SF O.OOC)'703066 1(03.l~'~L Col1epe - Grand to 7th 77 576 1971. LP 0.121()d376 2ho.43 S 8th-Dickerson to garrison do 6?0 2)J 26.2 LF ,0.121rJ732l j03.21 Story - 6th to 13th & - 322 marl{e d lI;:)che dule s One (1) to 'rwenty ( 20)" and made a part thereof; tnr:t; the ~3 eVeI'D 1 S 11.111 S set opposite tne names of' tne owners and_ tIle d e :~ e I' t t) e d 10 t s b nd_ parc 81 s of If'nd be, and the Sf..idle are hereby levied and assessed upon mld agulnst the said lots and parcels of land; that trle several 8 "'".1ms be collected from the resnective owners of said lots end parcels of land described in the said Bssessment 1:ist s , Schedules One to Twenty inclusive, as reouired bv lAW; thE) t ~3 p:L d S:ln1S shell be pB id and t,18 collection thereof sha 11 be I rna rie in the manner and 1n ac:eordance wi t:l tne law roverning the collection of Special Improvement taxes; t} }[I t failure t,) pay such ~]ssess'''1ents when S8rne shall uecJme due and Dayable silsl1 make such person ond s UC11 10 ts find p8rce:Ls of Innd li,,:;'Jle to tne ~) en B 1 t i 8 S provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 3. 'Plwt t~ fl,e re.p:ular session of the Commis:) ion of the Ci ty of 130z (HrHJn to be held on the Bt~ day of October 1952, at the Commission Chamber, Clty iIa~l '3uilc;lnC';, be, and tile SF~:ne is hereby c'l e s i rt,n 8 t e d as the ti 1e and place 8 t which ob_j ec ti00S to tete r iD8 1 8 (Io"Ot i c)n of this Resolutia~ wilL be heard by the Cc)t:1rnis;] ion. c' t . L '.L'hat the Clerk of tne CJtnm i;;) s i on be, and he 1s hereby ordered and directed ,) e c _ 1) n [- . to publish in the Bozeman Dally Chronicle, B. daily newspep er, printed and published in the Cit;T of Bozeman, a notice signed bv the C1 erk of tile Commi)s :ic)n, and s t p t i ng t}-13 t a resolution levying a sDecial assessment Jt taxes to defray the eost of maintenance of parkinr:s 1'1 the said SpeciBl Jm_provement Di striGts for the veer 1)S2, .is on file 1"l the office of tl-tc Clerk of the Commission, S u.:).i (' c t to inspection ~.'or n pdY':tod of five day;,) ; th~i.t sold notice shull s t:,te ti-le ti-:18 and place at wt1ich objection:) vvill be hern'd by the Commission to the final Rdoption of tais Resolution; thct it snall be p'Jbl:Lshed at I least five days before the date set by the Conmission for hecrin,~ ol)jecticyn'1, and tiJe final adoption or this Resolution. Provisionally passed Bnd adapted by the COffiiUis:,ion of the City of Bozeman ot a T'egulBr meet:i.nrJ' or said Corn.mission, October 1, 19~);). Attest: -t:f!!~!",..,.~ .a_-<____________ wilL C_8rk 01' t!1G City Comr:1i~3sim }/ia~ror_n_-__-_-- ------ F~nally passed and adopted by the Commis ~:don of the City of Bo~eman at a rep-ulsr seSS1.on thereof October 8th, 1 JS? JI. ttest: ____Ju ;(~_..__ ~ ...,,;.;::;..' , -------..,------- ----- Clerk of the Citv Commission MaJor N 0 'P T C E HEARING, FINAL ADOPTION COMMISSION RESOLUfION NO. 722 LEVYING ASSESSMENT OF COST OF MAT~TENANCE OF PAPI(ING-) IN SPECIAL IMPROVEIVIEN'l' DIS'J'PIC'rS FJP 'l'!{E YEAH 1952 NO':'ICE IS T-1'~T)T~BV GTV1~"tIT, th8t at 11 regular session of the CommLJ EJ ion 0 l' the C-l ty of - 80 Zer'1tD bold on the 323 Maintenance of Parking Resolution Amoun t of' Dlstrict No. No. Assess:nent 6 306 gS dln.lt3 17 3S5 511+. :)9 113 357 280 . 0 "3 31 3dS S57.21 wS W32 10/).03 1v3 1(3 :~ 2'V '30 ...l ,) . . So h7LI 335.22 I ~';2 )176 1(,~~.53 .~;7 .'~29 L'90 <=;1 +',. It' ",_I." 6d 539 2'36 . 19 ,/2 561+ L\,O'3. ';1 77 576 2Li,b . h3 86 620 303.21 107 658 10.9) 11LI 722 I), )"~ .23 117 719 126.36 151 810 69.50