HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 721 Intention to Create SID 367 317 COMMISSI ON r~ 8SJL Hi' TON NO . 721 11 RESOLU'I'IO:'J OF' 'rIm CT'J'Y CJMMI.':jSL)\J UF' 'I'HE CT'!'Y OF' \3UZEi\lJ\N, M:JN'I'ANA, DECLi\ F'}1\l G 1'1' TO ;m 'FIE IN'rmrl'TOTT OF' SlID C,):nHS:3IJH ']'\.) CREA'rr;; A SPECIAL II\ifPRJVEI\{S;N'l' DIS- TRICT OF SAID CITY TO DE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS "SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N,(J!\1BI<~H 36'(" FOR '["tE pun PUST~ O}' CJN srrpuc'rPJG AND INS'l'JILLING AN EI:)H'r HICH WA'rER MAIN ON NORTH SEVENTH AVENUE t3ETWEY'~~T DlJRSTON RUAD fiND THE NOP'l'n CITY LIlVII'l'S 01" 'rT-fE C T 'rY OF BO ZKilli' IT , ;11JN'I'ANj\, AND '1'0 SPECT ALLY ASSE:'-;S JI CER'l'AIN POR'rICm OF THE CJs'r OF SUC;T-{ CONS'rRlJC'l'ION AND INS'1'ALLA'J'ION f(~AINS'r THE PROPER'l'Y wn'HIN 'lHTE BOUNDARIES OF SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMBNT DISTPIST S0 CREATED ON A FRONT FOOT GA- I SIS, PUR SUP N'r 'rc) Tfffi s'rA'rlJ'rES HJ SUCf-I CASES MADE AND PF:OVIDET). BE 1'1' REVOLVED :3Y THE CO'AMI.SSIJN JF 'NTE CI'rY aIi' 30,jEMAN: See t ion l. DELCl\, RA'TrUN OFPT'I'EN'r ION. It .i.shereby declared tobe the j'1tention of 'rhe Cj.tv Commission of 'fhe City of Boz8'~~m. M)ntana, to create a Special Improvement Dis- trict of SE-id CUy, to be kn()wn and des ignated as Special Improvement District No. 367, for the constrllctton and installation of an eight inch water main on North Seventh Avenue between Durston rOBd and the Nlrth City Limits of The City of Bozeman, MontDna. SEC'rION 2. BU1JNDIRIES OF' DIS'l'RIC'r. 'rhe boundory of said Special Improvement Dis- trict number 367 shall be as follows: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Lot One ( 1) , of Block One(l), Durs ton's Second Subdl vi S:1 on; thence Northerly along the West Lines of' Lots One ( 1 ) to (Nine) , inclusive, BlocK One (1), Lots One (1) to Nine ( I)) , inclusive, 310clc 'rwo ( 2) , and Lots One ( 1) to Seven ('/), inclusive, Block Three ( 3) , all in Dnrston's Sec:Jnd SubdivisLon, and Lots One ( 1) and 'rwo ( 2) , Block 'Two ( 2) , and Lots Nine ( en to Fourteen ( ILl) , Block One (1), all 1n Royal Vista Snbdivision, to the Northwest Corner of said Lot F'ourteen (lLL); thence Easterly along the Nort1-1 Line of said Lot F'o urteen ( lLf) and theprolongation of said ~~rth LinA to its point of in- tersection w1th the Northerlv Drolon~ation of the East Line of Lot One (1), [3lock J.'our (L;), of the North" S~venth Addition; thence Southerly along saId NOrtherly prolonpation, Bnd along the East Lines of Lots One (l)to Five (5), inclusive, Block Four (L), Lots One (1) to Five (5), inclusive, Block 'rhree ( 3) , LotCJ One ( 1 ) to Five ( 5) , inc Ius i ve, f31 0 c k 'rW,) ( 2), and Lo ts I One (1) to Nine ( 9) , incl ~lsive, Block One ( 1) , all Ln NOrth Seventh Addi- tion, to the Southeast Corner of Lot Hine ( I)) , in said Block One ( 1) of North Seventh Addition: thence continuing southerly on the prolongation of the East Line of Lot Nine ( Sf) , of Bloek One ( 1) , North Seventn Addi- tlon, across Shonkwilers' Addition to a point on the bouth Line Shonk- wiler's' Aciditlon, saJ.d South Line being also the North Line of Dustron Road; thence 'Vesterly along the North Line of Durston Road to the point of bepinni"1r. Section 3. B~~~~ITS DECLAPED. It 1s hereby declared by the Commission of The City of 3ozomarl that all of thelE~nd wi th:n the bound::;ries of the said prooosed Special Improve- ~ent District Nmnber 367, 8S sri.d bound8rie~3 are sDecified and descrihed in Section 2 of this RAsolution, will be speciHlly and equally benefited by the cons tY'Hct ion Imd ins talla- tio:l of said water main and should equally bear the co:)t thereof in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana in such csse made and provided. Section b. CHARAC'rEP OF' I!\,j PHOVEMENT. The character of theimprovement to be made within said proDosed Special Improvement District Number 367 is the construction and in- stallation of a water main, as ststed and specified in Section 1 of this Resolution. Section 5. Aree and Approximate Co;;t. It is prJDosed to construct and install an eight inch water main with apDurtenances, the land within the bJundaries of theprooosed I district to be assessed on a frontace basis for the co:t of a six inch water main with aymurtenances, eaCIl lot, piece endpLrcel of land within such boundhries to be assessed therefor in the DroDJrtion which its frontage bears to the frontage 0 faIl the lend wl.thin such boundaries as descr1.bed in Section 2 of this Resolution, on the frunt foot bfisis. 'rhe difference in cost of tho eipht inerl line overthe six :Lnch line S11Hll be pEe id by the Water DeD&rtment of The City of Bozeman. In assessing the lffip1atted prODorty included in the d:is trte t, the assessment shRll be made on the basis that 318 and this 720 feet of frontage alone beinp; 8:') ;-,es sable in the UnplE) t te d ~Jr',eF.l II The feet, totel frontage of H 11 tile land \Nithin such boundl.Ties is Ll763 front f'eet. 'rhe pr e 1 iminary and a pproxlmB te estimB te of the cost of the seid eight inch wBter main, includinV all 9ipe, fi ttinp;s, valves, accessorie~, , engineerinr<;, install8tlon, inspection and incidental expenses is $:21,300.00. The preliminary and approximate estimate of the cost of said six inch water main, including all pipe, fittiDf~~; , valves, accessJrles, enf!,lne er" '1F , installa- tion, insenc tion and incidental expenses is t16,)2S.00. The front footaFe within the I bounderies as specified, exclusive of street~3, avenues, fJlleys and public places, oeing 11763 front Ceet, the esti~ated cost of the six inch water main being ~16,925.JO, the rE-Jte of asseS2ment per front foot is e " t i InD t e d at -3.5';3. Section 6. PlY mnnt of cost. It is proposed to pay t~e entire co~-) t and exo eC-lse J(' the construction and in;tallation of sa td imnrove:'nen t with cash to be obtained from the sale of bonds of stdd $peci.o.l Improvement Di:;tri(~t No. 3( ? [18 authorized by law. Such ,') , bonds will be in denomLnstions of $:100.00 each and fractions of ~~100. 00 W'1ere neces sary, to be issued and charveable against a fund to be known kind designated Sqecial ImproveTlent District No. 367 Fund of The City of Bo z erUiT) . 'rhe bonds will be redeemable at theopt i:m of the Ci,ty, singly or iT') '11ultiples, and in the order o~ their registration, w~1enever funds Bre availeble in said Special Improvement District No. 367 for thEJ t purpose. S8id bonds shell ell' a w a simple ~,nterest from the date of their registration lHltil called for oayment, at B rate not exceeding six ( 6~b ) per cent per ann wn, whict1 interest s[1811 be chargeable as a part of the co st of tne cons true t "LJn and installation of said improve~ent. The bonds will be issued and so Id in accordance wi trl the provisions of Section 11-22)2 and Section 1],-227, Revised Codes of Iv'Imtana, 1)) '/ and all other HPplicable provisi~ns I : .,\ , o f 'I' i t 1 e 11 of the Revised Codes of M~ntana, 191: 7 , relating t'J spe c inl improvement dis- tricts in cities und towns, find any Eomendmen ts thereof or thereto. Section 7. SPEC TAL ASSESSl'mnT. '1'0 pay :'3 aid bonds and the interest thereon, repre- senti:1g the cost of making said improvement, a speci81 as s es S,ileYlt S:1EJ 11 be levied ar;ainst all of' the land 'Nt thin t he ooundaries of said proposed Special Improvement Di~trtct No. 3")7, as defined in Section 2 of ttl is Reso 1 utLm, ~763 front feHt, eac"l front foot of s~j:Ld land to be assessed for its proportionete share of such entire co~, t 8S finally deter'11:Lned, . 1 L 7f 3 front feet being exclusive of' streets, avenues, alleys and pub1ic places. sa l c: ,) Section d. ASSESSr\'[EN'r~ PAvABLE IN INS'rj\LLMEW'J1S. That such speciEl assessments on each separate lot, parcel or piece of land, on the f'ront foot basis, within the oounc1~ries of seid Speciol Improvement District No. 367 os ::1E-;re i.nbefor e defined, shall be payable i:mtle d i- ately upon b1e final ascertainment and levy thereof in the msnner prescribed bJ lew, 319 Revised Codes of Montane, 19]~ '7, and f:HlY EJ(rjendmen-cs thereof or thoI' eta. Section 10. ~IME ~OP PROTESTS. Thrt the regulnr session of tho City CO'lml~:\si()n of the City oft3'JZOt'lfdl to be helel at the Cor:1mi:3sion ChcLlber, City Hall Building, Bo ZG:nan, Montana, on Wednesday, the 1st day or October,19S2, at the hour of 1:00 l'clock P.M. of said day, are the time and place wl1e n B nel w'ler' e the City Commis31on will hear Fnd pass I upon all protests duly and regn.larly mode f:Dd filed arr~;in8t the cre0tion of sRid proposed Spocial Improve~ent District No. 3/')7, t}H~ improve':1cm t propo ~1(-HI to be ((\.8 de purs ucn t t1'1ere- and the extent and crlrracter thereof, or either thereon. to, Section II. CLEEK 'ro GIVE NO'l'ICE. T"w.t tC-10 Clerk of" the Cit-Comnl'')si.Yl be, [jne) he is hereby, d ir ee: :c~ d 1:,0 give notice i:1 the ma.nner and for the tOl.e as by law required, of the ad)0tion or this Resolution of Intention. Adont":d by the Cornmis:31_:m of 'rhe Cityof B"J:;7,errwn, M mtrma, 8 t F) stated ond re~u1ar f;cssion of st;id Oomrnis:3im held O~ the 10th day of ~)eptember, 1\.. D. l')S2. (b.~ f\.ttest: IV! 8 yaT' nOTICE IN BE C,)1\1MIS'_)I'Jf'T pF:~)()T,li'T'T )'J TJO. 7?1 u: 'rITE CI'l'Y OF' JJ :,: !"i,~:\':.r '>J T.)'r~~ C r,d'" T) .-]'}r (} fr.1-{S nJ'l'E"~\J'n'JlJ OF 'l'QE;I'I'Y CHi" !30lEIViAN '1') :~REt 'l'E j\ ;)P,~CIlJj IHPR01JEIJEtJ'r 'JL;'I'fFC'f 'j'1J BE KNONlT J\l'JD DES1mJj\'rTm p.s "SPECIAL I!'IPBUVEi'/IEN'I' DISTRIc'r N TJIvI3En "Y')7. If I Notice is hereby C'..tven thut on the 1st day of October, A. D. 19~)2 , at fl re {::cuI 1"1' meeting of the CJmmisslan of The Ci t'r of Go zeman, Comm's;;ion Hesolution lJ1]mber 72L entitled: A PES'JLU'rI:)lJ ')"F' 'rifE crrv CDiVIMIS:H')c,[ I)F '[':rE CITY OF BOL.!~I\.v\N, NION'I'ANll, DECALPI'm ['I' '1'0 1'38 THE TN'rTT"TTIJN OF ~)AID COMMISSIOT 'rD CRF'~j\TE A SP!~CIJ\L BIPRD\n~:I'rE~'1' DIS- TRICT OF SAID CITY TO 13E;\:NO'NN AND 'JESIGN1\ '1'F':]) A S "SPEC TAL I[i~PFOVEME~TT DIS'rrnC'l' T'JTJI',mBR 367" Ti\)R THE P tffiPOS j~ OF C,}rJS'l'P 1j:~'rnJG AND Ht.;'l'ALl>TNG JIN J<~TGII'T' nTe f{ WA'rER i','IAIN ON N\)H'I'H sr;:\n~~N'rrI AVE?flJE i3Fi~'rWE'~N Dlm::;'r(}N ROAD AND 'HIE NOHTfI CI'I'Y LT!I/II'rS OF' THE C I 'L'Y. iF' B ) :6ii:lvil\:~, f!i J;r~ II N j\ , AND 'rQ SPECIALLY ASSESS JI CEH'l'APJ POP'I'IDN OF '1')-)]:'; co:~'r 'O}i'3UC{ (;U'TS'rF<. UC'l'LJN Fi\fD INS'I'ALLi\';'ION AGAPL)'l' ')'H:E PRJPI~n'rY li1JI'ri-1IN 'I'!iE BJUND}' PlbS JIi' 3AID SPECIAL Ii',lPRO'vEI![I~nrI' DIJ'rRI:j'1' ~)\.) CW';ATED ON j, PRUN'l' F'OO'I' 31\- 31;-;, PURStJi\i'J'I' 'I'J 'YHE S'I'J\'I'Ul'ES IN ~;UCii CASES MADE {..ND PhOVIDED. was passed snrl sdooted. 'rhoS t 'Nednes day, the 1st day of October, A. D. 19S2, ct one o'clock P.M. at the Com- mission Roo~ of the C1t7 Hall, ~)O Z 9':lr: n, ,!]-:J ntann , . desi,c"nnted by sDld nes)lutlm No. 721 13 as tile time and place for hearing ~bjectio~s to the fiction propJsed to be taken by so.id resolution, and when rnd wflere Rny onel all nersonsvvhose property is withirl sflic1 proposed Snec 1a 1 Improvement District No. 367 on Nort'l SeventhAvenue between Durs Lon Hoad G:1dthe North City Li~it8 in said City may anpear and show cause, if E,ty they have, ap:s in st sai d I proposed i~provement. Ob,iections must, be ronde in writinp and filed with the Clerk of the CttyCommission not lpter than fifteen (1)) days after the date of the first pl1blicB ti\)!1Jf this NaHce. 1m 8pnroxLrwte and, pr'eliminory estir'lfte oF' the cost of doing such wo:r'k and 'TIEikinv such i~provement within said District, including all pipe, fittings, v~Jlves, ac';e~3sories , engin e e1" lng, in~)tHllc;cion, inspection and incidental expen~es. Wi-licl is t:) be spec lfJ 11y assessed against tele propHrtv witclin sfjid District is ~n6,9?>.OO. The total actual frorlt- Dr~e of 811 nroperty within the ppooo~ed District, exclu.sive of strpcts, elleys, 8venues Resol'lt Lon No. 721 320 and plfulic places, is L 763 li'loel feet. Pa ~fmeT1 t for the 1:1 DY':)"\T e'~len t is to be rrwde in ten (10) annun 1 installments over a oer'iod of' nine ( ;>) years with int-crost on the deferred pa'yment5 not to exceed six ((i< ) per cent per annu"1, pfiYtJble annunlly, bnt tJ-l"l s shDll not , I') be cons true d to orevent payyrtent in full at /?,ny rep:ulnr oayment dHte by ~my pro'Jorty owner. POl' a descrlption of the bo 1m d [1 y' 'L e 5 of said Spacinl Improvemsnt District "To. 3()( reference is hereby mode to Resolutj,Jn No. '(21 of the Cry,1rl1"i. :3.; ion of '1'he Ci tyof .30 7.8r:J ~m , I Mont anA, doclHring the inteCltion to cre~1te ' 1 D' i ' t whLe'l is on file in the office S D J.. (, . "L ~) : r 1 c.; .,t, of the undersinp'ed Clerk of said Commission in the City Hall of said City of 80 e:'1f' n , State of Montana, and ODen for inspection to ell interested pnrties ~J1lr1 the nubl1c g'enerally. 'rhis n') ti c e ls V:L ven C'JUY'suant t:) the prolJi siems f <' ,t" 11" 201 Hevi,3ed Codes 0, oee lon -,c,..I, of Ivbn tana, 1 yLI7 . Dnted this lOtb day of September, l~ . D. 19~2. !3y or del' 0-" the Commission of The Cit:v of dozemnn. Publisrled in t~e 00zw'1cn DE 11y Chronicle Se9tember Ii: th, 19CJ 2 . State of M)ntana ) ) 58 County of G.slll:ltin ) I , L. (' Shndoan, Clr:3Y'k of the Co~mis3ion of The Cit:r Of' 130 ':8'1Wn , do here~y certify J. thet the foregolng Notice in R e , R('Jsolution No. 7?1, wes published at lenrth In the I Boze~8n Daily Chronicle, [I new80ep,"'r of pcnerEll c irculp.ti)n printed and published in said C Lt Y in t:18 J_ s sue of September IJlth, 19l)2, and that d'le proof is on file i'1 my:) f'f'i ce. IN WI'rNESS Whc;reof I hereunto set my hand and arfix the seal of my africe tlli s 15th day of September, 19S2. I