HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 756 Create SID 377 .-.- -... 410 cOWUS~)J()N PSSDL1J'rIO'l NO. 756 A 1':83l)1,IJ'1'1U11 OF 'rIlE CI'T'Y C,)I1tH :::,:n,)N UF 'rHE C I'ry OF Tn;/~E~'lI\n DI~CL !\~nTJG IT 70 ~s IrER, 1I\J'n~T\1'rICJN ()T" 'flHE crry 'TF' BJZSj'1AN 'I'D CPEi"rT'~ /\ SPBCIi\L Ir\~pp()w~:mH'[, 1)13- 'rFlCT '1'0 BE KNC)1/VN j\S SPECI!1L 11'llPROVEI"IEN'1' DISTRIC'I' N,). 377 OF '"['''-IE CITY ,Hi' BOZ}<~MAN POP TIE..-: prJRPO;.;E Of' ccmS'I'nuc'rnJG AND INS'PlLLING 13I'fTJMINOUS PNIEf'rRNT IN 'rI-fE ALL"H;Y RlJNNIl'IG 'fHP'JUGH BLOCK A OF ALDEHSDN' S ADDI'rrcm '1'0 'nfT<: C 1'1'v OF f30ZEMAN, T\lON'I'ANJ\, AND EX'I'ENDEJG PROM VVES'I' OLIVg S'I't?Ec::rr 'ro WE~;T BABCOCK STREET, IN SAID CI'rY WHEREAS: There has been filed with the Clerk of' the C 1 ty Comm~s s ion 0 f' 'rhe City I of 130z emen, MOni~&nE, a petition in due form. of certrin S)ropcrty owners in 'nock ft of Alderson's Addition to the City 0 f 30 zema n , IvIo n t f) n a , askinrr thHt n ~pee_i81 irflDrovemr:m t (Hstrict be created for the purpose of constructing 8nd installing bitur:1inous pavement on the alley running throu[!h said Block A of Alderson's !\dcUtion to t he C~ty of Bozeman and extending from West Olive Street to West Babcock Street; and WH"8~RgAS : 'Phat at 8. regulBr meeting of the Clty Cornmiss:l.on of the City of Bozeman rield O"l the 10th dey of June, 19l)"), the aforesaid petition was respectively considered and grsYJted; 1';fOW, 'rREP; -PorE, 3E 1'1' RESOLVED BY 'rT--rr~ CI']1V COMMIS;)IO!\' Of' 'l'RE CITY OF BOZEIv1i1N: SectIon 1. DECLARATION OF INTENTION. 'rhat lt is hereby declared to be the inten- tion of The City of BozemHn to create R special IMprover:1Cnt district to be Imown 8nd des i..gnn ted as Spec inl Improver:1ent Din tric t No. 377 of '1'he Ci t Y of 30 zenan for the pur- paso of con'-;tructinc and inst8l1inZ bltuminous pavenent on the alley running through said Block A of Alderson's Addition to the City of Bo zemBn and extendin~ from West Olive street to West Babcock Street in said City. Section 2. BOUNDARIES. The bounclaries of said Special Improvement District No. I 377 are described as follows: Beginning at .the Northeast Corner of Block A, of Alderson's Addition to the City of Bozeman, Mon tana, thence westerly along the South line of West Babcock Street to the Northwest Corner of said Block A; thence Southerly along the East line of South Willson Avenue to a point located 10 feet Northerly from the S()uthwe~Jt Corner of Lo t Fourteen (l)() of said Block A; thence Easterly 10 feet distant from and parallel to the South Ilne of said Lot Four teen (llf) a ell stance of 7:) feet; ttlence Sou.th- erly 75 feet distant from and parallel to the East line of South Willson Avenue to f' poi_nt on the North line of West Olive Street; thence Eesterly alonr the North line of West Olive Street to the Southeast Corner of said Block A; thence Northerly along the West line of South Tracy Avenue to the point of beginning. Section 3. CRARAc'rT'~R OF IMPROVEMEN']'S. The character of the ~_'lprove 'lents to be made within said Speclal Improvenent District No. 377 is: 'rhe constrnctlon of a pave- ment project in the alley running NOrth and 00uth through Blocl.;: P- of Alderson's Artditlon from West Olive Street to West Bubcock Street, said pavement project to lnclude the construction and installation of crushed gravel base course, crushed gravel cushion couTse, and bituminous surf'ece course. Section L. ESTIMA'rS OF' CJST. The oreliminary estimate of the cost of said im- provements, including all street excavation, materlBls, installation costs, engineering I and incidentals is Four 'rhousand Four Hunclred Eighty-six ond 20/100 Dollay's (~lJ: , Lj 06 . 20) . Section 5. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT. The preliminary esti~ate of cost of said inprove- :nents, including all street excavation, materials, installation costs, ensineeringand lncldentals as set forth above, is to be assessed against the property within said Dis- trict on a front foot basIs. 'I'he estimnted ra te of assessment is ~;7. Vn per front foot. -.".-.. --. __.._u._ --..-..--- -.-- ...-. -...----..-.. --.. ._-~. .....- 411 Section 6. AC'rTJAL FR(j~JTJ\G:<: UF DL)'rPIc'r. 'rhe to ta 1 Be t lAB 1 frO"l t{J I!'e of 811 property wi thin sa id Droposed Spec 1 a 1. Improvemen t Di stric t Number 37"1 is 600 feet, which is the frontage on which all protests will be received, considered and determined. Section? PA YIVlEN"rS. fhat payments for said improvements shall be made in te:l (lD) annual installments extending over 8 perjod of nine ( 9) years, but this Shflll not be I construed to prevent payment in fllll at any rer.;ulor payment date by any pr )perty owner who desires to do so. It is proposed to PBY the entire cost and expense of the construc- ticm and Ins tallB tion 0 f so iei i lprovements wi tb cash to be ObtR ined froll the sDl e of bonds of saId Special Improvellent District No. 3'1'1, as authorized by law. Such bonds will be in denominations of $100.00 each and fractions or multiples of ~lOn.OO where necessary, to be issued and chvrgeable Bga.i.nst a fund to be known and desi.gnated as Special Improve- ment District No. 317 }<'und of The C~_ty of Boze:nan. The bonds will be redeemable at the option of the CIty, sin[!,ly or in r.1ul tiples, 8.n<1 tn the 01' de1' of their registration, whenever flmds are available for that purpOse in said Sp':Jcial Improvef'1ent District No. 377. Said bonds shall draw a sillple in terest from the date of their registrEtion until called for payment, at a rete not exceedlng six (6%) percent per annum, which interest shall be char[-"eable as a part of the cost of the conRtruction and fnstl,llation of sHid improvement. The bonds wIll be issued and sold in 8ccorriflnce with the provisions of' Section 11-2232 and Section 11-"'11, Revised Codes of Montana, 191j '1 , and all othAr 8Dpli- cable provisions of Title 11 of the Revised Codes of Montana, 191,'1 , relating to specia] improvement districts 1n cities Rnd towns, and any amBndments th~reof or thereto. I Section 8. PRO'E:';STS AND NO'l'I CE. 'rhat the regular session of trle City COr,wdssion of The City of Bozellan, to be held at the Commi ssi,m Chamber, Gi ty Hall Build ing, Bozeman, ~~on t a nB , on li'1eclnesdny, the lOth day of March, 1 95L, , ~t the hour of one o'clock P.M. of sa-1 d doy, are the tine an d place, when and where the Ci ty Commi~1sicm will hear and pass upon all protests duly and, re[:ularly made and file d 8r,alns t the crea t ion of said proposed Spe~lal Improvement Di3 tri at No. 377, the i~provement proposed to be '-:wde purrmant thereto flnd the e'Ctent Hnd chr,racter, or either therAo~; and the Cl erk 0f the City Commission be, and he is hereby, directed to g),ve notice in the m8nner and for the tJme 8S by law required, of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention. Aclopted by the Gommi<>sion of 'rhe City of BozemfJrl, i'v1on tans, rJt e repulBr and stEted sessio:lof sald Gommissim held on the 17th day of February, 1':. Attest: ~~~nJ'd~ Acting Clerk of the City Commission NO'rrCE IN RE I Commissim Resoluticm No. '156 OF 'rHi~ Crry OF B()61~lV!AN DECLARING 'l'im IN'l'EN- 'rI01>.T OH' 'rq;:;: CITY OF BOZEMAN 'ro CRRflTE A SPECIP"I IMPROVEI'AEtJ'r DIS'PRIC'r T~) }"):s :~NO'Vn NJD DESIGNNfED AS tlSPC::CIflL IMPROVB:H';N'r DIS'l'RIC'T' ~TTJMl:n'~p 377." N()tice is hereby given that on the l'1th day of February, A. D. 1951.; , H t a rerrulrr ~,,'.' MeetIng 0 r the COffi1'nj~3 3 lm of The ctty of Bozeman, Commi8si)~ Hesolution lhmber '1St) Anti tIed: A RESOLUfION 'JF 'r1fR crrv COMrI1SSION OF' THE CrEY OF BUZ;~l',V\N DECLMiHTG I'r '1') T3E 'rim INT'S~T'rION J? 'L'H~ CT'J'Y OF'30'~~j'ili\N 'r'o CREA'rE J, ~;PECIAL LTPnCJVEf',!P~FT DLjTPrC'r TO 13I~ 1{\TO'ljK)" P,~3 ')PECIAT, IMPPOVEM~NT 0ISTRICT NO. 3 TI OF' 'r;.m CITY UP BO 7,~:Ff 1,; FOR 'r-m PURP:)SE JJ"" CONSTPUC'rING AND IN:.:;TALLPW BI'l'1J1IHN,JTJS PJ\VE1"mwr 1'1 TW~ t LLEY RLI1'iJNIHG 'TI-{PJUGH 'ILOCK A OF ALDlCFSJN' S ADDI'.rI \)1'iJ '1,) 'i'r-n~~ CITv ()T;' 3()~~!~1'1l,~:, NJ~T'T'}J, ~TP , APD Ex'rF;NDTNG F'FWM 'v"'\s'r OLIVE :;rrRE;'CT '1'\) 1'1Jl~:3T Bl'3C()CK 5TRKs'r, TN 5J\' ID CITY, Resolution No. 756 .~.- 412 'NH&p8S:'3ed ~,nd [, dot:)ted. ThFI t, "Ie dne s day, thelOth day of NiHrch, 195); , D,t one o'clock p.i\L at the C.)mm:L s s i)n P00111 0 f the City Hall, 130 z emF! 11. . T'.:)n t Hn[l , is desie;n.(,'ted by said Resolution Nn. 7:;;:" as the tlr~e Hnd pl~J ce for herring objections to the actiDn pr 0 D ) sed t 0 be taken by said. res01u- ti)i1 j 8'1d when end whore a ny an d a 11 per-sems who:oJ f~ pro r)(~Y' ty j.s within said proposed ~)peclal Irn.provemen t Dt s tr 1c t 110. 377 in Bluck j" of Alc1.ers()D' s ^ddi tion to the Gi tyof ;3,) ze- I 1an in said City rYwy HDpepr 2nd show ceuGe. if any they hrve, fJ E: 8. i n.:; t said ;)roo()sect Ln- prove1ent. Objectio~s must be ~Dde '1n writt':1[I, 8:1'1 flIed "[1 th the C1 er'~ of the (; l t'r C G'n- ,,1.tS32.')Tl not In tel' t' f" rt ( 15) dnys efter the c1Hte]f' the r i r :1 t ') 11 b 1 t~[ t i 'J n 0 f Ll"lis ~ ,Llfl 11 ' ~l_ '. "~ e (~ it LIT 0 t l. c e . An [1 i\')ro xbw t e and prelimlnsry est11&te of 1","le co:;t ()f do '1. nr; :) "-1(: 11 'NO Y'lc and '''wk.t nE s ue11 110l'OV8Hmt within snid ::>i3trtctj L"l cl1v11ng Hll stroet excnVE t,l on, materials, 1n- stalla1",i()~ costs. enginel')r'~ '1 c; ui'lc1 tncJdentals, VVt"li c h is tD i)(~ sP8ctrl1y assessed rgalnst the yroperty within ~3Hid :::)i:,trlct, 1" ~1 I.,oy; ?O The to tf11 Act un 1 fron t8 VA ~)f nIl rrop- ...) ~i,"" '-+' . ,'. " · erty with:'n the prGp)sed District. exc1118:i ve ~) f' :ltrc~et3j a ven ues and alleys is 600 fe8t. Pey.ment for the inpp) Ilem8n ts '1.3 to be mnde n 11 D.n'1W: 1 tn~ltfJllr'lenti()ver B. period of 9 years with interest on the deferred psyments r1D t to exceecl six ( 6j~) perc8C1t :Jer Bnn ~l'fl payable 8nnunlly, but thls shall not be constr11ed t I) or eve':1t :)/iyment in {'nIl 1.1 t Dny !>eg'llar =)8Y::10n t d8 Le by any property ONner. For a de" crlpt LDn of the bOu:1d1~r i03 of' sej.d :Jpoci[ll I.npr:)vem.en t D:L3tric;t No. 377 rer(~rence 13 'tW de herl0 by to Resolution No. '(f-/S 0 f the Gonrnl s" 5 1)':1 n f The City of' 30Zert18n dec 1 nr ~"1i~ th t tntentjon to (~ref'te SAid Dlstrtct. I' , t", on f'ile In the office Of' the I IN...11.cl 1JJ1 de r s 1 :.:>;11 e '1 elf) r'{ 0 f D31d COrt1'nis s ion In th e G:1.t'.'T lInl] of' sDid Ctty of SOZe'f':1. StHte of' ::ont anu j f) ~1 (} open ['or Inspec t .~. 1)11 to 811 interested pArties f.1~1 d th,:~ nub1.!r~ [jenoY'c:11J. tr}1:t ::1 notlee ., Ct r:l Veq pill'S it!'!nt t! the pro Vl.'o .~. un s of ('nc+-il)n ]1_00nl, p e 1.' i s e (1 C 0 des ._ J .J "_-' ~.I _ '., _ (, t:. ..... '-. I , o'r 1,: In ~~Ctl'1~.} .J J9):7. DE'tted th:',s 1 7 t; 1-1 d (j -, of FebruvI'v, /, . IJ. 1 <) I:) I ...I., ..-' ~,,' 'I . \~,f'---_..I ~D d / -L--- Act :i.nc; (;1 er k i)f' U)() 81 ty '::;)rnm t s :,d)n Publ.to, 'led ~n thei3oze~Mm 1)1'1.1y Chrmlcle !7'ebr~JFrY 1d, 1). 20, 01 ?3. 1 ~J.S) ~ . c __ , :::) t n t e ():' ['Ii),! t8 nn ) C)"II),tv C)f '::;:all~;tin ) ss I, L. ~,'~ S>wdoan, Cl ark.) f the G'~ tv COm{~1 t; s ~_ Vi )fThe Ctty of dJZ ern! n , ~',1) n t n n D . t.r . :3,) rlOy'eby corti fy ttu,t the forAS0inB Notice, C,)rnr~iJsI)n T1'Aso11Jtt in ~..) . 7St) WfJS ;:)ub- lishoc] 8 t lenc;th In the Ho~pm8n Dptly ChronIcle, D