HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 755 SID 376 on South Bozeman Avenue ....---- .-.----.- 407 c \):'/11,1 IS :;1 JI'~ n ;~S JL U'1'1 U:J N~). ?~r" . ....;J A nE~;,JL1JII'II)N OF' 'I':':f'i~)J'I'\r C,)T'.[!IISS1<J"~ ()F THE CITY ,)"P Gi)[P,r'IAN DECLnnNG '['f '1'0 '3:r~ 'T'1-{E ""',FI'S!'P"IO'\T 0"" TTri;':I'I'v OP 3():';-~TiTA"T 1\) CREj\'Tr<; A ::;~T;;CIAL :rIkPPOV'.~I\;;T~N'J..' '013- TpTCrr T') --n~ n'TC)1'{1II AS S?l<;C1J\T, nIPRJ"r:-;;-i['~NT DIs'rRIc'r N'U. 376 OF 'firM: CI'l'Y 0"5"' l30L:;:<> MAN 1"OR 'rHE PTJF'03EJF C)1'TS'T'RUC'fING AlEI pr;'rM,LING COTJCDE'PE C LTPBS N'm '.3I'I'm'1- JlDTJS PAV}i;TEmT on SOI.rrrH J30ZEMf.N AVEfJlm FRor'l KOCI1" S'I'm';;:~'T Tl) :;TOP,y 2)'rPE:~;tr, TN SA.:D C 1'11Y . I3=~ IT HESOI,'IED 3V 'P:IE CITY CJI,nn S:; Fn JF T'I1~ Crrpy OF BOZ:~Mf\.N: I See t iC):l 1. DECLi\nATIO:--J (JIi' IN'rrG~T'rrON. PIIT'81wnt to the provisions of Section 11-2?O6, H.C.LI. 1 ()L'( , it is hereby declared to ~e the intention of TheCity of JozeMDTI to crorte a special improvement district lo be known snd designated as Special Improvement District No. 376 of The Clty of Uozem~n for the purpos e of construe t:i...nr: an dins ts 111.np; c'Jncrote curbs Bnd bi tuminons pavinr; ,In South BDZ/v.1flnAvenue from Koch Street to ;.;tOY'y Street In said City. S ec t 1 on 2. BOUN])APIr~s . 'fhe boundaries of said Special Improvement Di~trlct No. 376 are described as follows: Beglnni.ng At the intersecti~n of the West Ilne of South dozemen Avenue wlth the Horth line of East Story Street, thence Wester1y ~Jl()nG the North line of Enst Story street a distance of h3 feet; thence N:Jrtherly L~3 f:'et dist[mt fro~ and parallel to the West line of bouth Bo~emRn Avenue D distance of 402.7 feet, more or loss, to 11 polnt on the North lIne of the tract ovmed by George L. Chestil1lt andGIDdys C. Chestnut (See GallfJtin ~Ol..LTt~T Hecord of Deed, Vol ume 91, Page 1')5); thence Easterly alont: the IT"rth line of said, Chestnut trect and the extensiJ:1 of sald NOrth li...ne to an interseeti()n with a 11~e Lj3 feet Easterly from and pHrallel to the East Itne of South 13028'1fm Avenu.e; thence S~)utherly 113 feet dlr,tant fro":t and Dpral1el to the East .line of Southbozi'3';J.an !\venl1e to El point on the North line of East .stO!'Y Street: thence Westerly alons the North line of East Story Street to the point of beginninG. Section 3. CHJ\RAC'PER OF IMPROVEMi!;N')'S. The character Jf the improvements t;) be made I within said Special ImproveMent Dlstrict No. 376 is: the cons truc ti.)n and "1 mJ tal1!tion of a pavement project on South do zeman Avenue from East Koch street to East Story Street, sai~ pavement project to inclucle the constructiJn end lnstal~ tian of concrete curbs, crushed e;r8.vel base cour;e, crushed gravel cushion e01IT'Se, Bnd b:i. twnino w, s urfc c e co ur:3 e, Section h. ES'rIHA'l'E; OF CO s'r . The preliminary estimate of the cost of said 'improve- ments, ~ncluJing all street excavation, materials, insta11ation costs, ene;i.neeri.ng and incidentals is Seven 'rhousrnd l~ight :-IunJred Ninety-one and 20/100 Dollars ($,7,891. 20). Section 5. ME'HrOD OF ASSESSWEN'l'. The preliminary estimAte of cost of sald 11prove- ~:1ents, including all street excavation, materials, installation costs, engineerin[3; and incidentals as set. forth above, is to be assessed against the property within said Dls- trlct on a front foot basl.s. The estimated rate of 8ssess~ent 1s Ton Dollars an1 .7072 Dollars UIO.7072) per fiont foot. Section A. J\C'I'UAL TI'R'JN'..P1\.Gr.;OP DIS'rPI G'r. The total Hctual frontage of 811 property within said proposed Special Ir.1prove~rlent District Numher 376 is 737 feet, which is the frontac;e on which all !)rotests wll1 be received, consjdered and determined. Section 7. PAYMSN ers. That payments for sald improvements 8 :lFil 1 bema de 1.D twenty I (20) annua 1 install~ents extending over a period of nineteen (19) years, but thls shall no t be construed to prevent payment in full Ht R.ny regular pHyment drte by any property owner who desires to do so. It 1s proposed to pay the entire cost and expense of the constructio:1 and tnstallltion of said improvements with cash to be obta.lned from the sa1 e of boncls of sald Special Improvement DistrictNo. 376, as author! zed by If) w. Such bonds will be in denominations of $100.00 eacll Rnd fractions or multiples of ~lOO.OO where necessary, to be issued and chare;eAble agalnst a fund to be known and designated as Speciel Improve- ment District No. 370 Fund of The City of J3oz,eman. '..Phe bJrHls w:t11 )1'3 redeemable at the 408 whenever option of the City, sinc;ly or in multiples, find in the oI'<lel',Jf their 1'cgistrntio'l, fun d s are available for that nurnose in said Snecial Improvement District No. 376. Said .J,. .;. .1. bonds shall draw a simple interest from the date of thejr rc)gistration until celled for paymen t , at a rate not exceed7nE six (6%) percent per ennurr, which interest shall be ch&rge- able as a part af tl1e cost of the cO!3!trueti'Jn and tnstallntim of sBid imrr o'Jement. 'Phe bonds will he ~sued and sold in accordAnce with the provlsionH of Section 11-2?32 and Section 11-2271, Revised Codes of Montana, 19) i 7 , an d B 11 other aoplicable provisions of I Title 11 of the Revised Codes of Montana, 19)1 7 , relating to special improvement districts in cities and towns, end any amendments thereof or thereto. Section d. PR DTES'rS AND NOTIC~:. 'That the regular session of the City Commission of The City of Bozemrn, to be held at the Commission Chamber, CIty liall B'lilding, 30 zema~l., MontHna, on Wednesday, the 10th day of March, 1943, at the hour of one o'elock P.M. of saLd day, are the time and place, when and where the City ~ommiss10n will hear and pass upon all'Jrotests duly nndregularly made Bndfil ed aga lns t the cre~tion of s~ld prQPosed Spec lal Im~ovement DIstrict No. 376, the i1provement pr\)pJs ed to be made pursuant thereto and the extent and character thereof, or either thereo~; and the Clerk of the City ~ommis- sion be, and he is hereby directed to give notice i~ the manner and for the time as by law required, of the ndo~ti0n of this Resolution of Intention. Adopted by the Conmisslon of 'Ehe ;,;-tty of Boz emf'1!1, l\lon tana, a tar e e u_l fI l' n n d s tat e d ~ession of said Commission held on the 17th day of February J. Attest: ~O~~O.,Ld ~ I Acting Clerk of tbe Ci ty Commission NO'rICE IN RE COM 1\11 SSIJN RES,)LlJTI.JN NO. 75~ OP 'l'HE Cl'!'Y OF' t30ZL':!v1AN DECLIRING 'rHE IN'l'"2;H'rIUN OF or IrE CITY uP 13,) ZF:MA~T 'ro CR'~I,'rE .4 SPECIAL r;v1PROVEMENT DIS- 'I'RICT '1'0 }-3ii; J\_NOVm ANI) DESIGNA'r~J) AS "SPECIAL IMPPDVEMEWr DI~)'rRIC'r N UlvIBEH 376." Notice is hereby given that on the 17th da~T of February, A. V. 1):)1) , at a regular meetlnp; )f the C()~H!1tssi:m of 'rhe Clty or BeYl nmf-m, Commisston Pesoluti')n Number 75_S entitled: PI RESOLU'I'IOn DF '1'Tm CI'rY CCH.1MI ~_);nJ]'J OF' 'T'HE C 1'ry OF BOZT~J\l1~ N nF<~CLAn ING rr TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE A SPI~CIAr, IMPPOVEMBN'P l)IS'rRICT 'r'J BE KT101VN AS .'3PT~CIAL IIIJIPRO\IErv1Ti:NT DIS':r'RIC'l' HO. 376 OF T'm C I'rY OF BOZEr/TAN F'()R 'l':--IE PUHPOSE OF CONS'l'RUC'rUJG P'\iJT) IN:;,rALLDJG CONCRETE C1JRBS AND 81'1' UMUW US Pi'. VEMr~N'r OllJ SOTJ'l'H BO;3F;MP N J\VEN U1;: PRJl\1vCOCH STP:,~r;;'r 'I'O S'!\)RY S'rR_;"~E'r, IN SA ID C rry , was pRssed and adopted. That Wednesday, the lOth day of March, A. D. 19S1t at one o'clock P.M. at the Commis- sion Room, of the City rlall, Boz em an, jIl[)n tans, is designated by said Resolutton N0. 755 as the time And place for heDring ob.iectLms to the vction pro~osed to be taken by said r'esolution, and when 8 neI where Bny and all oarsons whose property is within said proposed I Special Improvement District No. 376 on South Bo zeman 1\ venue from Koch Street to Story Street 1n said City may appear and show cause, if an y they hr ve, against said proposed lmpr ovemen t . Objections must be made in writing Bnd filedwith the Clerl<: or the CLty Commtssion not later than fifteen ( 15) davs after the date of the flrst publication of this Notice. An approximAte and preliminary ostimate of the cost of d~ing such work and making s~Jch :Lr.:provernent within said District, including all street excavation, materials, in- 409 stallation costs, enGineer"ng and incidentals, which is to be specially assessed a8a~nst the property within sAid District is $7,891.20. The total BctUAl frontage of all property 1Nithin the prmosed District, excl us:t ve of s tree~ avenues and alleys is 73.( feet. Pay- ment for the lYn~")ro~"emen t s is to be made in twenty (20) ann UR 1 installments over 8 period of nineteen (V)) years with tnterest on the deferred payments not to exceed six ( 61~) oer- I cent per annum, p8Y~lble annually, but this shall not be construed to prevent payment in full at any re~ul8r payment date by any propertv owner. For a description of the boundfries of said Special Improvement Dtstrict No. 370 reference is here by tit[: de to Resolution No. 7S:; of the Commission of The City of L3oze:nan declaring the intention to create said District, which is on file in the office of the undersie::ned Clerk of said Commission in the City Hall of salel City of Bozem::l~l, Stf:te of !':10n. f-, D ne., and ope"" for inspecticm to all interested parties andthe publ~"c generally. Thts notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-?20~, Revised Codes of r10n tana, 19J) 7 . Dated tbis 17th day if February, A. D. 19:;h. ~~"7>>" _ ~ cting Clerk of the City Commission Sta te of Mont::ma ) ) ss \"'o\mty of (}allflt-in ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice, Commissio~ Resolution No. 7~;5 . wes plililished at length in the I Bozem8n Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general c ire ulfJ tion prin ted and published ln said City In the IssllBs of F'ebruary lU, 19, 20, 21,:.: 23, 195Lj, and that due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN WI'rNESS WH!';R~l)"F', I herelmto set my hand affix the corporate seal of my 0 ffic e this 17th day of April, V)5L\ . City Commission I Commisslon Resolution No. 7SS n___