HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 752 Intention to create SID 374 for West Arthur Street ---..-----.- ..,_..... 399 COMMI SSION' RESOLUTrO~J NO. 752 A rESOLTJ'l'ION OF' 'I"tS Cl'rY c()nn~~,)IJN OF 'l'H2 crry UP 30ZT,;',TAN D[~C::Li',nING I'r 'I' () '3:<: TT-fE [N'rEN 'eI In JF' Tn--: CITY OT<' 3J/jS!\1,bN 'ro CPEl,'rr.; 1\ SPECI/I,r, IM- PROVT'>p~N'r l)IS'rRI\;T TO '3E KNOWN AS SPECIAL Ti'!lPROVENI~~N'l' DIs'rPlc'r NO. 37~ OP 'rEE crl'Y \)F' F)()ZEIVIAl'J POR 'r'-I1~ PUPPOS1~ ~JF' CONSTRUG'rI0JG ANn INSTl'LLING s'rORlvI-SgVER INL!~'rs, CONCPE'l'E CUP 133 AND 131'rl rrilIN0US FA V'P.II/lENT ON 'ln~s'r AR'rHUR STHl~T~'r prOM SOTJl'B WILLSON AVBNTill TO SOTJTH rrlERD I\VH;NUE IN SAID C J'rv . I l.IlfT-fEREAS: There hes been file~ with the Clerl{ of the C.ty Commis~ion of The Citv of }3ozemun, I/;.)ntuna, 8 pet-ttion in due Po I'm of certain property owners on West Arthur Street from South Willson Avenue to South Third Avenue asking that a special improvement dis- trict be crented for the purpose of constructing and installing storw-sewer inlets, con- crete curbs and. bituminous pnver1ent on said street; flnel WHEPEAS: That at B reguJnr rneet~Dg of the City Commissl.on of 'rhe City of [30ze:n8n held on the l2tn (lev :Jf ^u~r,ust, 1?S3, the aforesaid petition was respectively considered and c;ranted: Now. T~IEREF'JRE , BE l'r PESJL'JED BY '['HE CITY C,)<r.nSSIUlJ OF 'rl-jE CI'l'Y OJ" BOZEII1MT: Section l. DECLARATIUN ,)Ii' nJTEN'l'I ON. Thr. t it is horeb'v declEJ!'fHl to be the intentic)[~ of The City of Bozeman to create a special improvement district to be lcnown and de G 1 g;w t e d 0.3 Special I~~rovement District No. 37h of The Clty of Bozeman ror the pnrpose of cDnstrlJct- ing end installing storm-sewor inlets, concrete cur ,)3 and bi tumlnou.s "[Hiving on 'Ncs t Arthur street from South \OllRnrl i'venue to South Third Avenue in said City. Section 2. IlJUNDARlJi;S. The bo~ndHries of said Special I~provement District No. 37h are descri beel as follows: I Beginning At the Northeast Corner of Lot Seven ( 7) , of Block Nine ( 9) , of the But te Addi t lon to the C1 ty of Bo zeman ,''.,'bntanu, trlenG e 'Ves ter ly alone; the Nor th lines of Lots Seven ('() and Eizhteen (18) of said Block Nine ()) and along the North lines of Lots Seven (7) and Eighteen (18) , of Block ren (10) of said Butte Addition to the Northwest Corner of Lot t.:ightcen (liJ) of sfJid LHock 'ren (10); thence Southerly alone the gas t 1 ine of South 'rhi I'd A venue to the South- west Corner of Lot N1neteen (19), of Block Eleven (11) of soid Butte AdditJon: thence ERsterly alone the Sout~ lines of Lots Nineteen ( 19) and Six t6), of s~id Block (11), and along the South lines of Lots Nineteen (19) and Six 6) of ~lock 'rwe Ive (12), of said Butte Addition to the ..:>outheast Cr)rner of Lot Six (0) of said Block Twelve (12); thence Northerly alone the West Line of ~outh Willson Avenue to the point of beginning. Section 3. CJ-rAHAC']'I~R (')>;1 IMPrOVEMENTS. rl'he charae tGr of the i~provements to be made within said Special Improvement District No. 3"(LI is: The construction of 8 paveTIent project on West Arthur Street from South Willson Avenu.e to South Third Avenue, said pavement project to l.nclud.e the constru.ction and install~itio':1 of additional storm sewer inlets, concrete cur-bs, crushed gravel base course, crushed grave1. cushion course, and bi tuminoeJ.s s ur fa c e c 0 nr s e . Section L. ESTIMPTE OF' COST. The preliminary esti'1ute of the cost of said Inprove- ments, including all street excavation, trench excavation and bRckfill, materials, in- stallation costs, en::rineeriw! and incidentals is 'rwel ve 'rtlOusand Seven Hundred Seventy w _" and nO/lOa Dollars (~'12,'na.OO) . I Section S. ME'1'11OD OF' ASSESSME1\J'r. The preliminary estimate of cost set forth above :ts to be assessed against the property within said Distriut on an area basis as follows: The estimated cost of said improvement is to be assessed against the property in- cluded in the Dlstr'ict on an area basis, with the first 2S feet of pronertv of each lot immediately adjacent to the proposed improvewmt being recorded at double its actual area in computing the assessable area of eoch lot. The assessable area of property in the Dtstrict, with the 25 feet of each lot next adjacent to the proposed irnorovement, being .-------- ------.--.------.... -.... - ---....-...-.. 400 recorded at double its actulll area in computing the assessable area of each lot is 197,750 squ.are feet and the estirr1ated cost per square root ts $,0.064570. Section 6. ACTTffiL AREA OF DISTRICT. The total actual BreB af all property within Special I~prove~ent District No. 37L! , exclusive of streets, a ven nes and alleys, is 169,500 square feet, which is the area on which all protests will be decided. Section 7. PAYlVIEN'rS. That payments for said improvements shall be me de in twenty I (20) annual installments extending over a period of nineteen (19) years. but this shall not be construed to prevent payment in full at any regular paY1ent date by any property owner who desires to do so. It 1s proposed to pey the entire cost and expense of the c'Jnstrqc tion and installation of said improvements with cash to be obtained from the sale of bonds of said Special Improvement District No. 37L; , as authorized by law. Such bonds wi 11 be in denominB tions of ~i;lOO. 00 each and fra ct tons or mull tpIes of $,"100.00 where necessary, to be issued and chargeable against a fund to bo known end designated as Special Irnprovement District No. 374 Fund of 'rhe City of L'bz eman. 'rhe bonds will be redeemable at the option of the City, sIngly or in multiples, and in the oroer of their registratio~, whenAver funds are aveilvble for thetpurpose in said Speciel Im- provement District No. 374. Said bonds shall draw a simple interest from the date of their registration until called for payment, at a rate not exceeding six (6%) ')ercent Der ennua, which interest shall be chorgeuble vs a part of the cost of the construction and installation of said improvement. 'rhe bonds will be issued and sold in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-2232 and Section 11-2271, Revised Codes of Montana, ] 9)17 , and all other ap~licable provisions of Title 11 of the Re~lsed Codes or MJntana, I 19h7, relating to special improvement districts in cities and ill wns, and any amendments thereof or thereto. Section G. PRO'fES'rS A"fD NO'rICE. Th at the reQ:J.lar sessL)n of the Citv" Co~rrmission of 'rhe Ci ty of Bozeman, to be held at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, Boze- eman, Montana, on Wednesday, the lOth Jay of March, 195h, at the hour of one o'clock P.M. of said day, are the time and place, when and where the Gity Cammi.ssion will hear end pass upon all protests duly and regularly made and rUe d ec:ainst the creetio"l of said proposed Special Improvement District No. 37L, the improvement proposed to be made pl~SuRnt thereto Bnd the extent and hcaracter thereof, or either thereof; and the Clerk of theCitv C:ommission be. and he is hereby, directed to give notice in the man- <, ner and for the time as by law required, of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention. Adopted by the Commission of '_rhe Ci ty of Dozeman, lVlJnt ana, at a regular and stated session of said Commission held on the 17th day of F'ebruay-y. l~ Attest: ~- I ~ ;1J ---- ... ---:;;. 't"" ~-=,-.~""..~_/ '. j7~ Actine l;lerk of the City Commission NO'rrCE IN RE COMMISS em P~SOLU'I'IJ~T NO. 752 OF' 'rHE C l'rY \)F BOZEMAN DECLi\rnNG TIrE IN'rEN- TION OF' 'rEE C I'ry OF 130 ZEMAN 'ro CPT<:A'rE A SPECIAL IMPPOVf;~Jvl"8N'r DISTRIC'r TO BE KNOVL j\ND Dr~SIGNA'rET) tiS "SPECIAL IMPROVEIVlr.:Wr DIS'rPIC'r NmnBER 37L. It Notice is ereby given that on the 17th day of Februarv, A.D. l'6J:, at a resuler meeting of the Com~tssion of The City of BozemFn, Commir~sion Resolution number 752, entltled: Resolution No. 752 _. __ __...__._.u_._____". ..._..._____ 401 A RESOLUTIOn OF' THE CI'rY C;W~MIS3:rJN OF' 'NIB CrIT OF B,JZ,EMAN DECLARING IT 'I'D BI~ THE TWrEN'I'ION 01,1 'rTno: CITY OF b\)ZEMAN TO CnENYE /I. SPI';CI1IL n'IPJ~()VE- MENT DIS'rIH.;'r TO 3E KNJWN AS SPECIJ\TJ IMPRJVEMEN'r lJL',THIC'.r NO. 37b OF TITS CI'fY OP BOZEMlN F'uP 'rItE PURPOSE OF CJNs'rRUCT--:-NG AND INs'rALLING s'rORM- sE1imR INLE'rs, CONCRETE CURBS AND :3ITUNIINOUTI PAVEMENT ON WE~)'r AR'rHUP S'I'REE'r FROM SOUTH VII'ILLSOrJ l>VE^IUE 'I'U SOU'I'H 'rrURD AVENUE IN SAID CITY, was passed Bnd adopted. I That Wednesda~r, the lOth day of March, A.D. 1954 at one o'clock P.M. at the Com- mission Room of the City Hall, Bozeman, Montana, 1s designated by said Resoll1tio~) No. 7:.;2 BS the time and place for hearing objectt~ns to the action proposed to be taken by said resolution, und when and where any E: nd all persons wh03e property is wi thin said proposed Special Improvement District No. 37}j on West A:r>thur Street from vonth V~illson Avenue to Sou.th 'rhird J'venue in said City may appear and SilOW CfJUSe, if any they have, against said proposed 'ilprovemen t. Objections must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the City Commission not later than fifteen ( 15) days after the date of the first publication of this Notice. An approximnte and preliminary estimate of the cost of doing such work: and making such improvement within said District, including all street excavation, trench excava- tion and bnckfill, materials, installatio~s costs, engineering and incidentals, which isto be specially assessed against the property within said District, is f12,?70.00. The total assessable area or vII property within the prooosed District, exclusive of streets, Avenues and alleys with the 2S feet next adjacent to the improvement taken at double its aclual areB, is 197,750 square feet. Property immediately adjacent to and I within 25 feet of the proposed improvement is to be assessed at double the assesSlllent against other pr')pSI'ty in the District. Payment for the improvements is to be mede in twenty (20) annu.a 1 installments over a period of nineteen (l~)) years with interest on the deferred payments not to exceed six ( 6~s) percent per annum, payable annually, but this shall not be construed tJ prevent pHyment in full at any reguler payment dnte by any property owner. For a description of the boundRrj,es of said Sp? cifJl Improverr1erit D:tstriet No. 37L! reference is hereby made to Reso1utia~ No. 752 of the CO~:mlissi)n of The Ci ty of B'neman declaring the intention to create said District, which is on file in the office of the undersigned Clerl{ of said Commission i') the City Hall of seid City of Bozeman, State of Montana, and open for inspection to all interested parties and the public generaJly. 'rhis notlce is [r,iven pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-220}1, Revised Codes of Montn~la, 19L,7. Dat'.Fl this 17th day of F'ebruery, J\.D. 1951, . ~~~~?(T~ . Actlng Clerk of the City Commission Published in the Bo zemRn Daily Chronicle Feb. 10,19,20,21,23, 195L. I State of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) s::; I, L. G. ShE' doan, Clerk of the City Commls s 1 on of 'fbe C1 ty of Bozemnn, do hor eby certify thRt the foree;oing Notjce, C,)r.lmissj)n Resoluti m No. 752 was pub1 ished at len,~,:th in the BozemRn Daily Chronicle in the issues of February 18, 19 20 21 and 23, 1954, a~d thot due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN 'NI'rNE~:;S WHERI~OF, I heretmto o3et my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 17th day of April, 19SLI. . ~~~-r ~v. Clerl{ of the Carrunission Resol '-lti'):l No. 7:;;2 ----....