HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 751 Taxes for SID 367 396 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 751 A RESOt UTI J N,F 'rHE COMMISSIOrJ OF 'l'T-IE C I'rY OF' BOZEN[J\~T, MON'J'ANA, LEVYING A~TD ASSF~SS... ING A SPECIAL ASSESSMEN'r OF 'rAX:'~S TTPON ALLTI-IF. PROPERTY IN SPECIAL IMPRJVEMEN'1' DIS- '~RICT NO. 367 IN 'rHE CITY OF' BO ZE!'1MT , comJ'rY OF GALLA'l'IN , S'I'NrE UF MON'l'AN.A, '1'0 DE- FPf,Y 'T'HF. CO;-';'1' OF CONSTPUC'rING AND MAKING 'l'f-1'E TTPROVE'm'\!'rs WITtIIN Sf, ID SPECIAL Im- PR.JVE"'mN'r DIs'rRTCT NO. 367 'VTmREAS, The City Commission of 'rhe City of Bozeman, did on the lOth day of September. 1953, duly and ree;luarly pass Commission Resolution No. 7?l, entitled: I A PESOLTJ'rIO"T '.W 'rrlE c1'1'y C.)N[iIHSSI)\T )1'<1 'rnE CITY OF' BOZEL1J\N, MONTANA DECLARnw 1'1' TO BE THE IN'rr~NTION OF' SAID COMMISSI:)"T '1'0 CREi\'1'E A SP;;CIALII<lPTIJVEiilEN'r DI~3'rRICT OF SAID C1'ry '1'0 BE 'eNOWN AND DESIGNI TED AS "SPECIAL Ih1PF\ 0 VET';F:WI' DIS'l'RI I~T NIJMBER 367" FOB 'rEE PUP l'OSE OF CONSTRUC'rING AND INS'l'JILLING AfT EIGH'r INCH WA'r-SH WIA IN ON NORnI SEVENTH AVENUE B~T;VE'~ DUHSTON ROAD AND THE ;JOP'rH CITY LIIJII'rS OF 'rHE CITY OF BO ZEMAN, M J WI' ANA, ANT) TO SPECIALLY ASSESS A c-sP'rAIH PROTL)N OF 'rE::!.: (>JST OF SUCH CONS'rRU(~'I'I)N AND INs'rALLj\TION AGAINST 'l'HE PRJrSp'1'v ViI/rHnT 'THE aUTJNDARIES OF SAID SPECIAL IMPBOVEMJ:<:;NT DISTRICT SO CHEA'rED ON A F'R\)N'r FOOT BASIS, PUFSTJ- Al'TT 'rQ THE 3'1'1\'1' UTES IN SUC II CASES MADE 1\ ND PROVIDED. NTD 'rHEREAF"FRR, After due and legal proceedings had, the Commissi on of '1'he Ci ty of Boze'1lan did on the8th day of October, 1952, duly p~1SS Commission Resolution No. 727, enti tled: A RESOL UrIJN OF 'I'HE CITY COMNIISSI)N ,)F TUE erry OF BOZEMf N, MJWrANA, CREATING A SPECIAL IMPROVEMEWr DIS'rRI ,:;'1' OF' SAID C I'1'Y '1'0 BE KN()WN AND DESIGNA'1'ED AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 367 FOR 'rHE PURPOSE 01" CJNSTRUC'rnm AND INSTALLPTG AN EIGH'r nTCcr WA'rER MAIN ON NORT}! SE'lEN'rH A VE~nJE BE'1'WEEN DURS'l'JN ROAD AND THE NOR'rH Crry LIMITS OF 'PHE CITY OF BO ZEMA'T, Ml)T\f'2J',NA, AND TO SPECIALLY ASSESS A CERTAIN POp'rION 011' THE cos'r OF SUCH GONS'fRTJCTIJN AND INS'r/lLLA'rIOH AGAIm;T 'rIlE PROPERTY TI'JITHIH TIm B~nJNDfRIES OF SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DIs'rRlCT SO CRH:ArrED ON A FRONT FOO'I' BASIS, PURS UA 'T'r 'ri THE S'2ATIJTES PI SUCH CASES MADE J\ND PFWVIDED, AND PURSUAN'1' TO AND PI CO':JF'ORMITY WITH COT.Un ;.-;SIJlT RESOL U'rION NO. 721 OF SAT D C1'1'Y COMMIS~n ON AS PASSED AND ADOP/rED BY ~)AID Cl'N COlVI!\fIISSIJN ON 'rHE lOth DAv OF SEP'I'EJ\1BER, A. D., 1952. which Commls si-Jn Rpsol utL);-1S Nos. '(21 ond 727, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a part of this reso 1 uti)n for further pD rtic ulers i.n respect to the boundaries of sald district, the character of the improvements to be constructed therein, the estime ted cost of said improvements and t11e metIlo! of assessing the cost against tho property within I said district; and WHEREAS, sai d improvements as conteyn.'o12t ed in said COrrLmis s ion nesol ution s No 3. 721 and 727 have been constructed and completed in accordance with the terms and con,litio~s of Commission Resolutions Nos. 721 and 727, and the total cost of said improve~ents so con- structed is the S11m of Fifteen 'rho us and One Hundred Slxty-three 1bl1& rs and 5:;/100 r~;)15,163.55) . NOW, THEREFORS, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 5225 to 5277.5 and 54b5, R.CM. 1935 and amendments thereto, BE IT RESOV,r:~D ANT) IT IS TmpT;;BY OPDEPED r:w TT-IE C )MTHS:)I )'TJF' TrIE ,::; I'l'Y OF BOZEL1A'T, STATE OF MJ~TANA: Section l. 'rhat to defray the cost and expense of c'JnstrlJ,ctlng and maki,ng the im- proveMents 1n said Special Improve~ent District No. 367, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed 0 tax amou'1ti:l!3 to the sum of Fifteen 'rhousand One Hundred_ Sixty-three and ;;5/100 Dollars ($.:15,163.55 --upon all Vle "property in saLd Specinl I'nJY'oveMent District No. 367, that a particular descrlption of eae), lot and parcel of land wlth the name of the OW:1er and the sum assessed against hlm Jr it for such l_lprOVe'1cnts endthc, amount of each partlal DElyment to be made and the day when tho same shall be delinruent is set forth in I deteil in the assessment list hereot attached, r!lfJrked Schedule "A", anc1 me de a mort hereof; thr,t the several sums set opposite the name of the owners and the deseri~)ed lots and par- cels of land be, and the same are hereb" resD8ctively levied and assessed upon and against said described lots and parcels of land to dePrsy the cost and expense of constructingand makiClf~ the improvements within said District; tho t tIle 3 everal s urns so as 8es sed be coll ected from the respective owners of said lots and }Jercels of land tlescribed 1n [Jaid asses:3'TIent list, Schel~ule "A", 8S required bv law: that the payment of said sur!1S shall be mfJde in ten ~_.,- ...--.- -- ----- .-. - 397 instellments and the payment of said installments shall extend over D perlorJ of nIne years; thn t the pny::nen t of the respec t 1 ve 8 nn ual installments s"lnll be mElde on or bef:JY'ethe 30th day ~f November of each year lwtil paY~ent of all installMents together with the interest ther eon, shall be mRde; that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be mnde 1n the rnarmer and in accordanc e wi th the 1 aw .sovern ing the colle c t ion of s oec iB 1 im- I pr~)ve'lent t8x.es; that failure to pay such as ses s~~en ts when t~1.e sane becolne dl.1.8 and 08 va 1 be shall ~ake such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties i)rovlder'l by law relHtive to deltnquent taxes. Sectio'1 2. That the regular session of the Commission of The City of riozemBn to be held in the Commlssim Chamber in the City Hall of said Ctty on the 21st day of October, 1953, at 1:00 o'clock P.M., be, and the same is hereby designated as the tine and place at which objectio,s to the fi nBl adoption of this Resolution will be heDrd by said Commission. Section 3. 'fha t the Clerk oP tho Cornm~s81on of The City of B0ze~Hn be, find he is hereby order''3d and d:rected to publish in the DOze'Twn Deily vhrorlicle, a daily newspaper Dr L;1ted and p1.1.bli3h'3d in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of th.e Commission alld stating that a Resoltition ~ vying and assessing a special assessment of taxes to defrey trle cost and expense of con"truct ~nc: end r~laklng the i'lprOVer.1en ts ~11. tr18 sDid Special Improvement District ~o. 367 ison file in the office of the Clerk of the Co~mi33ion subject to inspection for a period of five ( 5) days; thEt said iJotlce s'1811 st3te the tLme and place at which objections will be heard by the Coml~:tssion t) the final adopt:i.Grl of this Resolutir)n; thati t shall be publ ished a t le~ s t five (5 ) doys before the I da~T set by the Commission for the hearing of objections and the Pinal sdJptio, of this Rl'\solution. Porvisionall_y passed and adopted by the Gomm'. SB ion of 'fhe City of Bee eman fJt a re81.1.18r sesHion thereof held on the l~th day of October, 1953. Atte~ ~.~- Clerk of the Cit,{ Commi.ssion Finally passed and adopted by the Comm1.s310'1 of 'rheCity c)f Boze1811 at a regular session thereof held on the 21st day of October, 1953 . Attest: c/ft~ Clerk of the Ci t:r Commis s ion N 0 'r ICE I-lEJ\ R TI\TG , FTNj\L An)p'rIY~ OF COMMISSIJN RESOLU'rrYJ NO. 751 LEVYIlJG j\SSES3MKr..y'c SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DIS']1PIr;'r NO. 367, crpy OF' BOZBMlN, Wj\Tr~R MAIN J1IT 1\WR'rfJ SEV-P7'TTH A vr~:'J US Br~'fVJF.:K' DUPS'l'JN RJP D P N"D 'rHF<; NORT'1" C I'rY LIM ITS IN SA ID C I'EY. NO'frCE IS '-1EPET3Y GIVEN, 'rhat at a regular s es s ion of the ComrClis s i.)n of 'rhe Ci ty of I Bozeman held on the 14th day of October, 19S3, Commission R~solution No. 751 was provisional- ly passed and adopted; thElt said Co'nmissiJn Resolution levies and assesses & special assessment of taxes upon all the property in Speclal Improvement District No. "36'1 in said City, to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements within said District, to-wit: B~GINTJT.NG At the Southwest Corner of Lot One(l), of Blocl{ One (1) , D1.1.rston1s Second Subdivisi.on: thence Northerly alone the '~'(est Lines of Lots One (1) to Nine ( 9) inclusive, Block one(l), Lots One(l) to Nine (9) inclusive, Block Two ( 2) , and Lots One(l) to Seven (7), inclusive, Block Three (3), all in -- ..- 398 Dl.1rston's Second SubdIvIsion, and Lots One (1) and 'rwo (2), Block '!'wo(2), and Lots Nine (9) to Fo\~teen (14) Block One (1), all in Rayal Vista Subdivlsio~, to the Northwest Corner of said FOlU'teen (11-1-); thence Ehsterly alonEs the ~T()rth Line of said Lot Fourteen (l!~) and the prolo!1gation of said North Line to its point of intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the East Line of Lot One(l) Block Four (~), of the North Seventh Addition; thence Southerly alone said North- erly prolon[Sation, and along the East Lines of Lots One (1) to Five (5), inclusive Block Pour (1.1), Lots One (1) to Five (5), lnvlusive, Jlock'rhree (3), Lots One ( 1) to Five CS), inclusive. Block 'rwo (2), and Lots One \1) to Nine (9), inclusive Block One ( 1) , all in North Sevneth Addition, to the Southeast Corner of Lot Nine (9), in said block One (1) )f North Seventh Addit~on; thence cantinuin~ Southerly I on the prolongation of the EF'st Line of Lot Nine \9), of blade One ( 1) , North Seventh Addition, across Shonkwiler's' Addition to a noint on the South Line of Shonl{wi ler s ' Addl tio'1-, said South Line be"ng also the N()rth Line of Durston Hoad; thence Westerly along the 1T"rth Line of Durston Road to the9o:t:1t of beginning. 'rho t , said ~ow~ission Resolution No. 751 is now on file ~ the office of the Clerk of the Commission, sub.J e c t to inspection for a period of five (5) days by any p2rsons l.nterested. ThFt Wednesday, the 21st day of October, 1 y5 3 , Lt 1:00 08clock P.M., of said day at the regl~lar session of the said Comcission of fhe City of Bozeman. at the Commission Room, in the City Hall 3uildtng of said City, has been designated as the time and place when and where the said Commission will hear and pass upon any and all objec- tions that may be made to tlw final passage and adoptio:1 of said Resolution No. 751, and t~e levying of said assessment, and that said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted a t said ree;ul ar ses sion. All persons interest 8re referred to Commission Resolution No. 721, declvrine;it to be the intention of the Commission ro crea te Special Improvement Die; trict No. 307, and Commission RAsolution No. 727, creating Special ImproveTIsnt District No. 367, for construc- ting and making the improvw'lents therein. Dated October 14th, 1953. fj~ I Clerk of the Commission Stete of J'/IJDI;ana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I . I, . r< Shadoan, Clerk of the Gommission of 'rhe City of 30z eC1Ln, do hereby certify T. that the foregoing Notice, Commission Resolution No. 751 was publi3hed at length in the '"' Bozer.1sn Dany Chronicle, newspaper of eeneral circulEtion printed []nd published ~n said City in the issue October 15th, 1953, and tha t due proof of su.ch pnblica j~i on is on file in my office. IN WTTNESS 'pt/rIEHEOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 16th day of October, 1953. /,4~ Clerk of the 'ommiss"ton state of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallctin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of 'I'he City of Bozemw1, do hereby certify that the foregoing Commission Rpsolution No. 751 was published by title and number in the I Bo ze(rlan Dally Chronicle, a newspaper of general circuh; t im pr inted and publ ished in sa iel C1ty in the issue of Jctober 27th, 1953 , and thB t due proof of such publ ica t;Dn is on file in my office. IN ''IT'l'NRSS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 2dth day of October, 1;;15:3 . Cle~~~ Resolu tion No. 751 L ....--- .---