HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 750 Taxes for Noxious Weeds 1953 398 COMMISSIJN RESOLryrIJN NO. 750 /I. RESOLIJ'rIJH OF 'rHE COI'MIIISSI,JN OF 'rn:~ C I'I'Y OF E30~EMAN LEVYING AND ASSESS I NG A. SPECIAL ASSESSriIEN'r OF 'rA XES UPON C li~R'rArJ PROP~RTIES n~ 'r~m CITY OF' BOZL~MJ\ N, COUN'l'Y OP GALLA'T'IN, 2I'ATE OF MONTANA, '1'0 DEFRAY THE COST OF F<:X'i'ERMINA'l'IOTJ AND REMOV AL JF NOXIOUS Vi/E'Si)S FOR 'rHE YEAH 1953 PURSUANT TO T~TE PROVISI)NS OF ORDINANCE NO. L28 ENTITLED: "AN OPDINANCE DE}'PHHG AtTD PROVIDING FOR n1"8: PUN- ISHiVr~N'T' A ND ABA'rf-':~'1L~N'l' OF CERT/I IH NTJISAl\TCI!:S. " 1NH8REAS, the City Council of the vi ty of Eo zeman heretofore d'J.ly and regularly pas sed I \)rdinLnce No. L120, r;ntitled: "AN ORDINANCE DEFINING A"TD PROVIDING FOP TIm PUNISHMEwr AND A3ATEMEN'l' OF CER'rA TN NUISANCES", and ~:rIEP~AS , '" t. 503<) 82 HI 1935, provides the CIty of TownCouncil h8s power to ..:.> e c 10'1 . ;; . . c .., . decll'Jre and determine what vei~etotion within the. City or Town shall be noxious weeds, and to T)rovide the manner in which they shall be exterminnted, and to require the owner or ownGrs of any property within said City or Town, to exterminate or remove noxious weeds rrom their prem1.ses, and one-half of any road or street lyl~g next to the lands or boule- vard abutting thereon, and to pr)vlcle, in the event the owners or owner or any of said premises neglect to exterminote or remove noxious weeds therefrom, for levying the cost of such extermination or removal as special assessment against the property; and WHEn:~A S , oV'm,~rs of pr emis as in sa iel C it Y have neglec tad to extermiY1a te and I' emO'Je noxL')us 'Needs therefro'!1 c1ur~_ng t~e yeAr 1953 and the C it Y 0 f Em emp n , prusl.wnt to Section C::039 G2R C T,~ 1935, and iJrdlnenee No. 1128, have exterminated and rev~oed noxious weeds ...-). ~ .,-. . ~. . ~~.I. . from the premises of said owners and the total cas t 0 f the extermina t ion and remOVE, 1 thereof LS ch are; e LC b 1 e to the property os hereinafter set forth, ours \)ant to"[I'ovislons of I said Section S039.82, Political Code, R. C. 1'1,. 1935, and said Ordinance No. L;28 ; BE I'f R1,';SOL1ED NH) rl' IS HEREBY ;Jf\D3PED BY 'rilE C ()MrnS~:'IO;'J ()F TTF~ CITY OF 30 ZEI.1AN , STATE UF MONTANA: Section 1. Thht during the yerr 1953, the Ci ty of Bozeman has extermirll.:eted and re- ~oved noxious weeds from properties in the City of Bozeman and defrayed the cost thereof t;)S set forth in schedJle hereto attached and made 8 part hereof. See tion 2. 'rhE t to defray the co s t ( $i 10 2 . lid of exterminat~ng and removing said nostllS weeds from seid premises as sP,t forth in said schedtle, hereto attac~ed and made a -part hereof, for the yeFr 1953, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against said property as set forth in said schedule, hereto attached and made a part hereof; that 8 -perticular descri-:tion of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner Find the sum assessed ae;ainst him OT' it is set forth in ossessment list hereto at- tached marl{ed "Schedule One", and made a part hereof; that the several s'.l"ns set opoosite tIw nDmes of the owners bnd the description of the lots end ~rcels of land oe, and the same are hereby levied and assessed upon and aga.Lns t sa ld 10 ts end p~' rcels of Innci; that the sever:':1l sums be collected from the r~~spective owners of said lots and parcels of land I described in SRid assessment list, "Schedule une", as required by law; thr1 t sa~.d sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law governing the collection of special improve-:1ent taxes; that failure to pay such assess- ments wben same shall become due and payable shall make such person and such lots [E1d PBrcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 3. 'rhat the regular session of the C ommi s s iJ n 0 f the City 0 f DO ze-nEi. n to be held on the 21st day of October, 195 3 , at the CO!TID1issiln Room, City Hall Building, be and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be hevrd by the Commission. --- -.--.."...--. 394 Section 4. Th~J t the CIEy'le of the Commis 3 ion be, and he is hereby ordered and di- rected to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, 8 daily newspaper printed end published in the said City of' Bozerlan, a not ice s icned by the CI erk 0 f the Gommis ~Jion, stntinc thBt a resolution levytng 8 special assessuent of taxes to defray the cost of exterminatIng and removing noxious weeds from certain properties in the City of Bozeman for the year 19S3 is on file in the orf'ice of the Clerk of the CammissiJn, subject to inspection for I a period of five days; that said notice shall stHte the t'tme and pm cs at w1lich objections will be heard by the Commission to the final adontion of this Resolution; tha tit shall be Dublished at least five days before the date set by the Commission f'or he,;ril'1g of ob j Be tions, and the final 8 doption of this Resol utiO;l. Provisionally passed by the Commission of the City of Bozem8n [t a }>egular session . thereof held on the l~th day of October, 19,3. A tte~ J.~ Cl erl{ of the ommis s Lm .... .'. Finally pes sed by tfl.e Commission of the City of Bozenun at a regular session thereof held on the 21st day of October, 1953. Attest: ~~~~ Clerk of the GommlSSlJn NO'rICE HEARING, FINAL ADJPTION COMMISSION RESOLUTIJN NO. or 50 LEWING SPEC IAL ASSESSMENT 'ro DEFR.AY THE COST JF EX'J'I:<;H!vIINATING AND PEMOVING NOXIOUS ',"fEEDS ON CEPTAHJ PPOPERTIES IN THE C rr\T OF BOZEMilN FUR THE YEj,R 1953. I NOTICE IS HET'PBY Gr,TEN, that at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman held. on the HI_th day of Octobf,r, 19:3, Conmission Resoluti:m No. '150 was duly passed and adopted; that said Commission Resolution No. 750 levies and assesses a spe6ial assessment of taxes upon certain properties in the City of Bozemen for the year 1953 to defrs7 the cost of exterminating and removing noxious weeds for tbe year 1953. Tha t, said Commission Resoluti):l No. 7,0 is now on filetn the office of tl-wClerk of the Commission of said City of .:3:) zemen subj ec t to inspec tion of f\ 11 persons interos ted for a period of five days; thf: t Wednesday the 218 t day of uctober, 1953, flt 1:00 o'clock P.M. , of sai(l day at a regular session of the Conmission of the City of Bozeman, c'tty Hall Building, has been designated as the time and plrce wilen and where said Commis~3ion will hear and pass upon any and all objections that 18Y be mr;de to the finnl p~lssage and adop- tion of said Commission RAsolution ~o. 7S0 and the levvingof said assessment; thE, t , said Rosolutir)]'1 will be finall'rp, ssed and adopted Bt said regular ses8ion of said Commission subj ect to su~h corrections and a'nendments as may be mnde upon objections made and filed within t~e five days limit as provided by law. Dated this 14th day of October, 1953. ciA I Clerk of the CommissL)n State of L1m tans ) ) ss eountv of' Gall[ltin ) I, L. n She d08n, Clerk of the Co'nmisJion ,Jf 'rhe City of bozerw_n, da hAreby certify , r . that the foregoing Notice, Commission Resolution No. 750 was published at longth in the Bo zem[\ n Dnily Chronicle, a newspaper of rreneral circulation printed and published in said Hesolution No. 750 395 Glty in the issue of October 15th, 1953, and th8t due proof of such Dublict'ition is on file 1, my office. IN WITNr;:SS W~-I'~RTWF' I hereunto set my hand and a f'fix the corporate seal of my office thls 16th day of October, 1953. I L1~ Clerk of t e Commission State of Montana ) ) S3 County of Galletin ) I, L. G. She do~m, Cle rk of the Commission .Jf 'rhe City of Bozeman, do hereby certify trw t the foregoing Commis,~ion Resolution No. 750 was pllbl~_shed by title and number ln the Bo~eman Dally Chr8nicle, a newspaper of general cirCiulation printed and published in said City in the issue of uctober 27th, 1953, and that dU.e proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN WI'l'NESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my of'f'ice this 20th day of October, 19S3. cler~A~ I I Resol ut ion No. 750 -.--