HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 749 Taxes for Garbage, 1953 390 C\)~JI}(J~):)Ii:HJ PH2S0UJ'rr,HJ ND. 'lh~} A R,s S D L U T r (};I () ~;' 'T'lIE C () ,I :Ii I S ;-;1 J iT ) F T !-n~ c rrv OF' BO Z'"<;MVJ , ;,1ON'~ANj\, LEV\TPIG 1\ l\JD ASSE~)SPJG A SPF~CIAL /lSSES:il,n<::N'r ~)F' 'rAXES IIP()'J ALL REJ,L PPJpi~p'rY IN 'I'HE (~I'rv 'JF I30Zr~fJIAN , COUNTY OF GA!"LJ\'rIN, S'l'A'rE ;JF M\)N'rJ\ 'ITA, SER\TICED Am) Ti'ROM WilICfI GAT,'f)f\GE '<'VAS COLL"2:CTED AWD RE;~40VED mmrw 'Ff-fE '1T'~J\R 1953, TO DEFRAY 'rIm co~)'r Mm E'{P,',1'ifSE OF COLLSC'rTNG AND DISPOSI"J:', OF GAPSJ\GE mmT,;R 'rITE PTnVISI:JNS OF OriTHNJ\NCE No. 696 OF THE C 1'1''1 OF 30Z~MI 'II. WT-iEPEJlS, the Cttv Commissi:::m of the City of 13oZ8'lfln clid on the 3th dHY of' January, 19t10, d'.lly and rer;ula rly pa s s Ordinpnc e NJ. 696, entitled: I AN UF'lJTNANCE DEF'IfHNG C;.Af,3i\GE FOP THE PUP POSE UP T.<:IIS \)RL)INJ\UC2:: Pf(l)VIDPJG FOR 'rilE COIJLCCTIUTf AND DI~)P\)SI'I'IU:J 'J:'lIEc-EOl" BV JIHDUNDEH 'rEE ;;, iJPEPIJISIOn AND C;JHTROL OF' '1'HE DEPf,p'riiJE:Wr OF' PUBLIC 'NELFARE AND }.'on DEF'RAYING 'rilE CJ~)T OF SUCH COLLEC- TIDH AND DISPOSITIJN '-)Y SPECIAL AS3ESSMENT ACrAl Ns'r '1'HE PTUPEPTY '1') ~iITnCH SUCH (nR'JICS IS RE:NT)~'RT~1), AND PPO''[IDING PENAL'1'rss FOR \TI0U 'J'rON OF 'l'H13 OImDTJ.NCE. 1II'hic1,-1 Ord lnance ~Jo. n96, passed as aforesaid is hereby referred to and made a part of this Resolution for further particulars in respect to the basis andmet~od of assessing the cost ag8~~st the property herein assessed, and WHEE BAS, sa id expense incurred by sa id Ci ty i1 the collect"un and dispos i tion of porbage in HC cordenc e wi th said Ordlnanc e . is here byes tL-;1a tedby the Comm1s <3 L)n 0 f the Cl ty of Eo zeman to be the sum of Twe:-1ty-seven 'rho us and Seven Hundred S1 \~ty-four Dc)llars & Sixty-two Cents, ( ~~.. 2 7 , 764. (2) for the ye~1r 19S3, over and above all moneys colle cted from business and professional concerns, or combined res id.ence and bus tr18ss, or resi- dence and professional business concerns in accordance with said Ordinance No. 696, and 'NT!EPEAS, in order to raise said sum to defray the said cost, it is necessary to establish the basic unit rate as defined in said Ordinance N>. 6y6 at Nine Doll~s (~;Y.OO) . NOW, 'r>-IER EF'ORE , pursuant to the provisions of said Ordinance No. 696, and the laws of the state of Mo~tana, I BE rr RESOLVED AND rr IS HEFEiW YRD-";PI~D f3Y THE C07'ITMIS:nUN ()F 'I'HE CITY 1)F 30 ;l,ET,.lt H , S'rA'rE JF TVI,yr"ANA: ;)ection 1. That to defray the estt~ated cost and eXPense of collecting and dis- posinc of ~arb8ge in the City of Bozemsn for the YMr l()S3, there is hereby levied and assessed against the property and t~e several lots, pieces and pvrcels of land thereof within the City of Bozeman as set forth in Schedule "A", which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, a tax; thct a particular description of each lot and parcel of IDnd with the name of the owner and/or owners and the sum assessed ar;ainst the sa~e is set rorth in ~he assessment list in sa ld Schedule "A"; that the severfl suns set opposite the names of said owners and the described lots and pf1rcels of lend, be, and the same rre hereby levied and assessed upon and aga~tnst said lots and parcels of land for said Vlrpose; th8t the several sums be collected from the respective 01."lnerS of sa td lots and parcels of land described in said assess,ent list and owned by them; tha t the said su:rJ.s shall be psid and the collection thereof be made in the iUa~mer and in accordance 111'1 th Jrdinance No. 696 or the Uity of B02ems1, Montana, and the laws of the State of Montana govern1ng the collection of special improvement taxes; thr:t failure to PBY such assess- I lnent w"len the same shall become d'IB and payable shall make such :Jersons and slich lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 2. 'rhat the reg.tlar session of the COJ11.DlssL()n of the City of Bozemnn, Montana, to be held in the Co:nmis s im Chamber in the Ci.ty Hall of satd City on the Jl;th day of October, 19 :33 , at 1:00 o'clock P.M. b(~ . and the same is hereby desiEn&ted as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by said Commission. . -- - ---.--.- ..--....-- 391 Secti'Jn 3. 'rh8t the Clerk of the Co'mniscd ~)n of tile C1 t" of Bozeman be, and he ts hereb:! order:,d and directed to pmJlish in the BozemEn Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published ~n said City of Uoze~an, a notice signed by the C1eY'k of the CJm:nis- s1.:Jn, stating th~t 8 resolution 1evving and assessing a special asse3s~ent of taxes to de- fray the cost and eXDense of the collection and disposition of garbage i_n I:;he C i tV'Jf I :3.07. Br;1nn for tlle year 19:;3, against the property to which such service was rendered, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the CommissLm, subject to lnspecti'Jn for a period of f::Lve days; the t &'i.d No tice shall s tate the time and place at which 0 b j eet 101S wi 11 be henrd by the Gommissi:Jn to the f1 nel adoption of this Resolution; ~nd that snid Notice shall be published at least five days before the date set by the Commission for hearing of objections andthe final adoption of this Resoluti)n. Provisionally passed and adopted by the ~ornmisslon of the City of Bo_eman at a regular sessi)n thereof held on the 7th day of October, 1953. Attest: ~~~ a-tf.Jk Clerk o. the Commission Mayor Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a r0gular sess!Jn thereof held on the 14th day of October, 1953. A~d?~~ C e k of theC.Jmmission Mayor, - I NOfrrCE HEARING, FINAL ADJPTTJH Cm1MISSI IN RESOL UrLHr NO. 7~ 9, LEVYING SPECIAL ASSESS- MEN'r fro DEFRAY THE cos'r OF' TILlE COLLEc'rIlN AND DISPOSITION O'[i' GARBAGE FOR 'rIfE YEAR 1953, JcGAINS'r ALL PROPEPTY IN 'rfm CITY OF BOZEIYIAN fro 'NHICH SUCH SERVICE WAS RENDERED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thet at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman held on the 7th day of Jctober, 1953, Commi ssion Resolution No. 749 was provisiJnally passed and adoDted; tha t said Resoluti m levies and assesses a special assess~ent of taxes to defray the cost of collection and disposition of garbage in the City of Bozeman, for the year 1953, upon all propert'T to whic!l such service was rendered. That s aid Co 'nmi s s ion Res 0 1 u t im No. 749 is now on file in the offlee)f the Clerk of the Commisslon of t:le City of Bo7, ema n, subject to "i.nspection of all persms interested, for a period of five days; that Wendesday, the IJlt~ da'T of October, 1953, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. of said day at a regular session of the Comm~_ssion of the City of Boze:nsn, in the Commission Room, in the City Hall Build ing, has been designeted as the time and plnce when and where said CommissLm will hear and !)8SS upon any and all objectio"1s that may be made t~ the final passage and adop- tion of said lJomr.11ssion Resolution lTo. 749 and tho levying of said assossment; and thEJt I said Hesolution will be finally passed and adopted at said re@lar session of SDid Commis- sion, sllbj ect to such corrections and amendments that may be made upon objections made and filed with the Clerk of the Comrnission within the five days limit BS provided bv law. Dated t~is 7th da~ of October, 1953. cl~1fthe state of M)ntana ) COlmty of Ga lla tin ) ss I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Ci ty ComrnissiJn of 'fhe C!_ty of Bozemen do hereby certify that the foregoi~g Notice, COrlmissiJn Resolution No. 7h9 was published at length Resolutiorn No. 7LI9 ----. - ---- 392 in theBozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulati,)n printed and publishrl in said City in the issue of October 8th, 1953, and that due proof of such publication ts on file in my office. Hr "'JI'rNESS 'NiI~:REOF' I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 9th day of October, 1953. I State of M;)ntana ( ( ss County Dr Gallatin ( I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the City Commlssi:m of The City of Bozer'lEl:l do hereby certify that the foregoing Cornmlssi m Resol ution No. 7) ~ was published by title and nTlmber 1n the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general clrculeti)D printed and published tn sa ide i ty in the issue of October 18th, 19;'3. and that due proof of slOh nublicetlm is on f:i.Ie tn my office. nr 'NI'r~mSS 'VT-rEPEOI<' I hereunto set my hane]. and affi'\. the corporate :3eal of my office this 19th day of October. 1953. #~..- ~ CIe {)f the Cit,r Commission I I l?esolution No. 7JI9