HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 747 Taxes for Sprinkling Districts, 1953 385 COMMISSIO~ RESOL1~IDN NO. 7L;7 A RESOLUrION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN LEVYING AfTD ASS~SSTNG A SPECIAL ASSESSTi[:~N'r OF IrAXES UPDN ALL 'rHE PPOp1~PTY IN S'rp~E'I' SPPINKL TNG DISTRICTS OF THE C I'L'Y \)P BOZSP1A 1\J, COTm'rY OF GALLA TIN, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFRAY SEVENTY- FIVE PERCEN'r OF TTm COST OT<' SPPINKLING s'rRr;~!~'rs WITHIN SAID s'rRm~'r SPRINKLDJG DTs'rRIc'rs OP 'rHE CI'rv OF BOZEMAN FOR 'prm YEAR 1953. WHEREAS, the City Council and the Commission of the City of Boze~nn have heretofore I duly and regularly passed COW1C il and Commis sian Resolutions creD tine Street Sprinkling Districts wi thin the Cit'! of Doze'rJ.sn and defining the bOW1deries thereof and providing for the assessment of the cost of sprinkling the same as set forth in Resolutions hereinafter referred to; and 1V1-ffiPEAS, the streets within the bOli.'1daries of said Street Sprinkling Di3tricts have been sprinkled d~lring the year 1953, as contemplated in said Resolutions. in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof; and WiIERgAS, the Street Sprinkling Uistricts and the ~esolution3 creating the sa~e, the total frontage of the pronerty within said district to be assessed, the total cost of said sprinkling wit~in said districts Bnd the proportion thereof chfrgeable to the property therein is hereinafter set forth. NOW 'rHEREF\)RE, p1J.r s U811 t to the provisions of Sections 11-2203 to 11-22A7 inclusive. Political Code, R C1,1 , 19Lf 7 , and Ordinance No. 295 and said COUDe: 11 and CO'11];lis s i,m Reso 1 ut ions creating said Street Sprinkling Districts; BE rr RESULVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY 'rHE C(}MMI~)SIYT liP 'Tf.m CI'rYJF BO ZETIlAN , S'rA'I'I:!.: OF MJN'rMJA: Section 1. That for the year 1953, the City of Bozeman has waived the sprinkling I assessments of the following districts: 130, 131, 132, 133. 13Li, 135. 136, 137, 130, 137, It:) , lL,l, 1112, lLI3, 11,) I . 160, 161, 102, 163, 1611, 192, 193, 19LI, 16, 19f), IJ7 , 19;), 199, 201.1, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 2.12, 233, 23}.1. ~35, 236, 237, 238, and 256; that for the year 1953, the City of dozeman has defreyed the cost ( ~; 2, oL 0 . 31) of sprinkling streets in the several street sprinkling districts pursulint to Resolutlc)ns crenting the saine, and that seventy-five percent of the entire cost thereof ($,1,530.23) exclusive oF' the cost of sprlnkli~g perks and pu.blic places, the total number of linear feot of prop'~l'ty to be assessed, and the rate per linear foot, is as follow'1. to-wit: Sprinkling District No. 1, crehted by COW1cil Resolution Ho. ~24~, Main Street frorn Wallace Ave. t1 Fourth Ave., a total frontave of 935~~.9, the sum of t1530.2), being 75% of the entire 8mo~mt, or at nn approxi~ate rate per front foot of $0.16355775. Section2. That to defray seventy-five percent of the cost of sprinkling streets within said street sprinkling districts for the year 1953, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax upon all property in front of and bordering on said street sDrink1:tng districts 8S set forth in Sched~lle One hereto attached Bnd made 8 part hereof; that a D8r- tlc'llar descripti:)n of each lot Dnd prrcel of land with the na~e of trIe owner and the sum assessed against hin or it, is set forth in the assessment lists her~to attached, marked I Schedule "One" and '"!lade a Df'rt hereo-r; that the sev8ral s tUllS set opposite the name of the owners, [mel the described lots and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby levied and aS8essed ~pon and against said lots and parcels of land; thb.t the s eve r' al s um s be collected fra~ the resprecitv owners of said lots and p[rcels of land described in the said assessnent lists, Schedule One, as required by law; that said sums shall be pnid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law governtng the collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to DRV such a3sess~onts when the same shall -- 386 become due and payable shall make slJ.ch per~F:nls and SUCll lots and parcels of land liable to the oenalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. 3ection 3. '1'ha t the regular session of the Commission or the City of Boze~an to be held on tIle 9U1 day of' 3erltHlber 1!~):)-), at L}}(-". "';OYiFlll s:: 1);[ Ch~!,d'e]' , City Hall Buildtng, be, and. t"le same is hereby designated as the time and nIB ce at whic II ob ,j ee t ions to the final adopti)n of this Resolutio~ will be heard by the COill:1is:J:i.on. I 3ection If. 'rhe t the Clerl-:: of the CDmmis:3i-.Jn be, B nd he is hereby ordered and dir- ected to Pllblish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed Bnd published jCl the saId City of Bozer'lan, co Notice s ic;ne d by trIe Clerk of the Comm.ission, and stating thnt a pesolutim levy-tng 8 spec hll 8s:)ess~llent of taxes to defray seventy-five per cent of the cost of sprtnklinc streets in the said Street Sprinklin~ Districts for the yeflr 1 ,))3, is 0:'1 f'i Ie tn the office of t'le Clerk of the Com'n1 s s i .)n, sUl),ieet to inspection faY' a period of' five dflYs; thnt said Notice shall s tr: te the time and place at which objections will be he~rd by the Commis ~;i 'Xl to tho finnl adoption of t~is ResQlutlon; thr t it sholl be published at lO["Jst five days bef)!'e the date set by the CommIssion for heering ob.jec- tiDns, an(1 t'lG final ndQptim of' this FesolutiDn. Provisionally passed and E:d)pt;ed by the Cornmissi)n of tne C-tt'T of Bozemcn at a regular session thereof held on the 2nd dey of' September, 1953. Pttest: !btl!~ ~ Cler of' he Cornrnission Mayor Finally pbssed and adopted by the Corn'';ll ssion of the City of Bozeman at a regular sessiDn thereof' held on tho 9th day)f' September, 19SJ. I Attest: ~p~ !b~ Cl erk of the Commis s bn reI a y or ~'T 0 'I' I C E HT<:AIHNG F'INAL ADOP'l'I,Yf CJi'JIMISSIJ'\J Iif..BSOLU'rI,Y"1 NO. 747 I r,TlTvplC AS")7(I 1".~1i"Wn OF' . .J .1..,1' ,~, _ I. r .. )..:.....J..:.."J I.) J' .J., I. SEVE~TTY -FIVE P~~PCE"T'1' OF C.J ;-;'f OF' SPRINKLPTG S'l'PE\~'rS, STrLi:L~'.r. S?nnJKLPTG DIS- TRIc'rs FOP '1'HE 'CU R 19.s 3 . NO~ICE IS H~REBv GIVEN, tha tat a regull:u> sessiun of theCommissLm of the City of Boze~en held on the 2nd day of September , 1153 , COr.1mlssiJn Hesolution No. 7L7 was duly nassed and adonted; that sfiid Commission Rem lution No. 71: 7 levies and tJssesses 8 special assessment of ta~es u-oon all the proD ert\r in Street Sprinkling Districts of said City to defray seventy-five percent of the cost of sprinkling streets within said Street Sprink- l1n2: Distriets for the year 19)3. That said Street Sprinkling Districts, and the ResolutiunJ creating the sa _1 e , and the amount of the assessments are as follows: Street Sprinkling District No. 1, created by Resolution N~. 11 21i-ft, in the amount I of ~1,)30.23. - '1'h:;1 t , said Resolution No. 71\7 is now on file in the oPtic e of the Clerk of' the Com- mission of said CIty of Boze~8n 387 adoption of said Commission Resolution No. 71:7, and the levying of said assessment; and that said Reso1utio~ will be flnally passed and edopted at said regular sessLm of said Commissi m, subject to such correctims end amencblents [lS may be made UDon objections made and filed within five days limit as provided by law. Dated this 2nd day of Septe~ber, 1953. I X~~ Clerk of the Com~ission State of Nhnl~ana ) ) ss COill1ty of GElllJti'l ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The Citv of DDZel'18n do hereby certify thl:t the foregoing tJJtice, Commission Resolution No. 747 was publisned ut length in the " Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of feneral circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of September 3rd, 1953, and that due proof of such publica~i~n is on file in my office. IN WT'rNE:SS WHEPEOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 4th day of Septe~ber, 1953. cl~Ae~ State of Montana ) ) (, C' 00 County of Galll::tin ) I, L. ." Shadoan, Clerk of t::-le Commission of 'rhe City of Bozeman do hereby certify I.] .. t~ot the foregoing Commission R~solutian No. '(It? WBS published by title and nU'llber in the I Bozeman Dally Chronicle, a newspaper of general cirlw1ation printed ond published in sa Id C1 ty in the issue of September 11th, 19!)3, and thFt due proof of SUC'l plJlicati')n is on fIle 1"1 ''1y office. IN 'NITNESS WTf-;;REOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my o~fice t~is 12th day of September, 1953. ~A~ Clerk 0 f the Cornmi s s ion I Hesolution No. 7~7 -