HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 746 Taxes for Lighting Districts ------....-...-.--.---.. 388 COMMISSI,YJ RESOL1JTION NO. 746 A RESOL U'r IJN UP TIm COIVIMISSION OF' T'-IE I; ITY OF BOZEMAn, MJNTANA, IE,TYING AND ASSESS- ING LIGHTPJG DIs'rRICT MAPTTENPNCE AND ELECTRICAL CTJRRENT COSTS FOP SPECIAL IM- PROVEMI~NT LIGHTI NG DIs'rRIc'rs NUM3EPS 361, 362, 2eL4 , 2BB, 2B9, 2)>0, 295, AND 300 OF 'rHE CITY OF BOZEMM:, PIIDSUANT TO THE PROVISIons OF SEC'rIJNS 11-22;'2 R. C.J'I1. 19~ 7 . BE IT RESOLVTi;D BY THE COMrHS;;ION OF 'r!fE CITv \)F BOZI-!;I\1J\N Section 1. Th&t pursusnt to the direction and by Huthority of the provisions of I Section 11-22'::;2, R.C.NI., 19Lf( , and upon estimates of such cost made by said City Commission as authorized and directed by said Secti>n 11-2252, H.C,:'L, 191i7, to defray the cost of maintaining lightlng systeMs and for electrical current in the sever81 Speci81 Imurovement Lighting Districts of the City of Bozemun hereinafter specified, there is herebj levied and assessed against property and the severel lots, pieces Hno uarcels thereof, wi'. thin the boundaries of Special Improvement Lighting Districts Nos. ySl, 36 :', 2 GL , 283, 2~9, 290, 295, and 300 of the City of Bozeman respectively, as heretofore created and established, the total amounts as to each entire district and the several amounts us to each lot, piece, or parcel of land withi'1 the boundaries of such district, as S()t forth :in the several schedules attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked seprately for identification as Schedule A, for SILD no. yS1, (',~ainStre::t) ; Schedule B for SILD No. 362 (W. Main St.): Schedule C for SILD '~o. 2811 (Clereland St.); Schedule D for SILD No. 238 (S Tracy Ave.) Schedule E for SILD No. 239 (N13ozeman Ave.); Schedule F for SILD No. 290 (S Black Ave.); Schedule G for SILD No. 295 (S. 'iV.illson Ave.); Schedule H. for SILD No. 300 (N. Willson Av.). The amount so levied and assessed is 75~ of such estimated cost for each and all of sai d Di str ie ts except for SIU)8s Hos. ySl and 362, an d as to such distr:tcts the levy and I as:3esSMent If 50% of such estirrwted co.]t. Section 2. That a partlculer description of each lot, oiece or parcel of land with the name of the owner thereof, and the sum assessed and leviedagainst such property and owner, or elther, is set forth in the schedule of eRch district as specified and identified in Sec t ion 1 of this Res aI-It io'1, and made a part of this Resolution as aforesaid. Section 3. 'L'hDt the regular m:Jeting of the GommisO:Ji'J;:1 of the City of 30zeman to be held on the 9th day of September, 19:.>3 , at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Bt the Commi::;:-3i In Chwnber, City Hall Building, in the Gity of Bozeman be, and the same is hereby designated as the ti'ne and place at w~ich objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard and considered by said City 0ommlssion. S~3ction 11. 'That the Clt')rk of the Comm:i_ssi)n be, and he is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the 3oze~an Deily ~hrJnicle, a daily newspaper of generlJl circulation printed and published in said City of 00zeman, a notice singed by said Clerk as such, whic~ notice 3'1911 state thnt this resolution levYing and assBssi.ng the several amounts set fort!l :Ln the Schedule attached hereto and made a part hereof as afbresaid, Hnd for the purposes herein stated, has been provis! ;:1ally pDssed and ad~>pted by the C:):runisfLLm of the C1. ty of Bozeman I and is on file in the o{'fice of said Clerk and subject to inspection during regu1ar:>ffice h)urs, for a Deriod of f:Lve days from u!Hl after the publicBt L)n of such notice and at any t l'1e during such office hours and at or prior to the regular !,1eeting of the City Commis- sion to be held on the 9th day of Septe(1ber, 1953, 5S stated in Section 3 hereof; thet sald Xotice Sl1811 be so published once, and such publicBtLm shall be made not less than five days before the time set for hearing and considering ob.lecttons to the final adoptiJn of ~... this Resolution as aforesaid. -...---.--.. ---.--..... 384 Provisionally passed a'ld adopted by the COr!1(1t'3Si~)n of the City:jf 130ZGmLn at a regular meeting of said Commissiun on September 2nd, 1953. Attest: (j;. if~ X?~~ ele r]~ of the Commissi::m Me.yor F~.na lly pas sed and a dDpted by the CorrLn:i. ss ton of the City of Bozeman vt e regular 'neet- tng of se.id Commission on September 9th, 1953. I Attest: U;.(2 4fi~ - Clerk of the Commission Tv! a ~:o I' NOT ICE OF TIME MID PLACE FOR Tlr~ARING OBJEC'rr,)NS TO 'THE FINAL ADJPThm OF COIiIMISSION RESO- L UTION NO. 7~5 OF Tr-m COT1MISSI)!\T OF 'flU": cr '['Y OF BOZ]:J(VTAN, MO~'rMJA, IE VYI~G AND ASSESS- ING PORTION ::W COST OF MAINTEq.Al\f Cr<: AlIJD ELEC'rRICAL CURHEN'r FOR SPECIAL IMPROVEMEN'r LIGBTING DISTRICTS NOS. 301, 362, ?iJl; , 2tH3, 2(jQ, 290, 295, AND 300 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE YEAR 1953 NOTICE IS HER '~BY GIVEN, that at a regular meeting of the Comm~.ssion of the City of Bozeman, Montana, held on the 2nd day of September, 19:;3, Commission Resolution No. 7~0 was provisionally passed and adopted. Said Resolution levies and assesses a special assessment upon all the property in Special Improvement Lighting Districts Nos. /' (E.Maln st.); )62 301 (VI.Main St.); 231: (Cleveland st.); 83 (S. TracyAve.); 209 (N. Bozeman Ave.); 2)0 (S. 2' , Black P"ve.) ; 295 (S.Willson Ave.); and 300 N. Willson Ave.); to defray the estimated cost of maintenance and electrical current for each. of said Di3tricts, pursuant to the provi- ~ions of Section 11-2252, ReM 19~7. 'rhe portion of such cost assessed is 75~~ as to all of said Districts except Districts No. 261 and362 (Main St.) and 8S to such districts the I portion of the cost assessed is 50%. NOTICE: IS FURTHER GIVEN, That said Commissi)n Resolution No. 746 is now on file in the oPfice of the Clerk of the Commission, Gity Hall, Bozeman, Montana, and subject to in- spection of all persons interested for a period of five days; thrt Wednesday, the 9th day of September, 19S3, e.t 1:00 o'clock P.M. of said day at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Boze~an, Comm:t~3sion Roo:n, City Hall Building, has been designAted as the time and place when and where said Commission will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to the final passRge and adoption of said GOlmnissi~n Resolution No. 7~6. Reference is mBde t,~ Commission Resolutims Nos. 677, 678, 21L, ?UL, 285, 206, 305 and 316 creating the Special Tmprovement Lightlng Districts above enumerated, which resolutions are on file in the office of said Clerk, subject to public Inspection~luring re~ular office h:)urs. Dated this 2nd da~r of September, 1903. ~~ er 0 1e omll. salon State of Montana ) Uounty of Gallatin ) ss I, L. G. Shadoan, Glerk of the Commissi)n of the City of Bozemen do hereby certify that the foregoing NDtice, Commission Resolution No. 7~6, was published at lene:th in the Bozema'1, I Daily Chronicle, a newspwer of general circul& tion printed fmdoublished :1n sHtd City in the issue of September 3rd, 1953, and due proof is on ftle in my office. IN "JITNESS 'I1JJlEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 4th day of September, 19S3. ~~~ Clerk of the Cornmissi:)n State of Montana ) Cyunty of Gallatin ) ss I. L. G. ~hadoan, Clerk of the Commission of the City of J3ozB't1an do hereby certIfy that the foregoing VOrnY'llssL)n Resolution N). 7L{6 was published bIT title and number i.n the Dozensn Da i 1y Chronic le in the is sue of ~)epSer1.ber 11 th, 1953, and ttl& t due proof is on f11e in my 0 ffiee. Dpted September 12th, 1953. ~ .~~ Cle I' o. he Commi ss L:)n Resolution No. 7~6 ------.--