HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 745 SID for Parking, 1953 380 COMMISSIO~ PESOLUTIJN NO. 745 A RESOL U1'1 )~1 DF THE COMMIS~3ION OF 'rHE CITY OF BOZEf..1A',J, LEVYING NTD ASSJ-<:SSTNG p, SPECI1\T J\SSESSME~T'r OF' 'I'A XES U?ON P_LL 'rlTE PTWPP,RTY PI SPSCIrL rr\1PPOVEtJIENT DISTRICT,-:) OF' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALL/TTN, STATE OF MONTA~A, FOR 'rHE Mil ,NTENANCE OF PARKHJGS TO DEFRAY 'ritE CDE';'!' OF' MAPJ'I'APTI"TG 'eTE Pl\RKINGS WI'!'HIN SAID SPECIAL I1PRO'lEMEN'I' DISTRICT~; OF THE CI'I"T OF .G~)/~E:,IA~J FOR 'riTE YEAR 1953. WHEREAS, the C 1 ty Coune 11 Hnd the Comrnis 3 iC)~i 0 f the City of I30z Bt;lVYl hnve heretofore duly and regularly pas sed Counc 11 and Cornr.1:ls si)n Hesol utions creutii1g SpeciBl Improvement I Districts within the City of Bozeman, def_Lning the boundn:pies thereof [[;td providing for the maintenance of parkings therein, and for the assessment of the cost of maintaining the Darkings as set forth in Resolutions hereinafter referred to; and 1N9J~REA S, the pnrkinr:s withln the boundfJries of said Special Improvement Districts have been cared for and amintained dlITing the yenr 1953, as eont(~iilplated in said Resolu- tions, in accordance with terms and condi. tions thereof; end WH2:REAS, ,3aid Special Improvement Dic1tricts for the malntenl:\Dce of parki-'1e;s end the Resolutions creating the same, the total frontage or the areB, of the ;Jr'opertv wi thin said districts to be assessed, the total cost of said maintenance within said distriets Bnd the amount ehergeable to the propertv there~n, is hereinafter set forth. NU"1, T'IEPEFJPE, pursuant to the 9rovisions of Section 11-222LH Political Code, R.C. M. 19b7 , and sa:td Counci.l Bnd Commission Resolutions, creating said Specibl Improvement Dis- trtcts, and providing for the maintenance thereof; BB 1'1' P3S0LVED AND IT IS ImnE3Y ORDEpH,])'W THE CJ;,1iU::;;)l:)'T .)F 'rHE GI']N OF' B()ZET.1A~T, STATJ OF MONTPNA: Section 1. 'rhat for the ye' r 1)03, t'18 CHyjf clowffi"n has deCra:red t'e cost ($5'500051 of maintenance of psrkings in the several Special Improvement Di:Jtricts, pursuhut to Peso- luti)ns creEting the same, and thrt the entire cost thereof, the totDl number of line81 feet, or area, of the property to be assessed, and the rate per lineAr foot or square foot, is as follows, to-wit: Dj.st. Res. Perea or 'Tu. TJo. Fr,)nt8[~e FEite Anount Location 6 306 ,L'r5j.37 LF $0.lUD9369 $; c322.G;) S. Wil1son- BAbcock to Col~ge 1'( 35~ fJl __31. SF' ().000d;)2S3 51().05 S. Grand-Babcock to College 18 3,7 ST78?2 SF 0.000h2982 2dG.32 C' '1'rac;r-F3Hbcock to Diclcerson 0. 31 [05 2')7853.2 SF 0.00209671 5"(1. 61 S.Black-Mubcock to Colle~e [6 :32 66000. SF 0.00161939 10',. dJ s. lHghth-1Coch to Dlckerson LG 113t 116101.,. SF 0.002LI-J5L111 2Bd C:;f', s. Eighth- Main to K0Ch 50 h7 371377[\. SF 0.000d)1)6 33'7 : 36 s. 'ril~.rcl-Story to ClelJeland 52 V(6 17L-OJo. SF 0.00093G20 163.01 W.Bbbcock-5th to 8th 57 529 3182. LF 0.15536769 [f))~ .33 Cleveland- Willson to 7th 60 539 1260. LF 0.1(3893651 233.06 S. Vn_l1son-College to C1areland 72 5(lLi 5152)1>.7 SF 0.0007 dCi29 LiO'-).71 Colle:-.e- ::Nmd to 7th 77 576 1971. LF o .12??~ ~7L 21, 2 . 33 S. i3th- ....ickersonta lIarrison iJ6 620 2Ll2f) . 2 LF 0.125)),,1\1 303.21 Story - ~th to othfc 6th-Coller:e to Story 107 h5iJ 70. LF o .157L~2G5'( 11. 02 'lie~:; t Story 11[, 72') 930. LF 0.1:)631183 IJ15.37 W side of Grand.-college t:) J'.rthur 117 719 11+0J.2 LF 0.9091[1;17 127.36 " '1'rocy- Dickerson to College .J. IB9 10 01..: 9.30. LF' 0.1;,()31183 lIi5. 3'( E. side Gnmd-Col1ege to Artlttrr' 256 69 1~62. L1" o .lL(( 50 3h7 200.90 S.6th-Clevelnnd to Garfield 301 331 Ij56 LF 0.12591321[\ 10.3 . Ii .3 S side Harrison-6th to 7th & '(th- Harrison to Clevelend I SAC t Lm 2. 'rhfJt to defrlY the cost of maintenance ofp8rkings within said Special Improve~ent Districts for the year 1953, there be and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax uuon all the proDerty in front of and border;ing on saidSpecial Improve'TIent Dis- tricts 8S set forth in Schedules Jne to Nineteen inclusive, hereto attaclled Lnd made a part hereof; that a p[1rticul ar de~;cripti In of each lot and percel of land wtth_ the name of the owner and the 3un assessed Hgsinst him or it, is set forth in the assessment 1 is ts hereto at teched, mar'.{ed "Schedules One (1) to Nineteen (19)" and r.1D.de a pbrt thereof; ----- ...._n.. .-..-- 381 tha t the several sums set opposite the na:-nes of' the owner~ and the de~1cr:Lbed lots and parcels of land be, and the smao are hereby levied and assessed upon and sdagtnsthe satd lots Bnd parcels of land; that the several sums be collected from the respectIve owners of said lots and parcels of land described in the said assessment lists, Schedules One to Nineteen inclusive, as required by law; that said sums shall be paid and the col- I lection t~ereof shall be made 1n the manner and in accordance with the law governing the collection of Special Improvement taxes;that failure to pay su.ch 8SSeSS'TIents when same shall become due and apayable shall make slwh person and such lots Hnd parcels of land li8ble to the penalties provided by law relative to delinauent taxes. Section 3. 'rhat the regular session of the CommissionJf the City of Bozeman to be held on the 9th day of Seutember, 19S3, at the Comm:i.ssion Chamber, City Hall 3utlding,be, anrl the same is hereby designated as the t 1.1I1e and plBc eat which 0 bj ect ions t:J the final arloptiDn of this Resolution will ;)e heBrd by the Commission. Section 4. 'That the Clerk of the Commissi m be, tmd he is hereby ordered and di- rected to pbulish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper prhted and published in the City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commi.3sion, and stating that a resolution levving a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost of maintenance of parkings in the said Special Improvement Districts for the year 1953, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commissi m, subject to inspection for a period of five days; that said notice shpll stete the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Commissi]n to the final adoption of this Resolution; that it shall be published at least I five days before the date set by the Commission for hearing objections, and the final adoption of this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the vommis2Jion of the City of Dozemnn at a reglar meet lng of said CommissiJn, ,Cieptember 2, 1953. Att~st~ Wtl~ ,d~r the Commission Mayor Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of 30zeman at a regular ses sian thereo f Septer.1ber 9t11, 1953. Attest: tut(~ ~~~ C erk of the Commission Mayor NOTICE HEARING, FTNAL ADC)PTIUN COJIIHUSSIJN RESOLUrION NO. 745 LEVYING ASSESSMENT OF cos'r OF M/IINTENANCE OF PAP KINGS IN SPECIAL DIIPRJVEMEN'r DL-)TRIC'TS l"OR 'rHE 'TEAR 1953. NJ'TICE IS HEE ;my G-IVEiT, that at a regular session of the Commission of the'City of I BozemAn held on the 2nd day of September, 19::' 3, CommissiJn Resolution No. ?L5NB s duly passed and adopted; that sald Commission Resolution No. 7L5 levies and a~sesses a special assessment of taxes upon all the property in Sepcial I~prove~ent Districts of said City to defray the cost of maintenance of parkings within said Special Improvement Districts for the year 1953. That said Suecial Improvement Districts and the resolutio1s creating the sa~e, and the amount of t:l.e assessments are as follows: Resolutton N). ?LIS 382 Malntenance of Parklng Resol ution Anoun t of District No. TlJo. Assessment 6 306 $; 822.89 17 355 519.05 13 357 21313.32 l-~ 38S 501.61 1132 106.88 Lj G 1+3~ 2,38.57 50 1176 337.80 52 47 103.Gl 57 529 Lt9W . 38 I 68 53',) 23d.06 72 56~ 406.71 77 57 2L(2.33 d6 620 305.61 107 658 11.02 114 722 lLI 5 . 3 7 117 71f 127.36 189 100 .. 145.37 256 69 200.90 301 331 181.L11 '1'0 tal 5589.53 That said Commission R",solution No. 745 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of the said City of 13ozeman. subject t~ inspection for a period of five days by any person interested; the t 'Ve dne s da y , the 9th day of September, 19S3, [J t 1: 00 o'clock P.M. of said day at a regulHr session of the Commi:JHLm of the City of Boz8'na'(1, Comml:3s1on Chamber, City Hall Building, has been desLgnBted as the time and plE:ce when and where sald Commission will hear and pass upon any and all objections thr..t maybe made to the f ina 1 pas sage and adopti)n 0 f sRi d CO'YIrnis sic)n Resol ut iQn No. 7b5 and the levying of said assess1nent; and that said Resolution will be finallvpassed and adopted at said regular session of said Commission subject to such corrections and amendments as may be made u90n obJectio,s [nade and filed within the five days limit as provided I by law. All persons interested are referred to the severel Council and Commission Resolu- tions creating the aforesaid Special Improvement Districts, defin Lng the bound~;ries thereo f, and providing for the assessment of the cost of said maintenance of par kings. For further particulars, all of said Resolutions betne; on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, at the City Hall of said City, and sub- ject to i~spection of all interested parties. Datod this 2nd day of September, 1953. cldf~~ State of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) ss I, L. G. S~lB doan, Clerk of the Commission of 'rhe .,;ity of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the fr>rel301ng Commission Resolution Notice was published at length in the Bozeman Da ily Chronicle, a newsDaper of genernl c irc'lla tion prlnted and published in sa id Ci ty in the issue of September 3rd, 1953, and that due proof of such publicB ti\)D is on fi_le in my office. IN WITNE;~S WHEPEOF I hereunto set 'ny hand_ and affix the corporate seal of my office this 4th day of September, 1953. ~/~ I C. e k of the Commissim State of Montana ) 58 County of G811~ltin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk o~ the Commission of The City of rlozem~n, do hereby cer- t'fy that the foregoing CommissiJIl Resolution No. 7!5 was published by title and number in the Bozew:iIl Daily