HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 744 Designating Depository Banks and designating who Sign Checks 378 C()MMISSrJ~J flESOLIJ'rIO[J NO. 7),11 A BESUL upr in OF 'rrrr: CrIT COhl[MTSSI iN OP 'PHI<:: C I'rV OF' 130 ZE;i\I[A '1 , tl1)"1ITI[' A~'Jl\ , DESIG!V"T'ING DEPOSI'rORY BANKS FOR FUNDS OF 'l'HE SAID CI'~Y ')F' Bl)ZEMl,N AND DESIG1'JNI'PJG 'rrTOSE EM- PLJY'2!~S A1IJD/OF OH'H'IGERS Ot<' THE SAID CI1'Y OF 30Z!~MA~~ AUTHORIZED '1'0 SIGN CHECKS AND DRM;1IfS AGAINS'r SUCH FUNDS. WHEREAS, Section 11-(307, SubsectL)n 13, and Section 1~-261d, Subsection 1, Hevised Codes of Montana, 19~ 7 , provide that it is the duty of the city treE) surer thereof, acnong others, to deDosit all publIc monies in his possessim and under his contrDl in such sol 'Jent band I or banl{s loceted in said city or town as the C01mc 11 shall dffii. gnH t e , and no others; and Section 32 or Ordinance S2~ of the City of i3ozemEin, amenrled b7 Section 'NTfEREAS, as 32 of Ordinance No. 617 of the City of 130 zeman, provides thut the director of public fi- non.ce as custodian of all of the public monies which may corne into h '.8 hands ahll be fY,overned by the laws of the State of Montana relating to City treas1wers, which law of the State of Montana is as above s ta te ; and w;.r~r EA S , Section 11-3267, Subsection 7, R. C .1L 1947 provides that the director of finance in cities opera ting lmder the Commis s i~)n-manager form of governrlen t shall be cus- todian of all money of the mlmicipality and shall keep and preserve such money in the place or places determined by ordinance or by the provisions of any law applicable thereto; and WT-I'?REAS, It is neeessary under the foregoing nrovisions of law and ordinance that this citv designate depository banks for public funds and desirable thpt those emploY2es and/or of'ficers of the said City of BOZB'lan authorized to 3 iCn checks and draf'ts against such fmds be designated. NOW, 'I' rTEP'~I1"J PE , BE 1'1' PESOL'IED BV 'riTE CITY COMrnSSIJN J}i' THE CI'rY JF' BO~:~mVlAN: Section 1. That the following banks doing business'in the City of Bozeman, County I of Gallatin, State of Montana, be, and they are hereby designated as depositories of all 'jublic monies in the pos ses s i':)n of and under the c ontr:)l 0 f the d tree t~)r ;)f finanee of the said City of Bozeman, to-wit: The Comm~rcial National Bank of Bozeman , Montana Security Bank and 'rrust Company, Bozeman, Tfl')(l tana Gallatin Trust and Savings BanJ{ , 3azeman, rVl,)ntana Section 2. 'rhe t no public money shall be deposited by the said director of finance in any other banks than those herein named unless hereafter designated; tho t the depostts of publ ic monies sha 11 be distributed and pro-rated among all of said banl{s qu.alifying therefor, substantially in pDoporti:)n to the paid-in capital and surplus of each bank, and it shall be the duty of the director of finance to'pro-rate such deposits among all the said banks to the end thst an equitable distribution of such deposits may be ;(181n- tained; that said banks and ench of them, reueiving said deposits, shall, make a statement quarter-annually of account, under oath, showing all such moneysthnt have been deposited wit""L sa ld bank dur in;?,; the quarter, the amount of daily balances in (loll ars and the aYIlount of in~erest by such bank credited or paid therefor and showing that neither such bank nor I any oF'ficer thereof, nor any person for it, has paid or given any consideration or emolu- ment whatsoever to the director of finance or to any other person other than thcinterest provlded for herein Por or on account of the-naklng of such deposits with any of said banks; that all such deposits shall be subject to wi thdrawal by the director of finance in such amo unt s as may be necessary from time to time; th8t the director of fln8n~e shall bot be liable f'or 10., S on acco1mt of any such deposl t that may occur through damage by the elements, or for any other cause or reason occasloned through :neans other thHn his arm neglect, fraud or dishonorable conduct. - ..- 379 ~ection 3. 'rha t no depos it of publ ic monies shall be marle or perm~tted to remain in any of said banks until said resDective banks shall fu.rnish security to the said City -tn an amount not less than the total amount of deposits of the said City of Bozeman re- maining on deposit in eacn respective bank, prov.cded, however, thnt the respective banks 8h811 not be requJred to furnish securi ty for such portions of said despotis as are I guaranteed or insured ac'~ording to law; that no de90sit of public monies shall be made or permitted to remain in any of saId banks until the aforementioned security for such deposit shall hnve been first approved by the City Commissi m and delivered to the (Urector of finance; thpt upon acceptance and approval of the aforementioned secill>ity by the City Commission, a complete minute entry of such acceptance and approval upon the record of thetr proceedings sha 11 be made; that at least four times a year the director of finance and the City Commissi-:>n shall examine said security for the purpose of determining its sufficiency and status and thE.1t a record of such examination so had shall be made: that durinr; the tax collecting season of each yerlI', said banks and each oftlle~, shall furnish such additional secnrity in public bonds or other security Or inde~nirylng bonds as the City Commission shall prescribe. Section 4. ThBt checks and drbfts of the City of Bo',eman drawn upon any or all of the aforeMentioned banks, and orders for transfer or withdrawal of the funds of the City of Bozenan on deposits in said banks. in whatever form, shell De signed by anyone of the followlng officers of the said City of Bozeman: H. Dean Moore, Cashier and Water Collector Helen Morrison, Office Clerk and Assistant Cashier I and counter-signed by anyone of the following officers of the said C:tty of Bozeman: L. G. Shadoan, Director of Finance . , Ii' Henderso~1, C1 ty Tt.anager. ;"1'1. -'-". That said banks are hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks, drafts or orders of transfer and withdrawal of funds of the City of Bozeman so drawn as above set forth, and no others Section 5. T~is Resolution shall be in f'orce and effect immediately from and after tts passage an~ adoption. Passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on August 26th, 1953. Attest: tut?~ ~~ Mayor Cler of the City Commissi)n Stnte of Montana ) County of Galli, tin ) ss I, L. G. Slsdoan, Cle I'l{ of' the Commission of 'fhe City of Bozewm, do hereby certify thEJt the foregoing Commission ResolutiJn No. 74L\ was published by ti tle and number in the Bazempn Daily Chronicle, a pewspaper of general circulation, printed and published in saId City in the is s ue of A ugua t 2)th, 1953, and that due proof of 8uch publicRtion is I on file in my office. IN/rrNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand afflx the corpornte seal of my office this 31st day of August, 1953. cler~/~n - - -.- -....