HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 760 SID 375 for North Willson
COMMISSION R:~SOL 1]'''1 :)N NO. 760
11 H'~SOL U'i'IJ:T OT" 'T'HE CI'rv C )IFES::;!),\T Oh' 'rtL~ Cl'rv OF [30/"r~MMJ CR;~A'rrTG p,
f,S SPTI:CIM, nTPROJ'~r:p'~N'r D13-
'rH rc'I' ;.r fJj\[)1m 3"1;:; OF ';'H"S
crry OF PO :~:c::.,InJ FOR
'[1H:S; pun POSE Oil' C.)NSTP Uc'rnJG
AVENUE F'Rm.~ 'c'JEs'r T,'!ZNDEITTIl\ r,L STR;~I:;;'r 'I'J 'NES'l' LAr,'!MS S'l'R'mT
'NHEBEAS: At a resular session of
the Commissilyn of The Citv of Doze.nan,
Sb) te
I lHunt-nna,
held on the
17th dFl y~) f F' e b r ua r y . 1)>511 ,
the said Commi.ssim duly passed C,)r.1-
mIssion Resoluti~n No.
75Lj decltn- Tnt.:; it
to bc the
lntentj m ,)f the
Sf):Ld Comra:ts ,; 1)n to
creat.e 8
. l Improvement
district to oe known and
designf1ted ns Special
spec la,
Di strict N).
375 0 f SEd. d ctty for t he purpose of constructing ant]
installing concrete
and bi tu.rnlnolJ.s pave:nent on NorVl Willsont,venue fro--:1 WAst iviorrdenhall.
West Larnrne Street in
said City, and to speci811y assess
enitre cost and expense Df
making said imnrovement against
the property within saId District illlder and by virtue
the pro vi s ions of the
LD'NS of the
State of Montnna, in
3u.cll CHse nwde and orov:!ded,
said Commission Pes:Jlution No. 7511
is hereby referred t,)
and mode a part hereof for
further particulArs
in respect
to the bo undaries
of said Special Improvement District
E) .
375, the estimated cost of
tmDrove:"1ent ond the method of nssessinc the
tl,e pro;Jerty of said IHstrict; and
Vrr-IT0 ::t~AS; Notice of
the passage of saId CommIssion Hesol1.:ltion N).
7 [-1, wos duly
:J .t
pub1 i shAd,
as required by 1m'!,
tn the Boze.:1an Daily Chronicle,
a daily newspaper of zen-
eral clrculEltL)l': printed
[md published In 'rhe CIty of Bozeman,
1\hn tan8, and bv
,'38'1 (1 -in [(
cooy of such notice bv
fT. c' mail
to eElch person, fi.rm
OJ/corporntiJn hE'vi.nc property
I. ) .
I wlthln
the proposed District Elt his
or ltr> last known address,
upon the s arnE)
date that
such notice was
first publlsheci as aforesaid
; and
due proof having beon made of the
publicI:: tlm and
s ervie e of said notice;
WHEPH~AS : Vii t~lll1 the
time provided b'{ law and said published and served notice tbere
were not s ufflc ient pro te
s ts agninst
the proposed work and ngainst
the r-re[,1 t IC)D 0 r
pro~o3ed Spec'al
I'llprovernent DIstrict }h. 375;
and the Citv CommissIon was
in regulEJr
session on the
10th day of March, 19)LI ,
at one O'clock P.M. of said day Elt
the Comm i s-
sion Chamber in the
CIty Hall building
in the said City of I3ozennn,
the same be1ng the
tlrrue Dnd plBce
desicnated in BDid notice for passing upon all
protests, 1 f any Dt~G in s t
the proposed work or
against the
arention or extent of sDid District, or both,
or elther;
it fllrther e~pcDring th2t all
of the ,'Jroceedings for
the crefitlo~ of said Di3tfict
been lawtul and rce;ulnr;
1\1 OVI'" , 'J'ifl'TfEFJPE,
Section 1. That
said Special Improvement District No. 375 of rl'he
Cltv of 130 zemS'l
of Man tana, be and the
same is hereby created for the
pUl'pDSe of' making the im-
as in said Resolution of Intention No.
751, , and
hereinnfter descried.
Section 2. 'rhn t
said speci~Jl improve''1ents be,
und the same F.r'f:~
bonds shell be tn the denomlnnt'Lon or One Tlllndred Dollcrs (flrlOO.OO) eBeh, and. fractLms
or m1J.ltiples thereof w1-1ere nece388ry, to be tS3ued an<i charGcable agnJnst [1 fl.md to bo
known vs I1Special Irn.provernent DistrIct No. 37::)", said bonds to be redeemable at the op-
tion of the City 0 r bozeman, Montane, whenever funds ere HV}l ilable for tna tour!)ose frC)m
said Special Improvement D.istriet No. 375 Fund; sRid. bonds shall draw sirn')le interest
a. t. a rate not to ex. cee.(.) six .(Oib). P. ercent., per. anm.tn, which shall be Chargebbl~ as a." I
pprt of the cost of said imDroveYrlfmts and shrill run from the dtjte of' the l'erlstrttlon 0 f
said bonds 1rotil said bonds are paid. To pay said bonds. and the interest thereon,
representing the cost of said improvement, a sDecial assessment sholl be levied agatnst
all of the lani1s wi thin said Special Improvement D::strict He>. 37:; lJS in sf,id Resolution
of Intention ~o. 75~ defined.
Sec!~ion )\. Said. assess~ent ani taxes shall be payable in t'/enty (20) annual
installments extending OVAr a poriod of nineteen (19) years, with interest on r1eferred
payments; but this provision shall not be construed to prevent full payment at any
Section::)o That the City En~inoer be, ond he is hereby, drected to prepare olans
anli specifications for the dolnE of said work and the making of seid improvements.
Section 6. Tha t pursuant to the provis ions, rmd euthori. ty conferred by Section
11-2232, Hevised Code~3 of Montana, 19117, said bonds !TlBV be sold to the hi{~hest and
best bi.dder therefor for cash, and the Drocoods Qf sueh sale used In 'lwldne: pfJvrnent
to tho contractor, or contractors, fors11oh work, end such p8'Tment may 1-..>e 1"':18(1e either,
from time to time, on estimates ma de by the englneor in chf1rge of sueb. imDrovement for I
the City, or JIpOn the entire completion 00 the lmproveuents and the DcceptHnce thereof
by the City Co@ulsslon.
Sectlon 7. 'Ph.at the Clerk of' the City Commission ~)r '1'he Cit,! of D07.eman be, and
is herebY, rUr-ected to oublish a notice inviting prop"sa Is for Lhe furn.ishinc :)f materi~JJ.
and the d,)inC of the work nrrrl Ule mfI1.;:ine; of saLd :Lm';)rovement on sald Special Cmprovel1ent
Dtstrlct No. J'(5.~, which notice shall r".~fer to the nlans and ~mecl_ficFtLns ()':1 "ile, by
pub1 i shLlg such noLi c e in two (2) 1"" ne s 0 f t!:H~ 1302 emarl DB i ly Chronlc Ie, ~,1 da i ly news-
paper printed and published in The Glty of Bozeman, not 1e88 than ten (10) days before
tfle time sur,h bids will be ope'led, whlch shell be at a meet1ng of tho City GOt:l:nis3Lm to
be held on WendesdfJY, the ?lst clsy of April, 1951), at one o'clock P.M. of said day.
Passed 8nd ndopted by the Gornmission of The City of lJozO''1Url ~it n regular :3ASSlr)I1
::::::: held on the 17th day or Mnre,", 1951;. -t-1f/L
StElto ofiFmtfma ) I
C,nmty of aLllatin ) ss
I, L. G. Shadoan, C1cY'k of the COJnm'i~3:3iYl ()f 'I':ne C:i..ty of 1))Zenan, N:)'1tnna, (10 here-
1-Y;r cert~_fY thl',t the f'ore[!oi.n~ Co:-n';'lis:31'")'1 H""s'Jluti'Jt} "'ro. 760 WH::> .nub}.ls~led bv. t:i.tle and
n,lmber l.D the :"30 zw:wn Df) L I Y ChroJ1Lcle, n newspape'l"' of i~ener[;l Gu'cJLLH"Glon Drlnted and
PllbLishod .1.1'1 ~1fdd Clty in thecssufJ of y,1f:JrC!1 19th, 19:;):, and that due nroo.f of' such
1J'Jblicati 0'1 is 011 f'ile i,n my 1)f'f'J ce. -
IH '''j''I'f11\T.''"'' ,-, "'l'T'~."'np T I- +- +- ~'f'f.
.-;' .. ..L~L)'ll.,.~'.1~..'.' ...1erOUYluO 30r, '11 1181'1,(1 BneJ [l,J_x. trlO cOY'p'JY'8te :'11"81 'Jf' my office
tins 30th d8T of Aprll, 19t)L!.
Clerk of th9 C1tv C,mMtssl)n
Resolutton No. 7~O