HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 759 Extending the Boundaries of the City 420 C\'] 1\1t"l J S ~')~. ) 1'.J r~ ': ~S()T.J D'r I ..)"T ~~ \) . '(5) P"I- F1Ti~~')IJTJ1}fT\J~.'~ \)i=t' 1.e;Tr~ (~,r':'~'ll T~':):.,; T :;-'1 U r' .,',~:r~':~ CITY )7' :"i)/;:~';l,"; EX'I":'TI)i-~J~ 'rrTT'~ ~3',,_) '~ijl,::)/ p T~~S JF 'rT]~ SA T~ G T j j'"'{ '~) r' '::j<)~: T~~,:"'T l. :.T ~ <) r~':' 'i') r:',~j:.: )~)I! <~'~,~ 1.~J.'~';1.1 --'~;(;rr:JD.S A 'j}? I, C'T :JT,1 T.;\';T) C,)N'TIGU)IJS 'T'J 'LHrI~ Sl'}]) i:;~~~lr\; <)11' .':,~':J ~,~.L>"Tl '~~ r TJT') Ir-(p ::'I~I~'T ~',T<)T]=~ ?/ T)'!'T::;~~LlrLY ;)!~;)i~r:~T3~D 1-JT':''T~T~ 'T'In C,)IiPJnf\TT~ T,u,n'I'~) THT.;T'SOF'. \VT-I,SI~ r'~1-\,~) , there 1.~n 8 bee'-l In-' e s en t e d t () the C:1. t~! C ()rn:""!1"1.. S S t. ~) rl 0f the C'_ tv () f :;3t) ZFj:~[,1 D., B written prop~2nl lJet'itioninr: t1v'J 8[',-c1 Cl.t7 C,mmi s [' 1m to ext '-'nc1 the bo 11[; rlDr-r e s of the i=: 1. t"-! of B07,8mH'l so 8S to 1~1el ud e n certl':in con t: j~::1JO us tract of InnrJ 'vlt!"l1: n the bou~dar:es I of the Citv of Bo? 8T'1fVl: 8:r1d 'JT-]' i~p1:~j\ S , the pr)por IF'gcl des eX' ~ p t,'_J r,:) f :.'.,~ h .~. d ~)nticuo.ClS tract is ~'l s foll;)I",,3: A tract of' lend lyln~ in tho NorthNBst ~uR~ter, Section 18, Townshlp 2, ::,outh, Fancre 6.8r,,;3t, Prine; 001 MerLdan of [iii)ntDna nr111 '1101'e oLrticulF>r1JT , "'t..:) ,,- , .., ~ .1. ' , , .L do',eriboi] as .:011::>w3: 3 c t'; 'L '1;':. in::: n t the rl')r thoe 3 t eornur of Lot 1, !HJck l)u ]ut t.e AdditIon to the '':;.~.tl ,)f .30 z e"if n, '';'lon !;c,na; ttlence l~Flst 8lon~~ th_e S)l)th Cit" limtt 1 ine of' !Jf1D'fui'Jr's F't r' s t II dd it; 'i.Jn to tho C 'j. tv () r;~x', e 'n~-: n , ~,,~: i)Y-~ tAr) n , n ,~j~3tance of 1.?I~.ot; feet: theme e SDtl.th !3030 I '.'Je"t " di s t~cnc e of' (, ?27.S3 feet; thence West .~." d1sl;nnco -) f )0. () ('oot to the s ')l)ther: s t GarnsI' " of Lot (), rnoc l{ IJI, fJ,utte Iddttlo'1 t>) the G 1 t Y ') -f'~)m: 8"]11 'l , i:"[.")n t~ nnL ; Pl) , ,. ..LcJence nop t'l alone t}l(~ 1.~fi R t: C '~t t -y I.J 5,. P1. ~~,. ~, 11ne o.r 13 '~. ~,t~ +-, n /ld ii,-, ton tn the C i t -;7" )f ]c,?:e"lIn, ;':0 Yl tn "if] , B c1 '1 ~.3 -I,-~. D Yl. G I:~ :if' 001' 00 feet to tIle ~.)().tr1t of boelnnir1:Z, t:". t' ........1 . 811 be~3r~J. nf':~.1 be 1 fl:::: YI n r '~JT' T~ j:.; d to the -t:.ru3 'no rJ ,p_ [In; sn -i d. trot; c t cont[l.1~l-i_nF, o. 5~; rlcl~e,~:~, ''10 re or lO:3f). "[Imp T~AS , the C;I ~~:I CG~n:nj.,D s I.o~"l ()f trlo said C:_ty of dC);c:e'~'lc,n hl~1, by j_ L~) Pes C) 1 ut 1) n IT 0 ~ ,(,-,0 . <'1"1 l' p8ssed FJnd 2.dopLeil on I~~le 2"(th oj 8 Y 0 [' <f an U~,l ry , 101-'), rleclurecl 5. t to ,-iU rei" '^ ,9rj "./ ,.,.... ': , ;)8 tD t }-l(} 1Je:3 t. . f of the said City o~ HOZemGfl nnd the in'vbitnnts trlfcT'oof F'ld L'l >e,r():)t:~ ;) f' I~he j nhf; bit Fill t.3 uf' the cont iL~:11O'1,"; ~r~ct hereinbefore r3e';Crl;)(~d thE't 1-,'113 1)()11nc1sl' l e s ()f tile said City of 3oz0m8n be extended s () tiS to j"nc 1 urle :3f1id co!,-tlf~1<)I):3 trl[\e~~; ~jnd '!V'fl<;PEJI S , the CleY'K of t::10 Citv CO~!1mi_:l:;-1,)n, hI! ::; . !)", rr ~1 .\,~[: r~, t t:1 the provtsi'ms :)'f ~;Gction 11-):03, Subsectron 1, Hevised CucIes of i,iiont Dna,