HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 758 Extend Boundaries of the City -. 418 COMWISSION PESOL UPT:)N ;J,). 7Sd A JiESOLlJ'TI\JN OF 'l'H2 COWVIISSInT UF' 'rn"\ CI'I'Y UP 13,)ZE:\/IAH DECLI nnTG 1'1' TO 3E TO THE 3EST TN'I'r~fU~S'r OF TIlE err'!" OF 130ZEJ1AN A~P) TIrT<; INHABI'rANrrS rrHT':PEOF P,ND OJ" 'rEE INT{/U1ITAN'l'S OF 1\ 'rnAc'r ,)F LAND C,)NTIGUi)US 'Pi) T'-lE SATD CITY 01,1 BOZEMAN AND 1~.p!:Pf~TN MORE PAR'l'ICULAPLY DE~)CHI3Er) 'ro EXTEND 'l'TH!: iV)IIl'HIHiI!!:S OF 'rEE SA ID CITY OF' SO ZEMAN ~)O AS '1'0 INCLUDE THE SAID COiJ'l'IG UOUS 'l'f/A C'l' WITHIN THE CORPORATE tIM -TS THEPEOF. Vrf-J:En .sA S , there hHS been pres en te d to the City Co,:uni s~) ion 0 f the C.1 ty of So zemHr'1 a written propaRal petitioning the said City CommlJs ion to extend the IJounclaries of the I City of Bozeman so BS to include B certaj~ contiguous trect of land within the boundaries of the City of Bo~em&~; ond WI{EPEAS, the proper legal description of said contiguous tract is 8S follows: A tract of l~nrl lying in the Northwest Quarter, SectloD IJ, Two"lshlp 2 South, Range 6 East, Principal Meridian of Montana and More particularly described as follows: Beginning Dt the northeast cornf'Jr of Lot 1, Block III , Butte, AdditIon to the GJ ty ,)f Bo zen1[,n. Mon tanH: thence East along the south Cl ty 1. im! t 1. ine of Lancohr' s Fi.r ~3 t 1\ ddi t ion to the (; i ty of Bozeman, 111ontann, e distnnce of 12L.oh feet; thence South n030' 'NHst a distance of 227.53 feet; thence West a distance of 90.0 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 9, Dlock 11i, Butte JldrlItlon to the City of dozeman, lVlontana; 'rhence north alone; the East City Limit line of Butte ArhHtion to the City of Bozeman, Montano, a distance of 225.00 feet to the point of beginninc, all bearings being referred to the true meridian; said trsct containing 0.55 acres, more or less. WTIEREAS, it will be for tIle best intere8t of the City of BozemBn and the inhabi- t8nts thereof and of the :i.nhabitants of the contiguous tract hereinbefore described to extend the boundaries of the City of Bozeman so as t;) include the sald cant iguous tract hereinbefore ~e3cribed within the cornorate limlts of the said City of rlozeman. NOW, 'rHEPEFnPE, B~.~ 1'1' PI.i:SOL'lED BY 'rlrf~ COlVIMISShJ1\f OF 'J'TTE CI'r'l OF BO:~EMJ\N: Section l. That pUy'surH1t to the ,rovisions of ChDpter I!, Sectlonll-L03, subsection I 1, Revised Codes of Montana, 19h"( , it js hereby declbred to be to the best interest of the City 0 f 130 ze't'lH n and the inhabitants thereof and of the inhrbit ants of the contiguous tract hereinbefore described that the boundLrles of the said City of Bozeman be extended so as to inclwle the contiguous tract hereinbefore de3cribe~ wIthin the boundaries and corporate limits of the City of rlozeman, MontHna. Passed {md adop ted by the Commls:3ion of' '1'he City l)f3ozeman at a re[-:11IBr seaston \,8ld on the 27th day of .Ian U.eT'Y, A. D. I--jLt - ;........1 f . Attcst: ~~/? N O'l'ICE TN FE G'YJIMT~;,)IOllJ pr;;SOT,U'1'ION NO. T5d OF 'rTrE CI'l'Y OP T~')Z1;;]'JIF1'.J S'1't'1'PW I1'T1"8 HT'J'ENTTON OF 'rT-:rr~~ CITY C~)~1MIS~;I:)~J 'ro E,\'J'E"f'lD 'rIm BOUtmAPIT<:;S OF Siqn c;:'rY OF I30ZEj;J,j',1\]' '1'0 EMBRPCE AND TNCL T.JT)"P. A CERTAIN TPACT OF LAND ADJOINTNG SAID CITY. Hotice 1,3 hereby given that on the 27th day of January, 19l;LI at 8 regular meeting " ., of the Co.r:untssion of 'rhe~ i I;y of aoz emu n. the said Canunissi)n duly and regularly passed I 81"1d IJdJpted Corrlrn.lssi;)n Resolutlon No. 15U entitle-I: A 1l';!:SOLl1':'T IN OF THE CDI'IINIIc;~n;.)'T OF 'I'HE CI'[,v OF' BO!;E:HllrJ DECLAPPT(] IT '1'0 ,~1-<~ 'ro TIm 3T<~ST TN'r-SPEs'r OJ" TIE'~ CITY OF 30 ZEMAN J\ND 'f'EE PIHABI'rNJ'I'S 'I';F,~kIWTi' pm Of' 'Nn np'A3I'I'AlIprS OF 1\ TRJ\.C'I' OF L./\ND GOn'rIClIi)lr;; '1'0 'r1m S/lID CI'J'Y OF BO/.::.Tlr,IJ IND HElIEIN ]!IOR:~ pJ\p'rICTTLAPLY DEserI') ~D '1\) EX'I'!<;NT) 'r'TF; B01JNDARIES me THE SAJ:) CI'rY OP BOZTi:IV!AN ~)U AS TO INGl,T)nE TTTE SA IT) CO')'T'Tr;TJOTJS TDAC'r :'VI'rHIN 'J'H''; CORPOPlI'rTi,; LHU''i'S 'rt-L~pT;;Ol,'. lJotice 13 hereby flJ.rther Given that Vler.:1.nesdey, the 21lth .Joy of Pebruar;T, A.'J. 19 :;:11 , at 1:00 o'clock P.M. at the C')r:1mission Hoo1:l of' the City Hell, f30;: etlwn , ].'[onr,Dna, ...----- .. -.- 419 :ts desir=nated 8S the time And place f~r hear10~ objections to the actLJn ~)roI1(Jsec1 to be taken in said nesoluti~n No. 75d. fmd w\1en and where any and all persons whr)se pI'op'-~rty is within said trect may 9ppe~r and show Cf':Use if any they have ne-ain::;t swtd pr')poserl ac!nttlcm of said tr8ct to 'I'he Ci ty of B() ze'w n. Objections must be Msde in writ in[~ and f:1. led with the ClGrk of the City Cornm5. s cd on no t later than tWf~nty (20) 08Y:.) after the I da t e 0 f the fIrs t EHlb 1, i C~) t i.n of t'11s n:)"1:; ic e. }'()r a Ileserl;1t-i.J.'l of the bounrlEI'ies of said trEct, reference is heroby fill de to Com- mission resolution No. 75d of The City of Bo zer:1an W'l ieh 1 s on file in the office Jf the nnc1erRi.(~ned Cloy'1-< of' sOld Cor,lmisslon in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, and open for i.nspocti.on to all intGrssted parties and thG public ceneral1y. 'rI'lJ s n~)tice J, S ~:jven piU'suant to the pr')v is 10'13 of Chaptt'~r 1.1, Seetio'1 11-1;03. s ub- section 1. n (~vi ~3 e ,I C ') (Ie s of EontE\ nn . l()!!'(. Doted this 26th d9;f of .Tanu.8:ry, I, . V. I (/S1,. ,_ I c&4&c:m:i~n Pirst published in the 130 ZW'1F.n Dai ly Chronic le JanUf,r'T 30, 19SL . ~.;tE, tA of film tnna , I ) Ct I:' oJ oJ County of Gallutin ) I, L. (' Sha cIa f.;n , Clerk of the Co'nm .~" ;3 ~3 i Oil a f 'rhe C j t'T 0 f i30 >: B'lr n . do hereby certify ~_J . I thnt the fore~otnr Notice, Cor'l!1:_s~lion PpsJlutl.Jn 1[0. 7['"' wa~)pu.bli.shed at 1 ength in ' _) 0 , the Bozeman ~ejly ChronlclG, a news~aDer of eeneral circulntim Drinted End oubllshel ~n 38id City i'1 the tss,J.e :)f Januory 30th, V)s:L anri Pebr1J-Hry 6th, 195h. and thr:t d 1) e proof of such pu~ltcat10n is on ~ile in my offtce. IN 'II 'I'NE~jS 'V:--tFJ)~~OF' I hel'eun to set my hend Dnd affix the eorpora te seul of' my of'fir e thl s 30th day of April. 1 Sf 54 . C] ~~~ _8 r f( 0 . e Vl Y liurllml. s S L)n I Pesol uticm No. 7.SiJ